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Issue Date: 07-12-2019 Zone: UKPB Desk: GraphicDetail Output on: 04-12-2019----20:22 Page: GD1 Revision: 0

Graphic detail Britain’s election The Economist December 7th 2019 89

The Liberal Democrats could win seats directly from the Tories, but hurt Labour in Conservative-Labour marginals

England and Wales, general election 2019 YouGov projection Based on current forecasts the Conservatives
are expected to win a 68-seat majority
2017 result 2019 projection Projected three-party Changes from 2017
vote share, %
Conservative seat gain

Lib Dem seat gain 2019 projection

326 seats for majority

Con 359 Lab 211 Lib Dem 13 Others 67

This upward sweep
shows surging Lib Dem
support in Tory seats, If the Lib Dem vote surges to 23%, gained equally
Democrat but not enough to make from all parties, the Tory majority is 28 seats
win big seat gains given

60 the Lib Dems’ current Changes from 2017

There are few Labour- national vote share
Lib Dem marginal seats.
Labour is expected to St Albans
2019 projection
lose vote share to the
Conservatives Sheffield Hallam

Lib 41, Lab 33, Con 26 326 seats

Con 339 Lab 199 Lib Dem 42 Others 70

If this surge draws heavily from Remainers backing



Labour reluctantly, the Tories get a 42-seat majority


Changes from 2017


Labour win Conservative win 2019 projection






More Conservative → 326 seats

The Conservatives currently lead in
the bulk of Labour-Tory marginals,
Con 346 Lab 193 Lib Dem 40 Others 71
thanks partly to Lib Dem gains Sources: Electoral Commission; British Election Study; YouGov;
Chris Hanretty, Political Studies Review, 2019; The Economist

Yellow submarine and 13% of Remain-supporting Labourites.

This has doubled the Lib Dems’ vote
live in each constituency, to determine the
seat-by-seat impact of a Lib Dem surge.
share, from 7% in 2017 to 14% in YouGov’s In terms of winning seats in England for
poll. But it may not yield many new seats, themselves, the Lib Dems pose a serious
because Lib Dem voters are spread out geo- threat only to the Tories. There are 13 seats
graphically. YouGov matched personal data in which those two parties are the front-
from respondents with the demography of runners and are separated by a single-digit
If the Lib Dems surge, they could hurt
each constituency to estimate voting re- margin. Between the Lib Dems and Labour,
the Tories as much as Labour
sults in every seat. The Lib Dems come first the only close fight is in Sheffield Hallam.
in just 13. However, the Lib Dems could still hurt
P erhaps the only view shared by Brit-
ain’s big parties is that backing the Lib-
eral Democrats is a dire risk. “A vote for the
Jo Swinson’s party has fallen back in re-
cent polls. However, late surges are com-
Labour, by taking votes from the left-wing
party and letting the Tories sneak through.
Lib Dems gets you Brexit,” Labour warns. “A mon in British elections, particularly when This is especially likely in Tory-Labour
vote for the Lib Dems risks putting Corbyn tactical voting is widespread. How might marginals in the north and Midlands.
in Downing Street,” claim the Tories. the race change if the Lib Dems approach Which of these two effects is larger de-
Both sides cannot be right. However, the 23% vote share they won in 2010? pends on tactical voting. We explored two
survey data of 100,000 Britons from You- To find an answer, we scaled up their endings for our hypothetical scenario: one
Gov, a pollster, imply that both parties are popularity in every constituency to reach a in which Lib Dems surge uniformly, and
wrong. Because the Lib Dems have pulled scenario in which their national vote share one in which they disproportionately rally
votes equally from their two rivals, further was 23%. First, we grouped Britons based in seats where their former supporters
growth in their support would probably on their Brexit vote and whom they sup- have reluctantly flipped to Labour, hoping
cost both Labour and the Tories seats. ported at the last general election—for ex- to prevent a hard Conservative Brexit.
With Labour neutral on Brexit, the Lib ample, Leavers who voted Lib Dem in 2017. If the swing is uniform, the Tories will
Dems are the main national pro-Remain According to YouGov, just 30% of these lose out most, with perhaps 25 seats going
party. Voters have noticed. YouGov’s data people plan to stick with the Lib Dems. To from blue to yellow. If tactical Labour vot-
show that the few Leavers who backed the get to a national share of 23%, the party ers flock back to the Lib Dems, it will be Je-
Lib Dems in 2017 largely plan to defect. But would need its support in this category to remy Corbyn who suffers more. But in both
the party should pick up a fifth of the Re- double. Next, we estimated how many vot- cases, late gains for Britain’s third party
mainers who voted Conservative last time, ers in each group (such as Labour Leavers) would leave the main two worse off. 7

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