New Interchange 3 - Workbook

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cammnrmae univeRsry Pass ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20h Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA AT? Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Raiz de Alnreén. 13, 28014 Mac, Spaia Building, Trumpington Steet, Cambridge, United Kingdoms [Nantca Building, The Water Club, Beach Road, Granger Buy, Cape Tinen 8005, South Africa ges Bay, Cape hpi cambridge org, (© Cambridge University Pres 2005 “This book isn copyright. Subjec to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collecive licensing agreements no reproduction of any part may tke place without the writen pension Of Cambridge University Pres. Fin published 2005 ‘Thinl Editon Workbook 3A teas been developed from Nas Intevhenge Workbook 2A, fis: publahed by Cambridge University Pres in 1998. Printed in Hong Kong, China ‘pie New Ceatury Schoolbook Som QyarkX Press ISBN 0 521 60218 1 Suident’s Book 3 ISBN 0 521 60216 5 Student's Book 3 wiSelfstudy Audio CD ISBN 0 521 60217 9 Studem's Book 2 wiSelFsuudy Audie CD ‘Korea edition) ISBN 0 521 60220 3 Student's Book 2A w/Selfarudy Audio CD ISBN 0 521 60221 | Studea’s Book 3B w/Selfsuuly Audio CD ISBN 0 521 60222 X. Workbook 3 ISBN 0 521 60223 8 Workbook 3A ISBN 0521 60224 6 Workbook 3B ISBN 0 521 60225 4 “Teacher's Edition 8 ISBN 0.521 60228 7 Class Audio Cassetes 3 ISBN 0.521 60227 0 Selfstudy Audio Cassette 3 ISBN 0 521 60228 9 Class Audio CDs & ISBN 0521 60230 0 Selfstady Aue CD 3 ISBN 0 521 60242 7 Lab Guide ISBN 0/521 60231 9 Lab Audio Cassentes 3 ISBN 0 521 61342 6 Lab Audio CDs 3 ISDN 0 521 95055 4 Class Audio Casseter Seumpler ISBN 0 521 95056 2 Class Aucio CD Sampler ISBN 0 521 95058 § Cisssroom Language Posers Alt otal ISBN 0 521 61346 § Video 3 DVD) ISBN 0 521 60283 § Video 3 (NTSC) ISBN 0 521 60231 3 Video 3 (PAL) ISBN 0 521 60236 X Video Activity Book 9 ISBN 0 521 60237 8 Video Teacher's Guide 3 ISDN 0 521 91481 7 Video Sampler (NTSC) ISBN 0 521 60238 6 Inerchange Tid Edi ‘Placement and Bvaluation Package Fei ISBN 0 521 60226 2 ‘Teacher's Resource Book 3 ISBN 0 521 60239 4 Tmerchange Uhicd Leltion’Paseages ‘Placement and Evaluation CDROM An direction, book desig, pats meer, and lout series: Adwenture House, NYC Contents Acknowledgmenta 1 That's what friends are for! 2 Career moves 8 Could you do me @ favor? 4 What a story! 5 Crossing cultures 6 What's wrong with it? 7 The world we live in 8 Lifelong learning iv 13 19 25 ar a7 Mlustrations Tim Foley 22, 26 ‘Travis Footer 14 Jeff Grunewald 31 (na. 2) Randy Jones 1, 4,6, 7,10, 16, 18, 20, 25, 28,29, 83, 44 Photo credits 120 Jano Homaecty Image lef to righ, top to bottom © Michael NevoniGetty Images: © Poll & MiK Putnam/Corbts;© Mortis LanCorbig © Ue Haley Anges: € Aral Skelley(Corbis: © Lana Duafinder Stock 12 (clockwise from top leds © Joa Caeriahiotty Images: © Pictore Quest; © Siaphen SimptonyGelly Enugu © Peter Stein? Getty Image 176 Dex Imagen, InesCorbia 18 tap to boom) © Telograph Colour Libraryetry Lage: MP KehlPhoto Retenrhers 210 Robert Ketchum 24 eft fo right) © Michael ParutTaternational Stack Photography, © dose L PelaenCorbi; © darnes Davinnteroational Stock Photagraphy; © Das BosectGetty Images; © Dan Heslerelty Image 300 Mare Seria TueuteraCorbie ‘Mark Kaufman 31 (oil exoepe no 2), 14 ‘Bea Shannon 5 Kevin Spaulding 1° (button) Sain Vieluow 8, 13 (top), 15, 23, £2 eft to right) © Getty Images; © Juekaon Sith Uniphota 38 © William B. PelarrvUniphoty 38 Courtesy of Greenpeace 4204. NameyPhoiobaie 43 0 Dard Young. Wull PhotoEat 45.0 James DaviaTatemational Siock Photography 47 0 Don SmotzertGelty Images; © AmveGetty Images (© Michael Philip ManheiovTnvernational Steck Photography, © abet B, Doemmrich/Gatty Imagen 48 top to bottom Ursula MurkwPhoto Researchers: (© Rob Lewinw Corba Thats what friends are for! 8 Complete these descriptions with the words from the list. | 1, My roommate is pretty intolerant : He's really close-minded and always has to have his way. Pintdeaas 2. The Chans like meeting new people and having friends over for dinner. | L)temperamental They're one of the most couples I know, Pironntie 3. You can't trust Jane, She always promises to do something, and then she never docs it, She's pretty 4, Jobn is 60 ! He always has such great ideas and never takes any credit for them, 5. [never know how to act around Tina! One minute she’s in a good mood, and the next minute, she’s in a bad mood. She's so ox A Complete the chart by forming the op, ‘Use in- and un-, Then check your answers in a dictionary, @ambitious 0 dependent » Dpoptiar, | és ieee Catrractive. Dexps _ Direasonable J competent rebar Lireliatle.* incompetent _unambitiou: B Write four sentences using any of the words in part A. Example: Fred is very ambitious at work but he's inexperienced, He stil has a lot to learn. epee ‘Add who or that to the conversation where necessary. Put an X where who or that is not necessary. A: T'm locking for someone __% Jean go on vacation with. B: Hmm. So what kind of person are you looking for? A: Twant to travel with someone is easygoing and independent. B; Right. And you'd probably also like a person is reliable, A: Yeah, and I want someone T know well. B: So why don't A: You? I know you too well! fou ask me? B: Ha! Does that mean you think I'm someone is high-strung, dep A: No! I'm just endent, and unreliable? iding. You're definitely someone Teould go on vacation with. So, ... what are you deing in June? Complete the sentences with who or that and your own information or ideas. I gonerally like to go out with people who are easygoing and have a sense of h 2, Td rather travel with someone 3, Idon't really want a roommate 4, My classmates and [like teachers 5. My best friend and I want to meet people Most workers would prefer a boss Some people don't like ingy types I don't want to have moody friends . I feel comfortable discussing my problems with friends 10. My favorite friends are people 26 Unit @ Signs of fashion A Do you think your sign influences the way you dress Read the Chinese horoscope chart. case Ces oer | Th Pig The Rat Te Battal nay ferry eon | sneer este 287 © soca sen 17a is aon ane, T8610 Sar en ar 208 cnet goer cul’ | Wheheryouare Bact. you area woman, os cont § | Youarea pra! woe. You Seneoen ie Sowa woman, you lredtesci ese ones peopl, But jus’ keto waa funcional cotes ‘Toe Dog Fae ee ana TNS ka wien Dooce note your» ding the cay and dress much ‘se 100 ny ind tse anon OCB ares San POM car, HyOU Se aman, YOU , © Morecoetly at ih you are ‘eulle when peepee fates trem, You prtgun, |» ORR ear what outyéw_on, « “arTan, YoU Be egy ot snuff you are a wom you the ore ght eo,» | » “terested n cles, ‘are eat and very styish. you ase ama yu se no diferent os fe ‘me ico te rm on 300 ra tedated shee? ‘You are the kind of woman wha ree hea we song el an ioe toate ot pia, rr ‘nea eco fue. Tyo ‘you, Women vio are bom fn ‘ure & man, You lke It when Ines ors oes i Ft essere to ote me. about their hair, end they don't. ‘When others have suits on, you's Cap wat et ward By ern ae bat tran youre ie The Monkey ‘he Rabit ‘0 108110801075 1807 1900 pie a fet pele profs Women tasty ave ay haz "alge warrobe eng you te and Deut ngs. They Sige agian oe ‘choose cigthes carey. Men are Choke feo ye re {us abot crssing anc cow ‘aan, you don't worry 100 eee rh at wha owas ‘The Horse: ‘The Dragon The Goat 1847 1954 1906 1878 1990 2002 The Snake. ‘Yoae vse 1984 1876 1988 2000 {ec teu eT em eniaoes_YeulNecloarce,esdyou ett ves esr aeszon—Youussthe tnd person nto ‘Wyou are & woman, you love’ follow the latest fashions. it you Women like to wear jot of ‘kes people to notice you, so you ‘to Gress Insstyte and with taste, . aa Woman, you know this —_jawelry and other accessories. sometimes wear unusual clothes, and you have a verylarge closet, already; however, you are a Myeu are @ man, you think ‘Aco, you oflen have trouble Mycaare gray ye rely ike” mor Raye yout cirshsbostwetyeu weet, fg comlrate soa, 20 ‘to weer designer cts. to ceatze this. and you have yory gbod taste.’ youl to go barefoot B Find the year of your birth and sign. What does it say about you? Do you agree? ‘What do you think the signs for these people could be? 1, Stove's friends think he wears strange clothes. His favorite outfit is a bright red jacket with green pants and a purple tie, Sign: 2. Wanda loves to wear new clothes when she goes out. However, she gets really annoyed when people don’t compliment her on what she’s wearing. Sign: 3. Carl is the sort of man who doesn't pay much attention to his clothes, but his hair always looks great. He goes to the best salon in town. 4, Stephanie is someone who always wears extremely bright, colors, She also usually wears an interesting necklace and earrings Sign: C Do you ever read your horoscope? Do you believe what, it says or do you read it just for fun? That's what friends are for! © 3 e Match the clauses in column A with the most suitable clauses in column B. re : z ————- ee : 1. Vike it ‘8. when someone criticizes me in front of other people. 2. I don’t mind it '. when people are easygoing and friendly. 3. It upsets me . when rich people are stingy. 4. Itembarrassesme ___ _d. when people are a few minutes late for an appointment. e Write sentences about these situations, Usa the expressions In the box. © Vdonittike it. Udon’t mind it... lt embarrasses me... 1. Its so initating when _someone jumps in front of me ina line. 4s Unitt What are some things you like and don’t like about people? Write two sentences about each of the following. Use the ideas in the pictures and your own ideas. 1. What I really like: 2, What I don't like: {love it when someone is generous and ft bothers me when gives me flowe {t makes me happy when 3. What really doesn't bother me: 4. What upsets or embarrasses me: L really don't mind it when it upsets me when That's what friends are for! © 5 e itreally bugs me! Choose one of the things from Exercise 8 that really embarrasses, bothers, er upsets you. Write two short paragraphs about it. In the first paragraph, describe the situation. In the second paragraph, say why this situation is difficult for you and deseribe a situation you would prefer. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1, Lean tell Simon anything, and I know he won't tell anyone else. Lean really him to be reliable, (believe / treat / trust) 2. Rita is always criticizing people. She's so ~ she can never find anything positive to say about anyone. (intolerant / moody / supportive) 3. It bothers me when people are indirect, I prefer people whe are « (irritating / rude / straightforward) 4, Llike it when someone expresses strong Hearing other people's views can really make you think. (accomplishments / conversationalists / opinions) 5. Jackie is very rich, but she only spends her money on herself. She's very + (generous / modest / stingy) Ge Unitt 8 What's your job? A Match the jobs with their definitions. AIAn... 1 2. a 4, 6, 6. air traffic controller [ choir director Fe counselor __ pharmacist __ veterinarian Web designer isa person who.... advises people about personal or professional problems creates pages with text and graphies for the Internet conducts or leads a group of singers supplies medicine and advises people about how to take it specializes in giving medical treatment to animals uses a radio to direct the safe movement of airplanes B Write a definition for each of these jobs: accountant, architect, and fashion designer, 1, An accountant is someone who 2 7 3. Challenging or frightening? A Which words have a positive meaning and which ones have a negative meaning? Write P or N. awtul fantastic boring fascinating challenging frightening dangerous____ interesting difficult rewarding B Write about three jobs you know. Use the words in part A and gerund phrases. Example: / think studying ancient cultures, people, and places could be dangerous! — work for an airline do research with comput aN ‘teach discipline and fitness 188 a high school cosch learn new software programs be auniversity professor spend a lot of time alone awriter travel to diferent countries B Use the information from part A and gerund phrases to complete this conversation. ‘Ann: So, what kind of career would you like, Tom? ‘Tom: Well, I'm not exactly sure. Being a writer could be interesting. Maybe writing articles for magazines, Ann: Hmm, ! don't know if I'd like that because I'd hate and always being inside. ‘Tom: What do you want to do, then? Ann; Well, I'm not sure, either! I'd love Ta really enjoy being with teenagers all day and On the other hand, I'd be interested in é ‘Tom: Really? What would you like about that? Ann: Well, 'd love all over the world. Tom: Ob, I could never do it! [ think it would be very tiring work. C Write a short conversation like the one in part B. Use the remaining information in part A or your own ideas. A: So what kind of carcer would you like? B: Well, I'm not exactly sure, A: That sounds interesting. But I wouldn't like it because B: What do you want to do, then? A: Well, T'd love fe as 5 A: J Be Unit2 O warm A Read the magazine interviews. Write the correct job title above each interview, and underline the words and phrases that helped you find the answer. 3. My friends say my work is lest di ippose it’s easier if you have a9 to 5 job. than theirs, but I work just as hare asith I work on people's houses and manage €o. I spend a Jot of time alone bécayée my. construction sites all day. Istay pretty fit can't begin until all the constrpetion doing that, and I enjoy being outside, But completed. Usually, the roomis look great” the evenings, Ihave to make phone calls when I've finished my work. Sometinies and do paperwork. It never seems toend! —_—_customers/ choose réally agly eolors,: have todo what they wants M tt ate! Working for yourself is hard because you are) ‘The musicians Plea responsible for everything. Ifno one calls you “and we work to and asks you to work for them, you have to go out and look for work. Luckily, I now have some regular clients. I paint pictures for.» * Worki some expensive hotels. Right mow, I'm doing’, bechallenging, some paintings for the rooms of anew hotel | someone everyone in Hawaii B Which of these jobs would you most enjoy doing? Why? Career moves © 9 Or use words from the list to complete the name of each job title. Then choose the best expressions to compare the jobs in each sentence. 1, Ababy- sitter doesn’t earn as much © as much as © greater than 2. Achef's — r O as bad hours as CF not as good hours as) worse hours than 3. Adog —____ is _____ a student intern. Ci more interesting than Cl] notasboringas 1) better paid than 4. Ahouse cams 8 camp counselor. Cas bad es D more than C not more than 5. Apark is__________ a landscaper. 0 as bad as O not as well paidas worse than 6. Beinga yoga is eae being a professor. OO more than O as much as CO not as difficult as 7. Being an interior is being a sales assistant, © earns more than more interesting than _ an office worker, O greater than 8. A public O fewer hours than has © not more than 0 not as long as Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions. 1, Wai-man works ‘the best Chinese restaurant in Vancouver. ‘ 2. Ithink working other people is more fun than working alone, 8 ae 8. [would hate working __ the media. It would be nerve-racking! Eye 4. Working @ dance instructor sounds great. 'g van 5. Working an office is less interesting than working nepali acruise ship, 10 © Unit2 @ Use the words in parentheses to compare the jobs. 4 at en \ outtloor’ ‘swimming pool, Must be able to swi Responsible for keeping poo! and id changing ic late SEUNGE UOENAT NE “% Learn Web design! » see otb aha be! na neraen tore as an intern for ing agency. Some clerical work: $8hhour, ion 975.) 1. A: An assistant at a swimming pool has shorter hours than_an intern. (shorter hours) B: _Yes, but working as an intern is mote 1g poo! assistant. (interesting) Nar hysed sedis energetic peopl in math, science; E lish, and ofa: ener Z ey pce | (better benefits) B: _Yes, but working (challenging) “Tennis instructor ‘rleeded at surnmer camp _ for 12- and 13-year-olds. Must be excellent tennis player and good with kids. /$12/hour.. Mon.-Fri. 1-7: ) Tour company secks guide to lead bus tours. Great attitude and good speaking voice @ must!/Fun work, but must be ‘willing to work Jong hours. $15/hour, AD - (not/much) B: (longer hours) City seeks taxi drivers for hnoelegaiis \ Office assistant teauired in small, friendly No experience necessary; dr office, Computer skills anadvantage. Interasting work. Some management skills necessary. $15/hour, 6-day week. (a shorter work week) (less boring) Choose four pairs of jobs to compare, Say which Job you would prefer ind give two reasons. # a graphic designer TV news director ™ an architect/a teacher jardener/a landscaper typistia Web designer a doctor/a dentist = working ona construction sité/ = aconductor/a musician working in an office | * being set-employediworking for company | Example: Working as director sounds more interesting than being a graphic designer A TV news director h directing the news is b 12» Unit2 A Complete the request for each situation. 1, You want to borrow a dellar from a friend for a cup of coffee. Can! borrow a dollar for a cup of coffee? 2. You want a classmate to givo you a ride home after class. Would you mind 3. You want to turn down your roommate's TV. sit OK if 4. You want to use a friend's cell phone. Do you mind if 5. You want to borrow a friend’s car for the weekend. Would it be OK if 6. You want someone to tell you how to get to the subway. Las wondering if B Think of four things you would need to have done if you were going on a long vacation. Write requests asking a friend to do the things. Example: Could you water the plants? 1 a 3. 2 4 6 Accept or decline these requests. For requests you decline, give excuses. Use the expressions in the box or expressions of your own. (Recepting C Use your own words to write definitions for these words. 1, culture _ 2. culture shock —— = —< $. stereotypes —_ D Choose two pieces of advice in the reading that you think are the mast important for avoiding culture shock. Why do you think they are especially important? ‘Why it is important» e Complete these sentences giving information about customs in a country you know. its the custom to offer to pay some of the expenses. 2, When a friend graduates from school or college, 3. Ifyou borrow something from a friend, 4. When a friend invites you to dinner, Contrasting customs A Read the information about the different customs and find four pairs of countries with contrasting customs. Write the countries in the blanks below. Friends kiss each other three or four times on the cheeks as a greeting. People generally arrive on time for most occasions, Egypt People allow their hosts to treat them to meals in restaurants, | France Service is usually included in the price of a meal in restaurants. Japan People bow when they see or meet someone they know. New Zealand People usually pay for their own meals in restaurants, Spain People usually arrive late for most appointments. United States People leave a tip of 15-20 percent in restaurants. 1. Brazil and Japan 2. = —. % 28.6 Units B Read these six cross-cultural situations. Write sentences describing what the visitors did wrong. Use the expressions in the box. Weave lobe _lelne ae 1. Hanne is from Denmark, When she was on vacation in Spain, some Spanish friends invited her to dinner 481 9:00, She arrived at exactly 9:00, but her friends had not even arrived home yet. In Spain, you're expected to 2. Marylou is from the United States. During her first week in Paris, she went to a restaurant with some new friends. She was so happy with the service that she left a tip of 20 percent. Her friends were really embarrassed, fn France, 3. Peter is from New Zealand. When he went to Egypt, he was invited to dinner at a restaurant, When the bill came, he offered to pay for his dinner. His Egyptian friend was pretty upset. tn Egypt, 4, Susana is from Brazil. She was working for a year in Osaka, Japan. One day, when she saw a Japanese co-worker in a bookstore, she went to say hello and kissed him on the cheeks. Her friend was shocked and embarrassed and left the store quickly, 5. Adam is from Canada. He was on vacation in Bali, Indonesia, and some now friends invited him to a temple to watch a special dance performance. He arrived on time wearing a clean T-shirt and shorts, but they said he couldn't go inside the temple because he wasn't dressed properly, What advice would you give travelers with these problems and worries? Use the expressions in the box, One thing to remember is !, / One thing visitors often don't realize is, Something to keep in Something to cor 1. A: I'd really miss my family. B: One thing to remennber is ti ‘2. A: Loften get a stomachache when I go abroad. B t international hone cals are usually cheaver on weekends. 3, A: I'd feel nervous about carrying lots of cash around with me. 4. A:T think I'd get suspicious about the prices of some things. 5. A: I wouldn't be very sure of myself, o Write ebout living ina foreign country. In the first two paragraphs, write about two things you would enjoy and two things you might worry about. In the third paragraph, write about the country’s customs. fe Ht Led it Colohabias Ld enjay learning. about the _|miusic scene! ='the-logal bonds and singers wbo'are pees Another thing Ud be fascinated by is. \.6 2 _| However ane thing thiat!ld be nervous-about is. * = Ie heatd that shen you ‘ast somlecine, jt the * Lcustem ‘to... *- a5%> ees tangs 30 © Units A What can be wrong with these things? Put these words in the correct categories. ‘Most words go in more than one category.) blouse car “carpet ‘chair’ mug pitcher." plate» sink |» window ((Giipped cracked “dented leaking” scratched. stained torn) — B What is wrong with these things? Use the words in part A to write a sentence about each one. ae 1. The car is scratched. on 2 3 There's a scratch on the car. = 7 2 oT a 31 Problems, problems, problems! A Have you ever bought something that didn’t work right? What did you do ahout it? Have you ever had a problem getting a refund? What happened? B Read about these problems described in Consumer magazine. Consumer. Chris’s car rN] A Chris Hilthought his agazine troubles were over when the police found his stolen car, but in ’ aN : facthisproblems were only just + beginning, The engine was badh ' Sharon’s laptops — damagediora needed be 1 Sharon Kurtzisatreelancewrter ||P" 6S ANN replaced ata cost of $2 300in , ‘who works at home. She bought adaltion, the locks were broker, anc they needed tobe ' 2 laptop from Star Superst repaired at a cost of $400. Chris's insurance company alscount computer center. When tend him thet he woud hae fa Bar barter oka she tookithome she discovered cost ofthe new engine ($820). They argued that the ' that the screen was fuzzy. The store | new engine would add 40 percent to the value of his t agreed to exchange it Whena car. However, Chris did not believe this: | new laptop was delivered to her home, Sharon found ‘Cuts knew that tha waar da tattgterl| that the outside cover was scratched. Again, she | complained, so the store offered her a third computer, f butthis one didn’t work right, elther. Some of the keys | igislabetaertce seerecteclciaet sce ‘ tLe ceurt pants se pei (Mbyte leraeoraeedeser id, ‘At this point, Sharon got angry and contacted repair costs. Consumer magazine. We wrote Star Superstore a Jeter explaining that Sharon was losing work because of allthe computer problems, The store, offered Sharon 2 full refund plus $1,000 for all the am mn vera ‘mainly on its age, so he contacted Consumer magazine, (One of our lawyers asked the Insurance company to [prove that the new engine would increase the value No Sharon's fuzzyscren Ul laptops 2. Chris's Oo a cor D What would you have done if you were Sharon? Chris? Would you have done the same things? 32 © Unité ‘Sharpen your skitis! ‘A Choose appropriate verbs to complete the sentences. ive infinitives (to be + past participle) or gerunds, Use pi 1, This jacket is too short. 4, This faucet is too tight. Itneeds to be lengthened OR Tt needs Ttneeds lengthening . 5. This road has too many dangerous turns. 2, The screws on these glasses are too loose. Teneeds They need _______________._ 6, This street is too narrow, 8. The blades on these scissors are too dull. Ttneeds ‘They need B Can you think of three other verbs ending in -en or -n? What's wrong with it? © 33 @ Complete the conversation. Use keep, keeps, need, or needs with passive infinitives or gerunds of the verbs given. ‘Tim: Guess what? Someone broke into my car last night! Jan: Oh, no, What did they take? ‘Tim: Nothing! But they did a lot of damage. The lock _needs to be repaired , (repair) And the windows replace) Jan: What about your CD player? Tim: It (turn) on and off. They broke the button. It just « (replace) Jan: It was probably some young kids having “fun.” ‘Tim: Yeah, some fun. I think they had a party in my car! The seats clean) Jan; How annoying, Does the car drive OK? ‘Tim: No, it feels strange. The gears ______ (aticlo, so they (fix) And the brakes = (check) right away. Jan: Well, I guess you're lucky they didn't steal it! ‘Tim: Yeah, lucky me. Write about something you bought that had something wrong with it. In the first paragraph, describe the problem. In the second paragraph, explain what you did about it. |... Recently bought an espresso machine While | was_ unpacking. it, | Leould.see’it was already darhaged. The glass carafe was'chipped and | cnéeded ‘to’ be replaced: And to make matters worse, the machine leaked!’ took it back to the store: | was worried because the machinghad been. of sale) ahd | had lost my recéipt. Luckily, the clerk didn't ask me for it.’ _|_sShe said a lot.of customers had recently had the same'problem, and she gave me a better machine at the same price | 6 8 34.6 Unit 6 Jack will fix it! A Match cach problem with the repair needed. ——- JACK’S REPAIR SHOP = 4 Problem ir ne B Write a sentence describing each problem. Then add a sentence deseribing the action needed to fix it. Use passive infinitives or gerunds. 1. The dishwasher doesn't work. The motor needs to be checked on The motor needs checking. C Think of three items you own that are damaged (or were damaged) in some way. Write a sentence describing each problem. Then write another sentence deseribing the action needed to fix it. 1 — pe i What's wrong with it? © 35 2 Complete the crossword puzzie. Across 1 Do you have another for these flowers? This one is cracked, 4 You can't wear this to your job interview, Dave. Two buttons have come off the front, and the lining is torn. 8 This isa great new food It really helps me chop vegetables more quickly. 10 The buttons on this shirt are ‘They'll come off if they aren't fixed soon, 11 My new dress is . I spilled coffee on it. 12 These socks have a hole in them. I'd like to them for another pair, please. 18 The glass in that window is It needs replacing. Dow: 2 This carpet is really dirty. It needs to be 3 The beside your desk needs to be emptied, Iv’ full of paper. in your jeans. Look, the left leg is badly torn. than to cook on an electric one. to cook on a gas. 7 The back of my car is slightly Someone drove into it ‘epainting. It looks like someone damaged 10 Look! There's a stain on the of your jacket — just inside the collar, 36 © Unité 7 The world we lve in @ Use the information in the pamphlet and the verbs and prepositions given below to change the sentences from the active to the passive. Tee teem eee ee ee Per ae ee The water wedrink The food we eat ‘The air we breathe The world we live in 1! Too many dead fish | 2. The spraying of 5. Factory chimneys are.” 7. The fack of rainfall has | inthe rivers are ‘agricultural pesticides | releasing extremely . "created more droughts | contaminating the °° has caused mysterious dangerous chemicals. and bigger deserts. ‘water supply. new ilinesses 6. Breathing smog every Global warming is | 2: Chlorine and other." 4. Pollution from cars and day has damaged harming forests and | Additives have rulned "trucks is destroying many people's healt. “wildlife she taste ofour | ‘our crops of fultand ate i drinking water: js FAIRE OOTAAMIES 1, Our drinking water is being polluted by dead fish in the rivers. (by) a (due to) a oy) 4 (because of) aby) 6 (as a result of i pee (because of) 8 (through) 37 O ieeseraroane Si ea ra ae al a eee eS A Complete the chart jor’ Noun Verb ‘Noun contaminate contamination educate contribute pollution = —_ereation protect | deplete —______ reduction destruction Bw four sentences like the ones in Exercise 1 using words from the chart. Example: Many rivers and streams have been badly contamin dustrial waste. © iewttver deren Sane Ree 1. Green organizations are trying to save rain forests that have been threatened by developers and farmers. (created / ruined / threatened) 2. One way to inform the public about factories that pollute the en ament is through programs on TV. (agricultural / educational / industrial) 8. The ozone layer has been more in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere. (ereated / destroyed / polluted) 4, Agricultural sprays are the soil in many countries. (damaging / eating up / lowering) 6. is an enormous problem in many large cities where whole families ean only afford to live in one room. (pollution / poverty / waste) Erm a 38 © Unit7 @ How safe are your plastic cards? A How many of these cards do you have: credit card, store card, ID card, debit card, phone card, library card? How many of them are made of plastic? B Read the magazine article about plastic cards, It’stin, iOocIce : Ta for credit. EaeLPen ieee prafaneof jeu ecdaen fal i ‘ited a eal ok ehenan vit oat ioe months in, “plastic yroney.? Banks age issuing debit cards, so alld Sapte tener ls chete Casi arity ltd by nay Sage ‘Sty ered By cee aPYCcard ee cardsat public phon arte Sere siete thestnbogs etieetaten ‘ards that do hot pellut eve envizohument ea) ha el 1 dik wg ‘ efor Seeereerenaner eee (ievebeiaaeee plastic Called polyvinyl Bee eee m is, when” slbapet alate haotiolageasless : oes coon 2hdcamot be weld. —— «Now thereis in ierntive Wo PVG dards | eee ‘Scent nein I: ers a i C Check (7) the true statements. For statements that are false, write the true information, 1, Cl Many different types of cards today are made of plastic. C1 The plastic used in making most eredit cards is fairly safe. . Ol The biodegradable Greenpeace credit card is not made of plastic, * CUWWF's attempt to get rid of toxic chemicals is supported by their new PVC-free Visa card C1 Now all banks and credit card companies offer PVC-free credit cards to their customers. D Do you have any plastic cards? Did you know th: Do you have (or want to get) a PVC-free or “green” they are not recyclable? ? The world we live in © 39 Nouns beginning with over A Match the nouns and definitions. Nouns Definitions 1, overbuilding a. put something to a particular purpose too often 2. overcrowding b. too many people for a limited amount of food, housing, and materials available for them to live there 3. overflowing ¢. having too much of something to deal with 4, overpopulation _ 4. having too many people or things to be contained; spilling over 5. overuse . too many structures and homes in a certain area 6. overburdened £. too many people or things in a restricted area B Choose the correct noun from part A to complete each sentence. 1. Although is. major world problem, overall birth rates aro beginning to slow as women choose to have fewer children, and at an older age. 2. In some major cities, the problem of is a result of too many skyscrapers and too little land area inside the city limita. 3. There is an of fossil fuels when we should be looking for other natural sources of energy like wind and solar power. 4. City officials are trying to stop development in areas with roads and schools 5. Tho best way to prevent the of our landfills ia to have better and more efficient recyeling programs. 6. Another way to help reduce the of our schools is to build more schools and hire more teachers. 6 Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in the box and the information in the list. ‘One thing todo... The best way to fight .:. Another thing todo... Onewayto help... complain to the Parks Department about it create more government-funded jobs ereate more public housing projects educate young people about its dangers organize a public meeting to protest the threat to public property report it to the local newspaper donate money to charities that provide shelters and food A; Did you know that a big housing developer wants to build an apartment complex in Forest Hill Park? I think it's terrible, B; _One thing to do is to complain to _the Parks Deve A: That's a good idea. B: pout it. A: Personally, I'm worried about drug trafficking. It puts lots of children and young people at risk. B: Cine ‘A: You know, there's a lot of corruption in our city government. B A: Yeah, the bad publicity might help to clean things up a bit. . A: There are so many unemployed people in this city. I just don’t know what can be done about it. A: What worries me most is the number of homeless people on the streets. B A: Lagree. B: The world we live in © 41

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