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QUALITATIVE DATA COLLECTION -methods SAMPLE – smaller set of cases a researcher selects from
emerged after has it become known that traditional large group and generalizes to the population. Group of
quantitative data collection method. people who take part in the investigation
PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION – methodology in SAMPLING – process selecting a representative group
many disciplines particularly cultural anthropology, but from the population under study.
also sociology, communication studies and social
TARGET POPULATION – total group of individuals
from which the sample might be drawn.
OBSERVATION – takes field notes on the behavior and
NON-PROBABILITY – subjective judgment of the
activities of research participants.
PROBABILITY – participant chooses from a larger
answers to research questions.
VISUAL MATERIALS – may take forms of
SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING – sampling technique
photographs, videotapes or any form of sounds.
usually works around a large population and has its fair
INTERVIEW – conversation that is intended to obtain share of advantages and disadvantages.
specific kinds of information.
CONSECUTIVE SAMPLING – researcher gives a
FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEW – data is collected chance to work with many topics. Conducts research over
through a semi-structured group interview process. a period, analyzes the results and then move son to another
subject or group needed.
belonging to a group exists independently of the study. JUDGMENTAL SAMPLING – researchers select the
samples based purely on the researcher’s knowledge and
QUOTA SAMPLING – Ex. researcher wants to study the
DOCUMENTS- basic type of data collection in the form
career goals of male and female employees in an
of public and private documents
CASE STUDY – qualitative method that is used to
PROBABILITY SAMPLING – when researcher
determine in-depth understanding of an issue in its real-
chooses samples from a larger population.
life context.
TRANSCRIPTION – act of providing a written account
PHENOMENOLOGY- qualitative research approach
of spoken words.
focuses on the commonality or similarity of the lived
experience of an individual within particular group. STEP 1 – Organize both summary and synthesis often
combined with conceptual categories.
STEP 2 – Design tables and figures should be numbered
1. INTERPRETATIVE - phenomenological
according to the order
approach that gives insight into how a person
makes sense of the phenomenon. THEME – is created when the same issues and ideas
2. DESCRIPTIVE – phenomenological approach conveyed by participants within qualitative data are
explores and described the lived experience of the carried together by the researcher. It is also a major
participants. product of data analysis that generates helpful results in
the field study
ETHNOGRAPHY – qualitative research design that
investigates the in-depth study of culture. DEFINING THEME- devising precisely what we mean
by each theme figuring out how it supports us comprehend
GROUNDED THEORY – research design that involves
the data.
the construction of theory through gathering and analyzing
data. It uses inductive reasoning in coming up with an
emerging theory.

GENERATING THEME – It is a kind of patterns and

themes that applied in determining the technique of
analyzing qualitative data
CODING – means highlighting sections of our text.
THEMATIC ANALYSIS – technique of analyzing
qualitative data. Ex. Interview transcripts
CONCLUSIONS – summarize and get the main point of
the research and it relates to the significance of the study.
RECOMMENDATION – part of research served as
practical suggestions among similar fields.
APA – American Psychological Association
REFERENCES – ethics in research is apply when you
copying someone’s work or idea.
PLAGIARISM – violation committed when you use
words and ideas without making credit to the person who
formulated it
BRIEF - rules in writing the conclusion is applied when
the researcher needs to avoid giving unnecessary and
unrelated words.

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