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Vectors and Matrices

1. Let A be an n×n matrix of real or complex numbers. Which of the following statements
are equivalent to: “the matrix A is invertible”?



4. Let A and B be n × n matrices with AB = 0. Give a proof or counterexample for each of the






II. Probabilities
1. You roll two fair six-sided dice. What is the probability that the sum of the rolls is 9?
2. In a room of 30 people, what is the probability that at least two of them share the same
3. You roll a fair six-sided die twice. What is the probability of rolling a 3 on the first roll and a
4 on the second roll?
4. In a certain town, 1% of the population has a rare disease. A medical test for the disease is
98% accurate when a person has the disease and 95% accurate when a person doesn't have
the disease. If a randomly chosen person tests positive, what is the probability that the
person actually has the disease?
5. You roll two fair six-sided dice. Given that the sum of the rolls is greater than 8, what is the
probability that at least one of the rolls is a 6?

III. Function Analysis

1. Find the limit as x approaches 2 for the function f(x) = (x2 - 4) / (x - 2).
2. Find the derivative of the function h(x) = 3x4- 2x3 + 5x2 - 7x + 1.
3. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x3 - 2x2 + 4x - 1 at the point (2,
4. Find the critical points of the function f(x) = x3 - 6x2 + 9x + 2, and determine whether
they correspond to local maxima, local minima, or saddle points.
5. Evaluate the integral ∫(0 to 2) (4x3 - 3x2 + 2x) dx.
6. Find the derivative of the function m(x) = (2x2 + 3x - 1)4.d
7. Find the area enclosed by the curves y = x2 and y = 4x - x2.

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