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KSB Booster Control Advanced

1.5 DTM
Project: Hyamat V
Monday, March 17, 2014

Booster Control Advanced 1.5
1 Operation
1-1 System
Actual system pressure
1-1-1 System pressure 0.00
(discharge side)
Actual load in % of all
1-1-2 System load 0 pumps in operation (100% is
one pump full speed)
Presence of a run dry
protection signal by means
1-1-3 RDP switch not present of a pressure switch or float
1-3 Time and statistics
Operating hours of the
1-3-1 Act runtime Op hours 34
system in HHHHHH
Period of time until next
1-3-2 Time to service 0
service / maintenance
Actual minimum pump
1-3-3 Act Minimum Runtime 3
runtime in seconds
3 Settings
3-1 HMI
3-1-1 Basic settings
3-1-1-1 Language Deutsch Language settings
3-1-1-4 LCD Contrast 0 Setting of the LCD contrast
#1: contrast 13
3-1-1-2 Backlight
The configuration of the
display backlight (Note: a
3-1-1-2-1 Mode Timed off
long-term illumination will
shorten the life time)
Timer setting for automatic
3-1-1-2-2 Backlight Time 600 ending the back-light after
3-1-1-3 Displayed units
3-1-1-3-1 Pressure bar Unit for the pressure values
Unit for the values of the
water level height in the
3-1-1-3-2 Height cm
receiver tank (storage tank at
suction side)

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Unit of the temperature when

temperature sensor is
3-1-1-3-3 Temperature °C
available (WSD
3-1-4 Logo
Setting of the required logo
3-1-4-1 Logo KSB
at system (reboot
3-2 Device
3-2-1 Login
Login procedure required
3-2-1-2 Login required yes
3-3 Configuration
Total number of pumps in
3-3-1 Number of pumps 3
the system
Setting of the applicable
configuration at the inlet
3-3-2 Inlet Switch
connection (suction side of
the system)
Setting of the applicable
configuration at the
3-3-3 Discharge VFD chang-over
discharge connection
(pressure side of the system)
Setting of the applicable
configuration of the WSD:
3-3-4 WSD OFF (membrane tank
refreshments and ambient
3-3-5 Leakage detection OFF Leakage detection
Pump mode is either
Internaly (Via HMI or
3-3-7 PumpMode int/ext Internal
Service) or externaly (via
digital input) changed.
3-4 System settings
3-4-1 Inlet
3-4-2 Discharge
3-4-2-1 Sensor press. 4 mA 0.00 Measured value at 4mA
3-4-2-2 Sensor press. 20 mA 16.00 Measured value at 20mA
Number of pumps that is
3-4-2-3 Pumps ON sensor started in case of a failure of
fail the pressure sensor on the
discharge side.
Limitation of the maximum
3-4-2-4 Max power 300 power / maximum system
load (1 pump is 100%)
Limitation of the maximum
3-4-2-5 Max power ext. power / maximum system
oper. load, when external power
supply operation is active
3-4-3 Variable freq. drive
3-4-3-1 Communication Analog 0-20mA Configuration of the
communication protocol of

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the frequency converter

Proportional amplification
3-4-3-2 Proportional const. 3.00 factor the system pressure is
controlled with
Speed with which the
3-4-3-3 Integral time 0.90 deviation of the required
system pressure is adjusted
The level of damping with
which the deviation of the
3-4-3-4 Differential time 0.00
required system pressure is
3-4-3-5 No flow detection
Bandwith of the no flow
3-4-3-5-1 No flow bandwith 0.06
Time of the no flow
3-4-3-5-2 No flow time 16
detection in s
Step height of the no flow
3-4-3-5-3 No flow step 3
detection in %
3-4-3-5-4 No flow max. No flow detection is active
power below this Pump load in %
3-5 Pressure
3-5-1 Set point 4.00 System pressure set point
A dead area in which the
power to the VFD remains
3-5-3 Bandwidth 0.30
constant independent from
pressure fluctuations.
Membrane tank (water)
3-5-4 Accumulation press. 0.30 pressure accumulation prior
to the system switch-off
Upper limit for the setpoint
3-5-5 Max.set point 16.00 value to be set by the
Alternative setpoint
3-5-9 Adapt. setpoint 4.00
alternating by clock settings.
Quadratic function to correct
3-5-10 Delta p 0.00 the setpoint when a pump is
switching on or off
Upper limit value for the
3-5-11 High pressure alarm 16.00 system pressure to shut down
or notification only (signal)
Selection parameter to define
the action at system over-
3-5-12 High pressure action 0
pressure (shut down or signal
Selection parameter to define
the action at system over-
#1: High pressure action shutdown pumps
pressure (shut down or signal

3-5-13 Low pressure alarm 0.00 Under limit value for the
system pressure to shut down

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or notification only (signal)

Selection parameter to define
the action at system under-
3-5-14 Low pressure action 0
pressure (shut down or signal
Selection parameter to define
the action at system under-
#1: Low pressure action shutdown pumps
pressure (shut down or signal
3-6 Timer settings
The optimum nrs of pump
starts per hour. The
3-6-1 Opt. pump starts /h 10
minimum run time will be
automatically corrected.
The minimum time of the
pump to run. (the run time
3-6-2 Min. run time 3
correction will not drop
below this value)
Adapting the Minimum run
time to optimize the required
3-6-3 Min. run time corr. 0
number of pump starts per
Maximum continuous run
time of the pump. After this
3-6-4 Max. run time 86400
time the pump will be forced
to change over.
Start delay to switch the
3-6-5 Start delay 3.0 pumps on when pressure
remains low
Stop delay to switch the
3-6-6 Stop delay 3.0 pumps off when pressure
remains high.
Delay time after run-dry
3-6-8 RDP delay 15 protection to shut down the
Permitted time of setpoint
3-6-9 High/low alarm delay 60 pressure deviation > too high
or too low system pressure.
Delay time for starting up
3-6-13 Sys. start up delay 10
3-7 Time/Date
3-7-1 Date 0 Setting the date
#1: Year 2014 Setting the actual Year
#2: Month 2 Setting the actual Month
#3: Day 28 Setting the actual Day
3-7-2 Time 0 Setting the time
#1: Time 40033 Setting the time HH:MM:SS

Select how and when a

3-7-3 Check run mode Interval based checkrun should be
performed. (check run only

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on pumps which did not run)

The interval between the
3-7-4 Check run interval 86400 check runs Applicable for
pumps not operation for 24h.
The check-run time per
3-7-7 Check run duration 30 pump. (one at the time and
Setting the service /
3-7-11 Maintenance interval 0 maintenance days left for the
Setting the service /
#1: Maintenance interval 0 maintenance days left for the
3-7-8 Clock adapt setp.
Setting the adaptation mode
3-7-8-1 Adaptation mode OFF
of the alternative setpoint.
3-8 Definable I/O
3-8-1 Inputs
3-8-1-1 Input 1 None Configuration DI
3-8-1-2 Input 2 None Configuration DI
3-8-1-3 Input 3 None Configuration DI
3-8-2 Outputs
3-8-2-1 Output 1 (P4) None Configuration DO
3-8-2-2 Output 2 (P5) None Configuration DO
3-8-2-3 Output 3 (P6) None Configuration DO
3-8-2-4 Output 4 (FR4) None Configuration DO
3-8-2-5 Output 5 (FR5) None Configuration DO
3-8-2-6 Output 6 (FR6) None Configuration DO
3-11 Energy Saving Mode
3-11-1 Energy Saving Mode OFF Energy Saving Mode
3-12 FC failure behavior
3-12-1 behavior OFF behavior
3-14 By Pass Valve
3-14-1 Valve Function Off Function of the valve
3-15 Fieldbus
3-15-1 Profibus
3-15-1-1 PB Slave Address 126 Profibus Slave Address
4 Info
4-1 Device
Serial number of the control
4-1-1 Serial Number 1201304101300
4-1-2 Parameter Set 0.6700 HMI parameter set version
4-2 IO Info
4-2-1 IO Serial Number 1201305211675
4-2-2 IO FW-Version 1.5.7
4-2-3 IO FW-Revision 27364
4-2-4 IO HW-Revision 1
4-3 HMI Info

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4-3-1 HMI Serial Number 1201304101300

4-3-2 HMI FW-Version 1.5.7
4-3-3 HMI FW-Revision 27317
4-3-4 HMI HW-Revision 0
4-4 Profibus Info
4-4-1 PB FW-Version 1.5.3
4-4-2 PB FW-Revision 25555
4-4-3 PB HW-Revision 0

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