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Analysis of Mind

Psychoanalytic Treatment

- Examines how the unconscious factors affect current

Founder of Psychoanalytic

- Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

- Primary assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that people possess unconscious

4 one hour sessions every week over a period of several years.

Freud’s Model of Personalities Structures

1. Id

- Oldest and most primitive psychic energy

- Biological foundation in personality

- Satisfying personal desires

- Pleasure principle

- Gustong isang bagay sa canteen pero wala doon, bibili talaga sya sa labas kahit bawal.

2. Ego

- Executive

- Mediate or balance the need of id

- Center of reason, reality-testing, and common sense

- Governed by the reality principle

- Naisip na pwede naman yung isang bagay sa canteen

3. Superego

- Ideal

- Conscience

- Discriminating branch of the personality in the sense that is concerned with moralistic issues
deciding what is right and what is wrong.

- Sense of guilt or shame.

- Gagawa ng kalokohan, pero nahihiya.

Level of Mind:

1. Unconscious Mind

- Material that we have no immediate access to and we cannot bring it into consciousness.

- Repressed feelings, hidden memories, habits and thoughts, desires and reactions.

- Nagrereport, nilalaro id, pero nagsasalita

2. Preconscious Mind

- Stores all the thoughts of which you could bring into consciousness easily.

- Thoughts that can be easily recalled without special techniques.

3. Conscious Mind

- Thoughts if which you are currently aware.

Techniques in Psychoanalysis

1. Free Association

- Encourage patient to discuss what comes to mind in order to overcome the patients
tendencies to suppress or censor information.

2. Dream Analysis

- Analyze elements of dreams which contained symbolic meaning.

3. Confrontation and Clarification

- Feedback procedures to help the patient become aware of what is occurring and in need of
further analysis.

4. Interpretation

- Providing insight to the patient regarding inner conflicts reflected in resistance, transference,

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