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legal drugs are a growing menace to society and must be aéressed through the concerted effons of the government, vate sector, and the citizenry. l| No to Illegal Drugs T1198 are often perceived as substances that harm the body. In reality, }] — )Jarugs are actually used to treat, diagnose, or prevent illnesses. LJ Drugs only become harmful when they are misused and abused. They also become illegal if they are purchased without a prescription from a registered medical doctor or authority. “This learning unit will enable you to gain understanding of the different types of drugs and their effects on the body. You will also learn that the abuse of illegal drugs affect other dimensions of a person's life, In addition, this unit will provide you information about the status of drug use and abuse in the country. “At the end of this unit, you are expected to share the responsibility of creating a drug-resistant and drug-free community This may be achieved by Jessening the rsk factors and strengthening the protective factors, decision- making skills, and resistance skill. When ll ofthese are achieved, quality fife awaits the person, family, and the rest of the community. 391 Lesson dre Becor LEM ‘At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to: 4) define the word “dug”; 2) identify different types of drugs; and 3) analyze the short- and long: | term negative health effects of drugs. poz ming aware of the dangers of drug abuse is the first step in helping solve the drug menace plaguing the society. Warming Up! Roam and Round ‘What words or phrases do you relate with drugs? 1, Forma triad. 2. Each member of your group must roam around the classroom. Ask two classmates for one word or phrase to relate with the term “drugs.” 3. After collecting responses, write all the words or phrases in a separate sheet of paper. 4, Discuss with your group the similarities and differences of the responses. 5. Come up with a one-sentence summary of the responses and share it with the class. Let's Process! Reflect on the following questions: 1. What are drugs? 2. Are all drugs illegal? 3. Areall drugs harmful? jdeugis defined as any chemical substance th, Agen nutztional value. This non ee that fects bodily Functions ( cenegatively affect the body. There are diffe re MY either positively used 0 treat specific health conditions, White aoe of aruss. Some are we iat Thi lesson will enable you to under an may poss harm to fags and:their short- anc mt mand the differe of drug d long-term health effects to the boy. at Types of Drugs ‘here are three types of drugs. These a aye accessed oF purchased, ) Prescription drugs may only be bou, A prescription is a written order fr name, age; the name of the drug, be taken, and for how long. It also and professional license number, Over-the-counter drugs are substances that m: i i ratios commercial centers sichs phsmates yoesion sed nian stores. These may be purchased without a prescription, These drugs are used to relieve symptoms of common illnesses like headache and cold. Controlled drugs are substances strictly regulated by law-because of their behavior-altering and addictive effects, which may therefore be harmful or detrimental to a person's health and well-being. re classified according to how they ight when a prescription is presented. ‘om a doctor that states the patient’s the number, amount, or dosage to states the doctor’s name, signature, How Drugs Enter the Body ‘There are many ways by which drugs enter the body. Below are examples. + The most common way of drug entry to the body is through the mouth. Drugs may come in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquids. When drugs reach the digestive system, they mix with the bloodstream. Drugs may enter the body through the use of an injection. Drugs in liquid form mixes directly with the bloodstream as itis injected in any part of the body. Drugs that come in powdered form may be inhaled through the nose ormouth, When drugs enter the lungs, they mix with the bloodstream. * Drugs may be directly applied to the body. These drugs come in the patches, and ointments. When these form of lotions, sprays, creams, 7 substances come in contact. with the skin they are absorbed straight to the tissues of the body. : Drugs may be implanted or placed under the skin, They ae released ints eke ised eteeaih: afer period of.cime. People, with canesr ate ofte d with drug implants. : Responsible drug ye ae practice of correctly using droge to keep 5 iy body. Drage maybe used responsibly andmay a 200 Misuse is the incorrect use of substances "0 ae en iy Teusually occurs when a person selfme ESSENTIAL QUESTION Are all drugs illegal? CRITICAL IDEA Drugs generally serve a specific purpose such as addressing a medical condition. It becomes illegal when its use Is recreational in nature and does more harm than good to the body. 393 Illegal drug come in different forms including tablets, capsules, powder, and crystals that are not prescribed by a doctor. An example is when a person i, the wrong type of medicines for the condition he or she is expetiensg or takes the correct drug but not in the manner or dosage it should 8 taken, Drug abuse refers to the continual use of a drug not for its intendeg medical purpose but for the pleasure or euphoric feeling one gets fron taking the drug. Drug abuse is when a person takes a drug to “get hgh Drug dependence refers to a condition wherein a person cannot functiyy normally without using drugs. Controlled drugs are substances that are often abused. It is illegal tp use these drugs without prescription. Hence, they are called illegal drugs, ‘There are different kinds of illegal drugs. A. Stimulants: In the past, stimulants were used to treat respiratory ailments such asthma, obesity, and neurological conditions. However, these drugs became prove to abuse, and had to be regulated more strictly, Stimulants are a group of drugs that speed up the processes in the central nervous system. These substances are also called uppers because they make a person feel alert, awake, and very active. A person who takes stimulants experiences an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. People abuse the drug to experience the “high” feeling. However, when the effects of stimulants wear off, a person experiences what is termed as a “crash.” This is the sudden drop of energy that causes a person to feel weak, tired, sad, and sleepy. ‘There are different types of stimulants. 1, Cocaine is a substance made from coca leaves. It is a hi addictive stimulant that may be inhaled, injected, or smoked. Because it stimulates the nervous system, cocaine may cause immediate death from heart attack, stroke, or seizure. 2. Crack is avariant of cocaine. It is smoked to produce immediate effects on the body. It is more addictive than cocaine. Using crack is highly deadly. Amphetamines are drugs that are chemically produced. They are often used to lose weight. But aside from weight loss, aa phetamiines negatively affect the nervous system. 394 4. Metamphetamine isa highly addictive variant of amphetamine. Iris often’ inhaled, smoked, injected, or taken orally. The illegal drug site variant of this substance. It provides an intense ie perform activities. It also suppresses the appetite of a 5, Ephedrine is produced from an ephedra plant. It used to be prescribed to medically treat a cold and obesity problems. The use of ephedrine is already prohibited because of its adverse effects on the nervous system. 6. MDMA (3-4 methylenedioxymethampetamine) is more commonly known as ecstacy. This drug produces a féeling of relaxation and highness. It is known as a “party drug” and is illegal. MDMA. damages the brain and may cause the body to experience extreme internal heat. Users suffer from depression, paranoia, psychotic behavior, and other psychological problems. Other side effects include hallucinations, chills, tremors, nausea, and increased blood pressure. People who use stimulants may experience the following: a. Stimulants may cause tremors and vomiting. Increased heart rate anid blood préssiire may also cause stroke. People who inhale stimulants’ may also develop holes in the nose and may cause throat problems. b. Stimulants attack the nervous system. Because of this, the per- son’s mental functioning may be impaired. A person may feel confused, aggressive, paranoid, and other extreme emotions. ‘This may lead people t6 harm themselves and other people. . Stimulants are highly addictive. Use of these drugs may lead to dependence. 4. Ecstacy affects muscle movement. A person who uses this drug may experience tension in mouth, jaw, and face, and suffer from painful cramping. B. Depressants Depressants slow down the processes of the central nervous system. ‘These drugs are also called sedatives or downers. Sedatives are drugs that produce a calming effect on a person. Hyp a feel sleepy and drowsy. ere are two types of depressants. LA iene isa sabeaae! that is prescribed to patients who wves tension and stress and find it difficult to sleep. This drug relie 2 enables a person to relax. They ae rarely prescribed by doctors because they are highly addictive and may pose dangers toa person’s health and well-being. notic drugs make a 395 2. A benzodiazepine is a substance that is prescribed to Patients who are experiencing anxiety problems. It is also more com. monly known asa tranquilizer. This drug is also used to req, the muscles and relieve seizures. A person who takes this dry; must be closely supervised by a doctor because it may hate adverse effects. People who use depressants may experience the following: a. Tf used together with alcohol, it may cause seizures and death, ‘The mixture of two substances slows down respiration and damages the nervous system. A person who takes depressants may experience slurred speech and lack of coordination. He or she may also find it difficult to stay awake. A person under sedative-hypnotics may always feel tired and lazy. Using depressants over a period of time may cause drug depen- dence. If a person stops taking sedative-hypnotics, he or she may experience tremors and seizures, go into comatose, and have a heart attack. Depressants impair the functions of the nervous system. ‘This makes the person vulnerable to making irresponsible decisions Use of depressants may lead to violenct behavior and make a person prone to accidents. (From left) Some drugs come in» C; Narcotics powder and liquid form and are larcotics are d ts 7 Ree e eas Narcotics are drugs that slow down the processes of the nervous system. with instant; Seedpod of a pop- ‘These substances are also used as painkillers. These drugs are also known py plant used to produce opium: to relieve diarthea and heavy cough. 396 Narcotics are usually made from two substances: opium and morphine. Opium comes from @ poppy plant’s seedpod. It is milky and white in color. Morphine is naturally found in opium, It is considered asthe drug with the strongest pain-relieving ability. Codein and heroin are other substances derived from morphine. Another example of narcotics is oxycontin. It is used to relieve pain from chronic illnesses such as cancer. Narcotics are highly addictive. People who use these substances may experience the following: a. Narcotics may slow down breathing that may lead a person to go into comatose or die. b, Large doses of narcotics may cause a person to feel extremely sleepy. At times, a person may be difficult to wake up if under narcotics. c., People under narcotics may experience sudden shifts in mood and emotions. 4. Using narcotics may lead to dependence. If taking these drugs is stopped, a person may become extremely sensitive to pain. e. People under narcotics are prone to accidents. They may fall in and out of sleep at random times. A person under narcotics must avoid driving or risk getting into a road accident. . Hallucinogens Hallucinogens are drugs that cause hallucinations. Hallucinations are imaginary situations that are caused by impaired senses. Hallucinogens are also called psychedelic drugs. There are different types of hallucinogens. 1, LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) may come in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form. Taking LSD may cause increased heart rate and body temperature, dilation of pupils, and flushing of skin. LSD causes hallucinations that make a person feel invincible and overconfident. 2. PCP (Phencyclidine) or angel dust acts as a stimulant, depressant, or narcotic. It may come in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form. People who take PCP may experience a wide range ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are hallucinations? ee CRITICAL IDEA Certain physical and mental disorders, as well as the use of drugs and toxic substances may cause hallucinations. These are sensory experiences in which a person perceives something that does not really exist or is not present. Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms are a type of psychedelic drug that causes hallucinations. 397 i ion, restlessne i xiety, anger, aggression, a of emotions such as anxi disorientation, and isolation. People under ie eet oan dust may also have hallucinations that make them feel detached : rit nt. their body and environment, ; a 3. teaming ie a drug commonly used in veterinary medicine "People use this substance because it brings the same effets a PSP, but for a shorter period of time. People who use hallucinogens experience a variety of side effets, a. Itcan'cause vomiting, nausea, sweating, muscle cramps, and unstable blood sugar level, heart rate, and body temperature. b.” Tt can damage the ability of'a person to perceive time and to remember things. ‘These drugs also cause sudden mood swings and extreme emotions. : c.'/A person under the effects of hallucinogens may believe some- thing is real when it is not. This may cause a person to engage in risky behavior that may endanger his or her health and others. dd. Hallucinogens increase’ the feelings of anger and aggression, which may lead to violent behavior, and'make a person more prone to accidents. E. Inhalants Inhalants are substances often abused to alter the mood and behavior of a person, These drugs produce immediate effects to the body. Inhalants produce a feeling of being “high.” However the effects of these substances only last for a short period of time. Inhalants enter the body through sniffing or bagging. Sniffing ot huffing refers to inhaling the fumes of the chemicals. Bagging refers to inhaling fumes trapped inside a bag or container. ‘The following are examples of inhalants: * Gasoline * Paint thinner Fingernail polish remover * “Marker pen fluid * Wood glue + Liquid wax + Hairspray * Wood varnish + Rugby fluid + Shoe polish Inhal: ants cause serious side effects on the person using them. Te can interfere with breathing and cause suffocation. It can also cause seizures and loss of consciousness. b. Tt can affect vision and muscle coordination, ‘This may ofe® lead to accidents. a. Marijuana is not classi Previously discussed, It is a.cannabis pl fied under any of the five types of drvg* i 8 @'drug made from dried leaves and to75 ‘ant, and is usually smoked or eaten. This plant cont" 398 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which has psychoactive effects on the body. ‘The following describe the effects of marijuana on the body. a. Marijuana produces a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, and euphoria. It may also increase the appetite of a person. b. Marijuana damages the respiratory and reproductive systems. c. People who use marijuana may experience short-term memory loss and loss of concentration. This may cause the person to be prone to risky behavior detrimental to his or her well-being. Making Meaning Get to know the important terms that can help you better understand this ksson, ‘ype of stimulant which derived its name from the sound it makes When Tit i and smoked. | jilted sisal feeling of extreme happiness and excitement ao | gaseous state of a substance unreasonable feeling that causes a person to be extremely thing or someone fs out to harm him whe = who are into a specific range of music eee body is unconscious but moves in an uncontrolled anc violent way {| to force gas or other substance to ene E ‘a drig that causes a pion to relax and stay calm z move i fearful that some- at eyles through the nose Marijuana plants are illegally grown extensively in private farms. 339 Checking Learning ‘Activity 1: Your Own Terms Study the following concepts. Using one to two sentence drug responsible drug use drug misuse drug abuse drug dependence Activity 2: Grouping Drugs Study the substances listed in the box. ah s, define each term. Classify them according to the type of controlled drugs. ‘Write the substance in the correct column. ketamine ephedrine gasoline codein barbiturate cocaine 1sD heroin hairspray amphetamine benzondiazepine Deepening Understanding Choose one type of controlled drug. Create an information, education, and communication (IEC) material about it, It can be a brochure, poster, bookmark, or other form. Include basic facts about the type of drug and its examples. Search for additional information to include in your material. 2 2 ‘One or two counts of | Three or four counts of \wrong information are | wrong information are spotted in the report. | spotted inthe report. There is erroneous infor ‘mation in the report. One or two counts of in- correct language use are spotted inthe report, ‘There fs correct and con- sistent use of language ‘throughout the report. There is erroneous len- ‘guage use in the report. jon and : spot Thetepontis writen wih | Tae ae points inthe | The report isnot oe tion atin gee | report which are not | well-wniten The informa- comme 's | properly and effecvely | tion isnot properly and ; andetecra PPE | communist, effectively communicated. Son and eter oon The citation and referenc. | The citation and refer- oe ing ofthe report is corect | encng ofthe repr is 2 and consistent incorrect and inconsistent. rei Wrapping Up vy Drugs are chemical substances that alter the health condition of a person. ‘They may treat, diagnose, or prevent illnesses, Iftaken in wrong doses or for other reasons other than their intended use, they may pose harm to the body. v Drugs are classified according to the ‘Way they are accessed: prescription, over-the-counter, and controlled drugs. v Drugs may enter the body through the mouth or:n applying on the skin, or through implants, ¥ Controlled drugs are harmful when misused and abused. If used without prescription, they are called illegal drugs. V There are different types of illegal drugs: stimulants, depressants, nar- ose, by injecting, by cotics, hallucinogens, and inhalants. LOOKING BACK: Were you able to achieve your lesson goals? Check them below. |was able to: © define the word “drug.” ey: © identify different types of drugs. f me © analyze the short- and long-term negative health effect of drugs. HEALTH CHECK Write a refection on the ‘things you oe in ae oe ue ee } in | !You. Tell how you can apply what you learned in yo and Specific inde in which you feel these learnings ‘will come handy.

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