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“The Way I See The World”

By Asdiane & Fathiah

Poem 1

In colors bold, the world unfurls,

A tapestry of dreams and pearls.
With eyes aglow, I take my stance,
To share with you my sweet romance.

Upon the canvas of the sky,

The sun and moon, they dance on high.
A symphony of stars at night,
A wondrous stage, a pure delight.

The mountains stand with majesty,

Their peaks adorned with mystery.
They whisper tales of ages old,
Of hidden truths and legends bold.

Through forests deep, I find my way,

Where emerald hues invite to play.
The rustling leaves, a gentle hush,
In nature's arms, my heart does rush.

Beside the waves that kiss the shore,

I feel a longing, evermore.
The ocean's song, a soothing balm,
Its secrets held with tranquil calm.

In city streets and bustling squares,

A tapestry of lives and cares.
A melting pot of hopes and fears,
A symphony of joyous tears.

With open hearts, we strive to find,

Connections that forever bind.
A web of stories, rich and grand,
Uniting all across the land.

So, let me share the way I see,

This world of wonder, wild and free.
With every glance, a new delight,
A masterpiece of day and night.
Poem 2:

In a realm of colors, both bright and deep,

Where dreams and realities tenderly meet,
I glimpse the world through a unique lens,
A tapestry woven with life's intricate threads.

I see the sun as a painter's brushstroke,

Streaking the sky with hues of hope,
Golden rays caress the waking earth,
A masterpiece of rebirth and mirth.

The trees sway in a graceful ballet,

Whispering secrets in the winds that play,
Leaves, like pages, turn with the seasons,
Writing stories of growth for countless reasons.

Mountains stand tall, ancient and wise,

Legends etched into their stone-carved guise,
They teach me strength and toil's reward,
As I journey forward, undeterred.

Oceans roar with tales untold,

Mysteries and wonders that unfold,
Endless tides of change and flow,
Reflect the path that I must go.

In city streets with lights aglow,

A symphony of lives, a constant flow,
Faces passing, stories interlace,
A reminder that every soul has grace.

The stars above, they twinkle bright,

Guiding me through the darkest night,
They remind me of dreams taking flight,
And the boundless realm of human sight.

So, in the way I see the world so vast,

Through moments sweet and shadows cast,
I find a beauty beyond compare,
A world of wonders, a gift so rare.
Poem 3:

In a tapestry of hues unfurled,

I share with you my unique twirl,
A verse to describe, a tale to be hurled,
"The Way I See The World."

With dawn's embrace, a canvas anew,

Golden rays paint skies of blue,
Mornings whisper secrets, untold,
In every dewdrop, stories unfold.

Midday's sun, a fiery ball,

Casting shadows, standing tall,
Life's complexities, they intertwine,
In the dance of light, an intricate design.

Twilight descends, a gentle embrace,

Colors meld, stars take their place,
A symphony of quiet, a twilight's hush,
Dreams awaken in the evening's blush.

Through forest groves and oceans wide,

Nature's wonders, a constant guide,
Mountains soar, touching the sky,
With every peak, a new dream to fly.

In city streets, a bustling throng,

A tapestry of voices, a vibrant song,
Diverse souls weaving stories to tell,
In the heart of chaos, beauty dwells.

The laughter of children, innocence pure,

Echoes of wisdom from those who endure,
A mosaic of lives, a mosaic of grace,
In every heart's rhythm, a sacred space.

Yet shadows too, their presence known,

Lessons learned, struggles shown,
For darkness and light entwine as one,
A balance maintained, a journey begun.

So, take my hand, let's walk this land,

A world of wonder, both grand and grand,
With open eyes and hearts unfurled,
"The Way I See The World."

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