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Final for Business

Part 1: Roomba reminder rental

slogan:Your Reliable School-Time Companion!"
Link to
3 reasons: I chose this as my business as its a common thing at JASS that students are late to
class and at times its possible to miss the bell if your outside or in a washroom and because of
this that's where the Roomba Reminder comes into play as it will repeat a small beeping sound
for 10 minutes after class starts not so loud that it annoys the teachers and those in the
hallways but loud enough that kids will be able to hear it and realize class started
My second reason is that our school has a big issue with staying clean as its common for
students to drop food on the ground either on purpose or accident and since the custodians are
already working hard the Roomba will clean up any minor crumbs on the ground which saves
time for the custodians to deal with more of the serious issues in our school as well as keeping
our school more clean in general.
One of the biggest issues our school has is students skipping in the hallways the roomba will
serve as a way to inform staff of where the students are so they can go and send them to class
they can do this buy checking the inbuilt camera in the roomba so they can see and hear if there
are students in the hallways during class hours. This saves staff time from patrolling the school
and searching for kids as they can just go directly to students and unlike the cameras in our
school that is heavily restricted to most people unless of an emergency the roombas camera is
accessible to all staff through an app. Another unique feature about the roombas that I add
myself that you can't find anywhere else is they have microphones attached to them which the
staff can use to tell students to go to class which I feel would be more effective then calling them
on the announcements and also means they don't have to physically go to them and tell them
to go to class.
Part 2:

1. Type of business:
It will be a for profit business by renting the Roombas to the will not be an
essential business as while it makes things a lot more convenient for the staff it isn't
impossible for the school to function without it.It will rent service to the school
specifically the roombas.It will satisfy both needs and wants as while it is needed for the
school to be clean and for kids to go to class it's not as though it can be done without the
roomba but the roomba makes it a lot more convenient and easy for the staff to do that
so in that way it would be both needs and wants.I will have Sole Proprietorship over the
business as the investment costs can be covered by myself which means I won't have to
partner for any reasons so I can keep the profits to myself.The way the service will
reach the school is quite simple since I attend the school myself I can simply bring them
with me in their packaging after buying them and tweaking and adding things to them
myself like the microphone then giving them to the front office for rent. The sector of the
economy my business would be in would be Rental and leasing services. The specific
Roomba I buy will be from a company known as ECOVACs and the specific model I will
buy would be the DEEBOT X1 TURBO priced at 650$ per roomba and ECOVACs do
have models with a camera attached they are extremely expensive at around 1000$
which is why it would be much cheaper to buy a microphone off amazon which can be
connected and used with a app on your phone and glue it on to the Roomba. I found
such a microphone on which is the JBL Go speaker which can both be used to repeat
announcements,remind students of the bell and when connected with an app can be
spoken through to directly tell students to get to class without having to actually be there
it is priced at 37$.

2. Management:
The kind of management style I would have would be Autocratic Management as since
my kind of business is mainly passive as you rent the roombas to the school and just
collect the money each month there isn't much for the employees to do which is why I
will be the one making most of the decisions related to the company as since its primarily
a passive business there isn't many suggestions employees could make besides
suggesting to try to rent more roombas to the school in which case that is a conversation
I would have with the staff directly as I would try to convince them that since it is a big
school that they would need more room in order to get full use out of the roombas. But
since the majority of the business is passive I wouldn't really even get many suggestions
from employees and they wouldn't really have anything to complain about either since
it's not like they have to do any manual labor since the whole business is automated.
One of the skills that I would need would be Problem-Solving Skills as it's likely that
eventually something is gonna happen that renders risks to my business for example
one of the roombas could stop working or a student breaks one or the school tries to
lower the prices of the roombas or starts to think that they don't need them anymore, any
way you look at it all of these problems would require that I have the ability to identify the
issues and solve them which in other words means I need problem solving skills like
being able to fix the roomba myself or go get it repaired from a electrician and if a
student breaks one I need to be able to think and remember that we can check the
camera to see who did it so they can pay for the repair cost. No matter what business
problem solving skills would be needed, it is even more important in this kind of
business. Another skill that would be useful would be Customer Focus as in order for me
to sell my business to the school I need to understand the issues they face and try to
make it so the product either fixes them or makes it easier for them, that concept is what
I built this business on and while I truly believe that the roomba does that I need to be
prepared to listen to the schools needs and makes adjustments accordingly which also
means I will need to be Adaptable and Flexible which is another skill.

3. production
None of the factors of production apply to my business unless you include the small
amount of labor I do which is just me super gluing the speaker onto the the roomba so it
stays on but besides that there are no factors of production involved in my business. You
can consider the addition of applying the microphone onto the roomba an instrumental
part of making the product successful for the school, as that's one of the main incentives
for the school to rent it as being able to relay information or get students to go to class by
using the speaker is one of the biggest perks of having the roombas as it allows staff to
both save time as well as being more efficient. I am not able to make a flowchart for
delivery to the customers as since I'm more viewing it as something the school will have
on rent year round instead of on and off because of that it wouldn't be possible to make
a flowchart for it. If we wanted to talk about the source of where I buy it from production
then it would mainly be factors management, and labor as in order to first get the
material needed to make the mou would need labor to harvest the resources and then
turn it into the end product and you would need management the whole process as well
in order for it to work.

4. Finance
Additional money will not be required to start the business as I can cover all of the costs
myself as the total costs for buying one roomba plus speaker is 687$ and I hope to rent
the school at the least one roomba per floor which goes to 3 roombas in total which
would mean the cost would be 2748$ which isn't cheap by any means however due to
the job I had last summer I have a lot of money saved up so I would like to view it like
this at the very least I want at least 3 roombas renting to the school at one time and if I
successfully convince the school to buy 6 (2 for 1 floor) to increase efficiency it would be
4122$ which is the max I will put into the business. It's worth knowing that it's very
possible for one roomba to cover each floor using the map out system installed in it but
having two roombas on each floor split in half will increase the efficiency and cleaning
power of the roombas. It is for this reason that I do not require a partnership as I can
cover all the costs myself using my debit card.
Startup costs:
Supplies DEEBOT X1 JBL Go Total
TURBO speaker

1. 650$ 37$ 687$

2. 1300$ 74$ 1374$

3. 1950$ 111$ 2061$

4. 2600$ 148$ 2748$

5. 3250$ 185$ 3435

6. 3900$ 222$ 4122$

5. Accounting: Since the way my business is that we charge monthly costs for a year
that were set at the beginning of school year which can only be modified given proper
acknowledgment my chart will be different then what was asked so I will just explain why
the school will pay the costs in the table below

(table was made assuming the school accepts a deal of 6 roombas.

Month Money made in rent Total

September 250$ 250$

October 250$ 500$

November 250$ 750$

December 250$ 1000$

January 250$ 1250$

February 250$ 1500$

March 250$ 1750$

April 250$ 2000$

May 250$ 2250$

June 250$ 2500$

The reason I think the school will rent them for this amount is once I outline the costs of
the roomba and how expensive they are they will most likely realize the large costs that I
must be covering so they can rent it and I feel as though I am being very reasonable as I
could definitely get away with charging a lot more but given the schools financial
situation with having to repair the bathrooms every couple of weeks I will rent it to them
for a low price so once they realize the positives of having the roombas around i'm sure
they will start renting it as it really is a reasonable price as i'm only going to make profit
after two years of renting.
Given the nature of my business I will not require any physical materials besides actually
buying the roomba and the speaker and I will get the money by having it e transferred
into my account as I find that more convenient

Supplies DEEBOT X1 JBL Go Total

TURBO speaker

7. 650$ 37$ 687$

8. 1300$ 74$ 1374$

9. 1950$ 111$ 2061$

10. 2600$ 148$ 2748$

11. 3250$ 185$ 3435

12. 3900$ 222$ 4122$

Profit: Money difference Profit

September -3872$ 250$

October -3622$ 250$

November -3372$ 250$

December -3122$ 250$

January -2872$ 250$

February -2622$ 250$

March -2372$ 250$

April -2122$ 250$

May -1872$ 250$

Supplies DEEBOT X1 JBL Go Total
TURBO speaker

Ignore above

June -1622$ 250$

Next year -1372$ 250$

September -1122$ 250$

October -872$ 250$

November -622$ 250$

December -372$ 250$

January -122$ 250$

February 128$ 250$

March 378$ 250$

April 628$ 250$

May 878$ 250$

June 1128$ 250$

6. As for employees its kind of unnecessary to have them for my business as since my roombas
are automated it would mean most of the business is too as besides approaching the school to
ask if they would be interested to rent them all I would have to do after that is collect the money
at the end of each month and fix the roombas if they ever broke down. However if we are basing
it off the fact of having to have employees in the business I would have someone to repair the
roombas when they break down and someone to manage communication with me and the office
and do their best to convince them to continue to rent the roombas. As for hours of operation
and location once again these don't really apply to my business but in the event of needed to
talk to the school staff that would be an appointment they set after school and if one of the
roomba needs to be fixed the employee would be in charge of taking it home fixing it and giving
it back to the school. So based on what I told you about my employees and their roles one of
them would have the role Roomba repair technician and salesperson.

7. Marketing 4 pros and cons would be to start with the pro of having something to help clean
the school as this would help the janitors as instead of having to sweep the whole school to get
all of the small crumbs off of the ground they could focus on cleaning the bigger messes the
roomba cant clean the second pro is having something that can be used to remind students that
their classes started or relay further educational information to them as its common that people
in our school either arrive after the bell already rings or miss important announcements which is
why the roomba could be useful for that as it could relay that information once again so
everyone is kept up to date on knowledge. The third pro would be in terms of price while it isn't
small when compared to the various other things our school has that is well within budget so it
isn't that much money to rent. The last pro is that it can be used to confront students skipping
while not having to physically walk around. Due to the speaker I installed, it's possible to use the
roomba as a method to tell wandering students to get to class without physically having to get
up and go tell them. This would save a lot of time and energy as instead of having the school
staff patrolling the halls simply having the roombas would do the same job. Some cons are that
there's nothing guaranteeing that the roombas aren't destroyed over and over similar to the
washrooms as even though the person who destroys it always would get caught history of the
school has proven that doesn't stop others from also doing it as while this wouldn't completely
halt the business it could prove to be a bigger issue. Con would be in order to get the biggest
use out of the roombas you would need someone to monitor them and I'm aware that won't
always be possible. Its possible that if the school decided they liked my idea but would rather
purchase them for themselves they could simply buy the roombas themselves and have the
camera feature but it would also be missing the speaker features which would mean no relaying
announcements no confronting students and more missing things i have addressed. I have
already addressed why there is a need for the roomba at school but once again having the
roomba would reduce stress for staff, make things more convenient for them,relay information to
students, and clean the school I have already made arguments previously as for why these are
all important for the school so I wont again.The reason this is different then just buying a normal
roomba is that the service im offering is vastly different then what a normal roomba would get
you as the cleaning aspect is just one part of it i'm thinking bigger more in terms of something
that is multipurpose and no other roomba brand has done that.

Utilizing digital marketing strategies to reach I will inform the school so they know about it and
can use them to their advantage for their education. I could create a social media page and
perhaps attempt to expand to further schools using it as for jean most of the work I needed to do
to sell the idea was in person but once I establish a brand in jean I can branch out to further

9. In terms of ethical decisions related to my business the whole business is sort of based on
the idea of finding kids who are making bad ethical decisions and fixing them. In terms of
treating employees ethically I think ill be fine as they wouldn't need to do much work besides
their very basic jobs so from an ethical standpoint it would actually be hard to treat them badly.
The brand I'm buying the roombas from as I mentioned early are called ECOVACS and as its in
the name they are better for the environment than standard roombas.I think based off what I
have told you my business is quite ethical.
10. A way I could lose money is if the kids in the school started acting like normal kids since a
lot of the perks of having my roombas are that they allow you to deal with the kids easier but if
the kids started acting normally then that would get rid of a lot of the reasons to buy the
roombas.Another way to lose money is if the school finds another method to keep the students
in check like security guards, I know a couple of schools that have them and while they are
much more expensive than my service they are also more effective as students would be alot
more scared to skip or mess around if there were security guards in the school. If whatever
reason schools go back to being online oriented my entire business would fall apart at least at
jean as its depends on people going to school to work.

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