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A Research Proposal to the Faculty of Senior High School

St. Mary’s College of Tagum, Inc.
Tagum City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1
(Qualitative Research)



February 2022
Chapter 1


A task is an activity that allows us to evaluate a student's ability to think critically.

A piece of work that needs to be completed that includes a series of activities. Nowadays,

it is the most common occurrence. Students are the most affected by this, as they have

difficulties in dividing their time due to the constant availability of tasks. Despite the fact

that they set their own time management, it will be still difficult due to their planning

fallacy. Something that happens when people underestimate the time it will take to do a

task, even though they have done the work previously.

In Indonesia, the researchers observed that students with high self-efficacy are

more likely to figure harder on the tasks. After they are faced with challenging tasks,

students also tend to survive by continuing to do so. Students who believe they will

complete the tasks are more successful than students who believe they can't. Many

students' beliefs about self-efficacy managing their tasks can even have an emotional

impact on students by reducing their stress, anxiety, and depression (Fitriyana et al.,


In the Philippines, the sudden shift of traditional face-to-face classes to digital

learning impacted every student's self-efficacy and motivation towards their studies.

Students' mental wellness had been diminished because of the adjustment that they have

to do due to online learning. Also, it can increase their level of anxiety and depression.

Academic self-efficacy and academic motivation are crucial factors in gaining academic

achievement. Based on their findings, academic self-efficacy is related to academic

motivation and is essential for attaining academic achievement. Students with low self-

efficacy lack motivation to strive for academic achievements (Lopez et al., 2021).

By implementing the program Sulong Edukalidad, the Division of Davao

Occidental promotes the Department of Education's thrust of continuing education

despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Febbie Rose Bascon, a grade 8 student,

strives to keep up with her lessons despite the limitations she faces daily, just like any

other learner. She claims that technology and the internet help her understand her

lessons, find answers to her questions on Google, and watch tutorials on YouTube as she

can find explanations and discussions of these on the World Wide Web. Sulong

Edukalidad's main goal is to produce learners who think critically and use foundational

and specialized knowledge and skills to solve problems, issues, and challenges. To

accomplish this goal, the first core component of this endeavor is to review and update

the K-12 curricular so that they can be adapted to the needs of future learners. Given the

current state of science and technology, the department ensures that Filipino students

can keep up by updating the curriculum to include IT skills (Maturan, 2020).

This study should be conducted and the response is needed within the school year.

The reason for this urgent request is that the solution given by the study and the data of

the study has the capability to help student during this school year. This study shall be

done 1 and a half month before the end of classes announce by the Department of

Education. By following this time frame, the study can be used and be used by the student

in School year 2021-2022. The reason for the urgent response to the study is that the

main contributor of the study is student and also, the subject of the study is student.

Purpose of the Study

This descriptive phenomenological study will help Grade 11 students of St. Mary’s

College of Tagum, Inc to further expand their academic accomplishments. This study may

also improve student individuals' cognitive states of mind in terms of underestimating

task completion and planning. One of the main issues that students face nowadays is

academic demands, which can sometimes lead to problem behavior. At this stage of

research, planning fallacy is generally defined as a prediction phenomenon in which

people underestimate the time it will take to complete a future task that needs to be

researched on.

Research Questions

This research work sought answers to the following questions:

1. Why students struggle to accomplish their task?

2. What are the endeavors that students encountered in accomplishing the task?

3. How can a student accomplish their task with those said endeavors?

Theoretical Lens

According to Hitesh Bhasin’s achievement motivation theory (2018), individual

characteristics and experience are linked to a need for achievement and the competitive

urge to fulfill high standards of excellence. It also considers the level of competitive drive

a person has in order to reach established objectives. According to this theory, an

individual's motivation to achieve something in life, or the pressing need to achieve a

specific goal, is governed by a combination of internal factors such as willingness,

determination, punctuality, and personal drive, as well as a variety of external factors or

environmental factors such as pressures, expectations, targets, and other factors imposed

by relevant organizations, family members, or within the community.

This study is also stated by the motivation theory of Hagger (2018), which

procrastination is among the most commonly considered failures, with people deferring

tasks despite the fact that they expect to be worse off. Intention-action gaps, but not

intentions, are linked to procrastination. Procrastinators are vulnerable to temptation

proximity and the temporal separation between their intention and the planned act; the

wider the gap, the more vulnerable they are. Attention control, energy regulation, and

automaticity are the most significant self-regulatory skills in explaining procrastination.

Importance of the Study

This study has a great importance to the current community. The study can help

student to further expand their academic accomplishment. As Dr, Jose Rizal said

“kabataan pag-asa ng bayan” with this being said helping student solving their problem

could help the country. The main importance of the study is this study could improve the

quality of student in this country, creating mentally, emotional and physiologically

capable citizens. This study produces change in society and improvement in the


This study is useful to students in this paper because it allows them to plan and

control the amount of time they spend on specific tasks. Through this research, effective

time management allows them to focus their attention and stay on distraction, so they

can finish more time in less time. In addition, by using time efficiently, they can complete

their tasks on time, stay engaged in learning, spend time with sports, hobbies, youth

groups, friends and family, and more activities that are important. They also have the

advantage of having short-term and long-term goals.

In addition, this study will also help the participants who focused on this paper.

This study needs skills in differentiation, classification, categorization, organization, and

attributing creation. Soon, they become more effective in time management, requiring

them to analyze their workload, assign characteristics, and continue to focus on

productive endeavors. This allows them to prioritize and complete or accomplish the most

important tasks in a meaningful order.

Furthermore, this study might help the teachers in their difficulties. They believe

that completing one task at a time seems hectic and outrageous, but most of them have

multiple tasks to perform which leaves them more exhausted and frustrated and made

them multitask mundane phenomena and difficult to manage time. They can’t handle and

perform a single task at a time in an upland community. Technology has made life for

them easier, but managing all aspects of life particularly has been tougher.

This paper will be used as a reference for future researchers to search out ways

to enhance student time management in performing and accomplishing tasks. The way to

try this is to effectively organize and use time, like delegated tasks, prioritizing work,

creating schedules, and setting deadlines. It helps to reduce stress levels and increase

productivity both at work and at home. Time management skills take time to develop and

appearance is different from student to student.

Definition of Terms

To understand the nature of this study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Endeavor. An attempt to do something, particularly something new or difficult

(Macmillan Dictionary, 2017). In this study, this pertains to making an effort in

accomplishing the task given. It is to put forth effort in doing or achieving something. If

we are to succeed, we must always strive.

Accomplishing the Task. To achieve success in something, especially

something you've been attempting for a long time (Macmillan Dictionary, 2022). In this

study, this pertains to how we finish or achieve the given task. An accomplishment is

defined as something that was achieved with ability or experience. Getting all of your tasks

done for the day can help you have a good day, get you closer to your final goal, and

provide you with satisfaction.

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