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Elementary Wordlist Unit 12

Here is a list of useful or new words from Unit 12 of Navigate Elementary Coursebook. You can insert your own translation.
Words marked with a key ( ) all appear in the Oxford 3000.
adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb

acrobat  n  /ˈækrəbæt/ The acrobats were doing some amazing things.

action film  n  /ˈækʃn fɪlm/ I don’t like action films because they’re really boring.
album  n  /ˈælbəm/ She’s had a few successful albums.
animation  n  /ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn/ Shrek and Finding Nemo are two of my favourite animations.
ate (past simple of eat)  v  /et, eɪt/ I ate everything that was on my plate.
autistic  adj  /ɔːˈtɪstɪk/ Stephen Wiltshire is autistic and couldn’t speak until he was
band   n  /bænd/ I’ve always wanted to play in a band.
began (past simple of begin)   v  /bɪˈɡæn/ He began learning the piano two years later.
begun (past participle of begin)   v  I think they’ve already begun.
black and white  phr  /ˌblæk ən ˈwaɪt/ The film The Artist is black and white.
blind   adj  /blaɪnd/ Nobuyuki Tsjuii was born blind.
bought (past simple of buy)   v  /bɔːt/ I bought Nicki a present from the new shop in town.
broke (past simple of break)   v  /brəʊk/ It wasn’t me! He broke it.
broken (past participle of break)   v  She has broken her arm.
circus  n  /ˈsɜːkəs/ Have you ever been to a circus?
clap   v  /klæp/ When it finished, people stood up and clapped.
collection   n  /kəˈlekʃn/ Since I was a child, I’ve had a big music collection.
comedy   n  /ˈkɒmədi/ Everybody likes comedies.
concert   n  /ˈkɒnsət/ He gave his first big concert in Tokyo when he was 12 years old.
deaf   adj  /def/ She is deaf, but this hasn’t stopped her dream of dancing.
drama   n  /ˈdrɑːmə/ My favourite film is Titanic. It’s a drama, but also a love story.
drank (past simple of drink)   v  /dræŋk/ I drank the water slowly.
driven (past participle of drive)   v  /ˈdrɪvn/ We’ve driven over 250 kilometres today.
drove (past simple of drive)   v  /drəʊv/ Paul drove them home after the concert.
drum   n  /drʌm/ The teacher asked the class to ‘feel’ the sound of a drum
through their feet.
drunk (past participle of drink)   v  /drʌŋk/ They’ve drunk all the orange juice.
eaten (past participle of eat)   v  /ˈiːtn/ I’ve eaten too much!
experience   n  /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ This is a new experience for me.
favourite   adj  /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ My favourite film is Titanic.
future   n  /ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/ It’s a science-fiction film and it’s set in the future.
gallery  n  /ˈɡæləri/ He has his own art gallery in London.
gave (past simple of give)   v  /ɡeɪv/ I gave it to you yesterday.
given (past participle of give)   v  /ˈɡɪvn/ Have you given him the front door key?
gone (past participle of go)   v  /ɡɒn/ She’s already gone, I’m afraid.

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Elementary Wordlist Unit 12

grew (past simple of grow)   v  /ɡruː/ The tree grew too big, so we had to cut it down.
grown (past participle of grow)   v  /ɡrəʊn/ The children have grown so much!
hang on  phr v  /ˈhæŋ ɒn/ Hang on a minute, I’ll just get her.
heard (past participle of hear)   v  /hɜːd/ I’ve never heard of her.
helicopter  n  /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/ He spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter in the sky above the
horror film  n  /ˈhɒrə fɪlm/ I don’t like horror films because they’re scary.
illness   n  /ˈɪlnəs/ Tai Lihua couldn’t hear from the age of two after an illness.
independence   n  /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/ When India celebrated 50 years of independence, she sang her
own song and three million people watched her live.
instrument   n  /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ I’ve always wanted to play a musical instrument.
lesson   n  /ˈlesn/ I had dance lessons at school, but I wasn’t very good.
love story  n  /ˈlʌv ˌstɔːri/ It’s a drama, but also a love story.
met (past participle of meet)   v  /met/ I’ve never met a famous person.
music festival  n  /ˈmjuːzɪk ˌfestɪvl/ I usually go to two or three music festivals a year.
musical   n  /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ I’ve been to see all the big musicals – they’re fantastic.
opera  n  /ˈɒprə/ I sometimes go to the opera with my cousin.
painting lesson  n  /ˈpeɪntɪŋ ˌlesn/ I’ve had lots of drawing and painting lessons.
play   n  /pleɪ/ I love going to the theatre to see a play.
prefer   v  /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ I prefer comedies.
prize   n  /praɪz/ He won many prizes.
ran (past simple of run)   v  /ræn/ She ran a marathon.
romantic film  n  /rəʊˈmæntɪk fɪlm/ I prefer romantic films.
saw (past simple of see)   v  /sɔː/ I saw him outside the cinema yesterday afternoon.
scary   adj  /ˈskeəri/ Sometimes you don’t want to look because they’re scary.
science fiction film  n  /ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn fɪlm/ Avatar is a science fiction film.
seen (past participle of see)   v  /siːn/ I’ve already seen that film.
set (past participle of set)   v  /set/ It’s set in the future.
spoke (past simple of speak)   v  /spəʊk/ She spoke in a really quiet voice.
spoken (past participle of speak)   v  I’ve spoken to them about the noise.
stage   n  /steɪdʒ/ We sat very close to the stage.
star   v  /stɑː(r)/ It stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.
surprise   n  /səˈpraɪz/ It was the surprise success of 2012.
went (past simple of go)   v  /went/ He went there last week.
woke up (past simple of wake up)  phr v  My 18th birthday was on a Saturday and I was really excited
/wəʊk ˈʌp/ when I woke up.
woken (past participle of wake)   v  Have you ever woken up feeling hungry in the middle of the
/ˈwəʊkən/ night?
written (past participle of write)   v  /ˈrɪtn/ I’ve never written a comment on a website.
wrote (past simple of write)   v  /rəʊt/ I wrote a lot of emails yesterday.

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