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The Garden City

Linear City Proposal:

One proposal for Madrid is to develop a linear city that extends throughout the entire city.

The idea is to create a system of public transportation that connects different parts of the

city. Technological advances can be leveraged to ensure that the transportation system is

efficient and environmentally friendly.

To make this proposal a reality, building typologies will need to be transformed. Buildings will

need to be designed in a way that allows them to be easily connected to the transportation

system. The aim is to create a city that is easily accessible and convenient for all its


Garden City Proposal:

Ebenezer Howard proposed the idea of a garden city in the early 20th century. His idea was

to create a city that is self-contained, with its own green spaces and amenities. The proposal

had three attractors: the town, the country, and the town-country.

Inventing a New Approach: A new approach to city planning can be developed that considers

the city as a planetary system. This approach would take into account the

interconnectedness of different parts of the city, and how they affect one another. The aim is

to create a city that is sustainable and resilient.

English Neighbourhoods:

Another proposal for Madrid is to create English neighbourhoods. This idea involves

designing neighbourhoods that are self-contained, with their own amenities and green

spaces. The aim is to create a sense of community and to promote social interaction.
Garden City in America:

Radburn was a garden city that was invented in America. The city was designed in a way that

separated cars and pedestrians. Cars were located on the outside of the city, while

pedestrians were located on the inside. This design ensured that cars did not occupy too

much space in the city.

After the First World War:

After the First World War, the garden city became a popular concept. The aim was to create

cities that were self-contained and sustainable. This was in response to the increasing

industrialization and development that was taking place.

Reconstructing Berlin:

Berlin's Horseshoe Siedlung was reconstructed in an industrial way. The existing city was

transformed, and new neighbourhoods were created. The aim was to create a city that was

efficient and that catered to the needs of its residents.


Le Corbusier was a proponent of modernism. His aim was to increase the density of cities

while making them more efficient. His proposals involved creating large-scale buildings that

could house a large number of people.


There are many proposals for transforming Madrid's urban landscape. The aim is to create a

city that is sustainable, efficient, and that caters to the needs of its residents. By leveraging

technology, creating self-contained neighbourhoods, and developing a new approach to city

planning, Madrid can become a city that is truly world-class.

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