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In Mexico

All the information comes from this

SEP document, therefore some
charts may be in Spanish.
 In
this presentation will explore how
people with special needs in Mexico
conception has changed through time.
Prehispanic Mexico
 Nomads  survival of the fittest

 Sedentary
 Offered to the gods or revered as gods.
 Executed or abandoned
Colonial Mexico
 Many orphans and poor.

 Friarsthought: religion, first letters and

4 arithmetic operations.

 Customs Correction Department (1806).

Independient Mexico
 Morelos  Education for ALL.

 Little interest in education.

 President Benito Juárez  public, free
and secular education.
 1866 Ignacio Trigueros promotes the
founding of the Municipal School of
 1870 School for the Blind “Lic. Ignacio
Trigueros ”.
 “Porfirian peace” order, peace and

 Bases for public education.

 Congress of Hygiene and Pedagogy.

 1882 regulation for elementary schools.

 Menéndez de la Peña publishes Education
for Abnormal Childhood (1906).

 Regular children and children with

physical, intellectual or moral inferiority.

 5 categories of abnormal:
 Physical abnormal
 Sensory abnormalities
 Intellectual abnormals
 Nervous system abnormal (pathological)
 Pedagogical abnormalities
 In1908 Justo Sierra proposed education
in a differentiated center to normalize.

 1921First Mexican Children's Congress

 marked the beginning of Special
Education (SE) in Mexico. Promotes the
use of tests and multidisciplinary work

Aulas homogéneas (“normales”)

Anormales en sistema paralelo  medicopedagógico
 Departmentof Psychopedagogy and
Hygiene 1925  National Institute of

 1935Dr. Roberto Solís Quiroga

convinces of the need for a Pedagogical
Medical Institute
 1937 Behavior Clinic of Dr. Francisco

 1952 Ortolalia Clinic.

 1955 Institute for the Rehabilitation of

Blind and Visually Impaired Children.

 1959 SEP > Special Needs Office

 1948 Declaration of Human Rights

 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the


 1971Declaration of the Rights of the

Mentally Retarded
 Rehabilitativeand medical-therapeutic
model for the care of people with
disabilities and for children with
language and learning problems.

 UNESCO support  UNICEF

 Adoptionof the term Special Needs

 Start the path to integration.

 Tolerant coexistence.
 Pedagogical Psychogenetic Model for
the care of people with special
education requirements.
 Support teaching on student possibilities.

 Individualize education.

 Promote standardization.

 Integrate special education and regular


 3 principles:
 School integration
 Sectorization of services
 Individualization of teaching
 Educationalintegration model for the
care of people with special educational
needs with and without disabilities.
 Special Needs care involves:
 Provision of special means for access to
the curriculum
 Provision of a curriculum with adaptations
 Attention to the social structure and
emotional climate
 Inclusive education

A social model for caring for people who

face barriers to learning and
 Globalization
 Education as a knowledge base
 Knowledge as an information base
 Information as the basis of development

 Education for all

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