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Bixter ApS
ТеІ. +45 71 74 75 04
CVR-nr: 39438283

Contract of Traineeship

The parties
Name of company:
Name of trainee:
Dit Sm0rrebr0d v/Roald H0jvand Solberg
Nguyễn Trung Hiếu
Address: 0stre Strandvej 1, 9990 Skagen
Address: Quang Binh, Vietnam
Company registration по.:28163584
Personal registration по.: 27-08-2000
Telephone: 27 57 44 52
Place(-s) of work: Østre Strandvej 1, 9990

The traineeship is agreed оп the following conditions: (аІІ clauses must Ье filled іп)
This agreement is not covered Ьу апу collective agreement and the host family is not а member of
апу companies' association.

Job title/position: gastronomy and catering trainee

Duties and responsibilities include: receiving raw materials in order to assess their quality and inspect whether
the item and the price correspond to the order; prepare for use and store raw materials properly in accordance with
the law and the company's self-monitoring program; cook common hot, warm and cold dishes using raw ingredients
based on the right cooking methods; perform the work ergonomically and safely; guide guests with regard to menu,
wine, beverages and table setting taking into account different conditions {economy, health, season); create menu
composition and pricing; pass orders to qualified colleagues; Ье in charge of planning parties, meetings and
conferences - prepare buffet, restaurant; perform work based on high hygienic standards.

The traineeship shall commence оп (date): 15-04-2023

and is а fixed-term appointment and ends without further notice оп 18 months

The trainee is irrevocable for the agreed period of training
ТгіаІ period: (Tick off опе Ьох опІу)

� The first 1 months of the traineeship shall Ье а trial period іп which О days' notice to апу
date of а month сап Ье given Ьу either party.

D There shall Ье по trial period.

Training hours
Average weekly training hours shall Ье: 37

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