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A Guide To Using

Model 1502 Torqo

By Mesa Laboratories, Inc.

Overview 7
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 7
What’s Inside ............................................................................................................................. 7
About This Manual .................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1: Unpacking and Inspection......................................................................... 8
Chapter 2: System Power Up...................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3: Bottle and Cap Tooling............................................................................. 8
Chapter 4: Understanding the Control Panel .............................................................. 8
Chapter 5: Quick Start ................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 6: Test Modes................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 7: Programming a Removal Test .................................................................. 8
Chapter 8: Programming an Incremental Test............................................................ 9
Chapter 9: Programming a Bridge Test ...................................................................... 9
Chapter 10: Programming the Batch Mode ................................................................ 9
Chapter 11: Testing in Batch Mode............................................................................ 9
Chapter 12: Performing a Strip Torque Test .............................................................. 9
Chapter 13: Performing a Life Test............................................................................ 9
Chapter 14: Retesting a Sample.................................................................................. 9
Chapter 15: Logging Test Results .............................................................................. 9
Chapter 16: Transmitting Test Results ..................................................................... 10
Chapter 17: Using Machine Numbers ...................................................................... 10
Chapter 18: Clearing Memory.................................................................................. 10
Chapter 19: Using Lot Numbers............................................................................... 10
Chapter 20: Using Specification Limits ................................................................... 10
Chapter 21: Using the Torqo Printer ........................................................................ 10
Chapter 22: Setting the Date and Time..................................................................... 10
Chapter 23: Programming the Min Torque ............................................................. 10
Chapter 24: Gold Bottle Calibration Check.............................................................. 11
Chapter 25: System Calibration................................................................................ 11
Chapter 26: Child Resistant Cap Option .................................................................. 11
Chapter 27: Key lock Option.................................................................................... 11
Chapter 28: Multi Speed Option............................................................................... 11
Chapter 29: Error Messages ..................................................................................... 11
Chapter 30: Trouble Shooting .................................................................................. 11
Chapter 31: Maintenance and Cleaning.................................................................... 11
Conventions ............................................................................................................................. 12

Unpacking And Inspection 13

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 13
Unpacking and Inspection ....................................................................................................... 13
Checklist for Items supplied with the system .......................................................................... 14

System Power Up 16

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x i

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 16
Connecting the Drive Tower to the Readout ........................................................................... 16
Powering the Readout Instrument............................................................................................ 17
Powering the Drive Tower....................................................................................................... 17
Initializing The System............................................................................................................ 18
Powering the Optional Printer ................................................................................................. 19

Bottle and Cap Tooling 20

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 20
Installing Tooling For Holding The Bottle .............................................................................. 20
Installing Tooling For Griping The Cap .................................................................................. 21
About the 1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp ............................................................................... 22
Specifications ............................................................................................................ 22
1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp Nomenclature .......................................................... 22
Adjusting the 1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp.......................................................................... 23
About The 1614 Universal Vise .............................................................................................. 25
Specifications ............................................................................................................ 25
Vise Jaws For Rectangular Bottles ............................................................................ 26
Adjusting The 1614 Universal Vise......................................................................................... 26
About The Chuck Height Adjuster .......................................................................................... 27
Positioning The Chuck With The Height Adjuster .................................................................. 27

Understanding the Control Panel 28

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 28
Control Panel Nomenclature.................................................................................................... 28
Torque Display .......................................................................................................... 29
LED Indicators .......................................................................................................... 29
Blinking Metric LED................................................................................................. 30
Keypad ...................................................................................................................... 30

Quick Start 31
What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 31
Performing A Test ................................................................................................................... 31
Zeroing the Display ................................................................................................... 31

Test Modes 34
What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 34
Description Of The Testing Modes.......................................................................................... 34
Removal Torque Test Mode ...................................................................................... 35
Removal & Incremental Test Mode .......................................................................... 35
Removal & Bridge Test Mode................................................................................... 35
Reverse Ratchet Test Mode....................................................................................... 35
Batch Test Mode ....................................................................................................... 36
Selecting A Test Mode ............................................................................................................ 36
Can not Change Modes ............................................................................................. 36

Programming a Removal Test 38

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 38
Test Features............................................................................................................................ 38
Setting the Re-application Torque ........................................................................................... 39
Programming to Leave the Cap Loose..................................................................................... 39

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x ii

Programming an Incremental Test 41
What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 41
Test Features............................................................................................................................ 41
Programming the Degrees to Drive ......................................................................................... 42

Programming a Bridge Test 43

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 43
Test Features............................................................................................................................ 43
Programming the Degrees to Drive ......................................................................................... 44

Programming the Batch Mode 45

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 45
Test Features............................................................................................................................ 45
Selecting Batch Mode.............................................................................................................. 46
Programming the Number of Samples in a Batch.................................................................... 47
Retesting a Sample in Batch Mode.......................................................................................... 47
Programming a Skip in Batch Mode........................................................................................ 48
Erasing Data from Memory in Batch Mode............................................................................. 48

Testing in Batch Mode 49

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 49
Using Batch Mode ................................................................................................................... 49
Exiting Batch Mode................................................................................................................. 54
Starting a New Batch Project................................................................................................... 54

Performing a Strip Torque Test 55

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 55
Strip Torque Test Description.................................................................................................. 55
Programming a Strip Torque Test............................................................................................ 55

Performing a Life Test 57

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 57
Life Test Description ............................................................................................................... 57
Programming a Life Test ......................................................................................................... 57

Retesting a Sample 59
What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 59
Retesting a Sample .................................................................................................................. 59

Logging Test Results 60

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 60
Manually Saving Data ............................................................................................................. 60
Automatically Saving Data...................................................................................................... 61

Transmitting Test Results 62

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 62
Output Port .............................................................................................................................. 62
Connector Requirements.......................................................................................................... 62
Mating Connectors .................................................................................................... 62

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x iii

Pin Out....................................................................................................................... 63
Communication Protocol ......................................................................................................... 63
Data Format Information ......................................................................................................... 63
Transmitting Data Automatically ............................................................................................ 65
Transmitting End of Test Results Automatically ...................................................... 65
Transmitting and Saving Automatically.................................................................... 65
Transmitting Live Data to a PC................................................................................. 66
Transmitting Live Data to a PC and Saving .............................................................. 66
Transmitting Automatically in Batch Mode .............................................................. 67
Transmitting Manually ............................................................................................................ 67

Using Machine Numbers 68

What’s Inside ........................................................................................................................... 68
Machine Number Description.................................................................................................. 68
Entering Machine Numbers ..................................................................................................... 69
Inputting a Machine Number..................................................................................... 69
Printing a List of the Machine Numbers in use ......................................................... 70

Clearing Memory 71
What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 71
Erasing Data for a Specific Machine ....................................................................................... 71
Erasing all Memory ................................................................................................................. 71

Using Lot Numbers 72

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 72
Lot Number Description .......................................................................................................... 72
Entering a Lot Number ............................................................................................................ 73
Keying in the Lot Number......................................................................................... 73
Deleting a Lot Number.............................................................................................. 73

Using Specification Limits 74

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 74
Limits Description ................................................................................................................... 74
Entering High and Low Limits ................................................................................................ 75

Using The Torqo Printer 77

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 77
Print Features ........................................................................................................................... 77
Sample Printout ....................................................................................................................... 78
Printing Test Results................................................................................................................ 79
Printing the Current Machine Configuration ........................................................................... 79
Printing the Current Machines Report ..................................................................................... 81

Viewing Test Results 82

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 82
Viewing End of Test Results ................................................................................................... 82
View Summary Test Results.................................................................................................... 82
Standard Deviation Formula...................................................................................... 83

Setting the Date and Time 84

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x iv

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 84
Changing the Date and Time ................................................................................................... 84

Programming the Min Torque 86

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 86
Min Torque Description........................................................................................................... 86
Inputting a Min Torque............................................................................................................ 87

Gold Bottle Calibration Check 88

What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 88
Gold Bottle Description ........................................................................................................... 88
Using the Gold Bottle .............................................................................................................. 89

System Calibration 90
What's Inside............................................................................................................................ 90
General Calibration Information.............................................................................................. 90
Calibration Frequency ............................................................................................... 90
Required Calibration Equipment ............................................................................................. 90
Calibration Beam....................................................................................................... 91
Calibration Fixture .................................................................................................... 91
Calibration Weight Set .............................................................................................. 91
Calibration Weight Chart .......................................................................................... 92
Selecting a Calibration to be Used........................................................................................... 92
Performing a Calibration Verification ..................................................................................... 93
Installing the Calibration Fixture............................................................................... 93
Installing the Calibration Beam................................................................................. 94
Creating a Calibration Verification Chart.................................................................. 94
Calibration Verification Chart ................................................................................... 95
Performing a User Calibration ................................................................................................. 98
Calibration Methodology........................................................................................... 98
Entering the Calibration Mode .................................................................................. 98
Erasing all Previous User Calibrations ...................................................................... 99
Zeroing the Torqo in the Calibration Mode............................................................... 99
Entering Calibration Torques .................................................................................. 100
System Report ......................................................................................................... 105

Child Resistant Cap Option 107

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 107
About the Child Resistant Option .......................................................................................... 107
Connecting the Air Supply .................................................................................................... 107
Adjusting the Down Force..................................................................................................... 108
Down Force Mechanism Nomenclature ................................................................................ 109
Adjusting the Down Force Foot............................................................................................. 109
Operating the Child Resistant Mechanism............................................................................. 110

Key lock Option 111

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 111
Key lock Option Description ................................................................................................. 111
Using the Key lock Option .................................................................................................... 111

Multi-Speed Option 112

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x v

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 112
Multi-Speed Option Description............................................................................................ 112
Using the Multi-Speed Option............................................................................................... 113

Error Messages 114

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 114
Description of Error Messages .............................................................................................. 114

Trouble Shooting 118

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 118
Contacting Mesa Labs............................................................................................................ 118
Trouble Shooting the System................................................................................................. 118
Restoring the Factory Defaults .............................................................................................. 119
Performing a Soft Reset........................................................................................... 119
Re-initializing the System...................................................................................................... 119
Blinking LED's ........................................................................................................ 119
Performing a Hard Reset ......................................................................................... 119
Erratic System Behavior ........................................................................................................ 120
L's on the Display .................................................................................................... 120
Checking the Memory Chip .................................................................................... 120
Torqo Drive Problems ........................................................................................................... 121
Checking the Power................................................................................................. 121
Checking the Fuse ................................................................................................... 121
Checking the Drive Belt .......................................................................................... 122
Replacing the Belt ................................................................................................... 122
Determining the Belt Size...................................................................................................... 123
Checking the DC Power ........................................................................................................ 123
Checking for the Clock Pulses............................................................................................... 123

Maintenance and Cleaning 125

What's Inside.......................................................................................................................... 125
General Information............................................................................................................... 125
General Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 125
Cleaning the Tooling ............................................................................................................. 126

Glossary of Terms 127

Index 128

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Contents x vi



Mesa Labs is an industry leader in the manufacture of precision

torque measuring equipment. Over forty years of experience
in the torque-testing field is reflected in every automated
Mesa’s commitment to supplying state of the art products
has resulted in the development of the Torqo and its
patented measuring system.
The Model 1502 Torqo with minimal maintenance will
provide the user with years of trouble free service.

What’s Inside

This manual is designed to provide the user with a step-by-

step procedure from receipt of the system through operation,
maintenance and calibration.
In addition to this manual, a set of quick reference cards is
supplied with each Torqo.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 7

About This Manual

For convenience, this manual is divided into a number of

chapters. A brief description of each chapter follows.

Chapter 1: Unpacking and Inspection

This chapter is a guide to insure that the Torqo is received in
proper condition and that all necessary components have
been located.

Chapter 2: System Power Up

This chapter contains the required information for
electrically connecting the system components and then
powering up the system.

Chapter 3: Bottle and Cap Tooling

This chapter contains the required information for installing
and adjusting the tooling that will be used for testing.

Chapter 4: Understanding the Control Panel

This chapter describes the Front Panel Display, Indicator
LEDs and Keypad.

Chapter 5: Quick Start

This chapter contains a step-by-step procedure for
performing a test.

Chapter 6: Test Modes

This chapter describes the available test modes that can be
selected and a step-by-step procedure for selecting one.

Chapter 7: Programming a Removal Test

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to a
removal torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 8

Chapter 8: Programming an Incremental Test
This chapter describes the features that are applicable to an
Incremental torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Chapter 9: Programming a Bridge Test

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to a
Bridge torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Chapter 10: Programming the Batch Mode

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to the
Batch Mode and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Chapter 11: Testing in Batch Mode

This chapter provides a button-by-button, step-by-step
description of how to test in Batch Mode.

Chapter 12: Performing a Strip Torque Test

This chapter provides a button-by-button description of how
to program and run a strip torque test.

Chapter 13: Performing a Life Test

This chapter provides a description and step-by-step
procedure for programming and performing a life test.

Chapter 14: Retesting a Sample

This chapter describes the procedure for retesting a sample
and storing the test results in an existing file location.

Chapter 15: Logging Test Results

This chapter provides a description and the step-by-step
procedure for logging test results.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 9

Chapter 16: Transmitting Test Results
This chapter provides a description of the output port,
connector requirements, communication protocol and
procedure for transmitting test results both manually and

Chapter 17: Using Machine Numbers

This chapter describes the use of multiple machine numbers
for storing both test setups and test results in memory.

Chapter 18: Clearing Memory

This chapter describes in detail the procedure for erasing
data from memory.

Chapter 19: Using Lot Numbers

This chapter describes the procedure for inputting and
deleting lot numbers.

Chapter 20: Using Specification Limits

This chapter describes the procedure for inputting user
provided pass / fail limits.

Chapter 21: Using the Torqo Printer

This chapter describes the many features that the printer
provides and the print commands for using these features.

Chapter 22: Setting the Date and Time

This chapter describes the procedure for setting the date and

Chapter 23: Programming the Min Torque

This chapter provides a button-by-button procedure for
programming the min torque.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 10

Chapter 24: Gold Bottle Calibration Check
This chapter describes the Gold Bottle and the procedure for
using it to verify the calibration of the Torqo.

Chapter 25: System Calibration

This chapter is intended to acquaint the user with the
required Calibration Equipment, the Calibration Verification
Process, the Process for performing a User Calibration and
the procedure for Selecting the calibration to be used.

Chapter 26: Child Resistant Cap Option

This section is indented to acquaint the user with the
features and use of this option.

Chapter 27: Key lock Option

This chapter describes the features and use of the key lock

Chapter 28: Multi Speed Option

This chapter describes the use of the Multi Speed Option.

Chapter 29: Error Messages

This chapter describes the Error Messages that may be
displayed when programming and testing.

Chapter 30: Trouble Shooting

This chapter is provided to help the user solve some of the
minor problems that may occur with a Torqo.

Chapter 31: Maintenance and Cleaning

This chapter describes the recommended maintenance that
should be performed on the Torqo.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 11

The following conventions are used in this manual.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Overview x 12

Unpacking And Inspection

What’s Inside

This chapter provides the user with a checklist for the

receipt of a new Model 1502 Torqo.

Unpacking and Inspection

Your Torque meter was carefully inspected, both electrically

and mechanically before shipment. Upon receiving this
system, carefully unpack all items from the shipping
container and check for any signs of damage that may have
occurred during shipment.

Immediately report any shipping damage to the

shipping agent

Retain and use the original packing materials in case re-

shipment is necessary.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Unpacking And Inspection x 13

Checklist for Items supplied with the system

The following items are shipped with all Torqo's.

AC adaptor with attached cable and jack.

Input power cable for drive tower.

Interface cable for connecting the control instrument to the

drive tower.

Quick reference cards.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Unpacking And Inspection x 14

Operator's manual.
When calibration equipment is purchased with the system,
the certificates of calibration for the beam and weights are
included behind the front cover of the manual.

A Certificate of Calibration for your new Torqo is included

behind the front cover of the manual.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Unpacking And Inspection x 15

System Power Up

What’s Inside

This chapter contains the required information for powering

up the Model 1502 Torqo.

Connecting the Drive Tower to the Readout

Plug the Interface Cable into the socket, marked Drive,

on the rear panel of the control instrument, and then plug the
other end of the cable into the socket, marked Drive on the
rear panel of the drive tower.

This cable is not direction sensitive.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Power Up x 16

Powering the Readout Instrument

The Readout is energized by first inserting the Jack on the

end of the AC adaptor cable into the socket, marked Power,
on the rear panel of the instrument and then plugging the
transformer into an AC outlet.

Now by actuating the switch marked ON/OFF on this panel

the system will turn on.

The front panel torque display should now be lit.

Powering the Drive Tower

The drive is energized by first inserting the Input Power

Cable into the receptacle, marked AC INPUT, on the rear
panel of the drive tower and then plugging the other end of
the cable into an AC Outlet.

Now by actuating the switch on this panel the drive will be

on and ready for use.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Power Up x 17

The Torqo is supplied for use with 110 VAC 60 HZ.
Consult the factory or your local sales representative for
operation with other voltages.

The use of a surge protector with the Torqo is

recommended as a protective measure against
electrical noise.
It can also serve as a convenient way to turn the system on
and off with a single switch.

Initializing The System

This step is only necessary when the Torqo is

powered-up for the first time after shipment.

Now with the Torqo turned on press

[ Total ] then [ Mode ]
This will initialize the system in the factory default mode
and apply the factory default settings.

Now press
[ Total ] then [ Clear ]
This will clear all previously stored data from memory.

Completing the steps above will initialize the Torqo and

leave it in the Ready State.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Power Up x 18

Powering the Optional Printer

The printer should be powered up in accordance with the

manual that is supplied with the printer.

All Mesa supplied printers have been pre-tested with a

Torqo for functionality.

An interface cable for connecting the printer to the Torqo is

supplied when this option is purchased.

This cable should be attached to the printer and then

plugged into the connector marked RS-232 on the rear
panel of the instrument.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Power Up x 19

Bottle and Cap Tooling

What’s Inside

This chapter contains the required information for installing

and adjusting the tooling that will be used for holding the
bottle, griping the cap and positioning the chuck.

The tooling pictured here may not necessarily be the tooling

shipped with your system however the descriptions for
installing this tooling are still applicable for most other
tooling packages.

Installing Tooling For Holding The Bottle

All Mesa supplied tooling packages are designed

to be mounted on top of the Spindle Cap shown in
this picture.
Screws are provided for holding the tooling in place.

(Qty 2 x .250-20 x 1" Skt Hd Cap Screws)

(Wrench size 3/16 " Hex.)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 20

The Model 1506A Beverage Bottle clamp is secured to the
Torqo by carefully centering it on the shaft that protrudes
through the spindle cap and then installing and tightening
the Cap Screws that are supplied with the clamp.

The Model 1614 Universal Pin vise is secured to the Torqo

by carefully centering it on the shaft that protrudes through
the spindle cap and then installing and tightening the Cap
Screws that are supplied with the vise.

Installing Tooling For Griping The Cap

All Mesa supplied cap chucks are mounted on the drive

shaft by tightening a clamp collar on the top of the chuck.
(Wrench size 5/32" Hex)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 21

About the 1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp

The Model 1506A was designed as a quick acting universal

holding device that can be easily adjusted to accommodate
many different size bottles.


x Max Bottle Diameter: 6.5 inches

x Max Bottle Height: 13.5 inches
x Minimum Bottle Height: 4.0 inches

1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp Nomenclature

Height Adjusting
Lock Knob

Clamp Handle

Ring Support

Rubber Rubber
Clamp Pad
Ring A-21954

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 22

Adjusting the 1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp

This clamp is easily adjusted for a specific bottle size by

following the procedure described below.

Step 1:
Loosen the Height Adjusting Knobs and raise the Ring
Support Plate to a position greater than the height of the
bottle to be tested and slightly tighten one knob. Now place
the test sample on the base of the fixture.

Step 2:
Now loosen the knob, lower the Ring Support Plate to a
position slightly above the sample and slightly tighten one
knob again. Now engage the cap chuck to aid in centering
the bottle.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 23

Step 3:

Now with both height-adjusting knobs loose, lower the Ring

Support Plate until the Rubber Clamp Ring is resting on the
bottle. Raise the 2 Clamp Handles so that they are at an
angle of approximately 15° off horizontal and then tighten
both Knobs.


Step 4:

Push Clamp Handles down to secure a bottle and then raise,

to the latched position, for loading the next sample.

The clamping action should not distort the shape

of the bottle.
If this occurs, loosen the Height Adjusting Knobs
and reduce the 15° angle.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 24

About The 1614 Universal Vise

The Model 1614 Vise was designed as a universal holding

device that can be easily adjusted to accommodate both
round and square bottles.


x Min Bottle Diameter: .62 inches

x Max Bottle Diameter: 6.0 inches

Pin Positioning Chart

The chart below shows the diameter range for each pin

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 25

Vise Jaws For Rectangular Bottles

Special vise jaws are frequently supplied for rectangular and

unusual shaped bottles. These special jaws are required in
order to insure that the bottle is centered under the cap
See example below.

Adjusting The 1614 Universal Vise

When pins are used for clamping the test sample, the vise
should be tightened just enough to hold the bottle but not so
tight as to distort the shape of the bottle.

By noting the position of the handle crank and returning to

this position when changing samples, the user can rapidly
load and unload the vise.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 26

About The Chuck Height Adjuster

The Height Adjuster was designed to position the cap

chuck at a convenient height for loading and unloading test
samples while providing for the minimum amount of
vertical chuck motion for the operator.

Positioning The Chuck With The Height Adjuster

Loosen the Height Adjuster Thumb Screw and position the

cap chuck approximately 1" above the bottle cap when using
the 1506A beverage clamp or 1" above the position that
allows the test bottle to be loaded into the 1614 vise or other
tooling systems. (See picture below)


Now between tests just lift the cap chuck and let the
magnetic height adjuster hold it in position

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Bottle and Cap Tooling x 27

Understanding the Control Panel

What's Inside

This chapter contains a description of the Control Panel,

LED Indicators, Keyboard and how they function in the

Control Panel Nomenclature

The titles that are shown on the picture below will be used
throughout this manual.

Torque Display Keypad

LED Indicators

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Understanding the Control Panel x 28

Torque Display

This four-digit display is used to report test results and

provide a communication link between the user and the

LED Indicators

The six LED indicators on the control panel are used as

status indicators for the system.
At a glance the user can determine what test mode is
selected, what unit of measure is selected and whether or not
the system is ready to perform a test.
The Removal, Removal & Incremental, Removal & Bridge,
Batch and Reverse Ratchet LED's serve only one purpose
and that is to indicate what has been selected in the Current
Machine. (See Using Machine Numbers)

The Metric LED serves two purposes.

First it serves as an indicator when lit, that the unit of
measure is Metric not English.
Secondly it serves as an end of test status indicator.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Understanding the Control Panel x 29

Blinking Metric LED

This LED will blink when a test has been completed

indicating that the data that is currently displayed must
either be saved or discarded before another test can be
performed. (See Logging Test Results)


The Torqo keypad was designed with a two-color overlay to

make it as user friendly as possible.

It serves as the primary communication link between the

user and the system software.

The picture to the left shows the keypad with a typical three
function key high-lighted.

The number keys are used for inputting numerical values

when programming the Torqo.

The words printed in Black above the numbers are the

primary key functions and are used when the system is in the
Ready State.

The words printed in Red beneath the numbers are the

secondary key functions and are accessed by pressing the
[Mode] key first.

Do not use sharp objects to depress the keys on

the Keypad.
Damage to the Keypad will occur.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Understanding the Control Panel x 30

Quick Start

What’s Inside

This chapter contains a button-by-button, step-by-step

procedure to help the user become familiar with the
operation of the Torqo by actually performing a Removal
Torque Test.

Performing A Test

With the system turned on and initialized as described in the

System Power Up section of this manual the front panel
should appear as shown.
By default, the Removal Torque Test Mode will be selected.

The torque display should now read zero.

Zeroing the Display

If the display does not read zero, press [Clear] before

proceeding with this sample test sequence.

The display must never be zeroed when the cap

chuck is connected to a bottle in the holding
This action can result in an offset that will affect
the measurements.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Quick Start x 31

Now load the bottle to be tested into the holding fixture and
clamp the bottle in accordance with the procedure described
in the Bottle and Cap Tooling section of this manual.

Encage the cap chuck by gently pressing the drive extension

rod down until the chuck engages the cap.

Now press [Open]

Observe the display. The torque will increase until the

system detects that the cap has released. The drive will then
reverse and re-apply the cap to a preset torque value.

The re-application torque is normally set by the user and the

procedure for setting it is described in the section of this
manual titled Setting the Re-application Torque in the
chapter titled Programming a Removal Test.

The Re-application Torque used in this sample test was set

by default when the system was initialized. The chart below
shows the default values for the different size Torqo's.

Mdl # Max. Torque Application Torque

(In-lbs) (25%)
1502-10 10 2.50
1502-20 20 5.00
1502-30 30 7.50
1502-40 40 10.00
1502-50 50 12.50
1502-70 70 17.50
1502-100 100 25.00

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Quick Start x 32

After re-applying the cap, the drive will relax to zero and
the removal torque will be displayed. (See example)

Note the Orange Metric LED is Blinking. This indicates

that the test has been completed.
Before another test can be started the results of the last test
must either be discarded by pressing [Clear] or saved in
memory by pressing [Next].

For this Quick Start example press [Next] and this will save
the data in memory for printing in the next step.

Now press [Print] then [1], this will produce a hard copy of
the stored test results when a printer is connected to the

The Torqo is programmed to produce a number of different

printed reports, refer to the section titled Using the Torqo
Printer for more information on this subject.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Quick Start x 33

Test Modes

What’s Inside

This chapter contains a description of the test modes that can

be selected and a step-by-step procedure for selecting one.

Description Of The Testing Modes

Provisions have been made for a number of special test

modes in the standard Torqo.

x Removal Torque Test Mode

x Removal & Incremental Torque Test Mode
x Removal & Bridge Torque Test Mode
x Reverse Ratchet Torque Test Mode
x Batch Test Mode

A chapter is devoted to the programming of each of these

modes however a brief description of each of these modes
can be found below.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Test Modes x 34

Removal Torque Test Mode

This mode is used to measure the Removal Torque on

conventional threaded bottles and caps.
Rotating the cap in the counter-clockwise direction until the
cap releases performs the test.

Removal & Incremental Test Mode

This mode is used to measure the removal torque as well as

the Incremental Torque in a single test cycle.
Rotating the cap in the counter-clockwise direction until the
cap releases and then re-applying the cap to a position that is
6 degrees past the initial starting position performs this test.

Removal & Bridge Test Mode

This mode is used to measure the removal torque as well as

the Bridge Torque in a single test cycle.
Rotating the cap in the counter-clockwise direction until the
cap releases and then continuing to drive until the Bridges
on the tamper evident band are broken performs this test.

Reverse Ratchet Test Mode

This mode is used to measure the torque required to rotate a

child resistant closure in the free running state. (i.e. No
vertical down force)
This test is performed by rotating a child resistant cap in the
counter-clockwise direction for 2 complete revolutions
while looking for and storing the highest measured torque

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Test Modes x 35

Batch Test Mode

This test mode enables the user to keep track of the removal
torque measurements by capping head number.

Selecting A Test Mode

A test mode can be selected by following the procedure

described below.

Press [Mode]

At this time a Blinking LED on the front panel will indicate

the current mode of operation.
Now by continuing to press the [Mode] key the Blinking
LED will advance from one mode to another.
When the desired test mode is illuminated press the [Next]
key to terminate the selection process and return to the ready

Can not Change Modes

If the system does not accept the newly selected Mode the
following condition exists.
Data has already been stored in memory for this machine
number and therefore the mode can not be changed.
The Torqo software does not allow the user to
combine data from different types of tests in the
same data file. (i.e. Same Machine Number)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Test Modes x 36

There are two 2 remedies for this problem.

1. Clear memory for the current machine number.

(See Chapter 17: Clearing Memory)

2. Change machine number and then select the desired

mode. (See Chapter 18: Using Machine Numbers)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Test Modes x 37

Programming a Removal Test

What’s Inside

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to a

removal torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Test Features

This test is designed to measure the peak torque required to

rotate the cap in the counter-clockwise direction. At the
conclusion of the test the removal torque value will be
displayed and can be stored in memory.
The following features can be programmed as part of a
removal torque test.

1. Re-applying the cap to a specified torque after

measuring the removal torque.
( Setting the Re-Application Torque )

2. Driving the cap completely off after measuring the

removal torque.
( Programming to Leave the Cap Loose )

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming a Removal Test x 38

Remember to select the Removal Test Mode before
attempting to program the features for this test.

Setting the Re-application Torque

This is the torque that the cap will be re-applied to after the
Removal Torque Test has been performed.

Press [Set-TQ]
The current re-application torque value will be displayed.
Now key in the desired value and then press [Next] to
accept this value.
The cap will not be re-applied when zero is entered.

Programming to Leave the Cap Loose

This feature enables the system to drive the cap for a

programmed distance after a Removal Torque Test has been
By inputting a number in degrees that is equivalent to the
degrees required to remove the cap, will leave the cap ready
to be lifted off.

Press [Set-TQ]

The current re-application torque value will be displayed.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming a Removal Test x 39

Press [Clear]
The display will now read 00.00.
Press [Next]
The system is now programmed not to re-apply the cap.

Now Press [Mode] then [Deg]

The display will now show the currently programmed
distance in degrees to drive.
Key in the desired number of degrees and then press [Next]
to accept this value and [Next] again to return to the Ready

The [Set-Tq], Re-application Torque, is the torque

value that will be used by the system when the [Close]
button is depressed.
This feature enables the system to be used for applying caps
to a very precise torque value.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming a Removal Test x 40

Programming an Incremental Test

What’s Inside

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to an

Incremental torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Test Features

This test is designed to measure the peak torque required to

rotate the cap in the counter-clockwise direction and then re-
apply the cap to a position that is 6 degrees past the initial
starting position. Both the removal torque and the
incremental torque can be displayed and / or stored in
memory at the conclusion of a test.

The following features can be programmed as part of an

incremental torque test.

1. Re-apply the cap to a specified position.

( Programming the Degrees to Drive )

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming an Incremental Test x 41

Remember to select the Incremental Test Mode
before attempting to program the features for this

Programming the Degrees to Drive

This feature enables the system to re-apply the cap to a

specified position past the initial starting point by inputting
the degrees to drive.

Now Press [Mode] then [Deg]

The display will now show the currently programmed
distance in degrees to drive.

Remember the industry standard for the

Incremental test is 6°.

Now key in the desired number of degrees and then press

[Next] to accept this value and [Next] again to return to the
ready to test state.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming an Incremental Test x 42

Programming a Bridge Test

What’s Inside

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to a

Bridge torque test and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Test Features

This test is designed to measure the peak torque required to

rotate the cap in the counter-clockwise direction and then
continue to drive until the bridges on the tamper evident
band break. Both the removal torque and the bridge torque
can be displayed at the conclusion of a test.
The following features can be programmed as part of a
bridge torque test.

1. Distance to drive in order to break the bridges.

( Programming the Degrees to Drive )

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming a Bridge Test x 43

Remember to select the Bridge Torque Test Mode
before attempting to program the features for this

Programming the Degrees to Drive

This feature enables the system to drive a specified distance

after the removal torque measurement in order to perform
the bridge torque measurement.

Press [Mode] then [Deg]

The display will now show the currently programmed
distance in degrees to drive. (The default value is 270°.)
Now key in the desired number of degrees and then press
[Next] to accept this value and [Next] again to return to the
ready to test state.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming a Bridge Test x 44

Programming the Batch Mode

What’s Inside

This chapter describes the features that are applicable to the

Batch Mode and a button-by-button procedure for
programming these features.

Test Features

This test mode enables the user to store the measurements

from a series of removal torque tests by capping head
number and produce statistical reports for evaluating the
performance of each capping head

The Torqo relies on the user to test the samples in

the proper order. (i.e. Head 1, Head 2, Head 3, etc.)

1. Programming the number of samples in a batch.

(i.e. Number of capping heads)
2. Retesting a sample.
3. Programming a skip.
4. Erasing the data from memory.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Batch Mode x 45

Selecting Batch Mode

The following button-by-button procedure is used for

selecting the Batch mode.

Press [Mode] then [Batch] then [Next].

The Torqo is now in Batch Mode and the Removal LED and
the Batch LED on the Control Panel will be lit.

When Batch Mode is selected the machine number

will be set to Zero. This is the only number that can
be used for this mode and therefore only one
batch mode can be programmed in the system.

For further explanation of machine numbers refer to the

section of this manual titled Using Machine Numbers.

Remember to select the Batch Test Mode before

attempting to program the features for this test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Batch Mode x 46

Programming the Number of Samples in a Batch

This feature enables the user to input the number of samples

(i.e. Capping Heads) in a batch.

Press [Mode] then [Batch].

The display will now show the default number 10.

Press [Clear] and then key in the desired number and then
press [Next] to accept this number and return to the Ready

Retesting a Sample in Batch Mode

This feature enables the user to replace a sample in memory

that has been tested incorrectly.

Remember if a value needs to be corrected, it must

be done before the next batch is started.

Press [Count]
This will display the total count in the current batch.
Now press [Batch] and then enter the number of the sample
to be rerun and then press [Next].

To exit this feature, once commenced, without performing a

retest press [Clear] then [Next].

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Batch Mode x 47

Programming a Skip in Batch Mode

This feature enables the user to skip a sample when testing

in the batch mode.
Press [Count]
This will display the sample number of the last sample that
was tested.
Now press [Batch] and then enter the number of the sample
to be skipped and then press [Next].

Example: If sample 3 has a damaged cap then after

testing sample 2 it may be desirable to skip 3 and
go to sample 4.
Press [Count] then [Batch] then [3] then [Next] and
then [Open] to skip sample 3 and test sample 4.

To exit this feature, once commenced, without performing a

skip press [Clear] then [Next].

Erasing Data from Memory in Batch Mode

The following procedure enables the user to erase only the

data in the Batch Mode memory.

Press [Mach]
This will display the current machine number, which is
always Zero when in Batch Mode.
Now press [Display] to erase the data.

To exit after pressing [Mach] without erasing memory press


A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Batch Mode x 48

Testing in Batch Mode

What’s Inside

This chapter provides a button-by-button, step-by-step

description of how to test in Batch Mode.
For purposes of explanation, the following example will be
This example is designed to simulate an hourly testing
schedule from a 4 head capper. (i.e. Test 1 bottle per head
per hour.)

Using Batch Mode

Now with the system in the Removal Test Mode,

Press [Mode] then [Batch] then [Next].
The Torqo is now in Batch Mode and in the Ready State.
However before the testing process can begin, the size of the
batch (i.e. Number of Capping Heads) must be entered.
Press [Mode] then [Batch] then [Clear] then [4] for the
number of capping heads in this example and then [Next].
The number 4 will now remain in memory until changed.
Now press [Mode] then [Batch] then [Next] to start the
batch and store the current time as the name for the first

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 49

Now test the first 4 samples in numerical order (i.e. Head #
1, 2, 3 and 4) and save the data at the conclusion of each test
by pressing [Next].
When all four samples have been tested and the results
saved, the Batch LED will blink indicating that the batch is

The software will not permit a new batch to be

started until the current batch is complete.
If [Mode] [Batch] Next] is pressed the Error Message
[E18] will be displayed.
[E18] = Current Batch not complete

When the Batch LED is blinking, the software will

not permit the testing of another sample.

At this time it is advisable to print the test results for the

current Batch and check for mistakes or out of specification
results. Press [Print] then [Batch] to print the report as
shown below.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 08:05
Units: lb-in
Batch Machine:
Current Batch
Batch started: 08:00
Head 1: 10.14
Head 2: 10.11
Head 3: 09.57
Head 4: 09.86

<<<<<<< End of Data>>>>>>>

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 50

If a value is found that needs to be corrected, it must be
corrected before the next batch is started.
The procedure for this is described in the previous chapter
under the heading of Retesting a Sample in Batch
To commence the next batch press [Mode] then [Batch]
then [Next] and once again the current time will be used to
name the new batch.
Now test the next four samples making sure to maintain the
1,2,3,4 order.
Once again print and check the results before continuing.
Observe the Batch Start time, it has now changed from
08:00 to 09:00.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 09:05
Units: lb-in
Batch Machine:
Current Batch
Batch started: 09:00
Head 1: 10.20
Head 2: 10.15
Head 3: 09.77
Head 4: 09.94

<<<<<<< End of Data>>>>>>>

Now repeat the above-described process for the 10:00, 11:00

and 12:00 o'clock tests.
Five batches with four samples per batch will now be stored
in memory.

The following reports are available for analyzing the

performance of the four capping heads.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 51

[Print] then [1] = Prints data only.
[Print] then [2] = Prints data with summary.
[Print] then [3] = Prints data with summary and graphs.
[Print] then [4] = Prints summary only.
[Print] then [5] = Prints summary with graphs.
[Print] then [6] = Prints graphs only.
[Print] then [7] = Prints grand summary of all batches
and all heads.
[Total] then [Print] then [Batch] = Prints a list of all

For the current example press [Print] then [2], this will
produce the example shown below.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in
Batch Machine:
Batch Mode
5 batches, 4 heads per batch

======= ( test type ) =======

Removal torque

Head # 1
08:00 : 10.14
09:00 : 10.20
10:00 : 10.32
11:00 : 10.08
12:00 : 10.47

Low: 10.08
Average: 10.24
High: 10.47
Std dev: 00.16
Range: 00.39

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 52

Head # 2
08:00 : 10.11
09:00 : 10.15
10:00 : 10.30
11:00 : 10.08
12:00 : 10.46

Low: 10.08
Average: 10.22
High: 10.46
Std dev: 00.16
Range: 00.38

Head # 3
08:00 : 09.57
09:00 : 09.77
10:00 : 10.06
11:00 : 10.08
12:00 : 09.96

Low: 09.57
Average: 09.88
High: 10.08
Std dev: 00.22
Range: 00.51

Head # 4
08:00 : 09.86
09:00 : 09.94
10:00 : 10.22
11:00 : 09.96
12:00 : 10.16

Low: 09.86
Average: 10.02
High: 10.22
Std dev: 00.15
Range: 00.36

<<<<<<< End of Data >>>>>>>

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 53

Exiting Batch Mode

Batch Mode maybe exited and returned to at anytime.

The software will retain the current position in a

batch when exiting and returning.
For instance, if batch mode is exited after testing 2 samples
in a batch of four and then returned to, the software will
return the system to the ready to test state for sample 3.

To exit Batch Mode press [Mach]

This will display the current machine number, which is
always Zero, when in Batch Mode.
Now press [1] then [Next] to exit and return to machine
number 1.
To return to the Batch Mode press [Mode] then [Batch]
then [Next].

Starting a New Batch Project

To exit the current Batch Mode Project and start another, the
data stored in memory for the first project must be erased.

Press [Mach]
This will display the current machine number, which is
always Zero, when in Batch Mode.
Now press [Display] to clear the data from memory.

Now follow the procedure described at the beginning of this

chapter to start a new batch.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Testing in Batch Mode x 54

Performing a Strip Torque Test

What's Inside

This chapter provides a description and the step-by-step

procedure for performing a Strip Torque Test.

Strip Torque Test Description

This test is designed to measure the torque required to strip

the threats in a closure system.
The test is performed by driving the cap in the close
direction until the threats in the cap or on the bottle fail.

Programming a Strip Torque Test

The following procedure will program and then perform the


The Torqo must be in the Removal Mode in order

to program and run a Strip Torque Test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Performing a Strip Torque Test x 55

Press [Set Tq] and then input the maximum torque capacity
of the Torqo and then press [Next].

The torque capacity of the system can be found as

part of the Model Number on the system label.
(i.e. Mdl 1502-30 has a capacity of 30 in-lbs)

The Torqo is now programmed to perform a Strip Torque


Place the sample to be tested into the bottle holding tooling,

engage the cap chuck and press [Close].
The drive will now rotate the cap until the threads yield or
the capacity of the system is reached. If the threats yield, the
torque at the yield point will be displayed at the end of the
test cycle. If the capacity of the system is reached before the
threats yield, the Torqo will display the error message E 2.

The error message E 2 is displayed whenever the

maximum capacity of the system is reached.
(For more information on error messages please refer to the
chapter titled Error Messages.)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Performing a Strip Torque Test x 56

Performing a Life Test

What's Inside

This chapter provides a description and the step-by-step

procedure for programming and performing a life test.

Life Test Description

A life test will continuously test a sample for a

programmable number of repetitions.
The test is performed by first performing a removal
measurement and then re-applying the cap to a user
programmable torque value.

Programming a Life Test

The following procedure will program and then perform the


The Torqo must be in the Removal Mode in order

to program and run a Life Test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Performing a Life Test x 57

With Removal Mode selected, program the application
torque by pressing [Set-TQ] and then keying in the desired
value. Press [Next] to terminate the selecting process.

Place the sample to be tested into the bottle holding tooling

and engage the cap chuck.

Now press [Mode] then [Display].

The default value of 100 will be displayed.
Press [Clear] and key in the desired number.
Now when [Next] is pressed to accept this number the test
will commence and execute the programmed number of

The test result from each test can be stored in memory by

using the features described in the chapter titled Logging
Test Results.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Performing a Life Test x 58

Retesting a Sample

What's Inside

This chapter provides a step-by-step procedure for retesting

a sample in a data file.

Retesting a Sample

Retesting a sample is primarily used when the operator

discovers an obvious problem that may have influenced the
results of a test after the results have been stored in memory.
To replace this sample in memory, press [Count], then
[Batch], then enter the number of the sample to be replaced
and press [Next].
Now test the replacement sample.
The results from this test will replace the old results when
the [Next] key is pressed.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Retesting a Sample x 59

Logging Test Results

What’s Inside

This chapter provides a description and the step-by-step

procedure for logging test results.

Manually Saving Data

At the conclusion of a test the torque read out will display

the measured torque.

The Orange Metric LED will blink indicating that

the test is complete. At this time, the test results
must either be saved or discarded.

Press [Next] to save a measurement or [Clear] to discard it.

The Orange Metric LED will now stop blinking.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Logging Test Results x 60

Automatically Saving Data

The Torqo can be programmed to automatically save test

results at the end of a test.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 1 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.

The Torqo will now automatically save the test results at the
conclusion of a test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Logging Test Results x 61

Transmitting Test Results

What’s Inside

This chapter provides a description of the output port,

connector requirements, communication protocol and
procedure for transmitting test results automatically.

Output Port

The Torqo is supplied with an RS-232 serial communication

port for connecting to a printer or personnel computer.

Connector Requirements

The connector is a female, 9 pin Sub-D style (AMP #


Mating Connectors

Amphenol = 17-301-1
3M = 8209-6060
Amp = 745203-3

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 62

Pin Out
01 = GND (Safety)
02 = XMIT
03 = RCV
05 = GND

Communication Protocol

Data is transmitted in normal ASCII format with the

following specifications.
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: No
Xon / Xoff: Yes

Data Format Information

When transmitting test results the following data strings are

used for the different test modes.

Removal Torque

Date_Time_Units_Torque_Test Type_<CR><LF>

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 63

Incremental Torque

Date_Time_Units_Removal Torque_Test Type_Incremental


Bridge Torque

Date_Time_Units_Removal Torque_Test Type_Bridge


Reverse Ratchet Torque

Date_Time_Units_Torque_Test Type_<CR><LF>

Batch Mode With Head Number

Head No._Units_Torque_Test Type_<CR><LF>

Head 1_lb-in_10.80_removal_<CR><LF>

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 64

Transmitting Data Automatically

The Torqo can be programmed to automatically transmit test

results at the end of a test or live data during the testing

Transmitting End of Test Results Automatically

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 2 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now automatically transmit the test results at
the conclusion of a test.

Transmitting and Saving Automatically

This feature provides for the transmission of the end of test

results while also saving the data in Torqo memory.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 3 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now automatically transmit and save the test
results at the conclusion of a test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 65

Transmitting Live Data to a PC

This feature requires Mesa's PC software to

receive the data into the PC.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 4 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now automatically transmit the measured
torque as the test is being performed.

Transmitting Live Data to a PC and Saving

This feature will transmit live data to a PC and save the end
of test results in Torqo memory.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 5 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now automatically transmit the measured
torque as the test is being performed and then save the end
of test results in the Torqo memory.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 66

Transmitting Automatically in Batch Mode

This feature will automatically transmit the end of test

results with the capping head number.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 6 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now automatically transmit as described

Transmitting Manually

This feature will transmit the end of test results when the
[Next] key is pressed.

Press [Mode] then [Xmit]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default state is 0.

Continue to press [Xmit] until the display reads 7 and then

press [Next] to complete the selection process.
The Torqo will now transmit as described above.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Transmitting Test Results x 67

Using Machine Numbers

What’s Inside

This chapter describes the use of multiple machine numbers

for storing both test setups and test results in memory.
This feature enables the Torqo to serve multiple operators or
multiple packaging lines.

Machine Number Description

A machine number is a user-defined number for a test setup

and data storage file. Any number from 1 to 9999 maybe
This number appears in the header section of all printed
reports. (See sample below)

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 09:05
Units: lb-in
Machine #: 1

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Machine Numbers x 68

Entering Machine Numbers

The default machine number is 0001. All setup features and

all test results will be stored with this machine number until
a different number is assigned.

Inputting a Machine Number

Press [Mach]
The current machine number will be displayed.
Now key in the desired number and press [Next].
The newly entered number is now the current machine and
any new setup features will be stored with this number as
well as any measurements that are performed and
subsequently saved.

If a Gold Bottle is frequently used to insure the

calibration of the Torqo, assigning a machine
number for this purpose can both save time and
avoid setup errors.

Select a number and then input the setup features for testing
a Gold Bottle as described in the chapter titled Gold Bottle
Calibration Check.
Now just select the assigned number when testing the Gold

By simply changing machine number data can be stored in

different files.

The Torqo can store up to 9 different machine numbers.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Machine Numbers x 69

Erasing Both the Data and the Machine Number

This feature enables the user to remove from memory all

that is associated with a specific machine number as well as
the number.

Press [Total] then [Mach] then [Display]

Printing a List of the Machine Numbers in use

Press [Print] then [Mach]

A list of the currently used numbers will now be printed.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Machine Numbers x 70

Clearing Memory

What's Inside

This chapter describes the procedure for erasing data for a

specific machine number and erasing all memory.

Erasing Data for a Specific Machine

This feature enables the user to erase the stored test results
for a specific machine number without affecting the setup
features or any information that is stored under other
machine numbers.

Press [Mach]
This will display the currently selected machine number. If
this is not the machine number for the data that is to be
erased, enter the desired number and then press [Display].
The data will be erased but the machine number with its
setup features will remain in memory.

Erasing all Memory

This feature enables the user to clear all memory.

All data, setup information and machine numbers will be
erased by this procedure.
Press [Total] then [Clear]

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Clearing Memory x 71

Using Lot Numbers

What's Inside

This chapter provides a button-by-button description of the

procedure for inputting and deleting lot numbers.

Lot Number Description

A lot number is a user-entered number for the identification

of the test results. A number with 4, 8 or 12 digits can be
This number appears in the header section of all printed
reports. (See sample below)

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 09:05
Lot number: 123456789123
Units: lb-in
Machine #: 1

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Lot Numbers x 72

Entering a Lot Number

The default state of the machine does not have a lot number
programmed. A lot number can be entered for each machine
number and it will be reported on all printouts for that
machine number until the programmed number is deleted.

Keying in the Lot Number

Press [Mode] then [Lot]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on

the display. The default value is 0000. Now enter the first
four digits of the desired number. If only four digits are to be
used press [Next] twice to return to the Ready State,
however if four more digits are required press [Display]
and then enter the next four digits. Press [Display] again if
four more digits are to be entered or [Next] twice to
terminate the programming process.

Deleting a Lot Number

Using the procedure described above, replace all digits with

the number 0 and then press the [Next] key twice to delete
the lot number and return to the ready state.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Lot Numbers x 73

Using Specification Limits

What's Inside

This chapter provides a button-by-button procedure for

inputting user provided pass / fail specifications.

Limits Description

Both high and low limits can be programmed into the Torqo
for indicating the acceptability of the samples being tested.
Limits can be inputted for all testing modes and all machine
When a failure is detected, the torque display will blink the
measured value instead of a continuous display.
A failure will be printed in red and a left arrow (<) will
appear in the margin adjacent to the failed data.

Both the Test Mode and the Machine Number must

be selected before entering Limits.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Specification Limits x 74

Entering High and Low Limits

For this example the Torqo will be programmed with limits

for a Removal and Bridge Torque Test.

First the system must be in the Removal Mode to program

the limits for the removal portion of the test and then
changed to Removal and Bridge Mode to program the limits
for the bridge portion of the test.

When the system is in the Removal Test mode the front

panel will appear as shown with the Removal LED lit.

Now press [Mode] then [Limits]

The torque display will now flash an L and then an H
indicating that either the [Low] or [High] key must be
When a selection is made the currently programmed limit
will be displayed.
The default state of the machine sets the low limit to zero
and the high limit to the maximum torque capacity of the

For this example press [High].

Now press [Clear] and then enter the desired high limit and
then press [Next] twice to enter this value.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Specification Limits x 75

Now repeat the above procedure to input the low limit. Press
[Mode], then [Limits], then [Low], then [Clear], then
enter the desired value and press [Next] twice.

To program the limits for the Bridge portion of this test the
test mode must be changed to Removal and Bridge and the
front panel will appear as shown with the Bridge LED lit.

(See Selecting a Test Mode.)

Now repeat the procedure used above for programming the

high and low limits for the removal test.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using Specification Limits x 76

Using The Torqo Printer

What's Inside

This describes chapter describes the many features that the

printer provides and the print commands for using these

Print Features

The following list of printed reports can be obtained from

the Torqo.

x Header Information
x Numerical Test Data
x Summary Data
x Graphical Data
X - Charts
R – Charts
x Current Machine Configuration
x List of Currently Used Machine Numbers
x Configuration and Calibration Data

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using The Torqo Printer x 77

Sample Printout

The sample Printout below depicts the major features of a

printed report.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Header Units: lb-in
Machine #: 1

======= ( test type ) =======

Removal torque
Samples 4
Sample 1: 09.78
Data Sample 2: 11.92
Sample 3: 08.76
Sample 4: 08.26
Low: 08.26
Average: 09.68
Summary High: 11.92
Std dev: 01.40
Range: 03.66

X-CHART – open
Group size: 1 ( 4 Samples)
Min:08.00 Avg:09.68 Max:12.00

0 Sub-group number 20
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2

08.00 12.00

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using The Torqo Printer x 78

Printing Test Results

The Header shown in the sample printout is always printed

as a means of identifying when and where the report was
The following list of Print Commands enables the user to
select the Report that best suits the application.
To commence the printing process, press [Print] and then
observe the Torque Display. The display will now scroll
from 1 to 9 indicating that a second key must be selected in
order to print.

Press [Print] then [1] for Data only.

Press [Print] then [2] for Data with Summary.
Press [Print] then [3] for Data with Summary and Graph.
Press [Print] then [4] for Summary only.
Press [Print] then [5] for Summary and Graph.
Press [Print] then [6] for Graph only.
Press [Print] then [7] for Grand Summary in Batch Mode.

Printing the Current Machine Configuration

The Machine Configuration Report contains all the setup

features that have been programmed for the current machine.

It is a good idea to print and save a hard copy of all

setups for operator reference.
Printing the setup and comparing it with a saved
reference copy at the start of a shift can avoid
unnecessary problems.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using The Torqo Printer x 79

Press [Mach] then [Print].

The printer will now produce a Machine Configuration

Report similar to the sample shown below.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in
Machine #: 1

REMOVAL torque

Low Limit: 00.00 lb-in
High Limit: 30.00 lb-in
Count: 50
Min TQ: 010.0 %
Minimum torque: 03.00 lb-in
SetTQ: 07.50 lb-in

The sample report above indicates that the current Machine

Number [# 1] is setup to perform a Removal Torque
The test results will be displayed in English Units of
measure rather than Metric.
The test results will be Manually Logged. ( i.e. The test
results will be saved in memory by pressing the next key at
the end of a test.)
The Low Limit for acceptance testing is 00.00 lb-in and
the High Limit is 30.00 lb-in.
The Count (i.e. PK-Cnt) is set to 50. This is the default
value for the removal mode and should not be changed.
The Minimum Torque is set at 10%, which is 03.00 lb-
in for the current example.
The Re-application torque (Set-TQ) is set at 07.50 lb-in.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using The Torqo Printer x 80

Printing the Current Machines Report

This feature enables the user to obtain a list of the currently

programmed machine numbers.

Press [Mach] then [Print].

The printer will now produce a Machine Configuration

Report similar to the sample shown below.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in
Machine Numbers:

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Using The Torqo Printer x 81

Viewing Test Results

What's Inside

This chapter describes the features that are provided for

viewing the end of test results and the summary test results.

Viewing End of Test Results

At the conclusion of a Removal Torque test the measured

Torque will automatically be displayed, however when a
Removal & Incremental or Removal & Bridge Test is
performed there are two measurements to be displayed.
Once again the Removal Torque will be displayed
automatically and to view the second measurement the user
must press [Display]. The display key can be used to toggle
between the two values.

View Summary Test Results

The summary data can be viewed when the system is in the

Ready State by pressing the appropriate key. In a Mode
where two tests are performed, the selected key will act as a
toggle in the same fashion as the Display key in Viewing
End of Test Results.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Viewing Test Results x 82

Press [Low] to view the lowest Removal Torque value for
the current machine.

Press [Avg] to view the average Removal Torque value for

the current machine.

Press [High] to view the highest Removal Torque value for

the current machine.

Press [Range] to view the range of the Removal Torque for

the current machine.

Press [Std-Dev] to view the Standard Deviation value for

the current machine.
The following formula is used to compute the standard

Standard Deviation Formula

This formula computes the mean value (μ) and the

standard deviation (x) of the measured values (xi) for n

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Viewing Test Results x 83

Setting the Date and Time

What's Inside

This chapter describes the step-by-step procedure for

changing the date and time.

Changing the Date and Time

The date and time are printed as part of the Header in all
reports and therefore it is important to have it correct.

Press [Mode] then [Time]

Key in the month and then press [Next].

Key in the day and then press [Next].

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Setting the Date and Time x 84
Key in the year and then press [Next].

Key in the hour and then press [Next].

Key in the minute and then press [Next] twice.

The Setting Procedure is now complete and the software has

returned the system to the Ready State.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Setting the Date and Time x 85
Programming the Min Torque

What's Inside

This chapter contains a description of the Min Torque and a

button-by-button procedure for programming the Min

Min Torque Description

The Min Torque is a value of torque that must be reached

during a test in order for the system to consider the torque
reading valid.
This feature is provided as a method of preventing the
system from recording an erroneous torque during a removal
torque test.
Erroneous torques can be generated from slippage in the
tooling due to the mechanical tolerances of the test sample
and from improper use of the Torqo.
This value is programmed as a percent of the full-scale
torque of the system.
The default value for min torque is 10% of full-scale torque.
10% was selected as a reasonable value because most
measuring devices should not be used consistently in the
bottom 10% of their range. However the torqo, unlike
analog systems, does not lose its accuracy at the low end of
its range and therefore with proper attention to the cap and
bottle tooling measurements can be made below 10%.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Min Torque x 86

During the testing process, the Torqo looks for a torque that
is greater than the Min Torque.
The system will drive 180° in search of this value.
If a value greater than Min Torque is not found then the
error message E 3 will be displayed.

Inputting a Min Torque

The Min Torque can be changed by the following procedure.

Press [Mode] then [Min-TQ]

The current status of this feature will now be indicated on
the display. The default value is 010.0.
Key in the desired value and press [Next] twice to accept
the entry and return to the Ready State.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Programming the Min Torque x 87

Gold Bottle Calibration Check

What's Inside

This chapter describes the Gold Bottle and the procedure for
using it to verify the calibration of the Torqo.

Gold Bottle Description

The Model 1612 Gold Bottle is used to quickly verify the

calibration and operational repeatability of the Model 1502
series torqo's. This bottle is pre-set at the factory to a
customer specified torque value.
Each Gold Bottle is labeled with its exact torque rating.
Since the cap torque of this bottle is the torque produced by
a permanent magnet assembly, the value will always be the
same. Therefore when tested on the Torqo, the measured
value should always repeat unless something has been
The bottle is normally supplied with the customers cap so
that the customers Torqo Cap Chuck can be used in the
testing process.

These Gold Bottles are readily available and their torque can
be certified on an annual basis.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Gold Bottle Calibration Check x 88

Using the Gold Bottle

The Gold Bottle must be tested in the Removal Mode and

since the cap cannot be removed, it therefore cannot be re-
The following procedure must be used when testing it.

Press [Mode] repeatedly until the Removal LED indicator is

blinking and then press [Next] to terminate the selection

Press [Set-TQ] and key in the value 00.50 and then press
[Next] to terminate the input process.

Insert the Gold Bottle into the bottle holding tooling.

Press [Clear] to zero the display.
Now engage the Cap Chuck.
Press [Open]
Observe the Removal Torque when the Metric LED
indicator is flashing.
The torque reading on the display should now match the
reading on Gold Bottle Label.

The allowable variation is computed by adding

together the tolerance on the bottle and the +/- .5%
FS tolerance of the machine.

For example:
If the Gold Bottle has a Torque Setting of 12.00 +/- .2 in-lbs
and the Torqo is a 30 in-lb machine then the allowable
variation is +/- .35 in-lbs. (i.e. .2 +.15 = .35)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Gold Bottle Calibration Check x 89

System Calibration

What's Inside

This chapter is intended to acquaint the user with the

required Calibration Equipment, the Calibration Verification
Process, the process for performing a User Calibration and
the procedure for Selecting the Calibration to be used.

General Calibration Information

The Torqo is supplied with a factory Calibration that is

burned into read-only memory. This is done so that the user
will always have a backup calibration when an incorrect user
calibration is performed.

Calibration Frequency

Checking the calibration of the Torqo at least twice

a year is recommended when the system is used

Required Calibration Equipment

The following list of equipment is required to perform a

Torqo Calibration. When ordering this equipment please
provide the Model Number and Serial Number of the
machine that the equipment will be used on.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 90

1. Calibration Beam (Disk)
2. Calibration Fixture
3. Calibration Weight Set

Calibration Beam

The calibration beam is a disk with a diameter of precisely

8.000 inches. Each disk is serialized and the actual diameter
is stamped on the bottom. The beam is supplied as an
assembly of the following parts.
1. Calibration Disk (C-19935)
2. Calibration Cables (A-21013)

Calibration Fixture

The calibration fixture is supplied as an assembly of the

following parts.
1. Calibration Bracket (D-19936)
2. Cable Pulleys (B-19870)
3. Retain Rings (N5100-25)

Calibration Weight Set

The calibration weight set consists of three weights that are

selected to provide a torque of 25%, 50% and 75% of the
full-scale torque of the Torqo.
(See chart below)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 91

Calibration Weight Chart

The required weight in lbs for producing a specific torque

can be computed by dividing the desired torque value by 4,
since 4 inches is the Radius of the calibration beam.

This chart shows the weights that Mesa supplies when a

calibration kit is purchased. The 100% value is obtained by
combining the 25% and 75% weights

Torque Calibration Weights (lbs)

Capacity 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 100
in-lb in-lb in-lb in-lb in-lb in-lb in-lb in-lb
25% .3125 .625 1.250 1.875 2.500 3.125 4.375 6.250
50% .6250 1.250 2.500 3.750 5.000 6.250 8.750 12.500
75% .9375 1.875 3.750 5.625 7.500 9.375 13.125 18.750
100% 1.250 2.500 5.000 7.500 10.000 12.500 17.500 25.000

Selecting a Calibration to be Used

The currently selected calibration can be determined and

then changed by the following procedure.

Press [Mode] then [Mach] and observe the display.

The currently selected calibration identification number will
be displayed. (See table below)

x 0 = No correction in use. (For Factory use only)

x 1 = Factory Calibration in use.
x 2 = User Calibration in use.
x 3 = User Calibration in use and latched.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 92

After performing a user Calibration, the number (3)
will be automatically selected.

With the currently selected number displayed, Press the

[Limits] key to page through the setting numbers.
When the desired number is displayed, Press [Next] twice
to terminate the selection process.

Performing a Calibration Verification

This procedure is used to verify that the Torqo is in

calibration and to produce a hard copy of the measured
values when a Torqo Printer is connected to the system.
The first step in this procedure is to install the Calibration
Fixture on the Torqo.

Installing the Calibration Fixture

The calibration fixture mounts on the front of the Torqo as

shown in the picture.
To install the fixture, loosen the two 5/16 Socket Head Cap
Screws that can be accessed from under the base plate and
then insert the fixture between the base plate and the Torqo
cover. Now re-tighten the bolts.

(Wrench Size ¼ " Hex)

The next step is to install the calibration beam.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 93

Installing the Calibration Beam

The beam is installed by first removing any bottle holding

tooling and then carefully placing the beam on top of the
spindle cap.
Screws are provided for holding the beam in place.
(Qty 2 x .250-20 x 1" Skt Hd Cap Screws)
(Wrench size 3/16 " Hex.)

Creating a Calibration Verification Chart

With a Torqo Printer connected, a Calibration Verification

Chart can be created as the calibration check is being

If the system is not connected to a printer, the

measured values should be manually recorded for
analysis at the conclusion of this procedure.

Press [Mode] then [Cal] to commence the process. With the

depression of the cal button the following information will
be printed. This Header not only identifies the Torqo but
also provides information about which calibration is
currently selected.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in

Calibration Chart

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 94

Now hang the 25% weight on the left hand calibration cable.
This will apply the torque in the counter clockwise direction.
(i.e. Opening Direction)

Observe the torque display and when the reading becomes

steady press [Print] to send the data to the printer.
Repeat this procedure for each weight in both the opening
and closing direction and then press the [Next] key twice to
return to the ready state.

Upon completion of this procedure, a calibration chart

similar to the one pictured below will have been created.

Calibration Verification Chart

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in

Calibration Chart

01/01/01 12:05 Open: 05.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:06 Open: 10.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:07 Open: 15.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:08 Open: 20.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:09 Close: 05.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:10 Close: 10.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:11 Close: 15.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:12 Close: 20.00 lb-in

Now compare the values in the above chart with the

theoretical values that can be found in the tables below.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 95

Model 1502-5 ( Torque Capacity 5 lb-in )
Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 1.250 .5 .025
50 2.500 .5 .025
75 3.750 .5 .025
100 5.000 .5 .025

Model 1502-10 ( Torque Capacity 10 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 2.50 .5 .050
50 5.00 .5 .050
75 7.50 .5 .050
100 10.00 .5 .050

Model 1502-20 ( Torque Capacity 20 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 5.000 .5 .10
50 10.00 .5 .10
75 15.00 .5 .10
100 20.00 .5 .10

Model 1502-30 ( Torque Capacity 30 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 7.500 .5 .15
50 15.00 .5 .15
75 22.50 .5 .15
100 30.00 .5 .15

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 96

Model 1502-40 ( Torque Capacity 40 lb-in )
Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 10.00 .5 .20
50 20.00 .5 .20
75 30.00 .5 .20
100 40.00 .5 .20

Model 1502-50 ( Torque Capacity 50 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 12.50 .5 .25
50 25.00 .5 .25
75 37.50 .5 .25
100 50.00 .5 .25

Model 1502-70 ( Torque Capacity 70 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 17.50 .5 .35
50 35.00 .5 .35
75 52.50 .5 .35
100 70.00 .5 .35

Model 1502-100 ( Torque Capacity 100 lb-in )

Torque in Torque in Tolerance in Tolerance
% Capacity lb-in +/- % FS +/- lb-in
25 25.0 .5 .5
50 50.0 .5 .5
75 75.0 .5 .5
100 100.0 .5 .5

All readings should be within the specified tolerance range.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 97

Performing a User Calibration

Once again the calibration fixture and beam must be

installed on the Torqo before the calibration procedure can

Calibration Methodology

The calibration procedure consists of entering on the display

a known value of torque that will be applied by the weight
and beam. Then applying this value by hanging the weight
on the calibration cable. At this time the software will
compute the difference between the entered value and the
value applied by the weight. This difference will become the
correction value for this specific point and will be stored in
memory. Once all the points ( i.e. 25%, 50%, 75% and
100% in both the clockwise and counter-clockwise
direction) have been measured the software will compute a
correction curve to be applied during the measuring process.

Entering the Calibration Mode

The Calibration Mode is entered by first turning the

instrument off and then re-powering the system with the
[Cal] key depressed

The front panel will now appear as pictured.

The word HELP indicates that the system is in the calibrate
mode and ready for user input.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 98

Before commencing the calibration procedure all previous
user calibrations should be erased and the system zeroed.

Erasing all Previous User Calibrations

Press [Mode], this will erase all previous calibrations and

return to the HELP screen.

Zeroing the Torqo in the Calibration Mode

Press [Cal] then [Next]; this will automatically zero the

system prior to commencing the calibration. Once again the
software will return to the HELP screen.

The following calibration procedure will begin by inputting

25%, then 50%, then 75% and finally 100% in the clockwise
direction and then repeating the procedure in the counter-
clockwise direction.

Care must be taken when entering values to insure

that they have been keyed in correctly.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 99

Entering Calibration Torques

Now key in the following numbers [0] [2] [5] [0].

The first 0 indicates that the direction will be clockwise.
The 25.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 25%.
Now press [Next]

Observe the display, when the next key was selected above
the decimal point was removed indicating that the torque
load can now be applied.
Place the 25% weight on the right hand calibration cable and
the 0250 count on the display will decrease to a small
number. (i.e. Usually less than 0050) Now when the display
becomes steady press [Next] and the value will be stored.

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen

and the 25% weight should be removed.

Now key in the following numbers [0] [5] [0] [0].

The first 0 indicates that the direction will be clockwise.
The 50.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 50%.
Now press [Next]

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the 50%
weight should be placed on the right hand cable. The 0500
count on the display will decrease usually to a value less
than 0050. Now when the displayed reading becomes steady
press [Next].

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 100

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen
and the 50% weight should be removed.

Now key in the following numbers [0] [7] [5] [0].

The first 0 indicates that the direction will be clockwise.
The 75.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 75%.
Now press [Next]

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the 75%
weight should be placed on the right hand cable. The 0750
count on the display will decrease usually to a value less
than 0050. Now when the displayed reading becomes steady
press [Next].

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen

and the 75% weight should be removed.

After calibrating at 25%, 50% and 75% in the clockwise

direction, key in the following numbers [2] [0] [0] [0].
The 2 indicates that the direction will be clockwise.
The 00.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 100%.
Now press [Next].

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the
100% weight should be placed on the right hand cable. The
2000 count on the display will decrease usually to a value
less than 2050. Now when the displayed reading becomes
steady press [Next].

The 100% weight value is obtained by combining the 25%

weight and the 75% weight.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 101

Now key in the following numbers [1] [2] [5] [0].
The 1 indicates that the direction will be counter clockwise.
The 25.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 25%.
Now press [Next]

Place the 25% weight on the left hand calibration cable and
the 1250 count on the display will decrease to a small
number. (i.e. Usually less than 1050) Now when the display
becomes steady press [Next] and the value will be stored.

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen

and the 25% weight should be removed.

Now key in the following numbers [1] [5] [0] [0].

The 1 indicates that the direction will be counter clockwise.
The 50.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 50%.
Now press [Next]

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the 50%
weight should be placed on the left hand cable. The 1500
count on the display will decrease usually to a value less
than 1050. Now when the displayed reading becomes steady
press [Next].

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen

and the 50% weight should be removed.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 102

Now key in the following numbers [1] [7] [5] [0].
The 1 indicates that the direction will be counter clockwise.
The 75.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 75%.
Now press [Next]

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the 75%
weight should be placed on the left hand cable. The 1750
count on the display will decrease usually to a value less
than 1050. Now when the displayed reading becomes steady
press [Next].
The display should now have returned to the HELP screen
and the 75% weight should be removed.

Now key in the following numbers [3] [0] [0] [0].

The 3 indicates that the direction will be counter clockwise.
The 00.0 indicates that the applied torque will be 100%.
Now press [Next].

Once again the decimal point will be gone and now the
100% weight should be placed on the left hand cable. The
3000 count on the display will decrease usually to a value
less than 3050. Now when the displayed reading becomes
steady press [Next].

The display should now have returned to the HELP screen

and the 100% weight should be removed.

Press [Next] twice to terminate this procedure and return to

the ready state. As the calibration procedure is terminated,
the software computes the correction curve for this user

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 103

At this time it is a good idea to printout a report of the
complete system setup and calibration information.

This report shows both the factory calibration information

and the user calibration information.

Observe the actual correction values that are shown in this


The new correction values should not be

significantly different than the factory calibration
(See sample System Report below)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 104

System Report

Calibration/setup data:
Current date: 01/01/01 12:00
Calibrate date: 05/05/00
Software version: 20.0
Serial number: 00-0000
Printer type: Epson
Torque capacity: 30 lb-in/34.56 kg-cm
Report header:
Configuration switches…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
on off on off off on off off
Available drive speeds: 1 RPM
Pass/Fail criteria:
Mach #: 1 Close torque: 07.50
% Minimum torque: 10.00
Minimum torque: 3.00
Test type: Remove inc brg rrt
Count: 50 30 50 3
High: 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Low: 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
Deg: 0 6 270 720
Beam deflection calibration
Factory User Factory User
7FD4: 0 0 8042: 0 0
7FD5: 1 0 8043: 1 0
7FD6 2 1 8044: 2 1

Values Omitted for Sample

25% Point 8005: 25 24 8073: 20 24

8006: 26 24 8074: 20 24
8007: 26 25 8075: 21 25
8008: 26 27 8076: 21 25
8009: 27 28 8077: 22 26
50% Point 800A: 27 29 8078: 22 26
800B: 26 29 8079: 21 26
800C: 25 28 807A: 20 24
800D: 25 27 807B: 20 23
800E: 24 25 807C: 19 21
75% Point 800F: 23 24 807D: 19 19

Values Omitted for Sample

803A: 1 5 80AD: 1 1
8040: 1 5 80AE: 0 0
8041: 0 4 80AF: 0 0

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 105

At this time, it is a good idea to produce a
Calibration Verification Chart with the New User

This chart is clearly identified as a User Calibration Chart

and should be maintained with the system records until
another User Calibration is performed.

Serial #: 00-0000
Date: 01/01/01 12:05
Units: lb-in

Calibration Chart

01/01/01 12:05 Open: 05.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:06 Open: 10.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:07 Open: 15.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:08 Open: 20.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:09 Close: 05.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:10 Close: 10.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:11 Close: 15.00 lb-in

01/01/01 12:12 Close: 20.00 lb-in

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo System Calibration x 106

Child Resistant Cap Option

What's Inside

This section is indented to acquaint the user with the

features and use of this option.

About the Child Resistant Option

This option enables the Torqo to provide a pre-settable down

force for push and turn caps.
An air supply with the ability to provide a minimum of 30
PSI is required.
Once connected to the air, the down force can be set to the
required force for a given application.

Connecting the Air Supply

The air supply connects to the air filter on the rear of the
This connection is a  NPT thread.
Both the air filter and regulator are designed for a maximum
of 100 PSI however the Force Gauge is limited to 30

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Child Resistant Cap Option x 107
Adjusting the Down Force

Once connected, the Air Control Knob should be adjusted to

provide the required amount of down force.
Observe the down force gauge on the front of the tower
cover while adjusting the knob.

In most cases, a down force of 15 t0 20 lbs will open a child

resistant closure.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Child Resistant Cap Option x 108
Down Force Mechanism Nomenclature

The names in the callouts below will be used when

describing the setup and adjustment of the Child Resistant
Down Force Mechanism.

Foot Position
Shaft Clamp

Foot Support
Drive Shaft Shaft

Down Force
Drive Shaft Foot
Clamp Collar

Drive Shaft
Cap Chuck Bearing

Adjusting the Down Force Foot

The Down Force Foot applies the force on the cap by

pressing down on the Drive Shaft Bearing when the Down
Force Switch is actuated.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Child Resistant Cap Option x 109
To adjust the foot put the Down Force switch in the up
position and then place the sample to be tested in the bottle
holding fixture.
Now position the Cap Chuck on the cap by lowering the
drive shaft.
Pivot the Down Force Foot over the top of the Drive Shaft
Bearing and adjust for approximately 1/16 of an inch of
clearance. (i.e. the thickness of a quarter)
Loosening the Foot Position Shaft Clamp and sliding the
Foot Support Shaft up or down and then retightening the
clamp makes this adjustment.

Operating the Child Resistant Mechanism

Once the mechanism has been adjusted, a sample is tested

by pivoting the foot into position and actuating the Down
Force Switch.
At the conclusion of the test cycle, move the switch to the up
position and pivot the foot to the rear.
Repeat this procedure for the next sample.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Child Resistant Cap Option x 110
Key lock Option

What's Inside

This chapter describes the features and use of the key lock

Key lock Option Description

The key lock option adds a key actuated switch on the rear
panel of drive tower.
This option was designed to prevent the inadvertent altering
of the Torqo setup.

Using the Key lock Option

The key lock switch has two positions.

In the Program position, this option is not in use and
therefore all of the torqo features can be accessed through
the control panel.
In the Run position, the user is not permitted to change the
Mode, Limits or Setup features.
If a setup key is pressed, a three-beep alarm will be sounded
to indicate that this selection cannot be performed.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Key lock Option x 111

Multi-Speed Option

What's Inside

This chapter describes the use of the Multi-Speed Option.

Multi-Speed Option Description

The multi-speed option adds a selector switch on the rear

panel of drive tower.
This option was designed specifically for testing bottle caps
with tamper evident bands. The increased speed of the drive
provides for a cleaner tear of the material that connects the
band to the cap.

This option may also be used for performing more rapid

testing. However one must be careful, when using the
system in this manner, to make sure that the increased speed
is not distorting the measurements.

The Speed Selector Switch enables the user to select the

following four speeds.
Position 1: 1 RPM
Position 2: 2 RPM
Position 3: 4 RPM
Position 4: 6 RPM

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Multi-Speed Option x 112

When a speed other than 1 RPM is selected, it will be used
in all the Test Modes with the exception of the Removal &
Incremental Mode.

The Removal & Incremental Mode is an industry standard

and cannot be changed.
This test is always performed at 1 RPM

When a high speed is selected, the system will drive at the

selected speed for the first 75% of a closing cycle and then
automatically revert to 1 RPM for the remaining 25%.

Using the Multi-Speed Option

To use this option the operator just has to put the Speed
Selector in the desired position and test in the normal

As mentioned previously, performing Removal tests at

speeds greater than 1 RPM may distort the data.
To insure the accuracy of the measurements, one should first
perform the tests at 1 RPM and then repeat the tests at a
greater RPM. The results should then be compared for
accuracy and repeatability.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Multi-Speed Option x 113

Error Messages

What's Inside

This chapter describes the Error Messages that may be

displayed when programming and testing.

Description of Error Messages

The following Error Messages are programmed in the

software to assist the user.
When an Error Message is displayed, the Metric LED will
blink rapidly. Pressing the [Clear] key will erase the
message and return the system to the Ready State.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter more that 9 machine numbers.

This message will appear on the display when the torque

capacity of the system is exceeded during a test cycle.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Error Messages x 114

This message will appear on the display when the system
has driven 180° without finding a legitimate torque.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a low limit greater than the high limit for
the current machine.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a high limit lower than the low limit for the
current machine.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a high limit greater than the capacity of the

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a number more than 1 greater than the
current count.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a zero as a test number.

This message will appear on the display when the user

attempts to enter a peak count greater than 100 in the
Reverse Ratchet Mode.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Error Messages x 115

This message will appear on the display when the user
attempts to enter a zero in peak count.

This message will appear when the system clock is not

performing properly.

This message will appear when the system is programmed to

close to a specific torque, which is not reached in three

This message will appear when the system is unable to re-

apply the cap to the Set TQ value after a Removal test.

This message will appear when the system is unable to re-

apply the cap to its original position before performing the
Incremental test.

This message will appear when the torque exceeds 30 in-lbs

at 6 RPM on a Multi Speed machine.

This message will appear when the system memory is full.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Error Messages x 116

This message will appear when the user attempts to perform
a test and the current Batch is already complete.

This message will appear when the user attempts to start a

new Batch when the current Batch is not complete.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Error Messages x 117

Trouble Shooting

What's Inside

This section is provided to help the user solve some of the

minor problems that may occur with a Torqo.

Contacting Mesa Laboratories, Inc.

If you are unable to solve your problems with the system

after trying the suggestions in this manual then please call
are service department at 303-987-8000.

Before calling Mesa please obtain the serial number

from the label on the back of the control instrument and if
possible obtain the software version number by pressing
[Total] then [Display] and observing the torque readout.
If you have a printer connected to the system the software
version can be obtained by pressing [Total] then [Display]
then [Print].

Trouble Shooting the System

If your Torqo does not appear to be performing properly, the

following procedures can be used to find and correct some
of the more common problems.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 118

Restoring the Factory Defaults

Restoring the factory defaults will correct errors that have

been made when programming the system.

Performing a Soft Reset

Press [Total] then [Mode]

This will return the system to the factory default state.

Re-initializing the System

The Torqo like all microprocessor-controlled systems can

experience a computer crash.

Blinking LED's

When a crash occurs, the LED's on the Control Panel will

Blink in a random pattern.

This problem is usually caused by an interruption in power

and can be avoided by using a Surge Protector.

Performing a Hard Reset

This procedure will re-initialize the microprocessor and reset

all factory settings.

The Hard Reset is performed by first turning the

instrument off and then re-powering the system with the
[Display] key depressed

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 119

Erratic System Behavior

The Torqo relies on a battery backed memory chip to store

program settings, date and time settings and test results. If
your system has lost the ability to maintain its settings, the
battery in the memory chip may have degraded. This will
result in Erratic System Behavior.
The life expectancy of this device is from 5 to 10 years.
However its life is affected by the amount of time that the
system is turned off because this is when the battery is in

It is not a good idea to stock these devices as

backup because their life is measured from date of

L's on the Display

When the memory chip has degraded, the Torque readout

will frequently display the letter L in one or more digit

Checking the Memory Chip

The memory chip can be checked by setting the Date and

Time and then turning the system Off for 30 minutes. If
the battery backup is working the system date and time will
be correct.

A new memory chip can be purchased from Mesa and it

will be supplied with detailed instructions for installing it.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 120

Torqo Drive Problems

The Torqo drive motor, drive electronics and drive belt

system are time proven, high reliability devices.
Most drive related problems can be remedied by checking
the following items.

Checking the Power

1. Verify that the power switch is on. (0=Off, 1=On)

2. Verify that the power cord is seated in the AC Input.
3. Verify that the power cord is plugged into a good outlet.
4. Verify the connection of the Drive cable at both ends.
5. If the drive still does not operate check the fuse.

Checking the Fuse

1. Turn the Power Switch off.

2. Remove the AC power cord.
3. With a small flat bladed screwdriver, pry open cover with a
twisting motion.
4. Note the direction of the arrow and then pull the white fuse
holder out of the module.
5. Check the fuse and replace if required. (MDL 1½ for
120VAC and MDL ¾. for 240VAC)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 121

Checking the Drive Belt

A broken drive belt can be detected by attempting to rotate

the drive shaft by hand.
If the Torqo is a standard Model 1502 without the Multi-
Speed option the shaft should not turn more than a few
degrees when rotated by hand.
If the Torqo has the multi-speed option, the shaft will turn
but with a great deal of resistance.

The drive belt is broken when the shaft turns freely

in either of the two cases described above.

Replacing the Belt

1. Unscrew the Drive Shaft Knob.

2. Remove the Cover Screws.
3. Remove the Cover by lifting it up and over the
drive shaft.

The drive belt system in this picture is a multi-speed unit

however the procedure for removing a belt, determining the
size of a belt and installing a new belt is basically the same
in all units.
1. To remove the belt, loosen the screws on the motor
plate to take the tension off the belt and then
remove the belt.
2. To install the belt, place it around the sprockets,
slide the motor plate to tension the belt and then
tighten the motor plate screws.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 122

Determining the Belt Size

The best way to determine the correct belt size for a system
is to lay the broken belt on a flat service and count the
number of drive pins.
Then contact the factory for the correct part number.

Checking the DC Power

1. Put the AC Drive Power Switch in the Off

2. Remove the 12 screws that hold the rear panel on
the tower.
3. Carefully tilt the top of rear panel out as shown in
the picture.
4. Now put the AC Drive Power Switch in the On
5. Observe LED01: It should be on whenever the
tower is energized. This indicates that the +5 vdc
supply is on.

Checking for the Clock Pulses

The clock pulses come from the control instrument to the

drive tower whenever the drive motor is turned on.
With the tower energized, press [Open] and observe the
LED02 will be fully on when the motor is not running and
will dim slightly when the drive is turned on. (It is actually
blinking quickly)

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 123

If all of the above checks do not indicate where the
problem lies please contact the factory for

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Trouble Shooting x 124

Maintenance and Cleaning

What's Inside

This chapter describes the recommended maintenance and

cleaning procedures for a Torqo and its tooling.

General Information

The Torqo is designed to operate for many years with the

minimum amount maintenance.
However the Torqo, like any precision measuring tool,
should be periodically checked for accuracy. (See System
The calibration of the Torqo should be checked at least
twice a year.
A protective cover can be supplied for those applications
where washdowns are frequently performed.

General Maintenance

Keep the system clean, for this will make the use of the
Torqo more pleasurable.

Disconnect the power to the system when


A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Maintenance and Cleaning x 125

Clean the exterior with a mild detergent and a soft cloth.
Avoid abrasive cleaners that may scratch the lens on the
torque display and the keypad.

Cleaning the Tooling

The functionality of the bottle holding tooling and the

chucks should be periodically checked.
All bottle tooling should move smoothly and easily.
Chucks should slip onto caps with the minimul amount of

Cleaning the 1506A Bottle Clamp

This tool is made from corrosion resisting materials and

therefore it can be fully submerged in hot soapy water for
Remove the fixture by unscrewing the 2 mounting screws
and lifting straight up.
Make sure the center hole is clean before re-installing the

Cleaning the 1614 Pin Vise

This tool can also be submerged in hot soapy water but care
should be taken to throughly dry the lead screw and then it
should be lubricated with a light oil.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Maintenance and Cleaning x 126

Glossary of Terms

The small strips of material that span the gap between the cap and a tamper evident

Incremental Torque
The force required to rotate a cap to a position 6 degrees past the initial position in
the tightening direction.

Re-application Torque
The force that will be applied to a cap when re-tightening it.

Removal Torque
The force required to loosen the cap on a threaded container.

A serial communication standard for data interchange.

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Glossary of Terms x 127

Cleaning the 1614 Pin Vise 126
Clearing Memory 10, 37, 71
Communication Protocol 10, 62–63, 62–63, 62–63, 62–
63, 62–63
Connecting the Air Supply 107

Index Connecting the Drive Tower to the Readout 16

Connector Requirements 10, 62
Contacting Mesa Corporation 118
Control Panel Nomenclature 28
Creating a Calibration Verification Chart 94

Data Bits 63
Data Format Information 63
Deleting a Lot Number 73
1 Description of Error Messages 114
Description Of The Testing Modes 34
1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp Nomenclature 22
Determining the Belt Size 123
Down Force mechanism Nomenclature 109
About the Child Resistant Option 107 E
AC adaptor 14, 17
Entering a Lot Number 73
Adjusting the 1506A Beverage Bottle Clamp 23
Entering Calibration Torques 100
Adjusting The 1614 Universal Vise 26
Entering High and Low Limits 75
Adjusting the Down Force 108, 109
Entering Machine Numbers 69
Adjusting the Down Force Foot 109
Entering the Calibration Mode 98
Automatically Saving Data 61
Erasing all Memory 71
Erasing all Previous User Calibrations 99
B Erasing Both the Data and the Machine Number 70
Erasing Data for a Specific Machine 71
Batch Test Mode 34–36, 34–36, 34–36, 34, 36, 46
Erasing Data from Memory in Batch Mode 48
Baud Rate 63
Erratic System Behavior 120
Blinking Metric LED 30
Error Messages 11, 56, 114
Bottle and Cap Tooling 8, 20, 32
Exiting Batch Mode 54

Calibration Beam 91, 93
General Calibration Information 90
Calibration Fixture 91, 93, 98
General Maintenance 125
Calibration Frequency 90
Gold Bottle Calibration Check 11, 69, 88
Calibration Methodology 98
Gold Bottle Description 88
Calibration Verification Chart 94–95, 94–95, 94–95,
Calibration Weight Chart 92 I
Calibration Weight Set 91
Initializing The System 18, 119
Can not Change Modes 36
Input power cable 14, 17
Changing the Date and Time 84
Inputting a Machine Number 69
Checking for the Clock Pulses 123
Inputting a Min Torque 87
Checking the DC Power 123
Installing the Calibration Beam 94
Checking the Drive Belt 122
Installing the Calibration Fixture 93
Checking the Fuse 121
Installing Tooling For Griping The Cap 21
Checking the Memory Chip 120
Installing Tooling For Holding The Bottle 20
Checking the Power 121
Interface cable 14, 16, 19
Child Resistant Cap Option 11, 107
Cleaning the 1506A Bottle Clamp 126

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Index x 128

K Programming an Incremental Test 9, 41
Programming the Batch Mode 9, 45
Key lock Option 11, 111 Programming the Degrees to Drive 41–42, 41, 38–39,
Key lock Option Description 111 41–42, 43–44, 43, 41–42, 43
Keying in the Lot Number 73 Programming the Min Torque 10, 86
Keypad 8, 30, 126 Programming the Number of Samples in a Batch 45–
47, 45–47, 45–47
L Programming to Leave the Cap Loose 38–39, 38–39,
38–39, 38
LED Indicators 28–29, 28–29, 28–29, 28–29, 28–29
Life Test Description 57
Limits Description 74 R
Logging Test Results 9, 30, 58, 60 Ready State 18, 30, 36, 40, 47, 49, 73, 82, 85, 87, 95,
Lot Number Description 72 103, 114
L's on the Display 120 Re-initializing the System 119
Removal & Bridge Test Mode 35
M Removal & Incremental Test Mode 35
Removal Torque Test Mode 31, 34–35, 34–35, 34–35,
Machine Number Description 68 34–35
Manually Saving Data 60 Replacing the Belt 122
Mating Connectors 62 Required Calibration Equipment 11, 90
Metric LED 29–30, 29–30, 33, 60, 89, 114 Restoring the Factory Defaults 119
Min Torque Description 86 Retesting a Sample 9, 45–47, 45–47, 45, 47, 51, 59
Multi-Speed Option 112–13, 112–13, 112–13, 122 Retesting a Sample in Batch Mode 47, 51
Multi-Speed Option Description 112 Reverse Ratchet Test Mode 35

Operating the Child Resistant Mechanism 110 Sample Printout 78–79, 78–79, 78–79
Output Port 10, 62 Selecting a Calibration to be Used 92
Selecting A Test Mode 36, 76
P Selecting Batch Mode 46
Setting the Date and Time 10, 84, 120
Parity 63
Setting the Re-application Torque 32, 38–39, 38–39
Performing a Calibration Verification 93
Speed Selector Switch 112
Performing a Hard Reset 119
Spindle Cap 20–21, 20–21, 20, 94
Performing a Life Test 9, 57
Standard Deviation Formula 83
Performing a Strip Torque Test 9, 55
Starting a New Batch Project 54
Performing A Test 8, 31
Stop Bits 63
Performing a User Calibration 11, 90, 93, 98
Strip Torque Test Description 55
Pin Out 63
System Calibration 11, 90, 125
Pin Positioning Chart 25
System Report 104–5, 104–5, 104–5, 104–5
Positioning The Chuck With The Height Adjuster 27
Powering the Drive Tower 17
Powering the Optional Printer 19 T
Powering the Readout Instrument 17 Testing in Batch Mode 9, 49
Print Features 77 Torqo Drive Problems 121
Printing a List of the Machine Numbers in use 70 Torque Display 17, 29, 31, 74–75, 74–75, 74–75, 74–
Printing Test Results 79 75, 79, 95, 126
Printing the Current Machine Configuration 79 Transmitting and Saving Automatically 65
Printing the Current Machines Report 81 Transmitting Automatically in Batch Mode 67
Programming a Bridge Test 9, 43 Transmitting Data Automatically 65
Programming a Removal Test 8, 32, 38 Transmitting End of Test Results Automatically 65
Programming a Skip in Batch Mode 48 Transmitting Live Data to a PC 66, 62–63
Programming a Strip Torque Test 55 Transmitting Live Data to a PC and Saving 66
Programming an Application Torque 38 Transmitting Manually 67

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Index x 129

Transmitting Test Results 10, 62–63, 62–63, 62–63, 62,
Trouble Shooting 11, 118
Trouble Shooting the System 118

Using Batch Mode 49
Using Lot Numbers 10, 72
Using Machine Numbers 10, 29, 37, 46, 68
Using Specification Limits 10, 74
Using the Gold Bottle 89
Using the Key lock Option 111
Using the Multi-Speed Option 113
Using The Torqo Printer 10, 33, 77

View Summary Test Results 82
Viewing End of Test Results 82
Viewing Test Results 82

Xon / Xoff 63

Zeroing the Display 31
Zeroing the Torqo in the Calibration Mode 99

A Guide To Using Model 1502 Torqo Index x 130

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