Psychiatric Nursing 6th Edition Keltner Test Bank

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Psychiatric Nursing 6th Edition Keltner Test Bank

Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 6th Edition

Chapter 03: Models for Working with Psychiatric Patients

Test Bank


1. When interacting with patients, it is important for the nurse to recognize that defense
a. keep id impulses from gaining control.
b. protect the ego from excessive anxiety.
c. access unconscious feelings and memories.
d. prevent conflict among the id, ego, and superego.

Theorists widely accept the Freudian concept that ego defense mechanisms operate
unconsciously to lower anxiety. The function of defense mechanisms is limited to anxiety
control, so the other options are incorrect.

DIF: Cognitive level: Comprehension REF: 21-23 TOP: Nursing process:

MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

2. A nurse supports a patient’s ego. This intervention is therapeutic because the

individual’s ego:
a. provides rational, logical reality testing.
b. is primarily concerned with right and wrong.
c. uses primary process imagery to meet basic needs.
d. is derived from the individual’s pattern of thinking.

The ego focuses on the reality principle and uses secondary process thinking, a logical,
rational operation to maintain the well-being of the individual. The superego is concerned
with right and wrong. The id uses primary process. Ego formation is influenced by
heredity, environment, and maturation.

DIF: Cognitive level: Comprehension REF: 20

TOP: Nursing process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

3. A patient asks, “Why it is important to uncover memories and conflicts hidden in the
unconscious?” A Freudian therapist would explain that bringing unconscious
information to consciousness will:
a. resolve developmental issues, fears, and crises.
b. allow an individual control over the id and superego.
c. suppress painful feelings and increase rational thinking.

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2007, 2003, 1999, 1995, 1991 by Mosby, an Imprint of Elsevier, Inc.

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Test Bank 3-2

d. provide insight into behavior and allow meaningful change to occur.

Freud believed that uncovering unconscious material generates an understanding of
behavior that enables individuals to make choices about behavior and thus improve
mental health. It will not, however, automatically resolve issues, give the patient control
over id and superego strivings, or result in rational thinking.

DIF: Cognitive level: Application REF: 20

TOP: Nursing process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

4. A patient uses defense mechanisms excessively. The nurse should expect to find
evidence that:
a. the patient has difficulty with problem solving.
b. the patient has an increased risk for psychosis.
c. emotions are experienced with great intensity.
d. reality is denied.

Excessive use of defense mechanisms results in the distortion of reality. When reality is
not perceived accurately, problem solving is impaired. The other options might or might
not be experienced by the patient.

DIF: Cognitive level: Application REF: 22

TOP: Nursing process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

5. A patient has severe panic attacks and uses denial, repression, and displacement.
Nursing interventions should be directed toward:
a. teaching more effective coping strategies.
b. setting limits on use of the defense mechanisms.
c. assisting the patient to change values and beliefs.
d. helping the patient uncover unconscious conflicts.

A desired outcome would be that the patient will use more effective coping strategies.
Nursing intervention would focus on helping the patient identify and use more adaptive
coping strategies. Setting limits on the use of defense mechanisms is impossible. Values
clarification might be unnecessary. Uncovering conflicts is not a focus of nursing

DIF: Cognitive level: Analysis REF: 22 | 23

TOP: Nursing process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2007, 2003, 1999, 1995, 1991 by Mosby, an Imprint of Elsevier, Inc.
Test Bank 3-3

6. A 29-year-old lives with his parents, has few interpersonal relationships, and says,
“Most people can’t be trusted.” This person makes decisions only after consulting
with his parents. Using Erikson’s developmental theory, the nurse can draw which
a. The patient has evidence of inferiority and lacks a sense of direction.
b. Developmental deficits in early life have impaired the patient’s adult functioning.
c. The patient’s developmental problems will probably lead to a serious mental
d. It is impossible for the patient to proceed to the next developmental stage until
mastering earlier stages.

The patient achieved only partial mastery of the trust versus mistrust stage. Deficits in
development carried from one stage to the next interfere with functioning at the adult
level. Individuals do progress from stage to stage when mastery is not attained, however
adjustment is usually impaired. Developmental problems might lead to a serious mental
disorder, but might also produce less serious results.

DIF: Cognitive level: Application REF: 23-26 TOP: Nursing process:

MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance

7. When the nurse conducts a developmental assessment with a new patient, the
assessment can be expected to yield information:
a. regarding use of defense mechanisms.
b. about the degree of mastery of critical tasks.
c. that will help the patient make rational decisions.
d. about mobilization of defenses against stressors.

According to Erikson’s developmental theory, a developmental assessment is conducted
for the purpose of determining the extent to which an individual has successfully
mastered the critical task of each stage of development up to his or her chronologic age.
Lack of mastery or partial mastery will yield clues about issues to be addressed in
working with the patient. Because of its focus, the developmental assessment might yield
only minimal information about defense mechanism use and defenses used to cope with
stress. Rational decision making is not expected to be fostered as a result of
developmental assessment.

DIF: Cognitive level: Application REF: 23-24

TOP: Nursing process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and

Elsevier items and derived items © 2011, 2007, 2003, 1999, 1995, 1991 by Mosby, an Imprint of Elsevier, Inc.
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noece, s. 11316;
pl. noeces, noces, 946, 10094, T. iv. 1 ff.: wedding.
noef, num. 16505, nine.
noefisme, a. C.
Noël, s. 7324, B. xxxiii. 3.
noer, v. 6255, swim.
noet, see nuyt.
noier, noyer, v.a. 2922, 9954, drown, sink:
v.n. 12270, be drowned.
noir, a. 1560, T. xv. 3.
noise, noyse, s. 412, 19478, disturbance, noise.
noiser, v.n. 19480, make a disturbance.
nominacioun, s. 16227.
nommant, s. 4243, naming.
nom(m)er, v.a. 239, 410, B. xxiv. 1.
non, see noun.
nonchaloir, see nounchaloir.
noncier, see nouncier.
nonne (1), s. 5183, nun.
nonne (2), s. 27708, nones.
nonneine, noneine, s. 2741, 5306, nun.
nonpas, see nounpas.
nonsachant, a. 21691, ignorant.
nonsavoir, see nounsavoir.
norreture, s. 5216, 16371.
norri, norry, f. norrie, s. 233, 3209, 5138, offspring, fosterling.
norrice, s. 211, nurse.
nor(r)ir, v.a. 369, 18053, bring up, foster.
north, s. 13339.
nostre, poss.a. D. ii. 3, &c.
nostreseignour, s. 28128 (R), 28908 (R).
nostresire, s. 4467:
see sire(s).
notable, a. 26932.
notablement, adv. 16551.
notaire, s. 6330.
note, s. 3892, 9428, note, song.
noter, v.a. 3279, 26819, B. xlv. 3.
notoire, a. 16421, well-known.
nouche, s. B. xxxiii. 2, brooch.
noun, s. 59, B. xxi. 4, name.
noun, non, adv. 1605, 3908, 4815, B. xxi. 4, not.
nouncertein, s. B. xxiv. 3, uncertainty.
nouncertein(s), a. 11402, uncertain.
no(u)nchaloir, noun chaloir, nounchalure, s. 1235, 5665, 6432, B. v.
1, xli. 4, disregard, contempt.
nouncier, noncier, v.a. 7190, 14667, 27995, utter, announce.
noundroituriel, a. 17789, unrighteous.
nounpaier, s. 15392, non-payment.
nounpas, nonpas, adv. 73, B. xlix. 3, no(u)n pas, 1070, 13808.
nounreson(n)able, a. 26777, 27157, unreasoning.
nounsage(s), a. 1754, unwise.
nounsaint, nounseint, a. 1356, 9509, unholy.
no(u)nsavoir, s. 6614, 8302, folly.
nounstable, a. 1105, 22093, changeable.
nounsuffisance, s. B. xiii. 3.
nounvaillable, a. 1116, worthless.
nounvoir, a. 6821, untrue.
nourricement, s. 14627, nourishment.
nous, pron. D. i. 1, &c.
novel(l), a. 1220, B. li. 1;
du novell, 9840.
novelle, s. 419, 29159, B. ii. 3, news.
novellement, adv. 7911.
novellerie, s. 26099, novelty.
noyse, see noise.
noz, see no.
nu, nud, f. nue, a. 90, 1768, B. xliii. 2, naked.
nue, s. 91, 2968, B. xxxii. 2, cloud, sky.
nueté(e), s. 3606, 11378, nakedness.
nuisable, nuysable, a. 3749, 4230, pernicious.
nuisance, s. 6564, hurt.
nuisant, a. B. xxxii. 1, hurtful.
nuit, see nuyt.
nul(s), null(s), a. and pron. 9, 200, 1075, B. iv. 4, v. 3, xxxi. 1, no,
none, any, anyone:
nulle part, 4613, nowhere.
nullement, adv. 7739.
nully, pron. 1514, 9871, 22937, no-one, any-one (neg.).
nuysable, see nuisable.
nuysement, s. 4027, harm.
nuyt, nuit, s. 636, 1132, noet, B. xi. 3, C.
nuytée, s. 20356, night-time.
ny, s. 1985, B. ii. 1, nest.
nyce, nyceté, see nice, niceté.

o, see ou, conj.
obedience, s. 12110.
obedient, a. 12426:
s. 25774.
obeier, obeïr, v.n. 2038, 2220, B. xlii. 2;
refl. 12164, 28665: bend down, incline oneself, obey.
obeis(s)ance, s. 2146, 12174, B. xxiii. 1.
obeissant, a. 12403, T. ii. 3.
objeccioun, s. 29193.
oblier, see oublier.
obliger, v.a. 2650, T. iii. 1, bind.
oblivioun, s. 14691.
obscur, oscur, a. 3647, 6813, B. xiii. 3;
en oscur, 6981: dark.
obscuracioun, s. 2304, obscurity.
obscurer, s. 10793, darkness:
cp. oscurer, v.
observance, s. 2097.
obstacle, s. 6245.
obstinacioun, s. 5732.
occasioun, s. 3292.
occident, s. 25241, west.
occire, occier, v.a. 2088, 2804, 9691, T. vi. 2.
occupier, v.a. 1343.
odible(s), a. 2864, B. xlviii. 3, hateful.
odious, a. 4479.
odour, s. 3567.
odourer, v. 13560, smell.
oedif, a. 5785, 17713, idle.
oedivesce, s. 5774, idleness.
oef, s. 21380;
pl. oefs, 1983, oes, 26303, owes, 24728: egg.
oel, oill, s. 1064, 3736, B. vi. 1;
pl. oels, oil(l)s, oill, 935, 3238, 6806, B. ix. 2, xxxii. 1: eye.
oeps, s. 7578, 15567, need.
oetisme, a. C., eighth.
oevere, oevre, ovre, s. 36(R), 4228, 10432, 27902, work.
offence, see offense.
offencioun, s. 4052.
offendre, v.a. 4264, 26192, B. xviii. 2, offend:
refl. 12984, be offended.
offense, offence, offens, s. 352, 2016, 3952, 9058.
office, s. 257.
officer, officier, s. 3884, 25968, B. xvi. 3.
official, s. 11644, officer.
offre, s. 3308, 27540, offer, offering.
offrende, s. 4491, offrens, 28165, offering.
offrendour, s. 25015, worshipper.
offrir, v.a. 7119;
pp. offert, 5688.
oiceus, oiseus, a. 5800, 14426, B. xlvii. 1, lazy.
oïe, oÿe, s. 1428, 3213, B. xxx. 3, hearing, sound, report.
oignement, s. 13132, B. xxvii. 3.
oignt, s. 2273, ointment.
oïl, oÿl, adv. 7132, 11380, yes.
oil(l), see oel.
oile, oille, s. 3541, 7551, oil.
oillage, s. 16999, oil.
oindre, v.a. 2274, anoint.
oïr, oier, oyer, v.a. 324, 10318, 10914, B. ii. 3, xxiv. 1;
3 s.p. ot, 16588;
1 s.pret. oi, oï, 410, 2326;
3 s. oïst, 509, oÿt, 805, oÿ, 10256;
fut. orrai, B. xvii. 3;
2 pl. orretz, oretz, 203, 796;
pp. oï, 80, B. ii. 3.
oïr, s. 26884, hearing.
oisel, oiseal, s. 1199, 3577, B. ii. 1;
pl. oisel, oisealx, oiseals, 942, 3577, B. xxxiv. 1.
oisellette, s. 5814.
oiselline, oiseline, s. 7829, 26293, bird.
oisellour, s. 18505, fowler.
oiseus, see oiceus.
oistre, s. 6398, oyster.
oitante, num. 17091, eighty.
Olimpeas, T. vi. 1.
oliphant, s. 15105:
cp. elephant.
olive, s. 29923, olive-tree.
Olophernes, Olophern, 11115, 12047.
oltrage, see oultrage.
om, on(s), s. 37, 8961, 17722, D. ii. 3, man, one:
cp. hom.
ombrage, s. 3539.
ombre, umbre, s. 21612, 26769.
omnipotent, omnipotens, a. 1632, 28169.
on(s), see om.
onde, unde, s. 10840, 15162, 22313, wave, abundance.
oppinioun, s. 26365.
opposer, v.a. 16162, 26785, disturb, question.
oppress, a. 1292, 2660, 23207, B. xx. 2, crushed, burdened.
oppresser, v.a. 25002.
or, see orr.
Orace, 3804, 10948, 23370.
oracioun, s. 10237, prayer.
orage, s. 3022.
orail(l)e, oreil(l)e, s. 553, 3178, 5212, 7936, B. iii. 2, vi. 1.
oratour, s. D. i. 3.
ord, a. 2515, 6791, filthy, vile.
ordeignement, s. 7956, ordinance.
ordeinement, adv. 13561, in orderly fashion.
ordener, ordiner, v.a. 102, 951, T. iii. 3, ordei(g)ner, 2319, 3283,
ordinaire, s. 9410.
ordinal, s. 21612, rule.
ordinance, s. 4958, order, control.
ordiner, see ordener.
ordinour, s. 23623, ordainer.
ordre, s. 2110, 11752, T. v. 2.
ordure, s. 1126.
ore, adv. 37, 4737, D. i. 3, (ore ... ore), ore ... ore ... ore, 3896 f.;
a ore, 20523: now.
oreil(l)e, see oraille.
oreiller, v. 414, whisper.
oreiller, a., f. oreillere, 15520, ready to listen.
oreiller(e), s. 5178, 5240, pillow.
oreiso(u)n, orisoun, s. 1200, 10208, 10502, B. xxiv. 2, prayer.
orendroit, adv. 6538, now.
Orense, 19984.
orer, v. 1200, 10201 ff., pray, pray for.
orfevere, s. 25513, goldsmith.
orguil, s. 244, B. xlviii. 3.
orguillant, a. 16879, proud.
s’orguillir, s’orguiller, v. 1754, 11420, grow proud.
orguillour, s. 24177, proud man.
orguillous, a. 1093.
orient, oriant, s. 846, 13336, east.
origenal, a. 17533.
origenal, original, s. 152, 8580, 13525, D. i. 2, beginning, rise.
orine, s. 3844, 16539, origin, stock.
ornement, s. 17128.
orphanin, s. 6872, f. orphanine, 15377.
orphelin, a. 8733, destitute.
orr, or, s. 254, 911, T. viii. 1, gold.
ort, s. 12868, garden.
oscur, see obscur.
oscurement, adv. 25334.
oscurer, v.a. 21736:
cp. obscurer, s.
oscureté, s. 3284.
Oseë (1), 6115, 7315, 20462, 26571, Hosea.
Oseë (2), 11018, Hoshea (the king).
oser, v. 727, B. xiv. 2.
Oseye, s. 26048.
oss, s. 1852, bone.
ossifragus, s. 1850, osprey.
ostour, s. 907, 21045, hawk.
ostricer, a. 25291, of ostrich.
ot, see avoir, oïr.
otroi, ottroy, s. 3123, B. xxxviii. 4, granting, grace.
otroier, ottrier, v.a. 821, B. ix. 5, xv. 2, grant, allow.
ou, conj. B. ix. 3, o, 3878, u, 11459, or:
ou ... ou, 1975, ou si ... ou, B. xii. 3, whether ... or.
ou = au, 2672, 3808, 4542, &c.
ou = ove, 8376.
ou = u, 11023.
ouaille, ouaile, s. 14127, 19486, sheep.
oubli, oubly, s. 1110, 2082, 10690, (mettre en oubli).
oubliance, s. 6113.
oublier, oblier, o(u)blir, v.a., 3 s.p. oublie, oblie, 1620, 4043, B. xxv.
1, oublist, oublit, oblit, 6640, 16686, B. xxvi. 3.
oublier, s. 13760, forgetfulness.
oublivioun, s. 6100.
oue, s. 5511, 26300, B. xlviii. 3, goose.
oultrage, outrage, oltrage, s. 288, 1756, 2285, 4707, outrage,
oultrageus, a. 8391.
oultragier(s), a. 11661, 26226, extravagant.
oultragousement, adv. 16572.
oultrance, s., (al oultrance), 8040.
oultre, outre, prep. 400, B. xxii. 3.
oultre (outre) mer, 1213, 25292.
oultremarin, a. 23866.
ou(l)trepasser, v.a. 6751, 23166, pass through, transgress.
ours, s. 20302, bear:
cp. urse.
out, see avoir.
outrepasser, see oultrepasser.
ove, prep. 4, 2406, B. v. 3, &c., ou, 8376, with.
ovel, a. 8159, 12795, level, equal, like:
adv. 22792.
ovelement, adv. 4722, equally, fairly.
overage, s. 8914, 16391, work.
ov(e)raigne, ov(e)reigne, s. 363, 3371, 4226, 25549, work, business.
overir, ovrir, v.a. 995, 12675.
overt, a. 2663, open.
overt, s. 4207, opening.
overture, s. 6402.
ovesque, prep. 167, T. iv. 1:
cp. ove.
Ovide, 14090.
ovile, s. 16089, sheepfold.
ovraigne, ovrir, see overaigne, overir.
ovre, see oevere.
owes, see oef.
oÿe, see oïe.
oÿl, see oïl.

pacience, s. 4313.
pacient, a. 3968, 4188, 7653, patient, suffering.
pacient, s. 24307, sick person.
page, s. 1375, page (servant).
paiage, s. 6202, payment.
paie, pay, s. 7332, 23000, 24564, payment, satisfaction.
paiement, s. 3308.
paien(s), a. 10342;
s. 13020: pagan.
paier, v. 1314, 5630, B. xxvii. 1, pay, satisfy, pay for.
paiis, païs, s. 341, 3789, B. vii. 1, country.
paile, paille, s. 3869, 20961, straw.
pain, s. 2206;
pain lumbard, 7809.
paindemain, paindemeine, s. 7808, 16286.
paine, s., see peine.
paine, v., see pener.
paintour, s. 1945, painter.
painture, s. 1947, painting.
paire, s. 25511, company.
paisible, peisible, a. 2568, 15896, peaceful.
paistre, pestre, v.a. 1161, 7012, 7031;
pres.part. paiscant: feed.
paix, see pes.
Palamedes, B. xx. 3.
pale, a. 870.
palefroy, s. 845.
paleis, palois, s. 28241, T. xi. 3, palace.
palme (1), s. 12469, 29618, palm-tree.
palme (2), s. 7741, tennis.
palmer, see pasmer.
palois, see paleis.
palpebre, s. 2295, eyelid.
Pamphilius, 14450.
pance, paunce, s. 5522, 8542, paunch:
cp. garde pance.
Pandeon, T. xii. 1.
pane, s. 25706, piece.
panell, s. 24896, (jury) panel.
paneter, s. 7517, pantler.
Pantasilée, B. xliii. 2.
pantiere, panetere, s. 9254, 12866, panther.
paon(s), paoun, s. 23451, 23527, peacock.
paour, s. 663, B. xiii. 3.
paourous, a. 11119, 16910.
papal, a. 18481.
papal, s. 27052, pope.
pape, s. 18492.
papegai, papegay, s. 26781, B. xxxvi. 1.
papir, s. 4587, 7286, paper.
par, prep. 18, D. i. 1, per, T. i. 1;
par tout, B. l. 2;
par si qe, 3233, par ce que, 12684.
parable, s. 11977.
paradis, s. 82, B. v. 3.
parage, s. 10084, B. xxiii. 4, rank.
se parager, v. 13639, associate.
parail, see pareil.
parailler, v.a. 2900, make like.
paramont, adv. 10017, above.
paramour, s. 28641, lover.
parant, a. 1230, apparent.
parasi, s. 25569, halfpenny.
parchemin, s. 16102, parchment.
parclos(e), s. 16157, B. xxxvii. 2, enclosure.
parçon(i)er(s), parcener, s. 6992, 8408, 15546, sharer, partaker.
parcroistre, v.n., pp. parcru, 4584, 17108, grow up.
pardedeinz, pardedeins, prep. and adv. 1114, 1120, within.
pardehors, adv. 1123, outside.
pardela, prep. 23252, on the other side of.
parderere, adv. 248.
pardessoutz, pardessoubz, adv. 8142, 13884, below.
pardessur(e), adv. 1857, 4746, 10147, on the top, above, besides.
pardevant, prep. and adv. 1845, 2393, par devant, B. xii. 2, before.
pardon, see pardoun.
pardonaunce, s. 11730.
pardonnement, s. 10512.
pardon(n)er, v.a. 15402, T. xviii. 4.
pardonner, s. 15092, forgiveness.
pardo(u)n, s. 5736, 13342.
parée, a.f. (pp.) 18328, pareie, 10117, adorned.
pareie, s. 10118, wall.
pareil, a. B. x. 2.
pareille, pareil(l), parail, s. 1212, 1446, 22210, B. x. 2, equal, rival.
paremploier, v.a. 14322, set aside.
parensi, adv. 15951, in such a manner.
parent, s. 97, 2574;
f. parente, 3100: parent, relation.
parenté(e), s. 4283, 6671;
pl. 9183: kinship, relations.
parenterdit, a. 15561.
parentre, prep. 1178, 16338, B. xxvii. 4, T. xv. 2;
parentre de, C.: between.
parer, v.a. 21439, B. xvii. 3, prepare, adorn, equip.
parfaire, parfere, v.a. 1942, 2947, 4413, 9435, 28472, make
parfait, a. 1170, perfect:
cp. parfit.
parfaitement, adv. 10776.
parfin, s. 2383, end.
parfit, a. 1640, 2439, T. xviii. 4, perfit, D. i. 4, B. xxvi. 2: perfect,
parfit, s. 6828, fulfilment.
parfitement, adv. B. xli. 3.
parfond, a. 2467, 22317, deep.
parfondement, adv. 2673.
parfondesse, s. 29465, depth.
parfournir, v.a. 4680, 21707, perform.
parigal, perigal(s), a. 151, 964, 3159, 5604, equal, like:
s. 24232.
Paris (son of Priam), 16700, B. xiv. 1, xl. 1.
Paris (city), 25245.
parlance, s. 1734.
parlement, s. 334, 4998, B. xix. 3.
parler, v. 385, B. viii. 3.
parler, s. 28468.
parlesie, s. 5519, palsy.
parlier(s), s. 15997, speaker.
parlire, v.a. 14896;
pp. parlieu, 19956: read through.
parmi, parmy, prep. 282, 4113, to, through, by:
adv. 818, 1628, B. xxviii. 3, right through, throughout, completely,
paroche, s. 20210, parish.
parochiale, s.f., 9115, parishioner.
(paroir), v.n., 3 s.p. piert, 1816, B. xl. 1, piere, 1412, 3450 (? subj.);
3 pl. pieront, 25615;
3 s.pret. parust, 2176, T. xiv. 1: appear:
cp. perestre.
parole, parolle, s. 351, 9386, B. xix. 1.
parol(l)er, v.n. 2156;
3 s.p. parolt, 2720, parole, 3495;
subj. parolle, 17709: speak.
part, s. 276, 2786, 6343, 7386, B. iv*. 3, xxxi. 3;
d’autre part, see autre;
queu part, 9242, whither?
queu part qe, 13864, wherever.
partage, s. 1654, sharing.
partenant, a. 1089.
partenir, v.n. and refl. 45, 924, belong.
partie, s. 373, 2366, 16080, 18711, side, party, part, departing,
partir, v.a. 3240, 3981, 6660, divide, distribute, take away:
v.n. and refl. 744 f., 7595, 12524, B. xv. 1, depart, part, share.
partir, s. 17549, T. xvii. 1, parting, end.
partison, s. 7055, share.
Partonopé, B. xliii. 3.
parvenir, v.n. 14925.
pas, pass, s. 890, 6940, pace, pass.
pas, adv. 900, B. xii. 3.
pasmer, palmer, v.n. 28942, 29023, 29120, faint.
Pasques, 4434, 7326, 28602.
passage, s. 2538, 27107, T. xvii. 3, journey, death.
passant, s. 8465, death.
passer, v.a. 5444, B. viii. 1, x. 2:
v.n. 36, 5575;
passer de, 2795, escape from;
s’en passer, 4195.
passible, a. 5765, suffering.
passio(u)n, s. 18191, 28770.
past(e), s. 7868, 8363, 15660, paste, pastry, repast.
pastour, s. 5012, shepherd.
pastourage, pasturage, s. 1593, 5503.
pastoural, a. 9116.
pasture, s. 1852.
pasturer, v.n. 21996, feed.
paternoster, s. 5559.
patriarche, patriarc, s. 7985, 17159.
Paul (1) (saint), 10612, 13040, 13249, 20069.
Paul (2), 13023 ff.
Paul (3) (l’eremite), 27061.
Pauline, T. x. 3.
paunce, see pance.
pautonier, s. 21382, vagabond.
pavement, s. 21427.
Pavie, 7319.
pay, see paie.
peal, pell, s. 8724, 23486, skin.
peas, see pes.
peccatrice, s.f. 2516, sinner.
pecchant, s. 2131, sinner; 10519, sin.
pecché(s), s. 3, T. vi. 2, sin; 13341, sinner (?).
peccheour, s. 3150, pecchour, C., sinner.
peccher, v.n. 1847, sin.
peccher, s. 1432, sin.
peccheresse, a. and s.f. 20542, T. x. 1, sinner.
peccune, s. 24352 ff., money.
peccunier, s. 24463, lover of money.
pectrine, s. 2053, breast:
cp. peitrine.
pedaille, s. 26232, common people.
pée, see pié.
pees, see pes.
peindre, peinter, v.a., 3 s.p. peinte, 12077, 26037;
pp. peint, 934, B. xlii. 3: paint, dye, adorn.
peine, paine, s. 182, 1438, B. xxviii. 2,
peigne, B. iii. 1;
au peine, a peine, au paine, 2916, 9043, B. xxii. 2, xli. 3.
peine, see pener.
peinter, see peindre.
peiour, a. 2252, worse.
peisible, see paisible.
peitrine, peytrine, poitrine, s. 3849, 6840, 9010, breast:
cp. pectrine.
pelerin, s. 5641, f. pelerine, 16166:
cp. peregrin(s).
pell, see peal.
pelliçoun, s. 20474, furred cloak.
pellure, s. 20453, fur, skins.
pelote, s. 1460, ball.
pelterie, s. 25682, fur.
penance, s. 1157, 2093, 29623, punishment, pain.
penant, a. 22882, penitent.
pendement, s. 14998, hanging.
pendre, v.n. 885, 9021, 17843, B. xxv. 2;
3 s.pret. pendi, 2453: hang, be attached, belong:
v.a. 4113, 5755, 25022, hang.
pener, v.a. and refl. 778, 1002;
3 s.p. peine, 990, 2033, paine, 9208: make to suffer, give trouble to;
refl. take pains, endeavour, suffer pain.
penne, s. 3502, 7382, feather, pen.
Penolopé, T. vi. 3.
peno(u)n, s. 10103, 23728.
penouncell(e), s. 11289, 14261.
pensant, s. B. iv. 3, thought.
pensantie, s. 14267, weightiness.
pensé(e), s. 2192, 3078, B. vii. 2, xxix. 2, penseie, 14404.
pensement, s. 5540, B. viii. 3, thought.
penser, v.n. and refl. 613, 3680, B. ii. 3, iii. 1, think:
v.a. 360, 11509, weigh, reflect upon.
penser, pensier(s), s. 3674, 3683, D. ii. 3, B. vi. 3.
pensif, a., f. pensive, 4643.
Pentecoste, 15135.
Pepin, 1303.
pepin, s. 6719, 7725, 8531, apple, pip.
per, see par.
Perce, see Perse.
percer, v.a. 13521, B. xviii. 1.
perceus, a. 5416, indolent.
percevoir, (perchoir), v.a. 28019;
3 s.fut. perchera (?), 18539: perceive, receive.
See note on 18539.
perclus, a. 7591, shut up.
perdice, see perdis.
perdicioun, s. 2340.
perdis, s. 6262, f. perdice, 7831, partridge.
perdre, v.a. 94, B. ii. 1;
3 s.p. pert, 9009, T. xvii. 1.
perdurable, a. 1438, 13571, B. li. 2.
perdurablement, adv. 2076.
pere, see piere, pierre.
peregrin(s), s. 10656:
cp. pelerin.
peresce, s. 5377, indolence.
perestre, v.n. 1760, B. xi. 4;
2 s.p. peres, 3776;
3 s. perest, 138;
2 pl. perestes, 2;
3 pl. persont, 3859;
3 s.fut. perserra, 13691: appear:
cp. paroir.
perfeccioun, s. T. xvi. 3.
perfit, see parfit.
peri, a. 75, 2086, 10889, lost.
perigal(s), see parigal.
peril, s. 6739, B. xxx. 1.
peril(l)er, v.a. 5059, 15394, imperil.
peril(l)ous, a. 1104, 4604, B. xlviii. 2.
perir, v.n. 2099;
3 s.p. piert, 6856, 8397, 19087;
p.subj. perisse, 4332.
perjur(s), s. 6457, perjurer.
perjuré, a. or s. 25046.
perjurer, v.n. and refl. 6421, 6472, commit perjury:
v.a. 6446, swear falsely by.
perjurer, s. 6318, 24850, perjury.
perjurie, s. 6428.
perle, s. 9282.
permanable, a. 1796, T. i. 2, lasting.
permanance, s. 11577.
permanant, a. 11670.
pernont, see prendre.
perpetuel, a. 3744.
perrie, s. 858, pl. 25588, precious stones.
perrier(s), s. 25579, jeweller.
perriere, s. 3716, catapult.
perrine, s. 2054, stone.
perroun, s. 2412, rock.
pers, a. 6979, 21773, livid, purple.
Persant, a. 10347, Persian.
Perse, Perce, 12999, 22035, 29321, Persia.
persecutour, s. 6914.
perserver, v.a. 217, keep.
perseverance, s. 14357.
perseverer, v.n. 14393 ff.
Persiens, 22046.
person(n)e, s. 1508, 20208 (R), B. xxxix. 2, T. iii. 3, person, parson.
persuacioun, s. 19113.
perte, s. 2069.
pertuis, pertus, s. 5258, 7587, hole.
perturber, v.a. 3639.
pervers(e), a. 2545, 16725.
pervertir, v.a. 646, 3175, turn aside, ruin.

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