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Second Conditional

El Second Conditional se usa para casos hipotéticos. Se usan los modales Might, Should,
Could y Would.
Should- deber/sugerencia
Could- habilidad
Would- verbo+-ría

Elige el modal verb correcto para cada oración. Será un modal verb para cada

If I won the lottery, I would buy you a house. (would / could)

If I didn’t work full-time, I could exercise more. (might / could)

He might be able to come with you if you ask him. (should / might)

You should accept the job if they offered it to you. (would / should)

Present Perfect
La estructura del Present Perfect es:

Suj + have/has + past participle + complemento

I have eaten pizza for 3 days.

El auxiliar have/has va con diferentes pronombres.

Comencemos escribiendo Have o Has en las oraciones.
I have
You have 1. I have played soccer since I was little.
He has 2. Kate has ridden a bike all week.
She has
3. Robert has worked hard this week.
It has
4. We have been at San Diego for 2 weeks.
We have
They have
Ahora completarás con el auxiliar Have o Has y el past participle del verbo
Para hacer una oración negativa, se le agrega “not” después del auxiliar
Have not= haven’t
Has not= hasn’t
Recuerda que los verbos regulares se les agrega -ed, mientras que los
irregulares cambian una o varias letras, o cambia la palabra.

My sister has Made a big cake. (make)

He didn’t drank his orange juice. (not/drink)

have they played the piano? (play)

The baby has slept all night. (sleep)

I have studied at home for one hour.

(study) People didn’t travel to Venus.


For and Since

For y Since en el Present Perfect nos dice el tiempo…
For nos dice por cuanto tiempo o cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde esa
Since nos dice un tiempo o una fecha exacta de cuando comenzó la actividad.

I have lived in Spain for 6 years.  6 years- nos dice cuanto tiempo ha vivido
en España.

I have lived in Spain since 2017.  2017- nos dice el año exacto desde que
vive en España.
Completa la oración con For o Since.

I have been a student _for 12 years.

I haven’t ridden a bike since I was 11 years

old. Vivian hasn’t eaten since 7 o’clock.

Mark has played baseball for 3 months.

We have worked here since June.

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