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Experiment No. 8

Kirchhoff’s Rules

Name: …………………………………….

Reg.No. ( ) Class ( )

Date / / 20 Mark ( )
Lab. 8 Kirchhoff’s rules

1. Objectives: -


2. Apparatus:


3. Data:

(I) Single Loop

a) Connect the circuit shown in diagram 1 below.

Diagram 1
b) Record the measured properties of the circuit in table 1 below.

Table 1

ε1 =
ε2 =
I1 =

I3 =

R1 =

R3 =

c) Put the directions of flow of currents on diagram 1.

(I) Determine the sum of potential differences (∑ V) around the loop abfea.



(II) Comment on the accuracy of Kirchhoff’s second rule based on your result.


(II) Double Loop
a) Connect the circuit shown in diagram 2 below.
b) Attach a screenshot of your designed circuit.

Diagram 2

c) Record the measured properties of the circuit in table 2 below.

Table 2

ε1 =
ε2 =
I1 =

I2 =

I3 =

R1 =

R2 =

R3 =
d) Record the directions of flow of currents on diagram 2.

e) (I) Do the currents coming into a junction point add up to currents coming out? Show that.


(II) Comment on the accuracy of Kirchhoff’s first rule based on your result.



f) (I) Determine the sum of potential differences (∑V) around each of the loops shown below,
which are parts of the circuit in diagram 2.

* in each loop in addition to ∑V determine the currents, their directions, and the loop direction.

Loop 1



Loop 2




Loop 3



(II) Comment on the accuracy of Kirchhoff’s second rule based on your result.


g) Using the measured values of ε1, ε2, R1, R2, and R3 calculate the theoretical values of the

currents I1, I2, and I3 using equations 4,5 and 6 in the manual.

(I) Calculation of I1:


(II) Calculation of I2:


(III) Calculation of I3:



h) Record your results of calculations of the currents on table 2 below and compare with the
values obtained experimentally from table 1.

Calculated values Experimental values Percentage error

(Ampere) (Ampere) (%)

I1 = I1 =

I2 = I2 =

I3 = I3=
4. Questions:
1) Use Kirchhoff's current Law to calculate the magnitude and direction of currents across each
resistor in this circuit. {Show the magnitudes and directions on the fig. no need to show your

IR1 =

IR2 =

IR3 =

IR4 =

IR5 =

IR6 =

IR7 =

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