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Pre-colonial Period (BC-1564)

The pre-colonial period of Philippine literature refers to the time before the Spanish
colonization in the 16th century. During this era, oral traditions were prominent, with
epic poems, folk tales, chants, proverbs, songs and myths being passed down through
generations. The Philippines had a rich tradition of indigenous languages and cultures,
with various ethnic groups like the Tagalogs, Visayans, and Igorots expressing their
stories, beliefs, and values through oral literature.
All of these were passed down orally from one generation to the next. The folklore of
the Philippines is diverse and unique. The islands’ precolonial period, during which
indigenous peoples engaged in healthy trade with various cultures and economies in
the region, gave way to a long colonial period, first under Spain for over 300 years, and
then under the United States, during which it came briefly under Japanese occupation in
World War II. The Philippines gained independence in 1946.

According to "Philippine Literature during Pre-Colonial Period", by Esiel Cabrera

(February 26,2016) is that pre colonial period is the longest and first period of Philippine
literary history, events from the nations history began counting the years of history from
1521 the first the first time written records by Westerners referred to the archipelago
later to be called “Las Islas Filipinas”. However, the discovery of the “Tabon Man” in a
cave in Palawan in 1962, has allowed us to stretch our prehistory as far as 50,000 years
back. The stages of that prehistory show how the early Filipinos grew in control over
their environment.


samaljasonblog (February 27, 2016) pre-colonial times set against a bulk of material
about early Filipinos as recorded by Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and other chroniclers of
the past. The pre-colonial inhabitants of our islands showcase a rich past through their
folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives and indigenous rituals and mimetic dances
that affirm our ties with our Southeast Asian neighbors. The pre-colonial period of
Philippine literature is clearly evident that our fore fathers had substantial way of life,
commencing their own form of government lead by Datu. The most determining of these
folk speeches is the riddle. The proverbs or aphorisms express norms or codes of
behavior, community beliefs or they instill values by offering nuggets of wisdom in short,
rhyming verse. These facts are enough to identify that literature was already existed
during the pre-colonial period.

*Oral Literature
1. Riddles (bugtong) – battle of wits among participants
Tigmo – Cebu
Paktakon – Ilonggo
Patotdon - Bicol

2. Proverbs (salawikain) – wise sayings that contain a metaphor used to teach asa food
for thought

3. Tanaga
- a mono-riming heptasyllabic quatrain expressing insights and lessonson life is "more
emotionally charged than the terse proverb and thus hasaffinities with the folk lyric."

*Folk Songs
- It is a form of folk lyric which expresses the hopes and aspirations, the
people'slifestyles as well as their loves. These are often repetitive and sonorous,
didactic and naivea.

1. Hele or oyayi – lullaby

2. Ambahan (Mangyan) – 7-syllable per line poem that are about humanrelationships
and social entertainment
3. Kalusan (Ivatan) - work songs that depict the livelihood of the peopled.
4. Tagay (Cebuano and Waray) – drinking songe.
5. Kanogan (Cebuano) – song of lamentation for the dead

*Folk Tales
1. Myths – explain how the world was created, how certain animalspossess certain
characteristics, why some places have waterfalls, volcanoes,mountains, flora or fauna

2. Legends – explain the origin of things

-Why the Pineapple Has Eyes
-The Legend of Maria Makiling

3. Fables – used animal characters and allegory

4. Fantastic stories – deal with underworld characters such as “tiyanak”,“aswang”,

“kapre” and others
-These are “narratives of sustained length based on oral tradition revolving
aroundsupernatural events or heroic deeds”(Arsenio Manuel)

1. Lam-ang (Ilocano)
2. Hinilawod (Panay)
3. Kudaman (Palawan)
4. Darangen (Maranao)

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