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In today’s time, certain environmental changes are slowly emerging and people could now see

and feel the difference that it made. We often hear contemporary issues that should be given an
immediate and serious attention in daily basis, but also often neglected. A lot has happened for the past
centuries and as time goes by alarming problems occurs that will affect people’s lives. It’s a moment of
reflection for us to see the things that we did in the past years. Our behaviors towards recurring issues
like poverty and hunger, our views regarding lack of education and climate change, and our ways to
contribute in solving these given dilemmas. It’s our steps towards this matter are what should be given
an extensive and crucial reflection. As scarcity in major needs occurs, sustainability must be observed by
the people. Globalization in these times are relevant. As countries became interconnected with each
other, there’s a huge room for different ideas that will help us in eliminating these issues. The goals in
achieving sustainable development are already formed and it’s one of the manifestations of

Since time Immemorial, poverty has been one of the greatest issues that even at this point
couldn’t be solved. This is the first goal of the 17 SDGs and I get the reason behind this. Poverty is the
root of all recurring problems that we have. Lack of education, hunger, sanitation, livable environment,
etc. Children could access education if they have the means to do so. If their basic needs could be
supported by their families then they would’ve been sent to school and learning. According to Mojarro
(2022), 90.9 percent of children aged 10 yrs. old above are in the situation of learning poverty. Most of
these kids are forced to stop schooling mainly because of poverty. It’s sad to see that instead of these
children learning they’ve been forced to work to survive in each day. There are things that we are
unable to do because of lack of knowledge. We cannot go and have a stable job because we don’t have
the qualification to do so. Opportunity becomes limited to the people who doesn’t have enough
education which mainly speaks about inequality and the reason why people cannot grow. Free access of
education has been implemented in the country but still the issue hasn’t submerged. The reason behind
this is it’s only for the students who have the qualities. Those who have the potential in making the
country better. Even with free education, institutions have their limits and could only accommodate
numerous students. One thing we can do for this is to ensure that this law is actually applicable to
everyone and we must have education that knows no boundaries. Effective dissemination of funds by
leaders is also a huge factor.

Consequently, environmental issues such as clean water, air, energy and sanitation, life on land
& water, climate action, consumption of resources are topics to focus on. Because of industries that are
slowly taking every part of lands in this world, breathable air has been affected. It is said that only 20%
of air are breathable and by now, it’s probably reduced. Industries who have factories for the production
of their business contributes to the pollution of air. Those who emits strong odors and anthropogenic
hazard that can probably affect people’s health around the area. This could also result into greenhouse
effect which harms the ozone layer. In this matter, people cannot do a lot about this except for those
filtering the cars which produces pollution. Large Industries should find an alternative way on how they
could emit these harmful energy. They must ensure that even upon operation, environment is not
compromised. Regulation of air that produced by industries should be one of the priorities of the
government and its sectors.
As I mentioned, clean energy is also one of the goals of sustainable development project.
Renewable energy became limited now since lack of resources are occurring also. In our everyday life,
we emit thousands of greenhouse gases that are generated from different factors. A great example
would be Chlorofluorocarbons which is seen in air-conditioners that most of the people used. People are
actually aware of these things but aren’t prioritize since they tend to compare with large malls which are
main contributors of these. Chemicals from factories are also a type of pollution that needs to be
addressed. Industries dispose the chemical waste in the bodies of water. Marine life are being at cost
the reason why some species goes extinct. In the article of Denchak (2022), it is stated that 80% of ocean
pollution are caused by contaminants such as chemicals, heavy metals, and nutrients coming from
farms, factories, city streams and rivers. Furthermore, these given contaminants are toxic to aquatic life
for it reduces their life span and most of these fishes like tuna accumulate high percentage of toxins like
mercury which is also harmful to human’s life. In these given issues, there are certain laws that
regulates this actions however, even with that it is totally hard to maintain and restore the water bodies.

One thing we can do is to contribute with these campaigns by educating ourselves. As a student,
we must be cautious enough with the things we use regularly. In the aspect of environmental
sustainability, what we can do is to educate ourselves, the youth, and people in our community with the
biggest challenge in these times which is climate change. Advocating and planting of trees are small
steps to begin with. Conservation of energy and water especially when the use is unjustifiable is also a
must. The use of single-use plastics must be observed by the people and industries such as plastic
stirrers, plastic bags and straws. As we are facing scarcity in oil and gas, we must be cautious in the
usage of these things. These are small steps that we could start on that could make a major impact
when it’s done collectively. It might be too simple but these are the things that are often neglected by
people. We must also hold large industries which are main contributors of pollutants be accountable
with their business production. It’s in our hands that could actually save and promote sustainability.
With the voice that we use, which could alarmed people and help them be much aware of the things
that are damaging and detrimental to the people and organisms.

Social sustainability is also a priority of the United Nations, we talked about how globalization
promote culture sensibility and gender equality. In these times, information are much accessible now
and it’s a manifestation of globalization. As countries became integrated, certain cultures became open
to people now. We’ve been aware of the attributes that are actually sensitive for one another and by
that we must be cautious with our actions. Racisms, discrimination, and religion are a great example. If
black people are given less opportunity before and often mistreated by other races, these actions aren’t
allowed in this generation. People tend to educate each other that every people are equal despite of
their races, appearances, religion, and gender. It have been an effective tool in achieving this goal
because we see changes of people’s beliefs towards this matter now. By raising our voice and speaking
for them, we’ve seen a difference. Calling out people and helping them be knowledgeable about this are
ways to promote gender equality. Recently, SOGIE Equality Bill has already been approved by the Senate
Committee which is an act promoting equal rights to all person. After 20 years of processing and
convincing people that it is not a special rights for the LGBTQ+ Community, 19 Senators have approved
the bill. It’s one way of achieving gender equality and this probably has a great influence to people to
finally accept that there are different gender identities of people. It’s one way to make people with
different sexual orientation feel that they belong and are still loved even with the disparities.

Economic Sustainability is the biggest challenge among all the goals listed especially here in our
country. As we see our economy in these times, it is probably one of its lowest point. The value of Peso
are constantly decreasing and now the lowest value since November 2005 according to data. It is said
that it is the weakest currency in Southeast Asia in the second quarter of 2022 (Bassig & Kang, 2022).
Inflation rate became higher each day making normal Filipinos poorer. The price of the goods is just
enough for their everyday rate given with low salary and unstable job they had. Philippines foreign
obligations is projected to increase in 14.63 Trillion by the end of 2023 (De Vera, 2022). With this given
situation, I am certain that the first sustainability development goal is far to achieved in their given
timeline which is 2030. Each day it became harder for Filipinos to complete three meals in a day
excluding their other necessities. Every leaders that have put in place promised to eliminate or at least
diminish poverty in the country, but as years goes by I see no changes but it just got worsen The first
thing that we should do in order to eliminate poverty is to choose leaders who understand the situation
of people. We should make our leaders prioritize aspects that have a great impact into our life such as
our economy. If only we all have the knowledge to choose someone who know something in providing a
better life to Filipino’s and those who could use the funds and taxes we provide efficiently then it
could’ve been a great step.

In achieving these 17 Sustainability Development Goals, a competent leader in position is a

must. One who could hit the three aspect of sustainability and make it better. A step that we could make
for this is to educate ourselves in choosing the right people we vote on. No matter how much we try
hard to strive and survive each day, if the people who are in position are the persons who are benefiting
then our efforts are nothing. Global cities are seen in our country and they contribute a big portion to
the funds of the government. We’ve been lend by the world bank a huge sum of money for us to make
the economy better and it’s probably because of globalization. These guiding goals created by United
Nations are what we can see use to make our country keep up with the developed countries. The
change starts with you by planting a tree, saving energy at home and using eco-friendly things it could
contribute a lot by then. With that, you can educate your family and they can share it to their common
friends until it reached many. We must be conscious with our actions. Not because it is neglected by
people, we must stop. Not because people do not care doesn’t mean you have to do the same. Not
because people take it lightly, it wouldn’t need a serious and prompt attention. Even when it means
doing it alone, do it in your own.

There are no other keys in achieving sustainability. The things I mentioned may sound cliché and
often heard by many but as I said a lot of people doesn’t observe this. Remember that your future
depends on you. Learn to love and accept people despite the disparities. Fathom the environmental
issues like climate change. Choose leaders who prioritizes the economy, poverty and its people. Begin to
educate yourselves with the contemporary issues. Observe your usage with the given resources. The
existence of globalization is highly beneficial for us in every aspect mentioned; cultural, political and
economic. It’s within us on how to use its benefits. The future generations are at stake, so live within
your means.

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