Ventures BSN 3B - Individual Worksheet 2 - Socio-Cultural Determinants of Community Health

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Instruction: Based from your own community setting (current residence / province if you are residing in
dormitory), write in a maximum of 3 sentences describing your chosen 5 determinants of health that is
present and how these determinants affect your health.

Determinants of Health Implications to your Health

Income and Social Status Income and social status have a significant impact on health
outcomes in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. Higher-income residents
have better access to quality healthcare, nutritious food, and
safe living conditions, resulting in overall better health.
Individuals with lower income and social status, on the other
hand, face greater barriers to accessing healthcare
resources, which can lead to higher rates of preventable
illnesses and poorer health outcomes.

Physical Environment As a citizen of Lapu Lapu City, Cebu, I believe the physical
environment in our community setting greatly impacts health
wherein high levels of air pollution, especially near busy
roads and industrial areas, can exacerbate respiratory
conditions. Additionally, limited green spaces and
recreational areas can hinder opportunities for physical
activity, potentially contributing to a sedentary lifestyle.
Lastly, inadequate waste management practices can lead to
unsanitary conditions, increasing the risk of waterborne

Culture The emphasis on communal living and close-knit families

fosters a strong support network, which contributes to mental
and emotional well-being. Additionally, traditional healing
practises and herbal remedies are frequently integrated into
healthcare, providing residents with alternative options. I
witnessed how the cultural emphasis on physical activity
promoted overall health and vitality in the community through
activities such as traditional dance and outdoor gatherings.

Genetics Certain genetic predispositions may increase the likelihood

of certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, or certain types of cancer, among residents in Lapu
Lapu City. Furthermore, genetic factors can influence how
people metabolize medications, affecting their effectiveness
and potential side effects. Understanding the genetic
makeup of the population can help in tailoring healthcare
interventions and providing personalized medical advice in
this community to improve health outcomes.

Personal behavior and coping skills I observed that individuals who practiced healthy behaviors
such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress
management tended to have better overall health outcomes,
while those with poor coping skills and unhealthy habits often
faced health challenges. For example, individuals who
struggled to manage stress through unhealthy coping
mechanisms like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption
were more likely to experience related health issues.
Additionally, a lack of access to healthcare resources here in
Lapu Lapu City further exacerbated these disparities,
underscoring the crucial role of personal behavior in
maintaining good health in the community.

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