Argumentative Essay Izzy

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Izabella Reynolds

7th period
February 2023

“If a student eats hot lunch at school everyday that is approximately one hundred and eighty
meals during the school year.” One hundred and eighty meals equals a huge cost to families,
especially if the family has several kids.

Some researchers say… that serving free school meals to all students is a gamechanger for
students, families, and schools.

It’s true that, Research shows that receiving free or reduced-priced school lunches reduces food
insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health.

Opponents might argue that… school lunches should not be free because… schools are not
equipped to provide these meals and it will cost the Government too much money.

Some facts about school lunches is that 4.9 billion lunches are served annually and they are 7.7
million full price.

On the other hand, people might argue that not all students should receive free school lunch.
Some evidence shows, Regardless of family income, about 10 million children end up without
lunch at school and now have to pay for school lunch in 2023.

Reasons why school lunches should be free:

1. It reduces food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health

2. Reduces childhood hunger and food insecurity

3. Eliminate lunch debt

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