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Honeywell is a company that produces a variety of B2B and B2C consumer goods, technical

services, and aerospace systems for an extensive list of clients. The company improves its
performance through integrated supply chain management (SCM) and e-procurement via the
ERP system, which helps the company achieve the goal of making the right products the right
way and making them available when needed.

It's important for Honeywell to have SCM and ERP integrated systems, which are going to have
a few benefits as, first a better supply chain by directing manufacturing orders to scheduling
systems at the manufacturing facility level, correct reporting of product inventories, such as
liquid and gas products, as opposed to inconsistent raw measurements, which will improve
planning and financial analysis, increased product quality by sharing reference ideas and
product guidelines for use in plants, increased consumer satisfaction through systematic
monitoring of products and a link to results from laboratories, by specifically reporting
equipment operation durations to determine needed repairs, unanticipated repair work was
eliminated, a better understanding of important company goals like capacity utilization, excess
inventory, and on-time product shipments. Honeywell has a complicated system because it
contains components that must be handled carefully, such as IC, resistors, diodes, transistors,
amplifiers, filters, and relays. The e-procurement system is going to be important for the
company because is going to increase buyer productivity, the system becomes organized, and
carefully handled earlier with an accurate forecasting of the order's arrival, order-time cycle
that is shorter, and low inventories.

The scale of the purchasing operation at Honeywell is big, dealing with some sensitive
components and different countries. So, with this scale, the ERP has brought several benefits to
the company, such as improving the purchasing process and reducing the manual amount of
work, increasing the productivity of buyers. Another one is, there is less risk of overstocking or
stock-outs and better inventory management, which lowers the cost of inventory. The next
benefit is that through the automation of multiple purchasing phases and the use of a
centralized communication and data exchange system, the order-time cycle is significantly
reduced. The last one is a better financial strategy and allocation of resources are made
possible by the solid system it gives for data analysis and decision-making.

Company efficiencies are gained through e-procurement in a lot of aspects, The first one we
can highlight is cost saving, e-procurement is going to automate procurement processes
reducing administrative costs as a result, and also, can reduce the inventory cost by improving
the inventory management. The second one is time saving, the procurement process can be
automated to save time that used to be spent on manual processes like ordering, payment, and
data feedback. The next one is that the company is going to have higher precision,
transactions, and documentation are more precise thanks to e-procurement, which is going to
avoid human errors during the processes. Another one is an improvement in reporting and
analysis, full data is collected by e-procurement systems, which may then be analyzed and
reported on to help with better decision-making. The last one is to improve the relationship
between suppliers, e-procurement makes it possible to communicate with suppliers effectively
and in real-time, which improves relations with them and makes it easier to negotiate and

In conclusion, Honeywell´s integration of SMC and e-procurement via the ERP system has
provided the company with a few benefits. Their operations have been made more efficient by
this integrated system, which has also increased production, facilitated quality control, and
given them real-time information for better decision-making. This strategy helped reduce costs,
improve quality, and improve supplier relationships by allowing immediate transfer of
information and better inventory management. In today's competitive business environment,
Honeywell serves as an example of how digital transformation can improve productivity and
provide a competitive advantage.

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