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The third topic is all about Theories of globalization. This topic will give us a glimpse of the importance of
globalization. In addition, this topic will allow us to analyze globalization culturally, economically, and politically. This
means that bunch of theories about globalization are being introduced. In this topic, you can encounter the word
homogeneity and heterogeneity that will be the core of this topic and will help us in identifying and distinguishing what
theories are example of this classification. Also, homogeneity and heterogeneity will give us idea about the effects of
globalization based on the examples, and citations being given.


When we hear homogeneity and heterogeneity, we first think about science and mixtures but in this topic,
which is the Globalization theory, homogeneity and heterogeneity are being used as classification of theories. When we
say Homogeneity, it is the increasing sameness in the world as inputs, economic factors, and political orientations of
societies expand to create common practices, same economics, and similar forms of government. The word
homogeneity is often linked to cultural imperialism which means of culture being influence by other culture. Some of
this example are the religion of Christianity that is being influenced by the Spaniards colonization. In terms of economy,
Antonio (2001) stated that there is recognition of neoliberalism and, capitalism, and market economy around the world
that resulted to global economic crises that are also products of homogeneity and resulted to rich countries advantages
and expense to the poor one. In terms of politics, political realm suffers homogenization in a way that similar models of
governance are being practice around the world. Lastly, Media imperialism or global flow of media is another example of
homogeneity because the idea of entertainment such as music, TV, books and movies are being circulated around the
world that evolve to internet and social media that we used today.

In contrary, heterogeneity refers to the creation of various cultural practices, new economies, and political
groups because of interaction of elements from different societies around the world. Heterogeneity is the differences or
hybrids /combination of cultures that can be produced through different transplanetary process. Heterogeneity is being
associated by the concept of cultural hybridization. A clearer concept is Glocalization that is coined by Roland Rubert in
1992. According to him, global forces should interact with local factors to produce “glocal”. Some of this example are
differentiation happening in many economies across the world, intensification of nationalism that leads to greater
political heterogeneity around the world.

Comparison and Contrast:

The third and fourth topic which are theory of globalization and dynamic of local and global culture has
similarities and differences. One of this is that each topic benefit or connected with each other. Homogeneity and
Heterogeneity can be found in the fourth topic, as well as the concepts such as glocalization and cultural imperialism.
zEach topic benefited on each other that resulted to the accurate and clear understanding towards the topic. In contrary
the difference of this two is that the third topic is somehow general and not that complete were the fourth topic is more
specific and complete the whole thought of the third topic.


Theories of Globalization has to classification; homogeneity and heterogeneity. Homogeneity is the increasing
sameness in the world, this classification is linked to cultural imperialism which means of culture being influence by
other culture. One of its examples is the religion Christianity that is influenced by Spaniards. While, Heterogeneity is the
differences or hybrids /combination of cultures that can be produced through different transplanetary process, this
classification is being associated with the concept of cultural hybridization or glocalization, one of this examples are
differentiation happening in many economies across the world. Lastly, homogeneity and heterogeneity give us idea
about the effects of globalization in our world.

When the third topic is being reported by one of my classmates, I couldn’t understand what he is saying because
he just read the visual aid, the tone of his voice is low and there are no handouts being provided. That’s why, I tried to
search for sources like the book and the use of internet in order to understand briefly the topic. When I learned all the
ideas and information, I realized that the topic is easy to understand just like the previous topic. I am mesmerized and
very happy about the use of science concept that gave me curiosity about the lesson that resulted to easily understand
it. Lastly, this whole topic gave me lesson that as a future educator we need to be effective in putting knowledge in our
students, so at this moment we need to practice our teaching skills and one of that is improving or reporting skills.

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