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The topic is all about Dynamics of Local and global culture. In order to understand the topic, meaning of local
and global culture is being given. This allow us to better understand the topic what the difference s is between this two.
In addition, global culture flows are being introduced find that it has three perspective; this are cultural differentialism,
cultural hybridization and cultural convergence. This three are different from each other and use in classifying cultural
activities, practices, food, and things. At the end of discussion, deep understanding about dynamic of local and global
culture is being expected because examples and theories are being used to understand the topic clearly.


Culture has two classification; local and global culture. Local culture is the set of behaviors, beliefs and customs
that exist in a country or specific geographic location. While global culture is the set of shared experiences, norms,
symbols and ideas that unite people at the global level. During this time, global flows of culture tend to move more
easily around the world that ever before, it is all because digital, social media and internet that makes it easier to move.
There are three perspectives of global cultural flows, these are cultural differentialism, cultural hybridization and cultural
convergence. Cultural differentialism are culture that are essentially different and are only superficially by global flows.
In this perspective, the interaction of cultures is deemed to contain the potential for catastrophic collisions. In Samuel
huntington’s Clash of civilization, catastrophic collisions are best describe. According to Hutington, after the cold war,
political-economic differences were over shadowed by the new fault lines, which were primarily culture in nature. This
resulted to increasing interaction among different civilization that may lead to intense clashes in economic, political etc.
The second perspective is called cultural hybridization that is also linked to cultural heterogeinity. Cultural hybridization
is the integration of local and global cultures. Globalization allows cultures to create new practices and behaviors
through this integration of two cultures. One word to explain cultural hybridization is the concept of glocalization, this
are unique outcomes in different geographic locations that composed of local and global culture. Another key concepts
to understand cultural hybridization is the concepts pf Arjun Appdurai’s scapes in 1996, where global flows involve
people, technology, finance, political images and media that leads to the creation of cultural hybrids. The last
perspective is Cultural convergence that is linked to cultural homogeneity. Cultural imperialism happen in this
perspective were one culture imposes it self on and tend to destroy at least parts of another culture. One of important
critique of cultural imperialism is John Tomlin’s idea of deterritorialization of culture were it is much more difficult to tie
culture to a specific geographic point of view.

Comparison and Contrast:

The forth and fifth topic which are Dynamic of local and global culture and globalization of religion has its
similarities and differences. One of its similarity is that both topics are resulted because of the globalization, Also, in the
forth topic, culture is being highlighted were religion is part of one’s culture Specifically. The idea of globalization in
religion is one of the examples of cultural convergence, specifically cultural imperialism because different religion tries
to spread their religion that might destroy or change one’s spiritual belief. In contrary, Dynamic of local and global
culture focuses on local and global culture, global flows of culture and its three perspective. While Globalization of
Religion focuses on spreading one’s religion across the world and what notable positive and negative effect of
globalization of religion.


Cultures in contemporary world are being classified by local or global culture. Local culture is the set of
behaviors, beliefs and customs that exist in a country or specific geographic location. While global culture is the set of
shared experiences, norms, symbols and ideas that unite people at the global level. Global flows of culture tend to move
more easily around the world that ever before, global flows of culture have three perspective; these are cultural
differentialism, cultural hybridization and cultural convergence. Cultural differentialism are culture that are essentially
different and are only superficially by global flows. Next one is Cultural hybridization that is the integration of local and
global cultures and is also linked to cultural heterogeinity. One word to explain cultural hybridization is the concept of
glocalization. The third one is Cultural Convergence that is linked to cultural homogeneity, in this perspective cultural
imperialism is being practice.


The fourth topic which is dynamic of local and global culture are very interesting and easy to understand. This
topic didn’t give me a hard time dealing in order to understand the topic clearly. In addition, one of the notable reasons
why it is easy to understand is that this topic is just the continuation of the third topic. This made me realize that in
order to understand fully a [lesson or topic always starts on the beginning not in the middle or ending because each part
has its own connection with each other. We can’t jump on the step if we couldn’t understand fully the previous one.

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