The Evolution of Technology Project

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The Evolution of Technology Presentation

For this assignment, you will trace the evolution of one piece of technology.

1. Decide on the technology you wish to study. Some ideas are:

 Cellular phones
 The television
 Film/Cameras
 Computers or Computer Operating Systems
 The Internet and Search Engines
 Indoor plumbing
 Various household appliances (fridges, stoves, washers)
 The light bulb
 Music Players (Gramophone through Digital)
 Cars, Airplanes, or some other form of transportation

(There are many more, please get your topic approved BEFORE proceeding with any

2. Research the technology. You MUST trace the FULL evolution of the technology!!
Answer the following questions:
 Who created it, when, and how?
 What is the oldest prototype of this technology you can find?
 Were there dangers or concerns with this new technology?
 Has the new technology made anything else obsolete?
 What are the downfalls of this technology?
 How has the new technology enhanced our society? What are the benefits?
 Did this technology change the social structures of society and/or social
interactions between people? If so, how?
 Did this technology lead to any cultural adaptations or serious sudden changes in
YOU OBTAINED YOUR INFORMATION! There will be a lesson on Thursday on
how to do this properly in APA format.

3. Display your results as a PowerPoint that includes all the above information (10-15
slides?) as well as graphics to make it look good and show how the technology
evolved in a graphic form. Be creative with your PowerPoint. The rubric of how this
will be evaluated is attached.

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