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Active and Passive Voice Exercises

The following sentences are written in either passive or active voice. Identify
whether or not they are passive or active. Once you have identified all the
sentences, try switching the voice, making the active sentences passive and the
passive sentences active.

1. The oil spill contaminated the coastline

2. The finalists were judged by Simon.

3. The firemen considered different ways of stopping the fire.

4. My side of the story was believed by the principal.

5. Jack and his friends must move the heavy boxes.

6. The students were tested by the teacher.

7. Congress have established some new laws.

8. The new laws were revealed by congress.

9. Lindsay is going to visit Amsterdam.

10. The fly was eaten by the frog.

Last month somebody stole John’s car in Toronto. The thief opened the front window and
he took it out of the city. The thief left it in an abandoned lot for a week.
Finally, the thief stole the window and he sold it in the black market to a used dealership.
soon, a young man found the car and he drove it out west to visit his family.
in Alberta, the young man was arrested over for speeding, so the police seized the car
because the license plate indicated somebody stole the car.
Finally, the police gave the car to John. He couldn’t believe all the crazy things that had
happened to his car.

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