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CODE : 105


Time allowance: 45 minutes
Chú ý: Học sinh trả lời bằng bút mực phần tự luận và tô bút chì phần trắc nghiệm vào
Answer Sheet
Mark the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the rest.
1. A. inhabit B. magnificent C. quality D. climb
2. A. accomodation B. service C. caves D. cancel
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.
3. Everybody has (A) to make (B) some action (C) now to reduce the effects (D) of global warming.
4. Students who (A) first language is not English need to take (B) an English language test like (C)
IELTS before applying to (D) any higher education courses.
5. We should focus on (A) either modern technology nor (B) the (C) environment because (D) we will
only have 10 minutes.
Mark the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the word that differs from the others in the position of primary stress.
6. A. dweller B. scenery C. sustain D. forest
7. A. advanced B. technology C. education D. environment
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
8. I feel under the weather today. I 'm tired and don't want to do anything.
A. healthy B. sick C. sad D. happy
9. They can save money thanks to the availability of low-cost hotels and cruise tours.
A. expensive B. cheap C. reasonable D. affordable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
10. Widespread loss of species is a matter of great concern for humans.
A. quarrel B. worried feeling C. reconcilement D. happiness
11. In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna, visitors can also enjoy
mountain climbing.
A. flowers and plants B. plants and animals
C. plants and vegetation D. flowers and grass
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
12. Jones: “Which attractions do you think we should visit?”
Peter: “_________.”
A. Why don’t we visit the royal tombs? B. That’s a good idea.
C. How amazing! D. I agree with your suggestion.
13. Lan: “Which option would you prefer? Vocational or academic courses?”
Nam: “____”
A. I would rather take career-based courses.
B. Further education offers vocational and academic courses.
C. We don’t need to be campus-based students.
D. Academic courses help us develop analytical skills.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
14. ______, Mai had to walk home.
A. Having refused Nam’s offer of a lift in his car B. Having offered a lift in his car
C. Refused Nam’s offer of a lift in his car D. Offering a lift in Nam’s car
15. Son Doong Cave, ____ in 2009, is believed to contain the world's largest cave passage
A. first explored B. to first explore C. first be explored D. first exploring
16. He apologized _____explosives to kill fish in the lake.
A. for having used B. about using C. having used D. for being used
17. Mary _________the gardening all morning and her hands are so dirty.
A. has done B. are doing C. did D. has been doing
18. The room is spotless because he ________it twice.
A. is cleaning B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. has been cleaning
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19. I don’t like people _______into my room without knocking the door.
A. to be walked B. walked C. walking D. walk
20. The tombs are part of our historical heritage, _______?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. is it D. isn’t it
21. If water reaches 100 degrees, it ________.
A. boils B. will boil C. would boil D. will boils
22. Barbara’s center sent a ______team to help the people in danger.
A. assistant B. sensor C. rescuing D. rescue
23. The cruise tour______ the visitors a truly superb experience.
A. gives B. takes C. makes D. get
24. During the dig, the archaeological team found some _______ from the Stone Age.
A. heritages B. intacts C. relics D. dynasties
25. This university is the first one ________me a scholarship.
A. to be offer B. offered C. offering D. to offer
26. A/ An ______to the A-level is the IB Diploma Programme.
A. optional B. pursue C. compulsory D. alternative
27. Global warming can reduce crop harvest globally, which may lead to __________.
A. flood B. drought C. famine D. tsunami
28. Let’s go to the movie tonight, _______?
A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. may I
29. At the ______level, you get a bachelor’s degree.
A. academic B. vocational C. undergraduate D. postgraduate
30. The _________of our city needs upgrading. It’s in an extremely poor condition now.
A. city dwellers B. urban planner C. advanced technology D. infrastructure
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
Garbage is a big problem all over the world. People buy and use a lot of things nowadays. After
a while, they throw them away in the garbage bin. All the garbage is later thrown away or dumped
outside the city. These places are called landfill sites. In many cities, landfill sites are now full.
We have to manage our waste and garbage better. If we throw away so many things, soon we
will have no place to dump them. The best thing to do is to reduce the amount of garbage. If we use less,
we throw away less. For instance, we can buy food in big boxes and packages. Then we throw away
only one box every month or so. Otherwise, we throw away many small boxes or cans every day.
Similarly, we can reuse a lot of packaging. For example, we do not have to buy take-out coffee
in Styrofoam cups, which are made of aluminum - a toxic material to the environment. We can bring our
own cup from home and fill it with fresh coffee.
We also do not have to take the plastic bags from the supermarket. We can bring our own cloth
bag from home instead. When we pack lunch, it is better to use a lunch box than a paper bag. Instead of
paper plates, we can use real plates. We can clean up with a dishtowel, not a paper towel. We can use a
compost bin for food scraps. In this way, the food gets back into the earth. It does not get mixed up with
the regular garbage.
Finally, all paper, glass and metal we do use, we can recycle. In many countries, there are now
recycling programs. In Germany, for example, people separate all glass bottles by color. Then they put
the bottles into special bins that are on the street. The city collects the glass, cleans it, and reuses it. As
well, in most countries, people recycle newspapers and cardboard. It is easy and efficient.
31. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Garbage, a huge world problem
B. Some ways to deal with garbage problem
C. Recycling, one good way to reduce garbage
D. Garbage, the result of people’s buying and using too much
32. Why should people NOT throw away Styrofoam cups?
A. Because they can fill them again with fresh tea.
B. Because they can buy take-out coffee in them.
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C. Because they can reuse them at home and office.
D. Because they are toxic to the environment.
33. What do people throw away?
A. Lunch box B. Wood C. Plastic, glass and metal D. Dishtowel
34. What advice does the author give about reusing waste?
A. We should throw away food in the compost bin.
B. We should clean glasses ourselves and recycle them.
C. We should drink take-out coffee.
D. We should collect our own bags from the special bin.
35. Why does the author mention Germany at the end of the reading passage?
A. To demonstrate that recycling works.
B. To suggest that recycling is the best solution to the garbage problem.
C. To criticize countries that do not have a recycling program.
D. To offer additional advice about how to handle waste.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits
each of the numbered blanks.
Now that forward-thinking cities have deployed a number of Internet of Things technologies, _36_ smart
lighting and smart parking systems, these applications are likely to become commonplace at a rapid pace.
Prices for sensors and systems are coming down, and leaders in smaller cities are __37__ afraid of risking
failure after seeing these applications validated by other municipalities. Smart lighting, in particular, is
sometimes called a “gateway drug” ___38__ to other investments.
When civic leaders see the opportunity to not only cut their lighting bills, __39__ also improve public
safety and _40_ the foundation for a network of sensors, they are increasingly going to take it.
36. A. such as B. example C. so that D. for
37. A. less B. far C. by far D. fewer
38. A. leads B. to lead C. leading D. led
39. A. or B. but C. and D. nor
40. A. give B. take C. place D. lay
Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the provided words.
41. Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.64 billion _____________. (HABITAT)
42. We should depend on ______________sources of energy such as wind and sun. (SUSTAIN)
43. Nearly 3 billion birds have __________ across North America since 1970. (DISAPPEARANCE)
44. The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a _______heritage site. (CULTURE)
45. These antiques are both beautiful and ___________ valuable. (EXTREME)
Rewrite the following using the given words/phrases without changing the meaning of the sentences.
46. Our solar system is in a galaxy. The galaxy is called the Milky Way. (using REDUCED RELATIVE
 Our solar system ___________________________________________________________________
47. She finished the homework, then went to bed.
Having ___________________________________________________________________________
48. Will Peter never talk to her anymore?
 Peter ____________________________________________________________________________
49. They visited this college in 2004, 2005, and 2010.
 They have ________________________________________________________________________
50. Stay here or you will die.
 Unless ___________________________________________________________________________
-The end-

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