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Vallador, John Kenneth P.


Button: Used to trigger actions when clicked.

Buttons are typically used to trigger actions when clicked by the user. You can add
a Button control to your Visual Basic application’s form, set its properties, and
associate code or functions with its click event to define what happens when the
button is clicked.

TextBox: Allows users to input text.

TextBox is used as a graphical user interface (GUI) control to enable users to input,
edit, or display text within a Windows application. These controls are versatile and
can be used for various purposes, such as entering names, addresses, numbers, or
any other textual information.

Label: Displays static text or messages.

Label is used for displaying static text or information on a form. TextBox controls
that allow user input, Label controls are typically used for providing descriptions,
instructions, or any non-editable text content in your Windows applications.

ListBox: Displays a list of items that users can select from.

ListBox controls are often used when you want to present a list of choices to the
user, and they can choose one or more items from that list.
ComboBox: Similar to a ListBox but with a dropdown feature.
ComboBox controls combine the functionality of a TextBox for user input and a
ListBox for displaying a list of choices.

RadioButton: Presents a choice between two or more options.

RadioButtons are typically used in situations where you want users to make a
single selection from a list of two or more related choices.

CheckBox: Allows users to select one or more options.

CheckBoxes are commonly used when you want to provide users with the
flexibility to choose multiple items from a l CheckBoxes allow users to toggle
individual options on or off.

PictureBox: Displays images or icons on the form.

PictureBox controls are typically used to show images in your application’s forms,
and they can be used for various purposes, such as displaying logos, photographs,
charts, or any other visual content.

DateTimePicker: Lets users pick dates and times.

This control provides a user-friendly interface for picking dates and times, making
it convenient for users to input specific time-related information.

ProgressBar: Shows the progress of a task or operation.

It provides a visual representation of the completion status of a task, such as file
downloads, p processing, or any operation that has a defined progress.

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