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Vocabulary 1

1. Complete the weather words in the sentences.

1. It’s hard to drive through this fog. I can’t see the road!
2. We’re going through a heat wave right now – 20 days at 35°C!
3. The hailstones are like little pieces of ice.
4. There’s an amazing blizzard outside. Everything is white.
5. Last night during the storm, lightning hit a tree in our yard. It was really
2. Complete the categories with the correct words. (coins, games, hats, high school,
1. Food and drink:spaghetti, juice, salad
2. Education: college, homeschooling, high school
3. Money: credit cards, cash, coins
4. Entertainment: movies, sports, games
5. Clothes: jackets, boots, hats
3. Write the correct categories for basic needs.
1. Email, phone calls, and text messages are types of communication .
2. Coins and credit cards are types of money.
3. Buses, trains, and cars are types of transportation .
4. My sister works in a laboratory in a hospital. She has a job in health care
5. Houses and apartments are types of a home.
4. Circle the correct answers.
Last weekend, I experienced some 1 extreme weather. I went camping in the mountains
with a friend. I was setting up my tent when the 2 high winds started. My tent fell down
after I got it up! Luckily, it stayed in place when my friend helped me put it up again. That
night, there was 3 a storm ! There was heavy rain with a lot of 4 thunder and lightning. It
was really noisy, and the lightning made the sky bright. The next day, temperatures started
to fall. I checked the weather on my phone, and it said there might be 5 a blizzard . We
packed our things and went home because we didn’t want to camp in the snow!
Vocabulary 2
1. Complete the emotion words.
1. I am terrified to drive on the highway. The cars go so fast!
2. We felt wonderful after our team won the game.
3. You look stressed out. Are you OK?
4. I feel awful! I forgot my best friend’s birthday.
5. Sandra felt exhausted when she forgot her teacher’s name.

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Unfortunately, I never have time for myself after school.
2. Jack usually has to help around the house on the weekend.
3. My parents sometimes give me money to shop for clothes.
4. A lot of teenagers don’t get enough sleep.
5. Do you like to chat online with friends?
3. Complete Anna’s post on a blog about sports. There is one more word than you
Hi! My name’s Anna, and I really like tennis. I’m on the school team. I play doubles with my
friend Lydia. She’s 1 wonderful! I think she’s the best player on the team. Usually, I’m 2
stressed out before a game! I get nervous and upset, and I worry we’re going to lose.
Lydia tells me it doesn’t matter. She says we should be 3 proud of ourselves if we win or
lose – as long as we play our best. She’s never 4 embarrassed when she loses a game
because she always tries hard. I do, too. I’m usually 5 exhausted after a tennis match. Of
course, if we win, I’m not too tired to celebrate!
4. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
6. I like to work out at the gym. I run and lift weights.
7. Where do you hang out with friends on the weekend?
8. Farah always does something creative for her mother’s birthday. Last year,
she made her a giant cake.
9. My parents don’t let me stay out late on the weekend. I have to be home by
9:00 p.m.
10. It’s important to get enough sleep. Some doctors say you should sleep for
eight or nine hours.
Vocabulary 3
1. Label the pictures.

2. Circle the correct answers.

There’s a new concert center in my town, and yesterday I went to the center’s first musical
event. When you enter the building, there’s a wall with a beautiful 1 mural that local artists
painted. There were 2 living statues that greeted people. They dressed as famous
musicians. The concert was fantastic! One musician played the 3 keyboard wonderfully –
her fingers moved so quickly across the keys! After the performance, we saw 4 an
exhibition in a room next to the stage. It showed the history of musical instruments, and
there were old instruments to see. Now I want to join our school band and play the 5 cello
because I want to play a string instrument.
1. a. mural b. graffiti c. sculpture
2. a. living statues b. portrait painters c. drawings
3. a. keyboard b. cello c. violin
4. a. digital art b. pottery c. an exhibition
5. a. drums b. cello c. harmonica
3. Match the words (1–5) with the definitions (a–e).
6. a portrait painter d a. artwork made on a computer
7. Graffiti e b. things like plates and bowls made from clay
8. Pottery b c. a picture made with a pencil or pen
9. Drawing c d. someone who makes pictures of other people
10. digital art a e. writing or pictures painted on walls in public places
4. Complete the words.
1. My brother plays the trumpet in a jazz band.
2. I bought a small wooden sculpture of a turtle when I was in Costa Rica.
3. It’s easy to play the harmonica. You put the small instrument in your hands
and move it across your mouth.
4. I like to read comics on the weekends. I really enjoy the drawings and the
action in the stories.
5. It’s hard for me to play the flute because my hands are so big!
Vocabulary 4
1. Complete the sentences with words for adventure travel.
1. Natalie went on a safari last month and saw lions, elephants, and giraffes.
2. Have you gone sailing on the ocean before? I’ve only gone on lakes.
3. I love to go ballooning! Houses and roads look so small when you’re high up
in the sky!
4. I’ve gone rafting five times. My favourite trip was on the Amazon River
because the rapids were really fast.
5. Doug went on a cruise to Puerto Rico. There were over 2,000 people on the

6. Circle the correct answers.

Have you ever 1 looked forward to something for a long time? I have! Every year I go to 2
summer camp in July. When it ends, I can’t wait for it to start again the next summer! We
do all kinds of outdoor adventures. There is a two-day trip where we go 3 backpacking in
the mountains. It’s fun, but I always 4 make sure my bag isn’t too heavy since we have to
carry our bags while we’re hiking all day. We also go 5 rock climbing on the trip. It seems
scary, but it’s really safe. We use ropes to get up the mountains, and there are instructors
who help us get to the top.
7. Complete the sentences with a word from each box.
1. Don’t wait for me. I’d like to look around the market for some souvenirs.
2. Our plane will take off at 5:30 a.m., so we have to get up really early!
3. Don’t give up! I know you can make it to the top of the mountain.
4. I’d love to come back to this place again next year.
5. Can you find out when the next train to London leaves?
8. Complete the text with the expressions. There are two more expressions than you
I’ve just 1 come back from a fantastic trip. I went 2 mountain biking in Colorado with
some friends. I brought my own bike, but other people rented them. It was a lot of fun. One
part was scary, though. A rock fell and almost hit me on the head! Fortunately, my friend
Sara yelled, “3 look out!”
and I was able to miss the rock. Of course, I always 4 make sure I have my helmet on, but I
was still glad that the rock didn’t hit me. I love adventures. Next month, I’m going to go 5 on
a cruise in the Atlantic Ocean!

Grammar 1
1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Use the simple
present or the present continuous.
1. We are spending (spend) the whole day at home today.
2. I am not enjoying (not enjoy) this movie. It’s terrible! Can we watch a
different one?
3. Carla teaches (teach) Spanish at the high school every Tuesday and Friday.
4. Don’t go upstairs! Your father is resting(rest) now.
5. My brothers study (study) a lot, so they always do well in school.
2. Rewrite the sentences. Change the simple present to the present continuous.
Replace the underlined time expressions with the words in parentheses.
1. I play soccer on Mondays. (right now) I´m playing soccer right now
2. We go to the gym after school. (now) We´re going to the gym now
3. They don’t travel in the summer. (these days) They aren't travelling these
4. Sharon studies at the library in the mornings. (right now) Sharon is studying
at the library right now
5. I don’t go out with my friends on Friday nights. (these days) I´m not going out
with my friends these days
3. Write sentences or questions. Use both the simple past and the past continuous
one time in each sentence.
6. I / play / tennis when it / start / to rain / . I was playing tennis when it started
to rain.
7. What / you / do / when / I / call / ? What were you doing when I called ?
8. We / walk / to the bus station / when / we / see / our friends / . We were
walking to the bus station when we saw our friends.
9. Sarah / run / when / she / fall down / . Sarah was running when she fell
10. I / not / watch / TV / when / my parents / come home / . I wasn’t watching TV
when my parents came home
4. Complete the email with the correct forms of used to and the verbs.
Hi, David! So, you wanted to know about my childhood summer vacations. Well, I
1 used to go to the beach with my family every summer. My brother 2 didn’t used to
come with us because he had a summer job. He 3 used to stay home and work. My sister
and I 4 used to ride our bikes on the beach. It was really fun! Did you 5 use to have
vacations with your family? Write soon!
Grammar 2
Write sentences. Use should or shouldn’t.
1. you / eat / so much / junk food You shouldn’t eat so much junk food. It’s bad for
2. we / study / more often We should study more often. We need to do well in this
3. you / take / Spanish class You should take Spanish class. Mrs. Gomez is a great
4. Maria / listen / to / her parents Maria should listen to her parents.They’re usually
5. I / watch / TV / tonight I shouldn’t watch TV tonight, I need to study.
2. Complete the sentences with the phrases.
6. I should call my parents when I get to my friend’s house.
7. You should celebrate your mom’s birthday this year!
8. I ought to go to bed early tonight, even though I like to stay up late.
9. We had better not be late for our exam. It starts at 1:00 p.m.
10. Mark shouldn’t be spending so much time on the Internet.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of have to. Use not when
11. Tom’s sick so he doesn't have to help (help) around the house today.
12. I have to take (take) the dog for a walk every day when I get home from
school, but I don’t mind.
13. Emily has to study (study) a lot because she has important exams this year.
14. We have to get up (get up) early on Sundays, so I often sleep until 10:00.
15. Do you have to wear (wear) a school uniform?
4. Circle the correct answers.
I can waste a lot of time on my computer. I know that I 1 shouldn’t spend so much time
playing games on it, but it’s so much fun! It’s definitely necessary 2 to be on the computer
when I 3 need to do research for a class project. For example, I’m writing about teenage
stress right now. I’m almost done, but we 4 don’t need to hand our homework in until next
week. So I’m going to take a quick break. My dog was in the house all day, so I 5 have to
take her for a walk.

Grammar 3
1. Complete the sentences. Use the -ing forms of the words. (help paint play
shop take)
1. I don’t mind helping you with your homework.
2. Linda loves taking photos when she’s on vacation.
3. George enjoys painting murals and portraits.
4. My family doesn’t like shopping on the weekend when the stores are busy.
5. Do you like playing soccer?
2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Use the simple
present and the -ing forms.
6. Victoria hates having (hate / have) her picture taken.
7. Sam likes drawing (like / draw) pictures of nature.
8. We don't mind going (not mind / go) to the art exhibition.
9. Do you enjoy looking (enjoy / look) at graffiti?
10. Peter doesn’t like chatting (not like / chat) after class.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Change one verb in each
sentence to the -ing form.
11. guitar / fun / take / is / lessons Taking guitar lessons is fun.
12. work / difficult / at a museum / be / can Working at a museum can be
13. makes / me / a break / tired / not take Doesn’t taking a break makes me
14. happy / paint / makes / me / portraits Painting portraits makes me happy.
15. the right decision / in the race / is / not run. Don’t running is the right
decision in the race
4. Rewrite the sentences. Use -ing forms as subjects.
1. It’s hard to fix computers. Fixing
2. It’s expensive to live in this city. Living
3. It’s a bad idea to not study before an exam. Not studying
4. It’s fun to sing when no one is listening. Singing
5. It’s interesting to read about famous artists. Reading

Grammar 4
1. Write sentences using the present perfect. Put the words in parentheses in the correct
1. Nick / not buy / a ticket to the concert (yet) Nick hasn’t bought a ticket to
the concert yet.
2. I / pack / my clothes for the trip (already) I already packed my clothes for
the trip.
3. We / return / from our summer vacation (just) We have just returned from
our summer vacation.
4. Dad / not arrange / the flights (yet) Dad hasn’t arranged the flights yet.
5. Michelle / take / a lot of photos (already) Michelle has already taken a lot of
2. Complete the sentences with for or since.
1. I haven’t talked to Mark for a long time.
2. My parents have been married since 1990.
3. Tom hasn’t played video games since January.
4. We’ve been here for two weeks.
5. I’ve had this computer since last Saturday.
3. Complete the sentences with the present perfect forms of the verbs.
6. Maria has a new camera, but she hasn’t tried it yet.
7. We have just eaten some delicious food at the beach this week.
8. I have just done a lot of sightseeing since we arrived, so I’m pretty tired now.
9. Rick and Todd haven’t seen any bears at the zoo yet.
10. My family and I have already watched to the movies five times this month.
4. Complete the questions with the present perfect. Use How long where possible.
1. A: How long have you lived in Quito? B: I’ve lived here for two years.
2. A: Have you ever gone to Cartagena, Colombia, before? B: No, I haven’t. I’ve
never been there.
3. A: How long has Jenna studied Portuguese? B: She’s studied it since 2008.
4. A: How long have Mike and Josh known each other? B: They’ve known each
other for 10 years.
5. A: Have your sister seen your new apartment? B: Yes, she has. She saw it
last week.

Reading 1
Read James’s blog post.
Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1. James is staying at Ayers Rock for two weeks. F
2. James was excited about what he saw on the train journey. F
3. James thinks the weather is too hot for animals during the day. T
4. The guide drove to the area to meet James’s group. NI
5. James thinks it will be too far to walk around Ayers Rock in a day. F
Reading 2
Read the online blog

Answer the questions with the name of the correct person.

1. Who goes to his or her room early in the evening? Alejandra
2. Who is happy even though he or she does something badly? Sophie
3. Who thinks he or she gets a workout while doing something relaxing? Mar
4. Who escapes by using technology? Clara
5. Who spends time outdoors? Ben
Reading 3
Read the article.

Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1. Wanderlust Festivals happen in Argentina. F
2. Some yoga classes require more exercise than others. T
3. The festivals are for people who don’t like to be outside. F
4. There are educational classes for children at the festivals. NI
5. There are many food options at the festivals. T

Reading 4
Read the article.

Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1. The Czech Republic offers different kinds of outdoor activities. T
2. Rock climbing is the most popular activity here. NI
3. People interested in music and history will find many things to do. T
4. All of the traditional dishes have meat in them. F
5. More sports fans watch ice hockey than any other sport. NI
Listening 1
T. 01 Uncover_L3_Test_Audio_Unit_01.mp3
9. Listen to Maria and her brother Adam preparing for a hiking trip. Are the sentences true
(T) or false (F)?
1. Maria and Adam are in a hurry. T
2. Adam is ready for the trip. F
3. Maria packed a hat and scarf. T
4. Adam thinks it will be cold on the trip. F
5. Adam is making his lunch. F

Listening 2 Uncover_L3_Test_Audio_Unit_02.mp3

Listen to Luke and Emma talking about stress. Circle the correct answers.
1. Emma looks exhausted because she .
a. has been sick b. has been studying a lot c. has to do a lot at home
2 Luke says he studies.
a. only the night before b. a little each day c. a lot every morning
3. As well as helping her mom, Emma has to .
a. walk the dog b. cook for her brothers c. get some
4. When Emma has free time, she .
a. studies b. plays games on her computer c. listens to music
5. When Luke is stressed, he enjoys.
a. listening to music b. spending time with his brothers c. cooking food

Listening 3 Uncover_L3_Test_Audio_Unit_03 (1).mp3

Listen to Erica and Alison talking about going to a concert. Answer the questions.
1. Who bought the tickets? Erica’s Dad
2. What is the name of the band? One World
3. What time will the band play? 8:30
4. How will they get to the concert? They’ll take the bus
5. How much did each ticket cost? $45 each
Listening 4 Uncover_L3_Test_Audio_Unit_04.mp3
Listen to people talking about vacation activities. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Mark went on a cruise to Alaska with his cousins. F
2. Sophie hasn’t gone ballooning yet. T
3. Jake has been on a safari before. F
4. Leslie goes rock climbing with her friends. T
5. Leslie doesn’t have any rock climbing equipment. F
Useful language 1

Useful language 2
6. Complete the five conversations.
1. A: How does this app work?
B: 1 Let me show you. First, you need to set up a username.
A: OK.
2. A: Our homework is confusing. 2 I'm not sure how to do it.
B: I finished it already, so I can help you.
A: Cool. Thanks.
3. A: Do you understand how to upload the instructions?
B: Yeah. 3 It’s really pretty simple.
A: Will you help me? B: Sure.
4. A: This box is heavy. I can’t pick it up.
B: 4 I’ll give you a hand if you like.
A: That’d be great. Thanks.
5. A: Rita sent me an attachment, but I can’t figure out how to open it.
B: It’s easy, Mom.
A: It is for you, but 5 I’m not very good at things like that. B: Just click on this.
Useful language 3
1. Complete the five conversations. Circle the correct answers.
1. A: We’re at the mall, so we should buy Marsha some comics for her birthday.
B: ___________________________
a. That’s a good idea.
b. What time should we meet?
c. Should I ask my cousin to take us?

2. A: What kind of movie do you want to see tonight?

B: ___________________________
a. Sounds good.
b. Yeah. What time should we meet?
c. How about going to an action movie?

3. A: It’s too cold to walk to the café tonight.

B: ___________________________
a. That’s a good idea.
b. Should I ask my mom to take us?
c. How about going to the café?

4. A: Let’s meet at the museum at 11:00 a.m. for the art exhibit.
B: ___________________________
a. How about going to a museum?
b. Sounds good.
c. What time should we meet?

5. A: I have class tonight, so I can’t ride with you to the concert. I’ll meet you there, OK?
B: ___________________________
a. No problem. Should I ask my sister to take us?
b. I think so. How about going to a concert?
c. Sure. What time should we meet?
Useful language 4
6. Complete the five conversations. Circle the correct answers.
1. A: Are you going on the rafting trip tomorrow?
B: ___________________________
a. Yes. What would you like to know?
b. I’m not sure. Can I ask you a few things about the trip?
c. No. What about equipment?
2. A: The backpacking trip is challenging.
B: ___________________________
a. Is it only for people with experience?
b. How long is the rafting trip?
c. Does the price include the boat rental?
3. A: The safari costs $150 for three hours.
B: ___________________________
a. What about cameras?
b. How long is the boat ride?
c. Does the price include lunch?
4. A: I’ll pick you up for the ballooning trip at 8:00 on Saturday morning.
B: ___________________________
a. OK. What do I need to bring?
b. Does the price include climbing equipment?
c. What about transportation?

5. A: I know you’re going to love the activities at this year’s sports camp.
B: ___________________________
a. How long is the hike?
b. Is it only for photographers?
c. Great! Where can I sign up?

Writing 1
Write an email to persuade a friend to do an outdoor activity. Include the following

Write 70–80 words.

Writing 2
Write about a time you had too much schoolwork. Use the prompts below to help you.
Write 70–80 words.

Writing 3
Write about a music event or art museum you’ve been to. Include the following information.

Write 70–80 words.

Writing 4

Write an email to a friend comparing a vacation in a cold place to a vacation in a warm

place. They can be vacations you’ve taken or ones you’d like to take. Include the
information below.

Write 70–80 words.

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