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The 3 Rs In traditional education much emphasis is placed upon the Rs as well as the core The 4 Cs 21st Century Skills education strives to also teach: © Critical Thinking msocts: and Problem e Reading Solving e wRiting ¢ Collaboration e aRithmetic ¢ Communication == _ ° Creativity 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking: ¢ Inductive versus deductive reasoning The Thinker * Bloom’s Taxonomy (see handout) ¢ Metacognition or reflecting on the thinking processes used Problem Solving: ¢ Use both conventional and innovative ways to solve problems * Knowing what questions to ask and when to ask them ° Be able to examine various perspectives e Resource for the steps: em-solve.html Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Next Gifted Parent Meeting: Thursday, February 3, 2011 Woodridge Middle School Library * 6:00 PM \ i uest ¥ a. | | q A | | 2ist Century Framework Emphasizes: e The necessity of a strong understanding in the core subjects (as listed on the previous slide) e A need to teach Learning and Innovation Skills, Life and Career Skills, and Information, Media and Technology Skills. In this presentation, we will focus on Learning and Innovation Skills—using learning practices and tools that introduce, encourage, and foster a desire in students to think critically, problem solve, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and display creativity. * language arts * foreign language * arts * * mathematics * economics * science * * geography * history * government and civics * C Collaboration on 2 a oO = a ommur 21st Century Skills A focus on the Learning and © Innovation Skills as presented by t th Partnership for 21%t Century Skill: connected — 2 wow $5 Skill 2 2: = & BEES = we € x 25 ze a Le S SKI Sigis BONE s , BEEBE S355 at eeg00 ooms thinking aje cee! précis *2©) Scollaboration = 7 = collaborating © Century Meets Wore 21st Century Skills Meets Wordle 21st_Century_Skills include communication collaboration critical thinking creativity combined with the 3_Rs to make a learner more prepared for the 21st century work force developing these 21st_Century_Skills will keep the United States competitive in the global economy teachers need to use communication collaboration critical thinking creativity to keep students engaged engaged engaged connected connected connected the 4_Cs and the 3_Rs Bloom Bloom Bloom thinking creating collaborating communicating preparing for the future with the content knowledge of the past and the technology of today 21st_Century_Skills the 4_Cs are the key to the 21st_Century The sky is the limit! Creativity and Innovation: F e SCAMPER (substitute, combine, adapt, modify/minimize/maximize, put to other uses, eliminate, rearrange) « A way to brainstorm and manipulate materials into more creative uses ¢ Brainstorm (without critiquing) Rule ¢ EVERYTHING is a possibility e Emphasizing frequency, fluency, originality, and elaboration e Rube Goldberg Machines Creativity and Innovation The ability to communicate at the tip of your fingers. Communication: e Using all mediums for sharing thoughts and ideas (written, oral, and nonverbal) Utilize communication for a variety of Purposes Media literacy - utilize multiple media and technologies to enhance presentations and know how to judge their effectiveness * Social Media - YouTube, Wikis, Blogs ¢ Moodle - online classroom * Google Docs, gmail, etc. e = hoi: polls/LTg3NjkOMzcOMq = text polls LTE2MTMyMTY4MTY Communication Collaboration: Teamwork * Working effectively with diverse groups * Making compromises to accomplish a common goal * Value individual contributions made by each team member * Cooperative Learning * Choosing roles that align with a student’s strengths ¢ Sharing Responsibility * Noting the importance of each group member's contributions * Destination Imagination (DI) has a huge emphasis on collaboration Collaboration

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