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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Other
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Dog, Jeon Jungkook/Original Character(s), Jeon
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Bam (BTS)
Additional Tags: Bestiality, Dubious Morality, Morally Ambiguous Character, Dead Dove:
Do Not Eat, lots of pussy eating, Ass to Mouth, Boypussy, Boypussy
Jeon Jungkook
Stats: Published: 2022-05-27 Words: 1647

by lubidulia


Jungkook lays there, fat pussy squished between his thighs when he hears the soft paddling
of paws on the carpet.

Bam, he thinks.

or, Bam likes to eat his owner's pussy, that's the fic.


⚠️This fic contains BESTIALITY. This work is PURELY FICTIONAL, and I do NOT
condone the actions depicted. This work has NO affiliation to real life people or events.⚠️


See the end of the work for more notes

As summer approaches, Jungkook has gotten used to walking with little to no clothes around his

Today is no exception. He’s only wearing a big shirt with nothing under it and it feels amazing. It’s
one perk of living alone, he thinks. You don’t have to look decent all the time. Like this, he can feel
the summer breeze caressing his bare cunt and sending shivers down his body.
A drama is playing in the background as he lazes around the couch, constantly checking his phone
as if scrolling through tiktok would get him out of his boredom (spoiler: it doesn’t).

He lays there, fat pussy squished between his thighs when he hears the soft paddling of paws on
the carpet.

Bam, he thinks and smiles immediately.

Jungkook’s had Bam for around a year now. The Doberman has brought so much joy to his life
since he came home with him. Jungkook remembers how empty his house felt around that time,
and how that changed drastically since he adopted the Doberman.

“Bamie!” He beams, patting his thigh delicately for the dog to approach him. He could use some
cuddles right now, even if it’s hot as hell. He won’t deny the doggie’s hugs.

But the dog surprisingly doesn’t jump into his arms. Instead, he perches between Jungkook’s legs,
his cold snout tickling his sensitive skin.

“What are you doing, boy?” He giggles innocently, but Bam seems like he doesn’t hear him, too
busy sniffling him down there.

Jungkook's laugh dies down the moment he feels Bam’s slimy tongue licking his inner thigh. He
jumps at the touch, mentally disgusted by what the dog is doing, but the reality is that his clit is
twitching, legs opening unconsciously and giving full access to the dog.

“B-Bamie, bad boy,” He scolds, but it lacks any kind of authority. Of course, the dog keeps with
his ministration, sticking his tongue out and running it through the expanse of Jungkook’s legs.

Jungkook can’t contain the moans that escape from his mouth. Impatiently, he moves his hips,
silently pleading the dog to move his snout upwards.

Fuck, this is so wrong, but the moment the dog takes a hesitant lick of his pussy he knows that he’s
fucked for real, there’s no coming back now. “Yes, yes, good doggie,” He moans, toes curling as
the dog laps at his slit.

Surprisingly for Jungkook, Bam seems to find his clit better than any man he’s dated before,
massaging it with his long tongue and making Jungkook cry out loud.

“Mhh Bamie, making baby feel so good…” He sighs, languidly moving his hips against Bam’s
snout, he is practically riding his face right now but he can’t stop. His pussy is so wet he can feel
the slick running down his thighs.

The sound of his dog eating his sloppy pussy fill the room and Jungkook can feel the blush high on
his cheeks at how embarrassing it is having your own dog lapping at his pussy, tongue running up
and down his slit and occasionally reaching his puckered hole too.

“You’re so good, Bam, licking baby’s cunnie so good,” The babblers, his pussy clenching around
nothing as he feels his orgasm approaching. He’s not even ashamed of cumming that fast. He’s
been sex deprived for months now, and Bam seems to know exactly where to lick and his tongue is
long and slimy, just the perfect size to reach every corner of Jungkook’s cunt.

“B-Bamie, baby’s gonna— ngh,” And that’s all it takes for Jungkook to come, pussy spasming as
Bam licks him clean through his climax, making Jungkook’s legs shake at how good it feels to
milk his own orgasm.
But right after he’s come down from it, he realizes what he’s just done and runs to lock himself
inside the bathroom, too mortified to even look the dog in the eye.

“God, Jungkook, you’re sick… sick sick sick sick,” He repeats like a mantra, like admitting that
he’s sick would erase what just happened between them. With a defeated sigh, he promises himself
he’s never gonna do it ever again.

Two days.

It’s been two days since the incident with Bam happened.

48 hours.

48 hours of Jungkook thinking how good it felt to have the dog’s snout down there.

He’s been telling himself he doesn’t want to repeat it, but deep down he knows he wants to do it
again. His pussy gets wet every time he remembers it, he’s not fooling anyone.

Despite his deprived inner desires, he’s been enduring the urge to let his dog eat his pussy pretty
well. Now, he walks around the house wearing panties around the house and avoids being too close
to the dog even though that breaks his heart.

He’s lying on his bed, wearing nothing besides his panties (very important), and he’s about to nap
when Bam jumps into bed with him.

‘Uh? Didn’t I lock the door behind me?’ He thinks, brows furrowed together in deep thought, but
he brushes the thought away when the dog cuddles him.

Jungkook’s heart soars thinking about how the dog must’ve felt these past days. He doesn’t
understand that what they did was wrong, so he must be really confused as to why his owner has
been ignoring him.

“M sorry, Bamie. Koo’s been very, very naughty to you, right?” He cries, patting the dog’s head.

The dog comes closer to him, eager to give Jungkook kisses all around his face and Jungkook
giggles, pleased to know that they’re good again, that his dog still loves him a lot.

“Bamie! S-stop!” He laughs loudly, but the dog keeps licking him until he’s lapping at his mouth.

He sighs, kissing the dog back feverishly. His tongue’s just like he remembers, long and reaching
down his throat. It’s amazing, Jungkook thinks and lets the dog play with his tongue as he pleases.

He can feel himself getting wet already, his pussy throbbing even though he tries to ignore it inside
his panties.

Like the good boy he is, Bam keeps licking all over his face, slowly going down until he’s fully
lapping at Jungkook’s nude tits. The nipples are prominent and red by now. Jungkook jolts at the
intrusive touch but lets the dog lick and bite at them.

Timidly, Jungkook sneaks his hand down until he’s pinching his own clit through the panties,
moaning at the sensation of his nipples and clit being stimulated at the same time.

“S’ good, good, good,” He cries out loud, sobbing every time Bam bites down his tits, leaving red
marks behind and making Jungkook feel so dirty. ‘I’m my dog’s bitch,’ He thinks, clit throbbing
inside his panties.

With long, desperate licks Bam keeps going down. Jungkook’s boobs long ago ignored as he licks
his tummy, then his navel until he’s lapping at the juncture of his thigh and making Jungkook’s toe
curl at how good it feels.

Impatiently, he slides his panties aside, presenting his bare cunt to his dog, who’s quick to lick at it
again. Jungkook screams in pleasure because Bam finds his clit right away, nestled between the fat
pussy lip,s, and starts lapping incessantly at it.

From this angle, Jungkook can see his doggie cock, all red and hard. Without even thinking about
it, he touches Bam’s cock.

It feels weird at first. His cock is long and slimy, but Bam sutterts his hips down his hand, chasing
his own pleasure like Jungkook’s doing right now.

“Nghn—” He fully sobs as the dog licks up and down his slit, tongue going down his perineum
and back up to his clit again. He even reaches his little asshole, putting the right amount of pressure
on it.

He keeps jerking the dog off, his body tensing as he feels his climax approaching. The dog buries
his face between Jungkook’s thighs, tongue entering his hole and Jungkook can only scream at
how good it feels, quickening the pace of his hand as he feels Bam’s knot swelling against his

“Good boy, Koo’s near too boy, keep going,” The dog seems like he understands him because he
keeps eating Jungkook out, savoring his pussy as Jungkook grinds it against his snout.

It’s just at that moment that Jungkook’s body tenses up, the orgasm hitting him fully as his hips
stutter in place, pussy clenching around Bam’s nose, but he doesn’t stop even though Jungkook
cries for him to do it.

Jungkook cries out of overstimulation, tears rolling down his cheeks, but he keeps touching Bam’s
cock until he’s cumming all over his hand. The knot is too big now and Jungkook can’t even circle
it with his whole fist.

The dog seems content. The incessant lapping has morphed into soft licks but Jungkook’s pussy is
still spasming with an orgasm.

Dizzy, he thinks about how his dog would taste, and even before realizing he’s putting the doggie’s
cock inside his mouth, sucking him clean.

“S’ good, Bamie,” He hums around the cock, loving how the dog’s hips stutter inside his mouth,
how the knot fills him up so good he cries tears of joy. No one ever fucked so good before. He
wants to have Bam’s knot inside his mouth all the time, feels like heaven.

It takes them time to recover after that, Bam’s lapping stops at some point and even if Jungkook
doesn’t want to, he reluctantly lets go of his cock when the knot finally deflates. They sprawl on
his own bed, both of them spent and sensitive, but Jungkook wouldn’t change it for anything else.

“C’mere, Bam, give Koo his kisses,” He giggles, letting Bam lick into his mouth. “If you behave,
I’ll let you lick at my tits.” And the dog growls, jumping on top of him and sucking at his tits

Jungkook feels himself getting wet again.

End Notes

Comments and kudos are welcomed<3


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