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Copyright © 2005
Carmel Software Corporation
All Rights Reserved.

April 2005

The Estimate 6.0 User Manual contains information proprietary to Carmel

Software Corporation. It is intended only to be used in conjunction with the
Estimate 6.0 software package.

This User Manual contains information protected by copyright. No part of this

manual may be photocopied or reproduced without prior written consent from
Carmel Software Corporation. Information contained in this manual is subject to
change without notice.

Carmel Software Corporation

950 Northgate Drive, Suite 207
San Rafael, CA 94903 USA
Tel: 1-800-339-6030
Fax: 214-242-2639

ASHRAE® Copyright © 2005 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air

Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

Installshield® Copyright © 2005 Installshield Corporation.

Microsoft® Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Overview

Section 1.1: What is Estimate 6.0............................................................... 6

Section 1.2: Installing the Software............................................................. 7
Section 1.3: New Features.......................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 – Opening and Editing Estimates

Section 2.1: Open/Create an Estimate........................................................ 8

Chapter 3 – Estimate Inputs

Section 3.1: Overview.................................................................................. 12

Section 3.2: Estimate Inputs........................................................................ 13
Section 3.3: Estimate Spreadsheet.............................................................. 18
Section 3.4: Parts Requisition Spreadsheet................................................ 31

Chapter 4 – Estimate Outputs

Section 4.1: Standard Reports.…………….................................................. 38

Section 4.2: Export to Microsoft Office……................................................. 40

Chapter 5 – Design-Build 6.0

Section 5.1: Overview.................................................................................. 42

Section 5.2: Importing Design-Build 6.0 Data into Estimate 6.0.................. 43
Section 5.3: Estimate 6.0 Import Details………………................................ 47

Chapter 6 – Settings

Section 6.1: Check Status of Other Design-Build Software......................... 52

Section 6.2: General Estimate Settings…………......................................... 53
Section 6.3: Desktop Settings……….………............................................... 58
Section 6.4: Report Format Settings…………………………........................ 60
Section 6.5: Estimate Database Connection Settings.................................. 61

Chapter 7 – Manage Data Tables

Section 7.1: Overview……………………..................................................... 64

Section 7.2: HVAC Plant Equipment Data…............................................... 65
Section 7.3: Other HVAC Equipment Data….............................................. 68
Section 7.4: Fitting Data.............................................................................. 70
Section 7.5: Duct Material Data…….………................................................ 73
Section 7.6: Insulation/Liner Data…………………………………….............. 75
Section 7.7: HVAC Parts Data…...……….................................................... 76
Section 7.8: Metals Data……………………………….….............................. 82
Section 7.9: Parts Supplier Data………………............................................ 84
Section 7.10: Subcontractor Data………….................................................. 86
Section 7.11: Technician and Warehouse Data…………............................ 87

Chapter 8 – Tools

Section 8.1: Show Multiple Estimate Templates…...................................... 90

Section 8.2: Purge and Restore Estimates…............................................... 91
Section 8.3: Manage the Estimate Database............................................... 93

Chapter 9 – Create Microsoft Office Templates

Section 9.1: Overview.................................................................................. 96

Chapter 10 – Create a Networked Version of the Database

Section 10.1: Overview……......................................................................... 100

Chapter 11 – Menu Options

Section 11.1: Overview................................................................................ 102

Appendix A – Software License


Chapter 1 – Overview

Section 1.1 - What is Estimate 6.0?

Estimate 6.0 from Carmel Software is a software package that provides you the
means to estimate new construction HVAC jobs. It includes a comprehensive
database with many types of HVAC equipment, parts, metals, duct material, liner
and insulation, labor, and much more. All of this information can easily be
accessed from the estimate spreadsheet so you can create complete cost and
labor estimates. After the estimate has been completed, you can export it to a
custom Microsoft Word or Excel proposal template to be presented to the

The Estimate software package and its various incarnations have evolved over
10 years. Estimate 1.0 was the first ever Windows-based new construction
software program on the market. Since then we have added many features that
have been requested by current users of the software. Estimate 6.0 is a
culmination of all this feedback. In addition, we have updated the database
information and back-end technologies to work with the latest versions of

The Estimate 6.0 includes the following basic features:

1. A customizable HVAC equipment database including rooftop units, fans,

VAV boxes, diffusers, dampers, and more.
2. A database of pricing for 50,000+ HVAC parts from major vendors such
as Carrier, Trane, and York.
3. A heavy and light metals database, including tables for cold-finished
rounds, channels, I-Beams, hot-rolled sheets, carbon steel plates,
aluminum, galvanized metal, and many more.
4. Provides inputs for taxes and separate markups for equipment, labor, and
5. The estimate spreadsheet allows you to input a wide variety of line items
and see how the totals are affected.
6. An estimate project may contain one or more estimate spreadsheets,
representing different options for an estimate.
7. You may create a parts requisition list based upon the main spreadsheet
estimate form.
8. Provides instant access via picture-icons and pulldown-menus.
9. Display and printing capabilities to all printers whose drivers are located in
the Windows operating system.

10. The design-build mode of Estimate 6.0 will automatically import
equipment and materials based upon the Loadsoft or Residential and
Duct Size projects. It will create a cost estimate with total material costs
and labor. Finally, you can create a professional looking proposals using
Microsoft Word and Excel.
11. Includes support for both English (IP) and Metric (SI) units.

Section 1.2 - Installing the Software

The installation of the Estimate 6.0 involves running the Installshield® setup
program from the CD-ROM or executable. This installs all of the files onto your
hard-drive into the proper directories. Please take the following steps:

1. Very Important: Make sure that you have Windows 2000/2003/XP

administrative permissions while installing the software.
2. Run the "Setup.exe" program located on the CD-ROM. (If you have
downloaded the executable, then just run that file.)
3. When asked, input the directory where you want the software installed.
(The default is "c:\program files\carmel\Est60").

If you wish to install the database that stores all of the estimate information onto
a “shared” or “network” drive so that more than one user can use the Estimate
software and share the same data, go to Chapter 10 for more information.

Section 1.3 - New Features

The following is a list of new features of the Estimate 6.0 software package:

1. The Estimate 6.0 software has been entirely re-written to take advantage
of the latest programming and back-end database technologies
2. A new and improved user interface (UI) has been designed making the
input process much faster and more intuitive than previously.
3. The user can easily replicate entire estimates so as to reuse common
4. The user can insert many more types of estimate line items such as
discount, warranty, shop and field, subcontractor, different types of HVAC
materials, and much more.
5. It includes a database of 50,000+ HVAC parts.
6. Easily integrates with Loadsoft 6.0, Residential 5.0, and Duct Size 6.0,
thereby comprising the Design-Build 6.0 software suite.
7. All estimate data can be exported to custom Microsoft Word and Excel
8. . . . and more.

Chapter 2 – Open/Create an Estimate

This chapter discusses how to create a new and open an existing Estimate.

Section 2.1 - Open/Create an Estimate

When you first start the program, the following screen will appear:

Select the “Open Estimate” sub-menu option from the “File” main menu to
display the following form:

This form lists all of the active Estimates. It displays columns with the estimate
name, customer name, the estimate number, and the date the estimate was
created. You can sort by any of these columns by clicking the column title.

Creating a new estimate
To create a new estimate, click the "New" button and the following form will

Type in a new estimate name. If the name you type in is the same as an existing
estimate, then an error message will display. Every estimate must have a unique

Once you have typed in the new estimate name, the main input form will open
allowing you to begin work on the new estimate.

Create Estimate Template

If you wish to create an estimate template, select the "Open as a Template"
checkbox before pressing the "Ok" button. After pressing the “Ok” button, the
main input form will open allowing you to create a typical estimate. However,
keep in mind that this estimate will be a “template” upon which other “real”
estimates will be created.

To create an estimate from a template, you can do one of two things:

1. Set the desired estimate template in the "Estimate General Settings" form
(See Section 6.2). The template you select will become the template that
is used to create all new estimates.

2. Open an estimate template (displayed as blue in the open estimate form),

and then select "Save as Estimate" from the "File" main menu option. This
will display a form that allows you to input the name of the estimate that
you want to create. After pressing "Ok", the new estimate is created that is
based upon the estimate template. If you close it, then open the "Open
Estimate" form, you will see this new estimate.

Import Duct Size Project

Press the button in this form to import parts and material information from a Duct

Size 6.0 project (this is the duct design software developed by Carmel). See
Section 5.2 for more information about importing Duct Size information.

Opening an existing estimate

To open an existing estimate, select the estimate that you want to open and click
the "Open" button. The main input form will open allowing you to begin work on
the existing estimate.

Copying an existing estimate

You can copy an existing estimate to a new estimate so that you can easily
replicate information that you wish to reuse. To do so, select the estimate that
you want to replicate, and click the "Copy selected estimate" button. A form will
appear asking you for the name of the new estimate. Depending upon the size of
the existing estimate, it may take 10 to 20 seconds to copy it.

Please Note: When you replicate an estimate, it will not replicate the parts
requisition. Since it is assumed each parts requisition is unique for every
estimate, the new estimate will contain a blank parts requisition. See Section 3.4
for more details about syncing and creating parts requisitions in an estimate.

Delete an estimate
You can delete a estimate by selecting the estimate to delete and pressing the
"Delete" button on your keyboard. You will be asked for confirmation prior to

Please note: When you "delete" a estimate, you are actually archiving it. In other
words, it will no longer display in the list of estimates in the form above. However,
it will still be available for you to eventually restore it. See Section 8.2 for more

Filter the estimate list

The following discusses how to filter the list of estimates:

1. Display All: Click this radio button to display all the available estimates.
2. Display Templates Only: Click this radio button to display all estimate
templates. These are displayed in blue to help you distinguish from the
regular estimates. See above for more information about templates.

3. Custom: Click this radio button to display a custom-filtered list of
estimates. Press the ellipses button located next to the radio button to
display the following form:

This form allows you to enter names and dates by which you can filter the
estimate list:

Filter Estimate Name: To filter by the estimate name, type in the first few letters
(or the entire name) in this field.

Filter Customer Name: To filter by the customer name in the estimate, type in the
first few letters (or the entire name) in this field.

Start Date and End Date: To filter by estimate creation date, select the start and
end dates.

Click the "Save" button to save these settings and return to the main “open
estimate” form. The list of estimates will update according to the filter options you

Chapter 3 – Estimate Inputs

Section 3.1 – Overview

The "Estimate Input" form allows you to input all of the information associated
with the estimate. Below is a brief overview of each set of inputs.

Estimate Inputs
The first three tabs in the main input form allow you to input general information
about the estimate including addresses, dates, descriptions and rates. These
three tabs are discussed in more detail in Section 3.2.

Estimate Spreadsheet
The fourth tab allows you to create one or more estimate spreadsheet(s). Each
spreadsheet contains a list of all of the material, labor, subcontract, and other
types of line items for a particular estimate option. See Section 3.3 for more
information about the estimate spreadsheet.

Parts Requisition Spreadsheet

The fifth tab allows you to create a parts requisition spreadsheet that contains a
list of all of the parts from the spreadsheets. See Section 3.4 for more
information about the parts requisition spreadsheet.

Mathematical Functionality
At any time, you may access the mathematics form in any numerical input by
typing any suitable operand such as +, -, /, *, and x after the number. For
example, you can type “10,000 *", and the mathematics form will appear.
Continue typing another number and either type another operand to continue the
routine or type “=“ or "ENTER" to return to the text box with the final value.

Saving the Estimate Data

At any time while inputting estimate data, you can save it by selecting the "Save
Estimate" menu option from the "File" main menu or pressing the corresponding
button. If you attempt to close a estimate without first saving, you will be
prompted whether you want to save prior to closing.

Closing the Estimate Input Form

After you have completed entering estimate information, you can close the
estimate by selecting the "Close Estimate" menu option from the "File" main
menu or by pressing the corresponding button.

Section 3.2 – Estimate Inputs

The estimate input section allows you to input general estimate information,
addresses, and rates. Three tabs are associated with the estimate inputs:
“General Information”, “Addresses”, and “Rates and Markups”.

General Information
The “General Information” tab allows you to input basic information about the
estimate, itself.

Estimate Name: This input contains the unique name of the current estimate.
This name was originally specified when you created the estimate, itself. This is
a read-only input.
Estimate Number: This is a number that is automatically generated as you create
each estimate. It increments by one each time you create a new estimate. You
may override the number if you desire. In addition, you can stop the auto-
generation of this number in the estimate settings form (See Section 6.2).
Estimator Name: This text box allows you to input the name of the user who is
creating the estimate.
Estimate Date: This text box contains the original date that the estimate was
created. You can update this date.
Checked By: This text box allows you to input the name of the person checking
the estimate.
Bid Due Date: This text box contains the original date that the estimate was
created. You can update this date.
Description: This input contains a general description of the estimate.
Imported Duct Size Project Name: This text box will display and be filled in only if
you originally imported a Duct Size 6.0 project into this estimate. See Section 5.2
for more details.
Ignore any Duct Size material updates for this estimate: This option only appears
if you originally imported a Duct Size 6.0 project into this estimate. Check this
option if you do NOT want the estimate to be updated each time the
corresponding Duct Size project is updated. Even if you leave this option
unchecked, you will still be prompted when you first open the estimate whether
you want to update. By checking this option, the prompt is eliminated, and the
estimate is not updated.

The “Addresses” tab allows you to input address information for the estimate.

The “Your Company“ section allows you to input information about your
company. This information is the same for all estimates, so if you edit this
information in one estimate, it will update all of the other estimates. The
company information is displayed at the top of all printed reports.

Company Name : Input your company name.

Contact Name: Input the name of a contact at your company.
Address 1: Input your main street address.
Address 2: Input an additional street address component.
City: Input your city name.
State: Input your state name.
Zip Code: Input your zip code.
Country: Input your country name.
Phone: Input your main phone number.
Fax: Input your fax number.
Email: Input a company email address. If you double-click inside this text box, it
will automatically open your email client (i.e. - Microsoft Outlook) and place the
email address in the "To:" box.

Web Address: Input the company web address. If you double-click inside this
text box, it will automatically open your web browser (i.e. - Microsoft Explorer)
and go to this web address.
Description: Input a general description of your company.

The “Customer Information” section allows you to input address information for
the building that you are performing an HVAC estimate on.

Building Name: This input contains the name of the building that you are
performing the HVAC estimate on.
Contact: Input the name of a contact at the building or company.
Address: Input the main street address.
City: Input the city name.
State: Input the state name.
Zip Code: Input the zip code.
Phone Number: Input the main phone number.
Fax Number: Input the fax number.
Email Address: Input a company email address. Press the button located to the
right of this text box, and it will automatically open your email client (i.e. -
Microsoft Outlook) and place the email address in the "To:" box.
Website: Input a company web address. Press the button located to the right of
this text box, and it will automatically open your web browser (i.e. – Microsoft
Explorer) and go to this web address.
Description: Input a general description of the building or customer.

Rates and Markups

The “Rates and Markups” input tab allows you to specify the rates and markups
associated with the estimate. You can input the various rates associated with the
estimate, including labor, markups, and tax rates. The following is a detailed
explanation of the rates and markup values that you can input:

Shop Labor Rate: The shop labor rate is the hourly rate that is paid to the HVAC
shop technician. The shop technician is the person who forms the sheet metal
for the duct work, places the insulation or liner on the duct work, creates the
fittings, etc. This labor rate is used in the estimate to calculate total shop labor
costs based upon the total number of shop labor hours.

Field Labor Rate: The field labor rate is the hourly rate that is paid to the HVAC
field technician. The field technician is the person who installs the HVAC
ductwork, fittings, and equipment at the job site. This labor rate is used in the
estimate to calculate total field labor costs based upon the total number of field
labor hours.

Labor Markup: The labor markup value is used in the estimate spreadsheet to
markup all labor costs.

Material Markup: The material markup value is used in the estimate spreadsheet
to markup all parts and material costs.

Subcontractor Markup: The subcontractor markup is used in the estimate

spreadsheet to markup all subcontractor costs.

Tax Rate: The tax rate is multiplied by all of the parts costs in the estimate
spreadsheet to calculate the total tax value. If you wish to tax the labor costs,
too, then select the "Tax Labor?" check box just below it.

Please Note: Any time you update the above values, the corresponding entries in
the spreadsheet(s) will also update. For example, if you change the shop labor
rate above, and an estimate has a shop labor row, then the shop labor cost and
price will change accordingly.

Section 3.3 – Estimate Spreadsheet

The “Estimate Spreadsheet” tab contains a spreadsheet that allows you to

create the actual estimate(s) by inserting the various line items, including parts,
labor, subcontractor, and many other types of information.

Single versus Multiple Estimate Spreadsheets

By default, every estimate has one estimate spreadsheet that allows you to input
all of the line items into it. However, you may want to have more than one
"option" for an estimate and have the ability to create multiple estimate
spreadsheets for an estimate. Each spreadsheet is independent of one another.
To display more than one spreadsheet, select the "Show Multiple Estimate
Spreadsheets" menu option from the "Tools" main menu option. This will display
a white navigation area to the left that allows you to add, delete, and select one
or more spreadsheet options. See Section 8.1 for more details.

Column Headings
The following is an explanation of each of the column headings in the
spreadsheet. The explanations below may not apply to all types of rows. Any
exceptions are explained in the "Inserting Rows" section below.

Description: This column allows you to type in a description for the row. This
description differs depending upon the type of row (see below).

Qty: This column allows you to type in a quantity for the number of units (i.e. - #
of parts, # of labor hours, etc.).

Units: This is a descriptor of the units for the quantity described above, whether it
be "Hrs", "Units", "Fittings", "SqFt", etc.

Unit Cost: This column allows you to type in the unit cost for the material, labor,
etc, depending upon the type of row. This value may automatically be filled in if
you inserted a part from the parts database.

Unit Price: This column is automatically calculated by multiplying the mark-up

times the unit cost. The markup is either determined by the value in the price
markup column (see below) or the value specified from the input in the "Rates
and Markups Info" tab.

Extended Cost: This column is automatically calculated by multiplying the unit

cost by the quantity value.

Extended Price: This column is automatically calculated by multiplying the unit

price by the quantity value.

Price Markup: This column allows you to select the price markup schedule that
applies to the row (only for material, labor, and subcontract rows). Select
"Default" to use the markup value from the "Rates and Markups Info" tab. Type
in an actual markup value (i.e. - 20%) to use that value for the current row. In
addition, you can select from a list of predefined markups by pressing the down
arrow located within the cell.

Inserting Rows
To start adding rows to the spreadsheet, select the line you want to input
information into and right-click your mouse. The following popup menu will

Insert Title: This option inserts a title row. A title row allows you to type in
descriptive text and has no effect on the total costs and prices in the estimate. A
title row can also serve as a blank row for easier reading of the estimate.

Insert Colored Title: This option inserts a colored (green) title row. This title row
allows you to type in descriptive text and has no effect on the total costs and
prices in the estimate. It also serve as a way to delineate the estimate for easier
reading of it.

Insert Generic HVAC Part This option allows you to manually insert a part item
into the estimate. You can type in a description, quantity and unit cost. The unit
price will be calculated depending upon the material markup settings in the
"Rates and Markups Info" tab.

Insert HVAC Part from Database: This option allows you to insert a part and its
pricing from the Estimate 6.0 parts database or a third-party database. After
inserting the part, you can input the quantity of the part and it will multiply out the
extended costs and prices. The following form is displayed:

You can select parts information from the built-in HVAC parts database
(the "Default Database" tab) or from a third-party parts database
("External Database" tab).

Default Database
The "default database" tab contains the drop-down boxes that allow you
to select the desired part from the Estimate database. Select the part
manufacturer, the model number, part category for this model number,
and finally the specific part that you want to insert.

To add the part to the spreadsheet, select it in the bottom list box and
press the "Add" button at the bottom of the form. If you want to add more
than one part, select each part to add by pressing the "CTRL" key and
mouse button at the same time.

Adding Parts to the Internal Parts Database
You can also manually add parts to the material database by pressing the
button next to each of the drop-down boxes. For example, suppose you
want to add a "York" part to the database. If the York manufacturer does
not exist in the manufacturer drop-down box, press the button next to it.
The following form will display:

Type in the "York" name and press "Save". "York" will now appear in the
manufacturer drop-down box. Next, add the York model number by
pressing the button next to the model number drop-down box. Once
again, a form will appear asking you to type in a model number. After
pressing the "Save" button, then new model number will appear in the
model number drop-down box. Do the same for the part category and the
actual part itself. When you are asked to input a new part, you will be able
to input the part number, name, and price.

Searching for model numbers

You can search for model numbers by pressing the button next to the
appropriate drop-down box. A dialog box will display asking you for the
model number to search for. If it is found, the drop-down boxes will display
the corresponding manufacturer/ model number/ part category/ part

External Databases
The "External Databases" tab allows you to select parts from third-party
material parts databases.

Select the database from which you want to select the part, then press the
"Connect" button to connect to that database. If it is successful, then the
"Select a part" drop-down box should populate with all the parts in the
database. Select the part that you want to insert into the estimate or parts
requisition spreadsheet, and the information associated with that part will
be displayed in the edit box at the bottom of the form. These edit boxes
display the part name, part number, manufacturer, a description, any
pricing, and user-defined values. If more than one price is associated with
each part, select the "Use this price" radio button next to the price which
you want inserted into the spreadsheet. Press the "Add" button to add the
part and pricing to the spreadsheet.

Search for part names/numbers
You can select for a specific part name or number by pressing the XX
button next to the part name/number edit box. It will display a dialog box
that allows you to type in the part name or number you are searching for.
If it is found, it will display the corresponding part information.

Search for HVAC Part in the Database: This option allows you to perform a
global search for any part in the internal parts database and insert it into the
estimate. After inserting the part, you can input the quantity of the part and it will
multiply out the extended costs and prices. The following form is displayed:

Select search-by criteria:

Under this section you can select what criteria to search by. They are:

• Manufacturer
• Model Number
• Part Category
• Part Description
• Part Name
• Part Number
• All

You can select one or more of the above options to search by.

Search keyword(s):
In the text box under this section, enter the word or words (or numbers) that you
want to search by. Then, press the "Search" button to begin search for the
keyword(s) within the criteria that you selected above.

This section displays the results of the search. One or more parts will be
displayed along with the part information such as manufacturer, model number,
part name, part number, and part cost. To add an item to the estimate
spreadsheet, either double-click the row of the part that you want to add or press
the "Add" button with the part highlighted.

After you are completed, press the "Close" button to return to the estimate

Insert HVAC Plant Equipment: This option allows you to insert HVAC plant
equipment (i.e. - rooftop units, boilers, etc.) pricing into the estimate. This option
is only enabled if you have Loadsoft 6.0 or Residential 5.0 (Carmel's HVAC load
calculation software) installed with Estimate 6.0. After inserting the equipment,
you can input the quantity of the equipment and it will multiply out the extended
cost and price. See Section 7.2 for more detailed information about this form.

Insert HVAC Miscellaneous Equipment: This option allows you to insert HVAC
miscellaneous equipment (i.e. - diffusers, grilles, VAV boxes, fan-powered mixing
boxes) pricing into the estimate. This option is only enabled if you have Duct
Size 6.0 (Carmel's HVAC duct sizing software) installed with Estimate 6.0. After
inserting the equipment, you can input the quantity of the equipment and it will
multiply out the extended cost and price. See Section 7.3 for more detailed
information about this form.

Insert Duct Fittings: This option allows you to insert HVAC duct fitting pricing into
the estimate. This option is only enabled if you have Duct Size 6.0 (Carmel's
HVAC duct sizing software) installed with Estimate 6.0. After inserting the duct
fitting, you can input the quantity of the fitting and it will multiply out the extended
cost and price. See Section 7.4 for more detailed information about this form.

Insert Duct Material: This option allows you to insert HVAC duct material pricing
into the estimate. This option is only enabled if you have Duct Size 6.0 (Carmel's
HVAC duct sizing software) installed with Estimate 6.0. After inserting the duct
material, you can input the quantity of the duct material (in SqFt or SqM) and it
will multiply out the extended cost and price. See Section 7.5 for more detailed
information about this form.

Insert Duct Insulation/Liner: This option allows you to insert HVAC duct
insulation/liner pricing into the estimate. This option is only enabled if you have
Duct Size 6.0 (Carmel's HVAC duct sizing software) installed with Estimate 6.0.

After inserting the duct insulation/liner, you can input the quantity of the duct
material (in SqFt or SqM) and it will multiply out the extended cost and price. See
Section 7.6 for more detailed information about this feature.

Insert Heavy Metals: This option allows you to insert heavy metals pricing into
the estimate. After inserting the heavy metal item, you can input the quantity of it
(whether it is lineal feet, square feet, etc.) and it will multiply out the extended
cost and price. See Section 7.8 for more detailed information about this feature.

Insert Shop Labor Item (Calculated) : This option inserts a calculated shop labor
row. The quantity of hours for this line item is automatically calculated according
to the duct fittings, duct material, and/or duct insulation/liner items that you have
inserted into the spreadsheet (discussed above). Each of those items is
assigned a shop labor quantity per unit. Depending upon the number of units you
input in the quantity column for those items will determine the total number of
shop labor hours. The following material line items types are used to determine
total calculated shop hours:

1. Duct Fittings
2. Duct Material
3. Duct Insulation/Liner

The unit shop labor hours for each of the items above is determined in the data
tables for those items. See Chapter 7 for information on those data tables.

The unit cost for the shop labor and the markup is derived from the "Rates and
Markups Info" tab.

Insert Field Labor Item (Calculated) : This option inserts a calculated field labor
row. The quantity of hours for this line item is automatically calculated according
to the duct plant equipment, duct miscellaneous equipment, duct fittings, duct
material, and/or duct insulation/liner items that you have inserted into the
spreadsheet (discussed above). Each of those items is assigned a field labor
quantity per unit. Depending upon the number of units you input in the quantity
column for those items will determine the total number of field labor hours. The
following material line items are used to determine total calculated shop hours:

1. HVAC Plant Equipment

2. HVAC Miscellaneous Equipment
3. Duct Fittings
4. Duct Material
5. Duct Insulation/Liner

The unit field labor hours for each of the items above is determined in the data
tables for those items. See Chapter 7 for information on those data tables.

The unit cost for the field labor and the markup is derived from the "Rates and
Markups" tab.

Insert Subcontract Item: This option inserts a subcontract item (i.e. - crane,
painting, etc.). It will display the form below that contains a list of subcontractor
names. Select the subcontractor name, and press the "Select" button to insert
that name into the description column. Afterwards, you can type in the quantity
and unit cost. The unit price will be calculated according to the subcontract
markup in the "Rates and Markups" tab.

Insert Markup: This option inserts a markup row. This row displays the total
markup percentage in the description column and the total markup amount from
material, labor and subcontract plus any charges and minus any discounts. This
value is NOT added to the total, since it is already reflected in each individual
row that is marked up. It merely displays the total markup amount in the event
you want to include it in the printed estimate.

Insert Tax Row: This option inserts a tax row. This row contains the totals of all
taxed material and labor items. The tax rate is determined by the value inputted
in the "Rates and Markups" tab.

Miscellaneous Line Items

This menu option contains a number of sub-menu options. They are:

Insert Warranty: This option inserts a warranty row. The value that is inserted is
calculated based upon the final estimate total multiplied by a warranty
percentage that is derived in the estimate settings form. See Section 6.2 for
more information.

Insert % Discount: This option inserts a discount row. A discount row subtracts a
set percentage price from the item immediately above it. When you select this
option, a dialog box appears that allows you to input a % value. Type in a
number from 0 to 100%. After pressing the “Ok” button, a row will be inserted
with the % discount and a negative value equal to the extended price of the row
just above it times the % value you inputted. The percentage value is displayed
in the markup column (if available). You can change this value, and it will change
the discount price.

Insert % Charge: This option inserts a charge row. A charge row adds a set
percentage price to the item immediately above it. When you select this option, a
dialog box appears that allows you to input a % value. Type in a number from 0
to 100%. After pressing the “Ok” button, a row will be inserted with the % charge
and a positive value equal to the extended price of the row just above it times the
% value you inputted. The percentage value is displayed in the markup column
(if available). You can change this value, and it will change the charge price.

Insert Shop Labor Item (Manual) : This option inserts a manual shop labor row.
This row allows you to manually input the number shop labor hours, as opposed
to the "calculated" row discussed above. The labor cost and markup is
automatically inserted based upon the value inputted in the "Rates and Markups"

Insert Field Labor Item (Manual) : This option inserts a manual field labor row.
This row allows you to manually input the number field labor hours, as opposed
to the "calculated" row discussed above. The labor cost and markup is
automatically inserted based upon the value inputted in the "Rates and Markups"

Insert Formula Row: This option inserts a formula row. A formula row inserts
values which are calculated based upon another material row in the estimate
spreadsheet. The following form appears:

Type in the % of the price that you want inserted in the formula row. Then select
the column from which you want to derive the price. You can select either the
unit cost, unit price, extended cost, or extended price column. Finally, type in the
part number of the material part in the spreadsheet from which you want to
derive the values.

After pressing the “Ok” button, a row will be inserted with values in the unit price
and extended price columns. These values are equal to the % of the value in the
specified column from the part with the specified part number. The % value you
inputted will be displayed in the price markup column. You can change this value
and it will change the values in the unit and extended price columns.

Insert Non-Calc Row: This option inserts a non-calculation type row. This row
allows you to enter any values under all the price columns and no calculations
are performed. (Please note: Any values entered in this row will be reflected in
subtotals and running subtotals elsewhere in the spreadsheet.)

Insert Subtotal: This option inserts a subtotal row. A subtotal row adds up the
extended costs and prices of all the rows above it from the very last subtotal row
(or from the beginning if no subtotal rows are above it). You can insert as many
subtotal rows as you want in the spreadsheet.

Insert Running Subtotal: This option inserts a running subtotal row. A running
subtotal row adds up the extended costs and prices of all rows above it from the
very beginning of the estimate.

Delete Row: Select the option to delete the current row. You will be asked for
confirmation first.

Clear Entire Estimate Sheet: Select the option to delete the entire estimate
sheet. You will be asked for confirmation first.

Line Properties: Select this option to display the properties of the current row. It
displays what type (i.e. - labor, subcontractor, part row, etc.) is the current row.

Copying and Pasting Rows

You can easily copy, cut, and paste rows from within the same estimate
spreadsheet or across multiple estimate spreadsheets in the same estimate.
Select the row that you want to copy, then press the CTRL-C key combination.
Go to the row that you want to insert the row that you just copied, then press the
CTRL-V key combination to paste that row. If you want to delete the initial row
that you are copying, then press the CTRL-X key combination instead of CTRL-

It is important that after inserting new rows or changing information in the
spreadsheet that you press the "Refresh" button to recalculate all the rows and
totals. In addition, totals will be displayed in the totals group-box located below
the spreadsheet.

Save as Template
This button allows you to save the current estimate spreadsheet as a template.
This means that the next time you insert an estimate spreadsheet into an
estimate (if there is more than one), you can choose this template as the basis
estimate to begin working with.

Duct Size System Name

This input is only applicable if you have imported duct system materials and
equipment from a Carmel Duct Size project. See Chapter 5 for more information.

Section 3.4 – Parts Requisition Spreadsheet

The “Parts Requisition” tab contains a spreadsheet listing all of the parts from all
of the estimate spreadsheets in the current estimate. This will allow you to keep
track of all the parts, where they are being shipped from, whether they have
arrived, and what suppliers are supplying them.

This spreadsheet lists all of the parts information from the original estimate. In
addition, it displays a running subtotal at the bottom which totals all the numeric
columns. You are able to override and insert new information into the
spreadsheet. However, none of the information inputted here will be reflected in
the original estimate.

Sync Parts with Estimate

To import or synchronize the parts from the estimate templates, press the "Sync
Parts with Estimate". If no parts are currently in the parts requisition spreadsheet,
then all of the parts will be imported. If there are parts or other line item types in
the parts requisition, then you will be asked whether to over-write the parts
requisition spreadsheet, as these items will be deleted, and a new parts
requisition spreadsheet will be created.

Column Headings
The following is an explanation of each of the column headings in the
spreadsheet. The explanations below may not apply to all types of rows. Any
exceptions are explained in the "Inserting Rows" section below. The following
columns are displayed:

1. Description
2. Qty
3. Estimated Price
4. Estimated Price Adjusted
5. Actual Price
6. Price Difference
7. Part Manufacturer/Model #/Part Name/Part No.
8. Parts Distributor
9. PO Number
10. Dates
11. Warranty and Salvage Info
12. Ship-To Address

The following is an explanation of the column headings:

Description: If the row is a part row, then this column displays the same
description as the corresponding row in the original estimate. It displays the part
name and part number.

Qty: This column displays the quantity of parts derived from the original estimate.

Est Price: This column displays the total extended estimated price (including
markup) for the row. This is derived from the estimate spreadsheet..

Actual Price: This column displays the actual price paid for the part. This figure
needs to be filled in by the parts person after the part has been received or a
price quoted from the supplier.

Price Diff. : This column displays the price difference between the adjusted
estimate price and the actual price. If the price difference is negative, then the
actual price is displayed in red since it is greater than the estimated parts price.

Supplier: This column displays the name of the parts supplier for the part. You
can manually choose one by placing the cursor in the field and pressing the
ellipses button. A parts supplier form will appear allowing you to select a parts

See Section 7.9 for more information on the parts supplier form.

PO Number: This column displays a purchase order number associated with the

Date Part Ordered: Input the date that the part was ordered in this field. To
display a pop-up calendar, place your cursor in the field and press the ellipses

Date Part Due: This field contains the date that the part is due. You can display a
pop-up calendar by placing your cursor in the field and pressing the ellipses
button. The date and the description columns will be displayed in red whenever
this date is past due.

Date Part Received: This field contains the date that the part was received. You
can display a pop-up calendar by placing your cursor in the field and pressing
the ellipses button. Once a date is entered into this field, and if the date in the
"Date Part Due" column was overdue, then the "Date Part Due" and
"Description" columns will not be displayed in red.

Ship To: This field allows you to specify where the part should be shipped to.
You can insert a ship-to name into this field by placing your cursor in the field
and pressing the ellipses button. A form will appear allowing you to select the
technician, site, or other address as the ship-to address:

You can assign one of four types of "ship-to" addresses to each part:

Warehouses and Technicians: Select this option if you want the part shipped to
the technician or a warehouse. The drop-down box to the right of this option lists
all the technicians and warehouses in the database. Choose the one that you
want the part shipped to. The address of the technician or warehouse will be
displayed in the address edit boxes.

Use store site address: Select this option if you want the part shipped to the job
site address. The address will be displayed in the address edit boxes.

Use other address: Select this option if you want the part shipped to an address
other than those described above. By selecting this option, you are able to type
into the edit boxes the address that you want the part shipped to.

On Will Call: Specify this option if the part will be on will-call at the part suppliers
warehouse location.

After you are completed, press the "Ok" button. If you press the "Cancel" button,
the selections that you made will be ignored.

Ship To Address, City, State, ZipCode, Phone: These fields are automatically
filled in depending upon the ship-to address you specified in the form above.

Notes: This column allows you to input notes specific to the row. It has no effect
on calculations.

Inserting Rows
After syncing the part requisition spreadsheet with the estimate templates
(discussed above), you can also add your own parts and other line item types to
the spreadsheet. Select the line you want to input information and either right-
click your mouse or select the menu option from the "Edit" main menu. The
following is an explanation of each of these menu options:

Insert Title: This option inserts a title row. A title row allows you to type in
descriptive text and has no effect on the total costs and prices in the estimate. A
title row can also serve as a blank row for easier reading of the estimate.

Insert Colored Title: This option inserts a colored (green) title row. This title row
allows you to type in descriptive text and has no effect on the total costs and
prices in the estimate. It also serve as a way to delineate the estimate for easier
reading of it.

Insert Generic HVAC Part: This option allows you to manually insert a part item
into the parts requisition. You can type in a description, quantity and estimated

Insert HVAC Part from Database: This option allows you to insert a part and its
pricing from the Estimate 6.0 parts database or a third-party database. After
inserting the part, the part cost will fill into the estimated price column. This price
is NOT marked up as it would be in the estimate spreadsheet. See Section 3.3
for information about this form.

Search for HVAC Part in the Database: This option allows you to perform a
global search for any part in the internal parts database and insert it into the
estimate. After inserting the part, the part cost will fill into the estimated price
column. This price is NOT marked up as it would be in the estimate spreadsheet.
See Section 3.3 for details about this form.

Insert Subtotal: This option inserts a subtotal row. A subtotal row adds up the
extended prices and price differences of all the rows above it from the very last
subtotal row (or from the beginning if no subtotal rows are above it). You can
insert as many subtotal rows as you want in the spreadsheet.

Insert Running Subtotal: This option inserts a running subtotal row. A running
subtotal row adds up the extended prices and price differences of all rows above
it from the very beginning of the estimate.

Delete Row: Select the option to delete the current row. You will be asked for
confirmation first.

Clear Entire Parts Requisition: Select the option to delete the entire parts
requisition spreadsheet. You will be asked for confirmation first.

Line Properties: Select this option to display the properties of the current row. It
displays what type (i.e. - part, title, etc.) is the current row.

Copying Column Information

You can copy information from the first parts row to all other parts rows by
clicking the title in the spreadsheet of the item that you want to copy. For
example, if you want to copy the part supplier name from the first part in the
parts requisition spreadsheet to all other parts in the spreadsheet, click the
"Supplier" column title. You will be asked for confirmation prior to copying. The
following additional columns also participate in this copying functionality:

• PO Number
• Date Part Ordered
• Date Part Due
• Date Part Received
• Ship To (This will also copy the corresponding address information)

Copying and Pasting Rows

You can easily copy, cut, and paste rows from within the same parts requisition
spreadsheet. Select the row that you want to copy, then press the CTRL-C key
combination. Go to the row that you want to insert the row that you just copied,
then press the CTRL-V key combination to paste that row. If you want to delete
the initial row that you are copying, then press the CTRL-X key combination.

After inserting new rows or changing information in the spreadsheet, press the
"Refresh" button to recalculate all the rows and totals.

Chapter 4 – Estimate Outputs

You are able to display four standard reports in Estimate 6.0. In addition, you
can create customized estimates by exporting them to Microsoft Word and

Section 4.1 – Standard Reports..

The standard reports in Estimate 6.0 are accessed by selecting the "Display
Default Reports" sub-menu option under the "Reports" main menu option. The
following form displays:

The following is a description of the buttons located at the bottom of the form:

Display: Click this button to display the selected report.

Print Setup: Click this button to set the printer settings, change the default
printer, and more.
Format Report: Click this button to display the format report form. See Section
6.4 for more information.
Close: Click this button to close the form.

“Estimate Sheet” Report

This is a report that displays the general estimate and spreadsheet line items
from an estimate.

If an estimate has more than one estimate spreadsheet, then the following form
will appear allowing you to select the spreadsheet to print:

If an estimate has only one estimate spreadsheet, then the above form will not
appear. The following is an explanation of the information that is displayed:

• Estimate Information, including the general estimate information and rates

• Customer information, including the address
• Estimate line items, including description, quantity, unit cost, unit price,
extended (total) cost, and extended (total) price

“Parts Req. Supplier and Ship-To” Report
This is a report that displays the parts requisition line items and the supplier and
ship-to information for each part. The following is an explanation of the
information that is displayed:

• Estimate Information, including the general estimate information and rates

• Customer information, including the address
• Parts Requisition line items, including a part description, quantity,
purchase order number, supplier name, supplier phone number, ship-to
name, ship-to address, date part is due, and date part was received.

“Parts Req. Pricing” Report

This is a report that displays the parts requisition line items and the pricing
information for each part. The following is an explanation of the information that
is displayed:

• Estimate Information, including the general estimate information and rates

• Customer information, including the address
• Parts Requisition line items, including a part description, quantity,
estimated unit price, actual unit price, estimated extended price (unit price
times the quantity), actual extended price (unit price times the quantity),
and the price difference.

“Parts Req. Dates” Report

This is a report that displays the parts requisition line items and the date
information for each part. The following is an explanation of the information that
is displayed:

• Estimate Information, including the general estimate information and rates

• Customer information, including the address
• Parts Requisition line items, including a part description, quantity, the date
the part was ordered, the date the part is due, and the date the part was

Section 4.2 – Export to Microsoft Office

You can export all the Estimate input and output information, including the
spreadsheet line items, to Microsoft Word and Excel templates. By creating
"parse" codes in Word or Excel documents, the Estimate program will replace
the parse codes with actual values from the estimate. See Chapter 9 for more
details about creating the Microsoft Word or Excel templates.

Please Note: The Estimate software only works with the following versions of
Microsoft Word and Excel:

• Microsoft Word XP and 2003

• Microsoft Excel 2000, XP, 2003

To output to an Microsoft Word or Excel template, press the "Export to Microsoft

Office Template" from the “Reports” menu option. The following form appears:

Type in the "To" and "From" information if you want this information displayed in
the document if it has the corresponding parse codes. Then, press the "Open
Word" or "Open Excel" buttons to display an "Open File" dialog box that displays
a list of Microsoft Word templates. The default directory for the templates is
specified in the desktop settings form discussed in Section 6.3.

Select the Word or Excel template that you want to use. After you select it, the
Word or Excel file will open and Estimate will automatically replace the parse
codes with actual values. After it is completed, another dialog box will appear
allowing you to save the template under a new filename so that the original
template is spared.

Click the "Close" button to close the form.

Please Note: You may want to set the properties of all the Word and Excel
template files to "Read-Only" status so that a user does not accidentally over-
write the original template.

Chapter 5 – Design-Build 6.0

Section 5.1 – Overview

The Carmel Design-Build 6.0 refers to a suite of software programs that perform
HVAC design-build analysis including load calculations, duct sizing, and cost
estimating. It includes that following software:

1. Loadsoft 6.0
2. Residential 5.0
3. Duct Size 6.0
4. Estimate 6.0
5. Design-Build 6.0 (this keeps track of the status of a design-build project)

All of the above software programs are able to work stand-alone, and many
people do indeed purchase the individual software listed above. However, the
Design-Build 6.0 suite allows the software to communicate with each other so
that data can be shared, thus emulating an HVAC design-build project. This is
how it works:

The user creates an HVAC load calculation project in Loadsoft 6.0 (for
commercial loads) or Residential 5.0 (for residential loads). After the building has
been modelled and the total cooling and heating loads calculated, the equipment
can be selected.

Next, the user creates a new duct sizing project in Duct Size 6.0. All information
from the Loadsoft 6.0 or Residential 5.0 project can be imported into the new
duct size project, including weather, address, and air flow values for each room.
As the user creates duct end nodes with diffusers, the room that the diffuser is
located in can be selected based upon the rooms created in the Loadsoft or
Residential project. Therefore, the room air flow values that were calculated will
automatically be assigned to the duct end nodes.

After the duct project is completed, and the material list calculated, the user can
create an estimate in Estimate 6.0. This program allows the user to create HVAC
new construction cost estimates. When the user creates a new estimate, they
can choose to import the information from a Duct Size 6.0 project (which also
includes information from the corresponding Loadsoft 6.0 or Residential 5.0
project). This will automatically import the address and material/equipment
information from the Loadsoft/Residential and Duct Size projects. If pricing and
labor hours have been assigned to the equipment and material, these values will
be reflected in the new estimate. After the estimate has been completed, a

custom Microsoft Word or Excel proposal can be created based upon the

In summary, the Design-Build 6.0 software suite takes the user from HVAC load
calculations to duct sizing to estimating, and creates a final proposal. The next
section desribes the role that Estimate 6.0 plays in the Design-Build 6.0 software

Section 5.2 – Importing Design-Build 6.0 Data into Estimate 6.0

The Estimate 6.0 software program is one of the software components of

Design-Build 6.0. It can import all of the HVAC equipment and material
information from Loadsoft 6.0, Residential 5.0 and Duct Size 6.0, and create a
cost proposal based upon the items. It will also make sure to keep the material
and equipment items up to date, so that if you make material or equipment
changes in the duct size program, the estimate program will reflect those

Please Note: Estimate 6.0 will only import project information directly from the
Duct Size 6.0 program. Duct Size 6.0, itself, imports a Loadsoft or Residential
project information into a duct sizing system, which will in turn be imported in the
Estimate 6.0. You cannot directly import Loadsoft or Residential project and
equipment information into Estimate 6.0.

Importing a Duct Size Project Into a New Estimate
To import a duct size project into a new estimate, do the following:

• Select the "File", "Open Estimate" menu option. The following form will

• Click the "New" button to create a new estimate. The following form will

• Click the "Import Duct Size Project" button. The following form will appear:

This form allows you to select the Duct Size 6.0 project that you want to import
into the new estimate. The following information can be imported:

1. Basic project information such as project name and user name

2. Project address information
3. Duct system names and basic information

The status section located on the first tab in this form will display the status of
the connection with Duct Size 6.0. If the program is not installed on your
computer or if Estimate 6.0 cannot find the program, the status will say "Could
not find . . . .". Therefore, click the button next to the error message to display the
"Estimate 6.0 General Settings" form. This form allows you to search for the
directory where the Duct Size data file is located. By default, the Duct Size (and
for that matter,the Estimate) data files are all stored in the "c:\program
files\carmel\common" directory. If you have moved the data files to another
directory, you will need to select that directory.

Until the status says "Successfully connected to the Duct Size . . . ", you will
not be able to import Duct Size project data.

Select Project to Import
Press the enabled button next to "Click here to open a Duct Size project" to
display the following project selection form:

Select the Duct Size project that you want to import, then press the "Select"
button. A project id will appear next to the "Project Id" text in the form.

Select Type of Information to Import

Select this tab to display the type of information from Duct Size that you want to
import. You can import the following types of information:

1. Import basic project information: This imports information such as project

name, user name, and project date.
2. Import project address information: This imports project (or building)
address, phone, and email information.
3. Import duct system information: The list box located below this option will
become enabled. This lists all the duct systems in the Duct Size project
that you selected. You can select from one or more of these systems, and
each system will be imported as a separate estimate spreadsheet in the

After you have completed selecting the type of information to import, press the
"Ok" button to return to the "Create Project" form. The name of the Duct Size
project will appear in the "Project Name" field. You can override this name if you

Press the "Ok" button, and Estimate will create a new estimate and import any
Duct Size, Loadsoft or Residential equipment and material. The next section
describes in detail how the information is imported.

Section 5.3 – Estimate 6.0 Import Details

The Estimate 6.0 software imports material and equipment information from
Loadsoft 6.0, Residential 5.0, and Duct Size 6.0 so as to create a detailed cost
estimate based upon the information. It imports each type of material and
equipment as a separate line item into the estimate spreadsheet. If multiple duct
systems exist in a Duct Size project, then a separate estimate spreadsheet will
be created for each duct system.

After all of the estimate spreadsheets have been created, you can then manually
insert additional line items, such as subcontractor, warranty, and more.

The following describes in more detail how Estimate 6.0 imports information into
new estimate spreadsheets:

Type of Material and Equipment Information that is Imported

The following is a list of the exact type of information imported from Loadsoft 6.0,
Residential 5.0, and Duct Size 6.0:

• HVAC plant equipment from a Loadsoft or Residential project. Loadsoft

and Residential perform commercial and residential HVAC load
calculations. respectively. After the cooling and heating loads have been

calculated, the user may select equipment based upon those loads.
Estimate 6.0 will import the selected equipment into an estimate along
with any assigned pricing and installation labor hours into the estimate

Please Note: For Estimate 6.0 to import HVAC equipment from a Loadsoft
or Residential project, such a project must initially have been imported
into a Duct Size 6.0 project. You cannot import directly from Loadsoft 6.0
or Residential 5.0.

• HVAC miscellaneous equipment from a Duct Size project: The Duct Size
6.0 software allows users to model HVAC duct systems, size the duct
work, and create material lists of all the equipment and material used in a
duct system. One Duct Size project may have multiple duct systems.

A Duct Size 6.0 project may have many types of miscellaneous equipment
assigned to its systems, such as diffusers, VAV boxes, fan-powered
mixing boxes, and many other types of equipment. Estimate 6.0 will
import any of this miscellaneous equipment along with assigned costs and
installation labor hours into the estimate spreadsheet.

• HVAC fittings from a Duct Size project: A Duct Size 6.0 project may have
many types of duct fittings assigned to its systems. Estimate 6.0 will
import any fitting names along with assigned costs, shop labor, and field
labor values. Duct Size will create separate line items in the estimate
spreadsheet for each fitting type and also for each fitting inlet size.
Therefore, if two of the same type of fitting have a different inlet size, then
separate line items will be created for each.

• Duct material information from a Duct Size project: A Duct Size 6.0 project
may have many types of duct material that the duct runs are constructed
of, such as galvanized steel, flexible duct material, and more. Estimate 6.0
will import all duct material types in a duct system along with assigned
costs, shop labor, and field labor values. Duct Size will create separate
line items in the estimate spreadsheet for each duct material type and
also for each duct gage (if applicable). Therefore, if two of the same type
of duct material type have a different gages, then separate line items will
be created for each.

• Duct liner/insulation information from a Duct Size project: A Duct Size 6.0
project may have many types of duct liner and/or insulation that are
wrapped around or within the duct runs. Estimate 6.0 will import all duct
liner/insulation widths in a duct system along with assigned costs and field
labor values. Duct Size will create separate line items in the estimate
spreadsheet for each liner/insulation width.

• Duct end cap information from a Duct Size project: A Duct Size 6.0 project
may have many sizes, types, and gages of duct run endcaps. Estimate
6.0 will import all duct run endcaps along with assigned costs, shop labor,
and field labor values. These values are determine by the material type of
the gage of the end cap. Duct Size will create separate line items in the
estimate spreadsheet for each endcap gage.

Each material and equipment line item that is automatically added by Estimate
6.0 is prefaced by a short description in all capital letters under the description
column. The are:

• HVAC Plant Equipment: "DUCT EQUIPMENT"

• HVAC Miscellaneous Equipment: "DUCT EQUIPMENT"
• Duct Fitting Information: "DUCT FITTING"
• Duct Material Information: "DUCT MATERIAL"
• Duct Liner/Insulation Information: "DUCT LINER/INSUL"
• Duct Endcap Information: "DUCT ENDCAP"

How Estimate 6.0 Calculates Labor Hours from Imported Material and
As Estimate 6.0 imports the various material and equipment described above, it
will also incorporate the shop and field labor hours that are appropriate for each
type of equipment and material. The following is a more detailed explanation:

• Each of the equipment and material types listed above have either shop,
field, or both types of labor assigned to them. These values are originally
assigned in the appropriate data table form described in Chapter 7.

• Estimate 6.0 adds 2 labor rows for each estimate spreadsheet that is
created in an estimate: "Shop Labor (Calculated)" and "Field Labor
(Calculated)". See Section 3.3 for details about these estimate row types.

• As Estimate 6.0 adds the material and equipment line items to a

spreadsheet, the calculated shop and field labor quantities will increment
according to the number of labor hours per unit of material or equipment.
For example:

If a duct system has 100 square feet of 24 gage galvanized steel,

and the number of shop labor hours/100 square feet needed to
fabricate this gage steel is 1 hour, and the number of field labor
hours/100 square feet needed to install this gage duct work is 1.5
hours, then Estimate 6.0 will add to the "Shop Labor (Calculated)"
quantity a value of 1 (100 SqFt x 1 Hour/100 SqFt), and to the
"Field Labor (Calculated)" quantity a value of 1.5 (100 SqFt x 1.5

• The following is a detailed list of the type of labor added for each material
or equipment type:

HVAC Plant Equipment: Only field labor hours apply to HVAC plant
equipment. The field labor hours represent how long it takes to
install one piece of the equipment in the field.

HVAC Miscellaneous Equipment: Only field labor hours apply to

HVAC miscellaneous equipment. The field labor hours represent
how long it takes to install one piece of the miscellaneous
equipment in the field.

Duct Fitting Data: Both shop and field labor hours apply to duct
fitting data. The shop labor hours represent how long it takes to
manufacture one of the fitting type in the sheetmetal shop. The
field labor hours represent how long it takes to install one of the
fitting type in the field.

Duct Material Data: Both shop and field labor hours apply to duct
material data. The shop labor hours represent how long it takes to
manufacture 100 SqFt (SqM) of the duct material into duct work in
the sheetmetal shop. The field labor hours represent how long it
takes to install 100 SqFt (SqM) of the duct work in the field.

Duct Liner/Insulation Data: Only field labor hours apply to duct liner
and insulation. The field labor hours represent how long it takes to
install 100 SqFt (SqM) of the liner/insulation in the field.

All of the values for shop and field labor are inputted in the data tables discussed
in Chapter 7.

Other Line Items that are Automatically Added to an Estimate Spreadsheet

After all of the material, equipment, and labor line items have been added to an
estimate spreadsheet, Estimate 6.0 will added a couple of more line item types:

• A tax row, with the percentage tax rate coming from the value inputted in
the “Rates and Markups” tab described in Section 3.2 and 3.3.
• A running subtotal row that totals all of the line items.

Synchronizing an Existing Estimate after Its Corresponding Duct Size

Project has been Updated
Any time you update a Duct Size project, and re-calculate, and then open the
corresponding estimate in Estimate 6.0 that originally was created from this Duct
Size project, you will be asked whether or not you want to update the estimate
spreadsheet. If you do not want to update the spreadsheet(s), select "No", then
the spreadsheet will remain the same as when you last worked with it. If you

select "Yes", then the spreadsheet(s) will update according to the latest material
list from the corresponding Duct Size project. It will do the following:

1. Add any new material and equipment line items to the top of the estimate.
A label will appear above this new list of items that says "New Duct
Material and Equip. Since Last Sync:" plus the date of the update.
2. Update the quantities of any existing estimate line items that also appear
in the Duct Size material list.
3. Any material and equipment items that were deleted from the Duct Size
project will also be deleted from the corresponding estimate.
4. If any estimate line items were manually added after the estimate was
automatically created, they will remain.

Please Note: For the estimate program to know which line items to update and
which ones to delete, the original descriptions under the "Description" column
must remain the same as when the line items were first created.

Chapter 6 – Settings

This chapter discusses the various Estimate 6.0 settings options available under
the “Settings” main menu option..

Section 6.1 - Check Status of Other Design-Build Software

This form allows you to check the connection status to the other Carmel
Software programs that are part of the Design-Build 6.0 software suite.

Along with the Estimate 6.0 software, several other Carmel Software programs
comprise the Design-Build 6.0 software suite. This suite of software is able to
share data with one another so that the user can easily perform HVAC cooling
and heating loads, size ductwork, and finally create a cost estimate for all
material and labor involved with installing the HVAC system. See Chapter 5 for
details about the Design-Build 6.0 software suite.

For the Estimate 6.0 program to import information from these programs, it must
be able to "see" or connect to the project data. The form described on this page
shows you which programs the Estimate 6.0 program is able connect to.

If Estimate 6.0 is able to connect to any or all of the above programs, then the
appropriate message will appear next to each program that it sees. If Estimate
6.0 cannot connect to one or more programs, then a message will appear next to
the program name. In addition, the button next to the message will be enabled.
By clicking this button, it will open the "Estimate General Settings" form, and
allow you to search for the directory where the Loadsoft, Residential, or Duct
Size databases are located.

Please Note: By default, all the databases for all of the Carmel Software
programs are located in the default "c:\program files\carmel\common"

subdirectory. Therefore, the Estimate 6.0 software should easily find these files.
Only when you have installed the databases on non-default directories, will you
need to manually set the locations.

Section 6.2 – General Estimate Settings

The general settings form allows you to input general settings which apply to the
entire Estimate program. The following is a detailed description of each setting:

Default Units
This option allows you to specify which units (English or Metric) are the default
units for Estimate. Each time you open the program or create a new estimate,
the units you select here will be the units that are used. This option will affect the
way units are displayed for certain types of estimate spreadsheet line items. For
example, when you insert a duct material line item, it will display the units for the
quantity as "SqFt" for English units and "SqM" for Metric units. In addition, you
will need to make certain that all of the labor and price values in the various data
tables (See Chapter 7) are with respect to metric units.

Estimate Defaults
Automatically generate estimate #'s for new estimates: This checkbox allows you
to specify whether to automatically generate a new estimate number each time a
new estimate is created. The estimate numbers will be unique across all
estimates. If you do not choose this option, then you must manually specify an
estimate number. The estimate numbers begin counting from about 100.

Default all estimates to show multi-estimate form: This checkbox allows you to
specify to show the multi-estimate spreadsheet navigation area when you create
a new estimate. This will allow you to create more than one estimate
spreadsheet for each estimate. If this option is not selected, then by default only
one estimate spreadsheet will be displayed when you create a new estimate.
You can later convert it to a multi-estimate spreadsheet by selecting the menu
option under the "Tools" main menu.

Currency Symbol: Input the currency symbol for your country that you want
displayed in any reports and proposal templates. The default symbol is "$".

Auto-Insert Estimate Template

This drop down box allows you to select the default estimate template that is
used to create all new estimates. All of the information in the selected estimate
"template" will be copied to a new estimate that you create. You can later update
the information in the new estimate.

The only estimates that are displayed in this dropdown are "estimate templates"
that are displayed in blue in the "Open/Create Estimate" form. See Chapter 2 for
details about creating estimate templates.

Additional Rates
Warranty Rate: This input allows you to specify a percentage value from 0 to 100
for the warranty line item that can be inserted into an estimate spreadsheet. The
value entered here is multiplied by the estimate grand total to calculate the
warranty cost. This cost is then marked up by the material markup percentage in
the spreadsheet, itself.

MS Office Export Settings
This tab allows you to customize the integration with Microsoft Word and Excel.
See Chapter 9 for more information about creating Word and Excel templates
from estimates.

Text to display on the final line of customer quote table: Type in the description
text to display on the final line of the customer quote table that is exported to
Microsoft Word or Excel (i.e. - <<!CustomerQuote All!>> tag). This text is
displayed next to the total price of the estimate.

Display column headings in customer total grid: Check this option to display
headings in the customer quote table (i.e. - <<!CustomerQuote All!>> tag).
Depending upon the type of table, the headings could be for the description,
quantity, and/or total amount.

Position of Qty Value in Customer Total Grid

To the left of the description: Select this option if you want the quantity value
to appear in parenthesis to the left of the description.

To the right of the description: Select this option if you want the quantity value
to appear to the right of the description in its own column.

Show Office document while converting parse codes: Check this option to
display the Office document while it is being converted.

Display border around Excel table: Check this option to display a frame around
the estimate table that is exported to Excel.

Convert more than 1 worksheet in Excel: Check this option to allow Estimate 6.0
to search for more than one worksheet in an Excel spreadsheet for parse codes
to convert.

Parts Requisition
This tab allows you to customize the integration of an estimate spreadsheet with
the parts requisition spreadsheet.

Update existing parts requisition from existing estimate: N/A

Fill-in only blank fields when duplicating information from one part to another:

Transfer all non-blank title rows to parts req. when converting from an estimate:
Select this option to transfer an title rows with text in the description column to
the parts requisition.

Carmel Data Directories

The following inputs allow you to specify the location of the various Carmel
software program database files. This information is used by Estimate 6.0 to
import information from projects created from these files.

Loadsoft 6.0 Data: Select the location of the Loadsoft database. This is used to
import Loadsoft data into Estimate 6.0 . By default, the Loadsoft 6.0 data
directory is located in the same directory as the Estimate database. This
directory is: "x:\program files\carmel\common". However, there may be instances
where the Loadsoft data is located in another directory or on another server.

Residential 5.0 Data: Select the location of the Residential database. This is
used to import Residential data into Estimate 6.0. By default, the Residential 5.0
data directory is located in the same directory as the Estimate database. This
directory is: "x:\program files\carmel\common". However, there may be instances
where the Residential data is located in another directory or on another server.

Duct Size 6.0 Data: Select the location of the Duct Size 6.0 database. This is
used to import Duct Size data into Estimate 6.0. By default, the Duct Size 6.0
data directory is located in the same directory as the Estimate database. This
directory is: "x:\program files\carmel\common". However, there may be instances
where the Duct Size data is located in another directory or on another server.

Section 6.3 – Desktop Settings

The desktop settings allow you to customize the settings for your particular
desktop installation of the estimate program. This means that if there are several
people using the Estimate program, then each user can set their own specific
settings. These settings include a directory location and color schemes for the

General Settings
The general settings allows you to specify the location of the Microsoft Office
template directory:

Template Directory: This is the directory the holds all of your Microsoft Word and
Excel templates. These templates are custom documents that contain parsing
codes that display the estimate data. Click the ellipses button to the right of the
edit box to display a directory dialog box that allows you to select a directory on

your computer. See Chapter 9 for information on creating Microsoft Word or
Excel templates.

Estimate Sheet Color Scheme

The estimate sheet tab allows you to specify the color scheme of the estimate

Subtotal text color: You can specify the color of the subtotal amounts in the
estimate spreadsheet. Click the ellipses button to the right to display a color
dialog box from which you can choose a color.

Running Subtotal text color: You can specify the color of the running subtotal
amounts in the estimate spreadsheet. Click the ellipses button to the right to
display a color dialog box from which you can choose a color.

Discount text color: You can specify the color of the discount row amounts in the
estimate spreadsheet. Click the ellipses button to the right to display a color
dialog box from which you can choose a color.

Tax text color: You can specify the color of the tax row amounts in the estimate
spreadsheet. Click the ellipses button to the right to display a color dialog box
from which you can choose a color.

Markup text color: You can specify the color of the markup amounts in the
estimate spreadsheet. Click the ellipses button to the right to display a color
dialog box from which you can choose a color.

Section 6.4 – Report Format Settings

Press the button or select the "Report Format Settings" submenu option from
the "Settings" main menu option to display the following form:

This form allows you to determine how the output reports will appear. You can
specify the margin widths, fonts, and header information.

Press the "Fonts" button to select the text font that you want used in all the
reports. A common dialog box will appear allowing you to select the font type,
size and color.

Header Text
The two header text boxes allow you to specify two lines of large bold text that
will appear in the header of all reports. You can leave these blank if you do not
want any text to appear.

Header Color
The header color drop down box allows you to select from a wide variety of
colors for the header area located at the top of all the reports.

You can specify the width of the top, bottom, left, and right margins (in inches) of
all the reports.

Include Company Information in Title Header

Select this option to display your company information (See Section 3.2) in the
bottom left-hand corner of all the report headers.

Section 6.5 – Estimate Database Connection Settings

Select the "Estimate Database Settings" submenu option from the "Settings"
main menu option to display the following form:

The Estimate software program stores all the estimate data in a Microsoft
Access database. To access this database, the program requires a "connection
string" so that it knows where the database is located and how to log into it. If the
database connection setting is not correct, and you open the Estimate program,
an error will occur and the following form will display (If the connection setting is

correct, then you need not ever have to use this form unless you physically move
the database to another directory):

Provider: This is the name of the type of database the program needs to connect
to. Make sure the following provider is specified:


Server Name: Specify the exact directory location and name of the Microsoft
Access database. The database is usually located in the "x:\..\carmel\common\"
subdirectory and the name of the database is "Carmel_Estimate.MDB".
However, you can relocate the database to any directory, including a network
drive. Just make sure to specify the new directory in this text box.

Database Name: Ignore this input.

Database User Id: The default database user id is "Admin".

Database Password: Ignore this input.

Press the "Test" button to test the connect. If the program is able to connect to
the database, it will display a "success" message.

Chapter 7 – Manage Data Tables

Section 7.1 - Overview

The data tables located in Estimate 6.0 allow you to manage and select all of the
various types of data used in the estimates. It includes the following:

• DESIGN-BUILD: HVAC plant equipment

• DESIGN-BUILD: HVAC miscellaneous equipment
• DESIGN-BUILD: Duct fitting data
• DESIGN-BUILD: Duct material data
• DESIGN-BUILD: Duct insulation and liner data
• HVAC parts
• HVAC heavy metals data
• Parts suppliers
• Subcontractors
• Technician and Warehouse data

The items that are prefaced with "DESIGN-BUILD:" are only enabled if the other
software components of the Design-Build 6.0 suite are installed and accessible.
See Chapter 5 for more information.

All of the above data table forms are used in two ways in the Estimate 6.0

Manage the data: You can add, edit, and delete the data using these forms.

Select the data: The same data forms that are accessed using the menu options
can also be accessed from the estimate spreadsheet. When you are in the
estimate spreadsheet, and you right-click over it with your mouse, a popup menu
appears with a wide variety of line item types that you can insert. All of the data
described above can be selected and inserted into the spreadsheet.

Section 7.2 - HVAC Plant Equipment Data

This option is only enabled if you are using the Design-Build 6.0 version of
Estimate 6.0 . It allows you to update the pricing for the HVAC plant equipment
data that is accessed from the Loadsoft or Residential software.

Within the Loadsoft 6.0 or Residential 5.0 software programs from Carmel, you
are able to calculate maximum cooling and heating loads for all types of
buildings. After calculating the heating or cooling loads, you can select HVAC
cooling and heating equipment (i.e. - rooftop units, boilers, etc.) that will satisfy
the heating or cooling loads of the building.

After selecting this equipment and after creating a duct size project in Duct Size
6.0, you can use the Estimate 6.0 to import the selected equipment and duct
materials to create a cost estimate (This is, in essence, Design-Build 6.0). The
data table described on this page allows you to assign pricing and field
installation labor hours to the HVAC plant equipment available to Loadsoft or
Residential. The following is an explanation of the inputs:

Equipment Category
Select whether you want to choose from commercial or residential HVAC plant
equipment. This will either select from the equipment available from Loadsoft 6.0
or Residential 5.0, respectively.

Select whether you want to choose from cooling or heating equipment.

Plant Equipment HVAC Characteristics

Equip. Type: Select from this drop down the type of plant equipment that you
want to work with. Depending upon what option you chose above (equipment
category and type), will determine which options exist in this drop down. They
may range from "Air Conditioners" to "Boilers". After selecting this option, the
"Manuf. Data" drop down will become enabled. This will list all of the
manufacturers associated with the equipment type option.

Manuf. Data: This drop down contains a list of all of the HVAC equipment
manufacturers that are associated with the selected equipment type chosen
above. Choose the "Loadsoft Equipment Database" or "Residential Equipment
Database" if you want to utilize equipment from the internal databases of
Loadsoft 6.0 or Residential 5.0, respectively. After selecting this option, press the
"Connect to DB" button to connect to the equipment database. The reason we
do this is that you are able to connect to virtually any third-party equipment
manufacturer database such as Carrier, Trane, and York.

If the connection was successful, then the drop downs and text boxes below this
drop down will become enabled.

Model No.: This drop down will become enabled if the connection to the
database was successful after pressing the "Connect to DB" button. This drop
down will contain a list of all the equipment model numbers located in the
connected equipment database. Select any model number to display its
corresponding characteristics described below.

SEER %, Air Volume, Capacity, Sens. Load, Latent Load: These text boxes
contain values associated with the model number that you chose in the drop
down discussed above. These values are read-only and are for your reference:

• SEER % or Efficiency % (Cooling or heating efficiency rating)

• Air Volume (CFM or L/s)
• Total capacity in MBH or kW
• Total Sensible Load in MBH or kW (Cooling only)
• Total Latent Load in MBH or kW (Cooling only)

Plant Equipment Cost and Labor Hrs

The two inputs located in this section of the form allow you to specify the

Unit Price: This text box allows you to input the price of the currently selected
equipment model number. This price is inserted as a unit cost into the estimate
spreadsheet when you select this model number equipment. This input is only

enabled if you have connected to an equipment manufacturer database, and if
you have selected a model number from the "Model No" drop down discussed

Install Labor Hrs: This text box allows you to input the number of field hours it
takes to install the currently selected equipment model number. These hours are
added to the quantity value of the "Field Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item in
the estimate spreadsheet when you insert this plant equipment. This input is only
enabled if you have connected to an equipment manufacturer database, and if
you have selected a model number from the "Model No" drop down discussed

After you have entered the information discussed above, click the "Save" button
to save this information. The next time you insert this piece of HVAC plant
equipment into the estimate spreadsheet, the unit price and number of labor
hours will also be added.

Section 7.3 - Other HVAC Equipment Data

This option is only enabled if you are using the Design-Build 6.0 version of
Estimate 6.0 . It allows you to update the pricing for the miscellaneous HVAC
equipment data that is accessed from the Duct Size 6.0 software.

Within the Duct Size 6.0 software program from Carmel, you are able to create
HVAC duct systems for all types of buildings. Many of these duct systems
contain a wide variety of miscellaneous HVAC equipment such as diffusers,
grilles, VAV boxes, fan-powered mixing boxes, and much more.

After you have completed modeling the duct system in Duct Size 6.0, you can
use the Estimate 6.0 to import the selected duct equipment and create a cost
estimate (This is, in essence, Design-Build 6.0). The data table described on this
page allows you to assign pricing and field installation labor hours to the HVAC
miscellaneous equipment available to Duct Size. The following is an explanation
of the inputs:

Equipment Supplier: The HVAC equipment for Duct Size is organized by supplier
and model number. Select the HVAC equipment supplier from this drop down.

Equipment Model: After selecting the equipment supplier above, then select the
equipment model number for that supplier. After selecting the model number, all
of the appropriate information for the equipment model will display.

Pricing and Labor Data

Equipment Code: This value is the equipment code used by Duct Size so that
the user can easily select to add equipment to a duct system. In many cases, the
equipment code is similar or the same as the equipment model number. This is a
read-only value.

Equipment Type: This drop down displays the type of HVAC equipment the
current selection is. This drop down has the following options:

• Diffuser
• Endcap
• Fan-powered mixing box
• General equipment
• Grille
• VAV box

This is a read-only value.

Unit Price: This text box allows you to input the price of the currently selected
equipment model number. This input is only enabled if you have selected a
model number from the "Equipment Model" drop down discussed above.

Install Labor Hrs: This text box allows you to input the number of field hours it
takes to install the currently selected equipment model number. These hours are
added to the quantity value of the "Field Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item in
the estimate spreadsheet when you insert this piece of equipment. This input is
only enabled if you have selected a model number from the "Equipment Model"
drop down discussed above.

This tab displays a picture of the equipment, if any was assigned to it in the Duct
Size program. It is only displayed after selecting a model number from the
"Equipment Model" drop down.

After you have entered the information discussed above, click the "Save" button
to save this information.

Section 7.4 - Fitting Data

This option is only enabled if you are using the Design-Build 6.0 version of
Estimate 6.0 . It allows you to update the pricing for the duct fitting data that is
accessed from the Duct Size 6.0 software.

Within the Duct Size 6.0 software program from Carmel, you are able to create
HVAC duct systems for all types of buildings. Many of these duct systems
contain a wide variety of fittings such as round elbows, wyes, square elbows,
transitions, and up to 200 more types of ASHRAE fittings.

After you have completed modeling the duct system in Duct Size 6.0, you can
use the Estimate 6.0 to import the selected duct fittings and create a cost
estimate (This is, in essence, Design-Build 6.0). The data table described on this
page allows you to assign pricing and shop and field labor hours to the duct
fittings available to Duct Size. The following is an explanation of the inputs:

Fitting Name: All of the 200+ fittings available to Duct Size 6.0 will be listed in
this drop down. Select the fitting that you want to work with.

Fitting Description: This displays a brief description of the selected fitting. This is
a read-only value.

Copy to Other Fittings: By click this button, the following form will appear.

This form allows you to copy the pricing and labor information from one fitting to
one or more other fittings. This is convenient if the material price and labor are
the same for a number of the ASHRAE fittings. In the "Copy From" drop down
box, select the fitting that you want to copy from. In the "Copy To" drop down,
select one or more fittings to copy to. You can select more than one fitting by
pressing the "Shift" key. After you have made your selections, press the "Copy"
button to copy the information.

When you are completed, press the "Close" button to return to the fitting data

Pricing and Labor Data

Inlet Widths (inches): This list box contains a list of inlet width sizes (from 6
inches to 80 inches) for the selected fitting. As you select each inlet width, you
can edit the pricing and labor values associated with it. You can select more than
one inlet width by pressing the "shift" key as you select the items. This allows

you to enter the material price and labor values, and they will apply to all the
selected inlet widths.

Material Price/Fitting: This text box allows you to input the material price of the
currently selected fitting and inlet width.

Shop Labor Hrs/Fitting: This text box allows you to input the average number of
shop labor hours that it takes to manufacture the selected fitting. These hours
are added to the quantity value of the "Shop Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item
in the estimate spreadsheet when you insert this fitting.

Field Labor Hrs/Fitting: This text box allows you to input the average number of
field labor hours that it takes to install the selected fitting in the field. These hours
are added to the quantity value of the "Field Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item
in the estimate spreadsheet when you insert this fitting.

This tab displays a picture of the selected fitting. Click the picture with your
mouse to display a larger version of it. Click it again to return it to its original size.

After you have entered the information discussed above, click the "Save" button
to save this information. The next time you insert this fitting into the estimate
spreadsheet, the material and labor values will also be included

Section 7.5 – Duct Material Data

This option is only enabled if you are using the Design-Build 6.0 version of
Estimate 6.0 . It allows you to update the pricing for the duct material data that is
accessed from the Duct Size 6.0 software.

Within the Duct Size 6.0 software program from Carmel, you are able to create
HVAC duct systems for all types of buildings. A duct system can contain a wide
variety of duct material types such as galvanized steel, flexible duct, and more.

After you have completed modeling the duct system in Duct Size 6.0, you can
use the Estimate 6.0 to import the selected duct material and create a cost
estimate (This is, in essence, Design-Build 6.0). The data table described here
allows you to assign pricing and shop and field labor hours to the duct material
available to Duct Size. The following is an explanation of the inputs:

Material Name: Select from the duct material type that you want to work with.

Material Description: This displays a brief description of the selected duct
material type. This is a read-only value.

Select a Gauge to Display Values: This list box contains a list of duct material
sheetmetal gage values from 2 to 40. As you select each gage value, you can
edit the pricing and labor values associated with it. You can select more than one
gage value by pressing the "shift" key as you select the items. Then, you can
enter the material price and labor values, and they will apply to all the selected
gage values for the selected duct material type.

Price/100 SqFt (SqM): This text box allows you to input the material price of the
currently selected duct material type and gage for every 100 SqFt (or SqM) of it.

Shop Labor Hrs/100 SqFt (SqM): This text box allows you to input the average
number of shop labor hours that it takes to manufacture 100 SqFt (or SqM) of
the selected duct material and gauge. These hours are added to the quantity
value of the "Shop Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item in the estimate

Field Labor Hrs/100 SqFt (SqM): This text box allows you to input the average
number of field labor hours that it takes to install 100 SqFt (or SqM) of the
selected duct material and gauge. . These hours are added to the quantity value
of the "Field Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item in the estimate spreadsheet.

After you have entered the information discussed above, click the "Save" button
to save this information.

Section 7.6 – Insulation/Liner Data

This option is only enabled if you are using the Design-Build 6.0 version of
Estimate 6.0 . It allows you to update the pricing for the duct insulation and liner
data that is accessed from the Duct Size 6.0 software.

Within the Duct Size 6.0 software program from Carmel, you are able to create
HVAC duct systems for all types of buildings. A duct systems can contain a wide
variety of insulation and liner widths ranging from 0.5 to 15 inches.

After you have completed modeling the duct system in Duct Size 6.0, you can
use the Estimate 6.0 to import the selected duct liner or insulation and create a
cost estimate (This is, in essence, Design-Build 6.0). The data table described
here allows you to assign pricing and field labor hours to the insulation and liner
widths available to Duct Size. The following is an explanation of the inputs:

Select a liner/insul width (inches) to display corresponding costs/hrs: This list box
contains a list of duct liner and insulation widths ranging from 0.5 to 15 inches.
As you select each width value, you can edit the pricing and labor values
associated with it. You can select more than one width by pressing the "shift" key
as you select the items. Then, you can enter the material and labor values, and
they will apply to all the selected width values for the selected duct liner and
insulation width.

Price/100 SqFt (SqM): This text box allows you to input the duct liner/insulation
price per 100 SqFt (SqM) of the currently selected width.

Field Labor Hrs/100 SqFt (SqM): This text box allows you to input the average
number of field labor hours per 100 SqFt (or SqM) that it takes to install of the

selected duct liner/insulation width. These hours are inserted as a quantity value
on the "Field Labor Hours (Calculated)" line item in the estimate spreadsheet.

After you have entered the information discussed above, click the "Save" button
to save this information.

Section 7.7 – HVAC Parts Data

The parts form allows you to add, edit, and delete HVAC parts. This information
can be inserted into the estimate spreadsheet that is used to create HVAC
estimates and quotes.

Open this form by selecting the "HVAC Parts Data" submenu option under the
"Data Tables" main menu. The following form appears:

The HVAC material parts database includes 50,000+ parts from major HVAC
vendors. The prices assigned to these parts came from pricing lists of
midwestern United States distributors of these parts. The parts pricing was last
updated in 2004.

This parts database is structured according to four levels:

• Manufacturer (i.e. - Carrier).This is the name of the company that

manufactures the parts.
• Model Number (i.e. - 48DA008600). This is the model number of the
HVAC equipment that uses the parts.
• Part Category (i.e. - Burners). This is an HVAC part category, such as
burners, compressors, belts, bushings, etc.
• Part Number (i.e. - LA21ZA038): This is the actual part name and

When the parts form first opens, the manufacturer drop-down list and buttons will
become enabled. When you select a manufacturer from the manufacturer drop-
down box, it will display the corresponding model numbers in the model number
drop-down box just below it. Selecting a model number will display all the
corresponding part categories. Finally, selecting a part category will display all
the parts in the part number list box.

As you select each of the four levels, you can add, edit, and delete information.

Adding a manufacturer: To add a manufacturer, select the manufacturer drop-

down box, then press the button to the right. It will display the words "New
Manufacturer" in the Company Name text box located on the right side of the
form. Type in a new name, then press the "Update" button to update the
information to the database.

Editing a manufacturer: To edit an existing manufacturer, select it from the drop

down list, then type in the new name in the text box located on the right side of
the form. Press the "Update" button when you are completed.

Deleting a manufacturer: To delete a manufacturer, select it from the drop-down

list, then press the delete key. You will be asked for confirmation prior to

Model Numbers

Adding a model number: To add a new model number, first, select the
manufacturer of the model number in the drop-down list, then press the button to
the right of the model number drop-down box. It will display the words "New
Model No." in the Model Number text box located on the right side of the form.
Type a new name and a description, then press the "Update" button to update
the information to the database.

Editing a model number: To edit an existing model number, select it from the
drop-down list, then type in the new name or description in the text box located
on the right side of the form. Press the "Update" button when you are completed.

Deleting a model number: To delete a model number, select it from the drop-
down list, then press the delete key. You will be asked for confirmation prior to

Part Categories

Adding a part category: To add a new part category, first, select the model
number from the drop-down list, then press the button to the right of the part
category drop-down box. It will display the words "New Part Category" in the Part
Category text box located on the right side of the form. You can type a new
name and a description.

Press the "Update" button when you are completed.

Editing a part category: To edit an existing part category, select it from the drop-
down list, then type in the new name, description, or price bounds in the text box
located on the right side of the form. Press the "Update" button when you are

Deleting a part category: To delete a part category, select it from the drop-down
list, then press the delete key. You will be asked for confirmation prior to


Adding a part: To add a new part, first, select the part category from the drop-
down list above it, then press the button to the right of the part number list box. It
will display the words "New Part Name" in the Part Name text box located on the
right side of the form. You can type a new name, part number, and a description.
In addition, you can specify the part price, upper and lower bounds pricing for
this part, whether it is taxable, and its modify date. The following is an
explanation of each:

• Part Number: Specify the manufacturer's part number for this input.
• Description: Type in a description associated with this part.
• Standard Price: Input the standard price for this part. This is the price that
will be inserted into the estimate when you choose this part.
• Price Range: Low/High: Input the high and low price ranges for this part.
This range is used to determine whether a part's price is out of bounds in
the estimate.
• Taxable: Click this check box if this item is taxable in the estimate.
• Last Modify Date: This date is automatically filled in each time you add or
update a part.

Press the "Update" button when you are completed inputting the information.

Editing a part: To edit an existing part, select it from the drop-down list, then type
in the information in the text boxes located on the right side of the form. Press
the "Update" button when you are completed.

Deleting a part: To delete a part, select it from the drop-down list, then press the
delete key. You will be asked for confirmation prior to deletion.

Search: You can search for model numbers or part numbers by typing in a model
or part # in the "Search" edit box at the top of the form. Then press the "S"
button to start searching. It will look for the very first instance of the model # or
part # it finds.

Refresh: Press the "R" button to refresh any changes and save them to the

Global Price Change

Global Price Change: Press this button to globally change all of the pricing in the
parts database. The following form will appear:

Change all standard prices by: Enter the percentage that you want to change all
of the parts standard pricing by.

Change price range values: Select this option to change the low and high price
range values for each part. After selecting this option, the low and high range %
input boxes will become enabled.

Change low price by: Enter the percentage that you want to change all of the low
range parts pricing by.

Change high price by: Enter the percentage that you want to change all of the
high range parts pricing by.

After entering the values, click the "Ok" button to begin updating all of the pricing.
This may take a while to update since there are over 50,000+ parts in the

Section 7.8 – Metals Data

The following form appears by selecting the menu option under Data Tables:

The metal tables consist of a database of 30+ different types of metals including:
hot-rolled rounds, hot-rolled flats, hot-rolled strip, angles, tubing, I-beams, wide-
flange & “H” beams, aluminum, hot-rolled sheets, and many other tables. They
include comprehensive listings of all sizes and gauges, including weights/sqft. In
addition, you may input unit costs (i.e. $/foot or $/lb), shop labor costs (hrs/ft or
hrs/lb), and field labor costs (hrs/ft or hrs/lb). These tables also permit you to edit
and add data to existing tables. The following is an explanation of the various
inputs for the metals tables:

Metals Category: Click the metals type that you desire to work with. There is a
list of 30+ different types of metals, some of which were mentioned above.

Unit Cost $: Input the unit cost for the metal that you selected. The unit cost
depends upon the material basis that you will select (see explanation below).
You may input a $/foot, $/lb, $/sqft, or $/unit value. This value applies to all the
sizes in the table for the particular metal that you have selected.

Shop Labor Hours: Input the shop labor hours that are needed to form and work
with the metal that you have selected. The shop labor hours could be based
upon a foot/hr, a lb/hr, or a units/hr value depending upon what you choose as
your labor basis (see below). This shop labor value applies to all the sizes in the
table for the particular metal that you have selected.

Field Labor Hours: Input the field labor hours that are needed to install the metal
that you have selected. The field labor hours could be based upon a foot/hr, a
lb/hr, or a units/hr value depending upon what you choose as your labor basis
(see below). This field labor value applies to all the sizes in the table for the
particular metal that you have selected.

Material Basis: Select the basis upon which your material units (discussed
above) will be based: in feet, square feet, pounds, or units. This is important for
determining the unit price and total material cost. The following rules apply:

• $/Foot: The input price will be in feet.

• $/SqFt: The input price will be in square feet.
• $/lbs: The input price will be in pounds.
• $/unit: The unit price will be in general units (i.e. number of plates, bar,

Labor Basis: Select the basis upon which your labor units will be based: in feet
(square feet) per hour, lbs/hr, or units/hr. This is important for determining the
total shop and field labor hours. The following rules apply:

Feet or SqFt/hr: The number that you input in the units field in the estimate
spreadsheet will be multiplied by lbs/ft metal or 1, depending upon the material
basis. Since the tables are based upon pounds per foot, the total labor hours will

Number of feet x Shop (field) labor hours/foot.

Number of lbs / lbs/ft metal x Shop (field) labor hours/foot

Pounds/hr: The number that you input in the units field in the estimate
spreadsheet will be multiplied by lbs/foot or 1, depending upon your material
basis. Since the tables are based upon pounds per foot, the total labor hours will

Number of lbs x Shop (field) labor hours/lb.
Number of feet x lbs/ft metal x Shop (field) labor hours/lb.

Units/hr: This number that you input in the units field in the estimate
spreadsheet will be multiplied by lbs/foot or 1, depending upon your material
basis. Since the tables are based upon pounds per foot, the total labor hours will

Number of lbs x Shop (field) labor hours/unit.

Number of feet x lbs/ft metal x Shop (field) labor hours/unit.

The Spreadsheet: You may change and add values to the spreadsheet. Make
sure that you click the save button after any changes. You will notice that the
spreadsheet headings will vary depending upon the type of metal that you
choose. Some metals are sized according to gauge size, and others are sized
according to length or width.

Save: Click this button to save any changes.

Print: Click this button to print the current metal data.
Close: Click this button to close the form.

Section 7.9 – Parts Supplier Data

The parts supplier form allows you to add and edit new or existing parts supplier
information. This information is used in the parts requisition spreadsheet to
assign suppliers to each part. You can then print a report listing all of the parts
and the suppliers for each part so that you can follow up with the supplier if the
part has not been received.

The following form appears when you select the "Parts Supplier Data" sub-menu
option from the "Tools" main menu.

Insert New Supplier

To insert a new supplier, right-click over the list box on the left, then select the
"Insert new supplier" option from the pop-up menu. Type in a new supplier name
in the dialog box that displays. After pressing "Ok", you can input the other
demographic information on the right, including address, city, state, zip code,
phone, and email.Click the "Save" button to save the information once you are

Edit a Supplier
If you want to edit an existing supplier, select it, then edit the information on the
right, and click the "Save" button to save the information to the database.

Make Inactive: You can make an supplier "inactive" by selecting the "Make
inactive" check box. This means that the supplier name will not appear in the list
of suppliers when you are assigning them to parts in the parts requisition

Delete a Supplier
To delete an existing supplier, select it from the list box on the left, then either
press the "Delete" key on your keyboard or right-click with your mouse and select
the "Delete supplier" option from the pop-up menu.

Section 7.10 –Subcontractor Data

The subcontractor form allows you to add and edit new or existing subcontractor
information. This information is used by the estimate spreadsheet to insert
subcontractor line items.

The following form appears when you select the "Subcontractor Data" sub-menu
option from the "Tools" main menu.

Insert New Subcontractor

To insert a new subcontractor, right-click over the list box on the left, then select
the "Insert new subcontractor" option from the pop-up menu. Type in a new
subcontractor name in the dialog box that displays. After pressing "Ok", you can
input the other demographic information on the right, including address, city,
state, zip code, phone, and email. Click the "Save" button to save the information
once you are completed.

A couple of the inputs require additional comments:

Number: This input allows you to assign a subcontractor number to the currently
selected subcontractor. This is for reference purposes in the event you have a
numbering scheme for subcontractors.

Sub. Type: This drop down list allows you to assign a subcontractor type to the
currently selected subcontractor. This list contains a number of subcontractor
types including electrical, controls, and mechanical subs. Select the one that
most closely describes the currently selected subcontractor.

Edit a Subcontractor
If you want to edit an existing subcontractor, select it, then edit the information
on the right, and click the "Save" button to save the information to the database.

Delete a Subcontractor
To delete an existing subcontractor, select it from the list box on the left, then
either press the "Delete" key on your keyboard or right-click with your mouse and
select the "Delete subcontractor" option from the pop-up menu.

Section 7.11 –Technician and Warehouse Data

The technician and warehouse form allows you to add and edit new or existing
technician and warehouse information. This information is used in the parts
requisition spreadsheet to assign technician or warehouse addresses as the
ship-to location for each part. You can print a report listing all of the parts and the
ship-to addresses for each part so that you can keep tabs on where parts are

The following form appears when you select the "Technician and Warehouse
Data" sub-menu option from the "Tools" main menu.

Insert New Technician and Warehouse

To add a new technician and warehouse, right-click over the list box on the left,
then select the "Insert new technician and warehouse" option from the pop-up
menu. Type in a new subcontractor name in the dialog box that displays. After
pressing "Ok", you can input the other demographic information on the right,
including address, city, state, zip code, phone, and email. Click the "Save" button
to save the information once you are completed.

A couple of the inputs require additional comments:

Type: This drop down allows you to choose whether the currently selected item
is a warehouse or technician.

Active: By default, this option is selected. This means that the currently selected
technician or warehouse is active and will appear in the list of available
technicians/warehouses in the parts requisition. If you un-select this option, then
the technician/warehouse will not appear in the list of available
techs/warehouses in the parts requisition.

Edit a Technician and Warehouse

If you want to edit an existing technician and warehouse, select it, then edit the
information on the right, and click the "Save" button to save the information to
the database.

Delete a Technician and Warehouse

To delete an existing technician and warehouse, select it from the list box on the
left, then either press the "Delete" key on your keyboard or right-click with your
mouse and select the "Delete technician and warehouse" option from the pop-up

Chapter 8 – Tools

This chapter discusses the various tools available in Estimate 6.0 under the
“Tools” main menu option.

Section 8.1 – Show Multiple Estimate Spreadsheets

This menu option allows you to toggle between displaying and not displaying the
navigation area in the estimate input form. This navigation area allows you to
insert and select from more than one estimate spreadsheet per estimate project.
This would occur when you want to provide several cost estimate "options" for a
job. In addition,this can be used in the Design-Build 6.0 version of Estimate 6.0
so that multiple duct size systems can be estimated within one project estimate.

By default, a new estimate contains just one estimate spreadsheet. However,

you can display multiple estimate spreadsheets per estimate by selecting the
"Show Multiple Estimate Spreadsheets" menu option under the "Tools" main
menu. The following navigation area will upper under the "Estimate
Spreadsheet" tab:

Each estimate spreadsheet has a unique name listed in the navigation area. This
navigation area allows you to select, add, and delete estimate spreadsheets.

Adding an Estimate Spreadsheet

To add an estimate spreadsheet, right click over the navigation area, and select
the "Add Estimate Spreadsheet", or press the "Insert" key. A form with a list of
"templates" will appear:

Select the estimate spreadsheet template that you want this new estimate to be
based upon, then input a new estimate spreadsheet name. After pressing "Ok",
the new estimate spreadsheet name will appear in the navigation area. Select it,
and then begin editing in the spreadsheet area on the right side of the form.

Selecting an Estimate Spreadsheet

If you have one or more estimate spreadsheet names listed in the navigation
area,then select the one you want to work with, and begin editing it.

Delete an estimate spreadsheet

Select the estimate spreadsheet that you want to delete and right-click over it to
display a pop-up menu. Select the "Delete Estimate Spreadsheet" menu option
to delete it. You will be asked for confirmation prior to deleting. You can also
press the "Delete" key with the highlighted estimate spreadsheet name.

Section 8.2 – Purge and Restore Estimates

Select the "Purge and Restore" submenu option from the "Tools" main menu

This option allows you to purge and restore estimates after deleting them from
the "Open New/Existing Estimates" form. The following form appears:

When you delete estimates from the "Open New/Existing Estimates" form, the
estimates are actually archived. In other words they are still accessible to be
"restored" if you want to utilize them again, or purged (deleted) for good.

This form allows you to perform the restoring and purging of archived estimates.

Purging Estimates
To purge, or delete, a estimate for good, select it from the list of archived
estimates, and press the "Purge" button. You will be asked for confirmation prior
to purging. If you want to purge all estimates older than 6 months, select the
check box located below the list of estimates, then press the "Purge" button.

Restoring Estimates
To restore a estimate that you previously archived, select the estimate from the
list and press the "Restore" button. You will be asked for confirmation prior to
restoring. When you next open the "Open New/Existing Estimates" form, the
estimate that you just restored will appear in this list.

Section 8.3 – Manage the Estimate Database

Press the button or select the "Manage Estimate Database" submenu option
from the "Tools" main menu option to display the following form:

This option allows you to manage the estimate database that stores all the data
used by the Estimate software program.

The estimate database used by the Estimate program is a Microsoft Access

database located in the "common" directory of the "carmel" subdirectory. The
database name is "Carmel_Estimate.mdb", and it stores all of the estimate
information used by the program.

The "Manage Estimate Database" form allows you to manage the database in
the following ways:

1. Backup the database

2. Compact the database

Backup the Database

It is important that you backup this database so that in the event the database
becomes corrupted or the computer hard drive fails, you will have a backup
database to rely upon.

Automatically backup the database before the program closes: Select this option
to automatically backup the database every time you close the Estimate

Backup Directory: Select the local or network directory where you want the
backup database stored. Press the button to the right of this text box to display a
directory dialog form that allows you to search for the appropriate directory.

Delete archived backups after certain # of days: Each time the database is
backed up, it is renamed according to the current date. For example, if today's
date is 1/22/2005, then the backed up filename will be:


After a certain number of days, you can delete backed up databases by selecting
this check box and entering a value in this text box just below it.

You can manually backup the database by pressing the "Backup" button.

Compact the Database

The more you use the Estimate program, the larger the database becomes.
Every once in a while you should compact the database so it gets rid of any
extraneous data and becomes smaller.

Click the "Maintenance" tab in the current form, then press the "Compact" button
to compact the database. Make sure no other users are using the database
when you do this.

Chapter 9 – Create Microsoft Office Templates

This chapter discusses creating Microsoft Office templates in Word and Excel.

Section 9.1 - Overview

You can create Microsoft Word or Excel templates that allow you to automatically
insert input and output values from an Estimate. These templates contain regular
text and "parse codes" which represent the actual estimate inputs and outputs.
In the “Export to Microsoft Word or Excel” form (See Section 4.2), you can
choose to open a Word or Excel template and create a new document based
upon the templates.

Please Note: The Estimate software only works with the following versions of
Microsoft Word and Excel:

• Microsoft Word XP and 2003

• Microsoft Excel 2000, XP, 2003

Creating and Accessing a Word Template

The following describes how to create and access Microsoft Word and Excel

1. First, open Microsoft Word or Excel and create a template file. This
template can include all the usual text that is included in a proposal or
engineering report. In addition, you can insert the "parse codes" that
correspond to the inputs and outputs from the Estimate software (See
details below).
2. After creating the template file, save it in the “Templates” sub-directory
specified in the Estimate general settings form (See Section 6.2).
3. After you have completed inputting an estimate, select the "Export to
Microsoft Office Template" menu option. Select the template that you
want to export to and after it has completed converting, save the new
document under a new filename.

The following is a sample Word document that contains parse codes:

Parse Code Descriptions

The following is a list of all the allowable parse codes and their descriptions.

To insert a parse-code into a Word template, please adhere to the following


• When you place two parse codes next to each other in a document
(without any other characters in between them) (i.e. - <<!JobNumber!>>
<<!JobName!>>), make sure to separate them by a “TAB”, and NOT a
space. You can, however, place characters (commas, colons, etc.) after a
tag, like “<<!City!>>, <<!State!>>”.
• Make sure to adhere to all the semantics of the codes below. For
example, do not insert a space between “Job” and “Number” in the
“<<!JobNumber!>>” tag. Make sure it is one word, like "JobNumber”.

Parse Code Corresponds To
<<!EstimateName!>> This is the estimate name
<<!Estimator!>> This is the estimator name
<<!EstimateNo!>> This is the estimate number
<<!EstimateDate!>> This is the estimate date
<<!CheckedBy!>> This is the checked by name
<<!BidDate!>> This is the bid date
<<!ShopLaborRate!>> This is the shop labor rate
<<!FieldLaborRate!>> This is the field labor rate
<<!LaborMarkup!>> This is the labor markup percentage.
<<!MaterialMarkup!>> This is the material markup percentage
<<!SubcontractorMarkup!>> This is the subcontractor markup
<<!TaxRate!>> This is the tax percentage rate
<<!CustomerBuildingName!>> This is the customer building name
<<!CustomerContact!>> This is the customer contact name
<<!CustomerAddress!>> This is the customer street address
<<!CustomerCity!>> This is the customer city
<<!CustomerState!>> This is the customer state
<<!CustomerZipCode!>> This is the customer zip code
<<!CustomerPhone!>> This is the customer phone
<<!CustomerFax!>> This is the customer fax
<<!CustomerEmail!>> This is the customer email
<<!CustomerWebAddress!>> This is the customer web address URL
<<!CustomerDescr!>> This is a customer description
<<!CompanyName!>> This is your company name
<<!CompanyContact!>> This is your company contact
<<!CompanyAddress!>> This is your company address
<<!CompanyCity!>> This is your company city
<<!CompanyState!>> This is your company state
<<!CompanyZipCode!>> This is your company zip code
<<!CompanyCountry!>> This is your company country
<<!CompanyPhone!>> This is your company phone
<<!CompanyFax!>> This is your company fax
<<!CompanyEmail!>> This is your company email
<<!CompanyWebAddress!>> This is your company web address
<<!CompanyDescr!>> This is your company description
<<!CustomerQuote All #!>> This inserts all of the line items of an
estimate spreadsheet, including the
description, quantity, and total price for
each row. The # sign represents the
number of the estimate in the list of
estimate spreadsheets, starting from 1
to as many estimate spreadsheets that

there are in an estimate project.
<<!Total Cost #!>> This inserts the total extended cost
(total extended price - markup) for an
estimate spreadsheet. The # sign
represents the number of the estimate
in the list of estimate spreadsheets,
starting from 1 to as many estimate
spreadsheets that there are in an
estimate project.
<<!Total Price #!>> This inserts the total extended price
(total extended cost + markup) for an
estimate spreadsheet. The # sign
represents the number of the estimate
in the list of estimate spreadsheets,
starting from 1 to as many estimate
spreadsheets that there are in an
estimate project.
<<!Markup Total #!>> This inserts the total markup price for
an estimate spreadsheet. This is equal
to the total extended price minus the
total extended cost. The # sign
represents the number of the estimate
in the list of estimate spreadsheets,
starting from 1 to as many estimate
spreadsheets that there are in an
estimate project.
<<!Labor Total #!>> This inserts the total labor price (shop
and field). The # sign represents the
number of the estimate in the list of
estimate spreadsheets, starting from 1
to as many estimate spreadsheets that
there are in an estimate project.
<<!HeadingTo!>> This is the "To" information you input in
the form that allows you to export to
Word or Excel.
<<!HeadingFrom!>> This is the "From" information you input
in the form that allows you to export to
Word or Excel.

Chapter 10 – Create a Networked Version of the Database

Section 10.1: Overview

You can easily set up Estimate 6.0 so that several users on different computers
can use the program and share all of the same estimate data.

To setup a networked version of Estimate 6.0, do the following:

Copy the Duct Size Estimate Database

1. Copy the "Carmel_Estimate.MDB" database (This database stores all of

the estimate data) onto a central server that all users are able to access.
This file is initially located in the "x:\...\carmel\common" directory by
default (x = the hard drive, and ".." is the hierarchical folder structure
where you initially installed the Estimate software.)
2. Select the " Estimate Database Connection Settings" submenu option
from the "Settings" main menu.
3. In the "Server Name" text box, type in the new directory and file name. For
example, if the remote server directory is mapped to the "T" drive and the
directory that the database is located in is called "Estimate", then enter:


4. Press the "Test" button to test the new connection. If it fails, then re-enter
the drive, directory, and filename, and also make sure you have the
correct permissions to access the directory and file.

Chapter 11 - Menu Options

Section 11.1: Overview

The following is a list of all the Estimate 6.0 menu options and what chapter in
this manual discusses them in more detail:


• Open Estimate: Chapter 2

• Save Estimate: Section 3.1
• Close Estimate: Section 3.1
• Exit Program


• Check Status of Other Design-Build Software: Section 6.1

• General Estimate Settings: Section 6.2
• Desktop Settings: Section 6.3
• Report Format Settings: Section 6.4
• Estimate Database Connection Settings: Section 6.5

Data Tables

• DESIGN-BUILD: HVAC Plant Equipment Data: Section 7.2

• DESIGN-BUILD: Other HVAC Equipment Data: Section 7.3
• DESIGN-BUILD: Fitting Data: Section 7.4
• DESIGN-BUILD: Duct Material Data: Section 7.5
• DESIGN-BUILD: Insulation/Liner Data: Section 7.6
• HVAC Parts Data: Section 7.7
• Metals Data: Section 7.8
• Parts Supplier Data: Section 7.9
• Subcontractor Data:Section 7.10
• Technician and Warehouse Data: Section 7.11


• Show Multiple Estimate Templates: Section 8.1

• Purge and Restore Estimates: Section 8.2
• Manage Estimate Database: Section 8.3


• Display Default Reports: Section 4.1

• Export to Microsoft Office: Section 4.2


• Help – Contents
• Help – Main Menus and Buttons
• Carmel Software Website
• About Estimate 6.0: Section 1.1


This Agreement ("Agreement") is between you (both the individual installing the Software and any single legal entity on
behalf of which such individual is acting) ("Licensee") and Carmel Software Corporation (“Carmel Software”), and
contains the terms and conditions on which Carmel Software provides a version of its software for production. This
Agreement is entered into as of the date of installment (“Effective Date”).



1.1. “Documentation” means the user guides and manuals for installation and use of the Software that Carmel
Software has prepared for use with the Software.

1.2. “Intellectual Property Rights” means patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, and any other intellectual
property rights.

1.3 “Software” means the current version of Carmel Software’s software, in object code form only, and the media
and Documentation provided by Carmel Software to Licensee and for which Licensee is granted a use license pursuant
to this Agreement.


2.1. Limited License. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, Carmel Software hereby grants to Licensee a
non-exclusive, non-transferable license (without the right to sublicense):

(i) to use the Software solely for internal purposes, including, at Licensee’s option and its sole risk, in a production
environment, and solely for Licensee’s own business operations; and

(ii) to use the Documentation in support of Licensee’s authorized use of the Software.

2.2. Restrictions. Licensee may not modify, copy, relicense, sublicense, rent, or lease the Software or
Documentation or use the Software for third-party training, commercial time-sharing or service bureau use. Licensee will
not, and will not permit any third party to, reverse engineer (except to the minimum extent required to be permitted under
applicable law), disassemble, or decompile the Software. The Software and all performance data and test results relating
to the Software are the Confidential Information of Carmel Software, and will be treated in accordance with the terms of
Section 5.1 of this Agreement.

2.3. Ownership. Carmel Software will retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights in
the Software and any derivative works thereof, subject only to the limited license set forth herein. Licensee does not
acquire any other rights, express or implied, in the Software.


3.1. Carmel Software does not represent that the Software will meet any expectations or specifications of Licensee.
Further, the results of any testing or operation of the Software by Licensee will not constitute representations or
warranties of Carmel Software or give rise to any rights of reliance or otherwise for the benefit of Licensee or any third
of the foregoing, Carmel Software hereby disclaims any and all liability for any damage to or other impact on Licensee’s
equipment, hardware, software, data, or other information or materials, whether or not caused by or related to (either
directly or indirectly) Licensee’s use of the Software, including but not limited to claims relating to faulty, malfunctioning,
or inoperable Software.


4.1. License Term. Subject to Section 4.2, Licensee’s rights with respect to the Software will terminate indefinitely
from the Effective Date of this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing.

4.2. Termination of Agreement. Carmel Software may terminate this Agreement at any time upon fifteen days’
written notice to Licensee. Licensee may terminate this Agreement at any time upon fifteen days’ written notice to
Carmel Software.

4.3. Effect of Termination. Termination of this Agreement will not limit either party from pursuing other remedies
available to it, including injunctive relief. The parties’ rights and obligations under Sections 2.2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will survive
termination of this Agreement. Upon termination, Licensee will cease using, and will return to Carmel Software, the
Software and copies thereof licensed hereunder.


5.1. Confidentiality. By virtue of this Agreement, the parties may have access to information that is confidential to
one another (“Confidential Information”), including without limitation the Software, performance data, and test results
relating to the Software (whether or not obtained by or through Licensee’s testing of the Software), the terms of this
Agreement, and all information clearly identified as confidential. A party’s Confidential Information will not include
information that: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of the other party; (ii) was in
the other party’s lawful possession prior to the disclosure and had not been obtained by the other party either directly or
indirectly from the disclosing party; (iii) is lawfully disclosed to the other party by a third party without restriction on
disclosure; or (iv) is independently developed by the other party without use of or reference to the other party’s
Confidential Information. Licensee will not disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the Software to any third party
without Carmel Software’s prior written approval. The parties will hold each other’s Confidential Information in confidence
during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three years after termination of this Agreement. The parties will not
make each other’s Confidential Information available in any form to any third party for any purpose except to the extent
necessary to exercise its rights under this Agreement, and will treat Confidential Information of the other party with the
same degree of care with which it would treat its own confidential information of a like nature, and in no case with less
than a reasonable degree of care. It shall not be a breach of this section if Confidential Information is disclosed pursuant
to subpoena or other compulsory judicial or administrative process, provided the party served with such process promptly
notifies the other party and provides reasonable assistance so that the other party may seek a protective order against
public disclosure. Each party will limit the disclosure of Confidential Information to those of its employees and agents
who have a need to know such Confidential Information, and each party will take all reasonable steps to ensure that
Confidential Information is not disclosed or distributed by its employees or agents in violation of the terms of this
Agreement. Neither party will use the other party’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance
of this Agreement.


6.1. Relationship Between the Parties. Carmel Software is an independent contractor under this Agreement.
Nothing in this Agreement creates a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties.

6.2. Law. This Agreement and all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be governed by the
internal laws of the State of California without giving effect to any choice of law rule. In the event of any controversy,
claim, or dispute between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement, such controversy, claim, or dispute may
be tried solely in a state or federal court for San Francisco County, California, and the parties hereby irrevocably consent
to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

6.3. Limitation of Liability. In no event will Carmel Software be liable for any indirect, incidental, special,
consequential, or punitive damages; or damages for loss of profits, revenue, business, savings, data, use, or cost of
substitute procurement, incurred by Licensee or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if the other
party has been advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. Carmel Software’s
liability for damages hereunder will in no event exceed one thousand United States dollars. The parties acknowledge
that the limitations of liability in this Section 6.3 and in the other provisions of this Agreement and the allocation of risk
herein are an essential element of the bargain between the parties, without which Carmel Software would not have
entered into this Agreement. Carmel Software’s pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitation of liability
specified herein.

6.4. Severability and Waiver. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise
unenforceable, such provision will be enforced to the extent possible consistent with the stated intention of the parties, or,
if incapable of such enforcement, will be deemed to be severed and deleted from this Agreement, while the remainder of

this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement
will not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent default or breach.

6.5. No Assignment. Licensee may not assign, sell, transfer, delegate, or otherwise dispose of, whether voluntarily
or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, this Agreement or any rights or obligations under this Agreement without
the prior written consent of Carmel Software. Any purported assignment, transfer, or delegation by Licensee will be null
and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and

6.6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes
all prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations, written or oral, concerning the subject matter of this
Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing signed by a duly authorized
representative of each party; no other act, document, usage, or custom will be deemed to amend or modify this


Address, 15, 16 Equipment, 25
Addresses, 15 Estimate
Backup Database, 93 Addresses, 15
Bid Due Date, 14 Copy, 10
Building, 16 Customer Info, 16
Carmel Software Corporation, 1 Delete, 10
Carmel_Estimate.mdb, 100 Filter List, 10
Charge, 28 General Estimate Info, 13
Checked By, 14 Import, 9
City, 15 Inputs, 12, 13
Close, 13 New, 9
Color Scheme, 59 Open, 8, 10
Company Name, 15 Save, 13
Contact Name, 15 Spreadsheet, 18
Country, 15 Template, 9
Currency Symbol, 54 Estimate 6.0, 1, 6, 42
Custom, 11 Estimate 6.0 User Manual, 1
Customer, 16 Estimate Database, 93
Data Tables, 64 Estimate Date, 14
Duct Material Data, 73 Estimate Name, 14
Fitting Data, 70 Estimate Number, 14
HVAC Parts Data, 76 Export, 40
HVAC Plant Equipment Data, 64 Extended Cost, 19
Insulation/Liner Data, 75 Extended Price, 19
Metal Tables, 82 Fax, 15
Metals Data, 82 Field Labor, 26, 28
Other HVAC Equipment DaTa, 68 Field Labor Rate, 17
Parts Supplier Data, 84 Filter, 10
Subcontractor Data, 86 Fitting Data, 70
Technician and Warehouse Data, 87 Fittings, 25
Database, 93 Fonts, 60
Backup, 93 Format, 60
Compact, 94 Gage, 74
Duct Size, 61 Global Price Change, 81
Networked, 100 Heavy Metals, 26
Dates, 33 HVAC Misc. Equipment, 25
Delete, 29 HVAC Parts, 76
Description, 14 HVAC Plant Equipment, 25
Design Build HVAC Plant Equipment Data, 64
Addresses, 46 Ignore, 14
Duct Material, 48 Import Duct Size, 9
Duct Size, 45 Imported Duct Size, 14
Duct Systems, 46 Inputs, 12
End Cap, 49 Install, 7
Fittings, 48 Installshield, 1, 7
Import, 43, 47 Insulation/Liner, 25
Labor Calculations, 49 Insulation/Liner Data, 75
Parts and Material, 47 Labor, 17
Project Info, 46 Labor Markup, 17
Settings, 52 Labor Rate, 17
Status, 45 Loadsoft 6.0, 42
Subtotal Row, 50 Manufacturer, 66, 77
Synchronizing, 50 Markup, 19, 27
Tax Row, 50 Material Markup, 17
Design-Build 6.0, 42 Mathematics, 13
Desktop Settings, 58 Menu, 102
Discount, 28 Metal Tables
Duct Material, 25 Field Labor Hours, 83
Duct Material Data, 73 Labor Basis, 83
Duct Size 6.0, 9, 42 Material Basis, 83
Email, 15, 16 Metals Category, 82
End Date, 11 Shop Labor Hours, 83

Spreadsheet, 84 Auto-Generate Estimate Numbers, 54
Unit Cost, 83 Color Scheme, 59
Metals, 26 Currency Symbol, 54
Metals Data, 82 Data Directories, 57
Microsoft, 1 Desktop, 58
Microsoft Excel, 38, 41, 96 Duct Size Database, 61
Microsoft Office, 40, 96 Export Settings, 55
Microsoft Word, 38, 41, 96 Fonts, 60
Model Number, 66, 77 General, 53
Multiple Estimate Spreadsheets, 90 Header, 61
Name, 15 Margin, 61
Network, 100 Parts Requisition, 56
New Features, 7 Report Format, 60
On Will Call, 34 Units, 53
Open, 8 Warranty Rates, 54
Other HVAC Equipment Data, 68 Ship To, 34
Outputs, 38 Shop Labor, 26, 28
Parse Code, 97 Shop Labor Rate, 17
Part Category, 77 Software License, 106
Part Number, 77 Spreadsheet, 18, 31
Parts, 20 Clear, 30
Default Database, 21 Copy, 30
External Database, 23 Costs, 19
Search, 24 Delete Row, 29
Parts Requisition Duct Insulation/Liner, 25
Clear, 36 Duct Material, 25
Copy, 36 Extended, 19
Dates, 33 Fittings, 25
Delete Row, 36 Formula Row, 29
Description, 32 Heavy Metals, 26
Part Row, 35 HVAC Misc. Equipment, 25
PO Number, 33 HVAC Plant Equipment, 25
Price, 32 Insert Rows, 20
Price Difference, 32 Markup, 19
Quantity, 32 Miscellaneous Line Items, 28
Refresh, 36 Multiple, 18
Ship To, 34 Non-Calc Row, 29
Spreadsheet, 31 Parts, 20
Subtotal, 35 Paste, 30
Supplier, 33 Prices, 19
Sync, 31 Quantity, 19
Title Row, 35 Refresh, 30
Parts Supplier Data, 84 Subcontractor, 27
Phone, 15 Subtotal, 29
PO Number, 33 Units, 19
Purge, 91 Standard Reports, 38
Rates and Markups, 16 Start Date, 11
Refresh, 30 State, 15
Report Subcontractor, 27, 87
Company Information, 61 Subcontractor Data, 86
Estimate Sheet, 39 Subcontractor Markup, 17
Format, 60 Subtotal, 29, 35
Header, 61 Supplier, 33, 68, 85
Margin, 61 Tax Rate, 17
Parts Req. Dates, 40 Taxes, 28
Parts Req. Pricing, 40 Technician, 87
Parts Req. Ship-To, 40 Technician and Warehouse, 87
Reports, 38 Template, 9
Residential 5.0, 42 Create, 96
Restore, 91 Parse Code, 97
Save, 13 Tools, 90
Search, 24 Manage Estimate Database, 93
Settings, 52 Multiple Estimate Spreadsheets, 90

Purge and Restore Estimates, 91 Web Address, 16
Warehouse, 89 Zip Code, 15
Warranty, 28, 54, 106

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