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Battle Preparation

1) Categorize Mech forces by their Movement and Attack Range

Attack \ Movement Short Medium Long
Short Movement = Max Walk speed below or equal to 4 Short Brawler Skirmisher Flanker
Medium Movement = Max Walk speed between 5 and 6 Medium Smasher Striker Cavarly
Long Movement = Max Walk speed above or equal to 7 Long Artillery Support Sniper

Short Attack = Most Attack Damage in medium range below or equal to 6

Medium Attack = Most Attack Damage in medium range between 7 and 12
Long Attack = Most Attack Damage in medium range above 13

2) Select the Corresponding Type of Mechs from the following tables.(This will be the behaviour for each Mech during the battle)

Brawler (BR) Action Description Skirmisher (SK) Action Description Flanker (FL) Action Description
1 Pull Back Move to increase the range to hostile targets 1 Pull back Move to increase the range to hostile targets 1 Take Cover Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets
2 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy. 2 Take Cover Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets 2 Hold Steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy
3 Close Range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 3 Hold Steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy 3 Stand Firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS
4 Close Range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 4 Stand firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS 4 Attack Move as close to the enemy as possible
5 Attack! Move as close to the enemy as possible 5 Attack Move as close to the enemy as possible 5 Flank Move the maximum distance to get on the back or the side of the closest enemy
6 Attack! Move as close to the enemy as possible 6 Attack Move as close to the enemy as possible 6 Flank Move the maximum distance to get on the back or the side of the closest enemy

Smasher (SM) Action Description Striker (ST) Action Description Cavalry (CV) Action Description
1 Pull back Move to increase the range to hostile targets 1 Pull back Move to increase the range to hostile targets 1 Pull back! Move to increase the range to hostile targets.
2 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy. 2 Take cover Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets 2 Take Cover! Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets
3 Stand firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS 3 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy 3 Stand firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS
4 Attack! Move as close to the enemy as possible 4 Stand firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS 4 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy
5 Close Range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 5 Close range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 5 Close range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy.
6 Close Range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 6 Attack! Move as close to the enemy as possible 6 Flank Move the maximum distance to get on the back or the side of the closest enemy

Artillery (AT) Action Description Support (SP) Action Description Sniper (SN) Action Description
1 Take Cover Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets 1 Take Cover Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets 1 Pull back! Move to increase the range to hostile targets.
2 Close Range! Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 2 Stand firm Maintain current position, Do not move or walk to achieve better LOS 2 Take Cover! Improve the amount of cover you have to hostile targets
3 Stand firm Maintain current position or Walk to achieve better LOS 3 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy 3 Stand firm Maintain current position, Do not move or walk to achieve better LOS
4 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy 4 Close Range Move to reduce the range band to the enemy. 4 Hold steady Move to maintain the range band with the enemy
5 Volley Maintain short or medium distance for a long range weapon attack 5 Attack! Move as close to the enemy as possible 5 Flank Move the maximum distance to get on the back or the side of the closest enemy
6 Volley Maintain short or medium distance for a long range weapon attack 6 Volley Maintain short or medium distance for a long range weapon attack 6 Volley Maintain short or medium distance for a long range weapon attack

3) As a Suggestion: Identify each Mech with the following Tokens for quick reference

4) Force Placement
Divide the Battlefield in 9 Sections as shown on the table Vertical Sections (Roll 1D6) Vertical/Horizontal
a) Player places Mechs on the battlefield 1-2 1 2 3
b) Divide the Battle Map into 9 sections 3-4 4 5 6 Horizontal Sections (Roll 1D6)
c) Roll for Horizontal Section 5-6 7 8 9
d) Roll for Vertical Section 1-2 3-4 5-6

5) Enemy Formation

a) Roll 1D6 to determine the Enemy Lance Starting Formation Enemy Lance Formation (1D6)
b) Place the Enemy Lance in the Battlefield acording to it's corresponding Section and Starting Formation 1 Finger four
2 Line
3 Square
4 Column
5 Diamond
6 Echelon
*6 Inverted Finger Four It's optional to replace Echelon with Inverted Finger Four

6) Pilot's Reputation
a) Roll 1D6 for each Enemy Pilot to set Enemy Pilot's Reputation

1D6 Reputation (BASIC TABLE) 1D6 Reputation (ADVANCED TABLE)

1-2 Rookie (Gunnery:4 Piloting: 5 Morale: 0) 1 Green (Gunnery:5 Piloting:5 Morale: -2)
3-4 Regular (Gunnery:4 Piloting: 4 Morale: 1) 2 Rookie (Gunnery:4 Piloting:5 Morale: -1)
5-6 Veteran (Gunnery:3 Piloting: 4 Morale: 2) 3 Regular (Gunnery:4 Piloting:4 Morale: 0)
4 Talented (Gunnery:3 Piloting:5 Morale: 1)
5 Veteran (Gunnery:3 Piloting:4 Morale: 2)
6 Ace (Gunnery:3 Piloting:3 Morale: 3)

2) The Enemy will follow a Chain of Command based on the Reputation Chart, Highest level will have the Lance command

3) The Lance will advance in formation until one enemy mech enters in range of any weapon in the formation or gets hit by any weapon.

4) Once contact has been stablished the Lance leader will roll 1D6 to set the Reaction Formation

1D6 Reaction formation Explanation

1 Keep Formation There's no change in the current formation
2 Spread Formation Each mech moves to have 4 to 5 Hexes in separation of eachother
3 Split Formation Split the current formation in two groups of mechs keeping a separation of 2 Hexes on each group and 5 Hexes between groups
4 Keep Formation There's no change in the current formation
5 Tight Formation Keep the curren formation but with a separation of 2 Hexes between mechs
6 Split Formation Split the current formation in two groups of mechs keeping a separation of 2 Hexes on each group and 5 Hexes between groups


5) Movement (Roll for each Mech according to thier respective Type Table)
a) Roll 1D6 on the Mech's corresponding Table based on their Mech Type
b)If there's any Morale Modifiers apply it to the rolled value
1) If the Roll WITH Modifier results on a 0 or Less (-1,-2,-3, etc) the Mech automatically will move towards the nearest border of the Battlefield and exit.
2) If the Roll WITH Modifiers results on a 7 or above the Mech will move as if a 6 was rolled and will have a +1 Modifier ToHit during this turn.
d) Move the mech following the instructions rolled on the table

6) Target Selection (Repeat this action for each Mech every turn)
a) Roll 1D6 to set the tharget selection for each Mech
1D6 Action
1-3 Target Mech that fired on the unit last round (or the nearest one if the Mech wasn't targeted on a previous round)
4-5 Target Easiest Mech to Hit
6 Roll another 1D6 and target a Mech at the appropiate range (1-2:Short, 3-4:Medium, 5-6:Long)

7) Attack Stance
a) Roll 1D6 to set the Attack Stance for each Mech
1D6 Attack Stance Description
1-3 Passive Fire weapons with a ToHit value below 10 and Keeping Heat below the Heat Modifiers (Max 5 Heat!!!)
4-5 Agressive Fire all weapons with a ToHit value below or equal to 10, don't care about Heat.
6 AlphaStrike Fire all weapons!

8) Resolve Damage
a) Resolve Damage as Normal for each Mech
b) If any of the following conditions apply, add up all the corresponding modifiers to apply them on the next step

Modifier Condition
-1 Confirmed Critical Damage
-1 Mech location blown off
-1 Mech Destruction
-1 Dead Allied Mechwarrior (inside or outside a Mech)
-1 Mech runs Away from the Battlefield
1 Reinforcements Arrive
1 Mech Deals +20 Damage
1 Mech does a Critical Hit
1 Mech Destroys an enemy Unit
1 Mech blows off an enemy mech's location

9) Morale Check
a) Apply the Modifiers to the Morale Table
b) This Morale Level will be used as a Modifier for the next turn's Movement Rolls

Starting Morale
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

c) This Morale Level applies for all mechs in the force (Ally's and OpForce's Morale are tracked individually)


Battle Ends when:
All the Tracks Conditions have been successfully achieved
All OpFor units have been destroyed, disabled or left the Battlefield
All Allied units have been destroyed, disabled or left the Battlefield
Allied Units surrender

Post Battle Modifiers

If All Track Goals have been achieved, the Allied Forces will start the next track with a +2 Morale Modifier
If All OpFor units have been destroyed, Allied Forces will start next track with a +1 Morale Modifier and a -1 ToHit Modifier on their First Attack
If All Allied units have been routed, Allied Forces will start next track with a -1 Morale Modifier and a +1 ToHit Modifier on their First Attack
If Allied Units Surrendered, They will start the next track with a -2 Morale Modifier

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