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Mahad Darul Abror

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade : VIII / I
Chapter :2
Topic : to state that we can do something
Duration : 5 x 40 minutes

Lesson Plan: Personal Experiences and Past Tense

Learning Objective:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about personal experiences in the past and
understand past tense.

Prior Knowledge Assessment (5 minutes):

 Show a YouTube video of Independence Day celebrations to provide context and stimulate
 Engage students by asking them to share their personal experiences about participating in
Independence Day celebrations.
 Encourage students to describe their experiences using past tense.
 Observe students' responses to gauge their understanding of past tense and personal experience

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction to Personal Experiences (15 minutes):

 Use a whiteboard to write the definition of personal experiences and past tense.
 Discuss the importance of being able to talk about personal experiences in the past.
 Facilitate a class discussion by asking questions related to the video and personal experiences.
 Example questions: What did you observe in the video? Have you ever participated in an
Independence Day celebration? What did you do on that day?

2. Understanding Past Tense (30 minutes):

 Display a slide with examples of regular and irregular past tense verbs on the whiteboard.
 Explain the rules for forming regular past tense verbs (e.g., adding "-ed" to the base
 Provide a list of irregular past tense verbs and their base forms.
 Engage students in a group activity where they identify the past tense of regular and irregular verbs
from given sentences.
 Allow students to share their answers and discuss any discrepancies or questions.

3. Describing Personal Experiences in the Past (40 minutes):

 Introduce the concept of storytelling and its importance in sharing personal experiences.
 Provide a sample personal experience narrative written in the past tense.
 Guide students to identify the use of past tense verbs in the narrative.
 In pairs or small groups, ask students to create their own personal experience narratives using past
 Encourage students to incorporate descriptive language and vivid details in their narratives.
 Allow students to share their narratives with the class, providing constructive feedback and praise.

4. Review and Practice (45 minutes):

 Use an online quiz tool to create a quiz on past tense verbs.

 Quiz question: Which of the following is the past tense of the verb "eat"?
 A) eated
 B) ated
 C) ate
 D) eateded
 Correct answer: C (ate)
 Explanation: The past tense of the verb "eat" is "ate" as it follows the irregular verb pattern.
 Share the quiz link with students and allow them to complete it individually.
 Review the quiz results as a class, discussing the correct answers and providing explanations for
any misconceptions.
 Address any remaining questions or concerns about the use of past tense.
 Hang man game

5. Exit Ticket (15 minutes):

 Administer an exit ticket in the form of a formative assessment quiz.

 Quiz question: Write a sentence using past tense to describe your last Independence
Day experience.
 Example answer: Last Independence Day, I watched a spectacular firework display
with my family at the park.
 Collect the exit tickets as a means of evaluating students' understanding of the lesson.

 Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
 Remind students of the importance of using past tense when talking about personal experiences.
 Provide positive reinforcement and rewards to students who actively participated and demonstrated
understanding throughout the lesson.
Note: The time allotment for each major section is approximate and can be adjusted based on the
pace and needs of the students.

..............................., ... Juli 2023

Kepala Sekolah ... Guru Mata Pelajaran

Imam Kamaludin, M.Pd Vini Is Utami, S.Pd.

simple past tense is to show action that occurred and was completed at a particular
time in the past. e.g “He visited his grandparents last week.”

(+) Subject + to be (was/were) + complement

(-) Subject +to be (was/were) + not + complement

(?) To be (was/were) + Subject + complement

Contoh kalimat simple past tense bentuk nominal:

Kalimat past tense positif:

I was a teacher. (Aku dulu seorang guru.)
She was fat. (Dia dulu gemuk.)
We were a doctor. (Kita dulu adalah seorang dokter.)
They were rich. (Dulu mereka kaya.)
Kalimat past tense negatif:

I was not fat. (Aku dulu tidak gemuk.)

She was not sick yesterday. (Dia tidak sakit kemarin.)
We were not tired. (Kita tidak capek kemarin.)
They were not a bad kid. (Mereka dulu bukan anak yang nakal.)
Kalimat past tense interogatif:

Was she so busy? (Apakah dulu dia sangat sibuk?)

Was Intan happy to work here? (Apakah dulu Intan senang bekerja di sini?)
Were they happy to work here? (Apakah dulu mereka senang bekerja di sini?)
Were you late to come to the office? (Apakah dulu kamu terlambat datang ke kantor?)

umus past tense bentuk verbal:

(+) Subject + verb 2 + complement

(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1

(?) Did + subject + verb 1

(+) The nurse went to the hospital yesterday. (Suster itu pergi ke rumah sakit kemarin.)
(-) The nurse didn’t go to the hospital yesterday. (Suster itu tidak pergi ke rumah sakit
(?) Did the nurse go to the hospital yesterday? (Apakah suster itu pergi ke rumah sakit

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