DBMS Question Paper

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Group A

Answer the following question (Compulsory) (15)

1. Consider the following “employee” table used to store the information about employees.

Emp No EName Job Salary Commission D.No

100 Bishal Manager 10000 10 10
101 Manju Clerk 5000 5 20
102 Shyam Salesman 4000 30
103 John Manager 10000 10 20
104 Jaya Salesman 4000 10
105 Rahul Peon 3000 20
106 Aarya Clerk 5000 5 30
Answer the following questions:
a. Write SQL query to create the table as above. (No need to enter the data)
b. Write the SQL statement to retrieve Emp No., Ename, Job, Salary of all employee in
descending order of their salary
c. Write SQL query to retrieve all information of employee that belongs to department number
10 or 20
d. Write a SQL statement to list the employee information whose salary is more than average
e. Write SQL query to display information of employee whose name starts with J
f. Write the SQL query to find total number of departments in the given employee table
g. Write SQL query to display department number and total salary of each department (use
GROUP BY clause)
h. Write SQL query to display the employee who do not have any commission

Group B

Answer any 2 questions (10x2=20)

2. Construct an ER diagram for a library management system. The library consists of books. One
student can issue more than one book. Each book has an accession number, book name, author,
price and edition. Each student has roll number, name, semester, faculty. The issuing of book us
performed by the librarian and we store librarian, id name and designation as attributes. Make
necessary assumptions if required.
3. What is relational algebra? Discuss about the select and join operations giving suitable
4. What is normalization? What are its objectives? Explain about 1NF with suitable example.

Group C

Answer any 3 questions (Question no. 8 is compulsory) (5x3=15)

5. What do you mean by transaction? What are the ACID properties that are considered desirable
in transaction?
6. Define query processing and list the various steps in query processing.
7. Compare database system with traditional file processing system
8. Answer in one sentence
a. Database Administrator
b. Primary Key
c. Entity
d. Data encryption
e. Authorization and Authentication

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