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Background of the Study

Video-based learning has long been used as an educational tool to assist in

classroom teaching, with the earliest usage noted during the Second World War

(Yousef et al., 2014). A number of recent advances, most notably the rapid growth in

access to high-speed internet through homes, schools, and personal devices such as

tablets or smartphones. Have had a significant impact in changing the learning

environment and accelerating video used in higher education. Within this explosive

pace of change and development, educational institutions and libraries now sit with a

huge amount of curiosity about what video can and will do for their faculty and students.

Students have shown that the use of short video clips allows for more efficient

processing and memory recall. The visual and auditory nature of video appeals to a

wide audience and allows each user to process information in a way that's natural to

them. In nutshell, videos are good teacher. The online, asynchronous nature of videos

allows them to be shared all across the world and at all hours of the day or night.

Educational institutions can gain great autonomy by using videos to reach a broader

audience than ever before.

Like all new technologies, a video was expensive when it was first

introduced. Teams of very good training professionals were required to produce even

the shortest video content. These high costs are stimulated some early research on the

effectiveness of video as an educational tool. Ultimately, the research found that,

despite the promise it made, it was simply too expensive to be practical for teachers or

even entire schools. Video then mostly fell by the wayside until recent advances in

computers and the internet brought the question of video as an educational tool to the

fore once again (Houston, 2000).

As a result, educational institutions are faced with the task of meeting the

rising demand for quality learning videos, online course offerings, and campus

accessibility. Indeed, studies have shown that video learning has positive outcomes on

multiple levels, including increased motivation and deeper learning, and can

specifically impact students' ability to facilitate discussions and identify problems.

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the researcher seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents, in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level

1.4 Strand

2. Which elements for video lessons do the students like the most?

2.1 Cognitive Load / Informative

2.2 Student Engagement

2.3 Active Learning

3. What are the impact of video lessons on the academic performance of the students?

3.1 Positive Impact

3.2 Negative Impact

4. How do you make video lectures interesting to the students?

Significance of the Study

This research conducted to benefit the following:

STUDENTS- The research may benefit the students because most of us are watching

video lessons in our classes today due to the pandemic. It gives us knowledge about

what we should learn. Video lessons increase students engagement, which in turn helps

boost achievement.

TEACHERS- Video are also beneficial to teachers who teach in traditonal classroom

settings. Digital videos facilitate remote learning opportunities so that teachers can

reach students from all over the world.

PARENTS- This reseach may benefit also the parents because parents guidance is

vital and for them to know that this may widen the knowledge of their childrens.

FUTURE REASERCHERS- For the researchers who may conduct similar study within

this topic. This may serve as your basis for your research study.

Scope and Delimitations

The study was conducted at Arellano University - Jose Rizal Campus. The

researchers selected fifty (50) Senior High School students that watching video lessons

for virtual learning who are enrolled during the academic period of 2020-2021 as a

respondent to participate in the online survey questionnaire.

The research focuses on the impact of the video lessons on the academic

performance of (SHS) Senior High School Students. The research designed to have

knowledge about the impact of video lessons on the academic performance of the

(SHS) Senior High School students on AU-JRHS in virtual learning.


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