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Friday, September 16, 2022 $2.


Who earns Frozen

more? Reo Māori
Trades versus will make
degrees you melt

Bottle-nosed Marine life

Duncan Tolmie
A bottle-nosed dolphin beached
The dolphin was refloated
as the tide came in, in the early
The dead calf had been
taken away on a trailer.

dolphin rescue
in the Bluff Harbour has been Hoists were placed under
refloated. However, its calf has the mother to lift her on to the
died. trailer to move her but it was
A Te Rau Aroha Marae decided to wait until the tide
kaumātua Bubba Thompson came in.
said it was really sad to dis- Earlier in the day, people at

in harbour
cover the dolphin and her calf the scene had wrapped the
stranded at Greenhills yester- mother’s tail in cloth so it
day morning. would help stop it from getting
He came to the beach about hurt on shells every time it
9.30am and found the calf dead moved.
and the mother dolphin alive. They also ran buckets of
Both appeared to be in good water from nearby to wash
condition. ‘‘’s sad really,’’ over the dolphin.
Thompson said. Friends Jacinda Duncan
Department of Conser- and Renee Bull arrived at the
vation Murihiku operations scene about 10am after receiv-
manager John McCarroll said ing a call from a family mem-
two dolphins in the Bluff Har- ber nearby about the incident.
bour were bottle-nosed. They ran barefoot to the
A department vet dolphins and starting digging
assessed the mother dolphin out holes around them.
and with the support of staff, They were both crying at
mana whenua, Awarua time while comforting the
rūnaka members and the mother calf who appeared to
local community, it was suc- also be crying.
cessfully refloated in the main There appeared to be a pool
channel of the harbour. of blood around the mother’s
Department staff will con- tail, fluid coming out of her
Renee Bull crouches near a bottle-nosed dolphin beached tinue to monitor the area for eyes, she was blowing mucus
near Bluff yesterday. the next few days to ensure its bubbles from her mouth and
safety. had little cuts on her body.
Above: The ‘‘We are awaiting a decision The weather was windy and
Department of stranded dolphin from mana whenua about cold.
Conservation staff, in Bluff Harbour. what will happen with the The couple notified the
the public and KAVINDA HERATH/
body of the calf.’’ Department of Conservation,
representatives STUFF
Earlier in the day, a depart- they said.
from Awarua
ment worker at the scene said Department staff and the
rūnaka worked to
refloat a bottlenose it had been considering eutha- vet arrived at the scene just
dolphin found nasia. before midday.
beached in Bluff
Harbour alongside
her dead calf
yesterday morning.


# No 1 Geoffrey Young for Mayor

Authorised by G. Young -

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