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Janmashtami, also known as Gokul Ashtami, is a fes'val celebrated with great

fervour and devo'on to mark the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna's birth is
believed to have taken place in the city of Mathura in northern India, in a prison
cell where his parents, Devaki and Vasudeva, were unjustly imprisoned by
Devaki's brother, the wicked King Kansa. It was on this divine night that Lord
Krishna made his appearance, escaping Kansa's malevolent grasp. Lord Krishna's
divine teachings in the Bhagavad Gita provide profound insights into life's
purpose, duty, and the path to spiritual enlightenment. My poem is a humble
blessing from my Lord Krishna, whose path has enriched my life

One of the most famous verses from the Bhagavad Gita that speaks of Lord
Krishna's divine nature is Chapter 10, Verse 20:

"aham ātmā guḍākeśa

aham ādiś ca madhyaṁ ca
bhūtānām anta eva ca"

"I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the
beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings."

In the midnight hour, when stars did gleam,

The world was graced by a divine dream.
On Janmashtami, a sacred morning so rare,
Lord Krishna’s divine appearance to prayers.

In Mathura's prison, where shadows did sway,

To King Kansa's dread, on that fateful day.
The eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, in human form,
Parents Devaki and Vasudeva, divinity to transform.

Yashoda's love, His foster mother's embrace,

Nurtured the Lord with maternal grace.
LiWle Krishna, mischievous and sublime,
Stole hearts with His flute's sweet rhymes.

With Radha, His beloved, by His side,

In Vrindavan, their love did reside.
Playing the raas with Gopi’s, a radiant sight,
Spreading love and joy, both day and night.

As the charioteer of Arjuna, His role was clear,

In the Bhagavad Gita, wisdom He did steer.
A sage and warrior, philosopher and guide,
Lord Krishna's teachings, blessing to ride.

Essence of Krishna His unwavering exuberance,

In love, in war, His joyful divine countenance.
In His name, may we find our divine grace,
His footsteps, His teachings, in life's space.


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