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Effects of Online Gaming

Addiction in Academic
Performances of Lipa City
Senior High School Students

Loresca, Monica Mae V.
Lacerna, Reimar M.
Lipa City Senior High School
Effects of Online Gaming Addiction in Academic
Performances of Lipa City Senior High School Students

This study was conducted to assess and find out the impact of online gaming addiction on
the academic performance of students in Lipa City Senior High School, Batangas, Philippines. It
determined the level of addiction in playing online games. The academic performances as
influence by online games and the action plan can be proposed to improve their academic
performances against addiction in online gaming.
A total of 30 students were utilized as respondents of the study, 15 from Grade 11 and 15
from Grade 12. The responses was drawn using percentage and Weighted Average Mean. The
Study revealed that the respondents have often play online game and their academic
performances were fairly affected by their computer games. Further, there was no significant
relationship between online game addiction and students’ academic performances toward study
habits, achieving goals, academic responsibility, but has significant relationship in their
participation in extra-academic activities.
This study recommends to parents to allow monitor and motivate their children to limit
their exposure to gadgets and lead to the right and good things that they may spend their time on.

Keywords: online gaming, academic performances, level of addiction


In this study entitled “Effects of Online Gaming Addiction in Academic

Performance of Lipa City Senior High School Students” aims to determine the
effects of online gaming addiction in Academic Performance of LCNHS students
that leads to every student to failed in school because of excessive use of
technology and what action plan can be proposed to prevent the aggravation of
students’ addiction to Online Gaming. According to Kuss (2013), in the 2000s,
online games became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction emerged,
outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its prevalence, and
associated risk factors. Internet gaming is a booming market. In 2012, more than
one billion individuals played computer games, which fuelled the 8% growth of the
computer gaming industry in the same year It is argued that only by understanding
the appeal of Internet gaming addiction be understood comprehensively.

Philippines constituted the most played and well-reviewed gamers and with
the help of Statista Research Department, 2020 has exponential growth compared
to the previous years. Gaming either through consoles, mobile, or PC, has been
gaining traction among Filipinos, especially among the younger generation.
According to Rakuten Insight that researcher revealed that 75% of respondents
stated playing online games as of March 2020. The majority of the respondents
were highly engaged in online gaming, while only 24% weren’t.

Mobile games are a one way to ease our boredom, based on the established
researches, online gaming is one of the most popular used relaxation activities by
many people, Usually for teenagers and students’ but sometimes it leads to
addiction because of lack of self-discipline. Online game addiction is a worrying
aspect of the modern-day technologically able youth.

Many students spend hours a day on computers, so much so that computers

have become a primary source of entertainment for them and , they forget the role
of being a student. Therefore, necessary precaution must be taken in exploring all
the uses of computers and the negative consequences of using them on a daily
basis. However, some users of those inventions often abuse their time in playing
online games while man who invented it doesn’t see the negative sides of those
inventions because we focus on how to earn.
This theory was based on the study of Anne Brus (2012) in which she examine
the computer game addition as a social phenomenon. Analyzing the
consequences of using the term in order to express a concern about high
frequency consumption or even a problematic usage of computer games.
Computer Game Addiction
Computer addicts are the definition of a “moving target.” According to Anne
Brus, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has debated whether computer
game addiction should be classified as a subtype of “internet use disorder.”
Anne Brus (2012) identify three major categories of studies in terms of scientific
knowledge: etiology/risk factors such as motivations for playing, personality
traits, and comorbidity. This relates the phenomenon to the classification and
assessment of pathology and addiction, or discusses the classification from an
epidemiological standpoint in order to justify various forms of social, educational,
or clinical interventions (Buckingham, 2008).

Fig. 1 – Addiction Cycle by Anne Brus

This cycle showed that there are risk factors in playing online games. It will begin
with the motivation for playing games until it affects your personality traits,
become addicted to it and lead you to have comorbidity which cause you more
than one illness or disorder at the same time.
In relation on theory of Irene Aquino (2019), research on gaming has provided
evidence that instructional games can promote retention and the ability to
transfer knowledge to new domains. Instructional games are attractive because
they offer a simple and creative means of providing High-level motivation, clear
and consistent goals, and sustained interactivity. In her Data collection. The data
showed that online games have bad effects on their Academic Performance.
Gaming as an instructional variable maybe analyzed as methods of rehearsal by
facilitating the organization and retention of content. The trend toward increased
video game and other interactive digital media usage does not appear to be going
away. The upcoming college students are even more likely to be tightly tied to
their technology than students today. The current generation is exceedingly
comfortable and electronic entertainment. (Escobar-Chaves and Anderson, 2008)
On the other hand, we cannot deny that computer game addiction exists as a
phenomenon in people’s minds. Some students claim that their gaming has
gotten out of hand to the point where they can no longer control it and leads
them to negative effects to their academic performance at school.


This study aimed to determine the effect of online games to the academic
performance of the students in Lipa City Senior High School Students, it aimed to
answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Grade Level
d. Economic Status of the Family
2. Is there a significant effect of Online gaming in the Performances of LCSHS


 To determine the Reason that attract students to play online games
 To analyze the level of addiction of the students
 To know the Effects of addiction in Academic performances
 To state an Action plan to improve Academic performances

There is no significant effect of Online Gaming to the Performance of LCSHS


Profile of the Respondents:

 Age
 Gender
 Grade Level
 Economic Status of Action Plan:
the Family
 Track and Limit Game Time
 Maintain Firm Consequences
 Look Out for Social and Open-
Ended Games
 Support Moderate Play

 Mental Health
 Emotional
 Academic Failure


The result of this study is significant to the following group:
 Students.
This study may give information to the students about how online
gaming affects the life of a student.
 Parents.
This study is significant to the family because it may help them to know if
their children are addicted to online games.
 Teacher.
This study may serve as the way to the teachers to determine the
students who are addicted to online games so they can help the students to
avoid being addicted to online games.
 Community/Brgy. Officials
They can help students and other youth to limit the hour of using
computers inside the computer shop by giving them curfew and warning.
 Future Researchers
It would help future researchers that are interested in this study. It will
serve as their basis and their background about their research.

 ADDICTION – the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular
substance, thing, or activity.
 ONLINE GAME – An online game is a video game that is either partially
or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network
 ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE – Academic performance is the extent to
which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term
educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as
secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic


As stated by According to Anand (2007), the Penetration of video games into

the Philippines alone is huge, with at least 90% of homes having children that
have played (rented or owned) video games. This is a record level that continues
to increase. 55% of console players and 66% of online players are over 18. The
College demographic seems to be the major group of gamers simply because they
have a lack of parental supervision and they have more flexible schedules,
allowing for more play time.
There are also others that have found decreased academic performance in
relation to involvement in playing video games. Anderson And Dill (2007) studied
video games and aggression and suggested that not only does gaming have an
impact on performance directly, but it also triggers a higher level of aggression,
which is often linked to problems in school and decreased academic performance.
Wack and Tantleff-Dunn (2009) also found a negative correlation, although the
relationship between GPA and academic performance in their study was not
Jackson et al (2008) found that time spent playing games was a negative
predictor of academic performance and that those who played video games more
often had poorer grades than those who played less. A study conducted by Wood,
Griffiths, And Parke (2007) included open-ended questions that encouraged
participants to report different feelings about playing video games. Some of the
negative consequences indirectly related to school performance, in that
participants reported often missing lectures, Skipping homework, etc.
Lan Ying Huang (2003), by playing the online game features online gamer
participants may view the games as source of providing diversion and filling time.
“The biggest risk factor for pathological video game useseems to be playing
games to escape from daily life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead author of the study and a
doctoral candidate in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Missouri.
“Individuals who play games to get away from their lives or to pretend to be other
people seem to be those most at-risk for becoming part of a vicious cycle. These
gamers avoid their problems by playing games, which in turn interferes with their
lives because they’re so busy playing games (Peters 7 et al, 2007).
Games addiction shows the bad effect among the people nowadays. Addiction
to the internet shares some of negative aspects of substance addiction and has
been shown to lead to consequences such as failing school, family and
relationship problem (Brian. D. NG, M.S & Peter. W. H, 2005). It can make the
people who has addicted will feel that the games can provide opportunities for
achievement, freedom and even a connection to the players. Those benefits
trumped a shallow sense of fun, which doesn’t keep gamers as interested (online
gamers anonymous, 2008).
The role of media in advertising the games also make more cause why the
games addicted will be more interested with those games. In 2005, advertiser
spent $80 million to reach game players, this spending is expected to top $400 by
2009 (Park Associate 2006).
It is widely believed that game players who spend playing too many hours
(above 10 hours a day) are at high risk of being addicted to video games (Anand,
2007). Previous studies have shown that video game addiction among
adolescents gamers is highly correlated with psychosocial problems such as time
spent on games (i.e., usage), life satisfaction, loneliness, social competence , and
aggression (Lemmens et al., 2009).
Although playing video games is one of the most popular leisure activities in
the world, research into its effects on players, both positive and negative, is often
Computer games have become a very popular leisure activity among children
and adolescents in recent years. In fact, based on popularity alone online gaming
garners a larger share of ‘favorite’ votes among young people than physical team
sports such as Ice hockey and football combined. There are many benefits of the
Internet as it not only acts as an entertainment tool, but also an important
professional resource for work, communication as well as education. However,
despite all of its inherent advantages, the Internet also has its drawback
Md Irteja Islam, Raaj Kishore Biswas & Rasheda Khanam (2020). This study
looked at the relationship between internet use and electronic game play and
academic performance in Australian children on weekdays and weekends. It also
investigated whether internet and game addiction is related to academic
performance. A total of 1704 children aged 11–17 years old from the cross-
sectional nationwide survey young minds matter (YMM) were studied. The
generalized linear regression models with survey weights were used to investigate
the relationship between internet use and electronic gaming and academic
performance (as measured by the NAPLAN–National standard score).
Approximately 70% of the sample spent more than 2 hours per day on the
internet, and nearly 30% spent more than 2 hours per day playing electronic
games. Weekday internet users (> 4 h/day) were less likely to have higher reading
and numeracy scores, whereas weekend internet users (> 2–4 h/day) were more
likely to have higher reading and numeracy scores.
Fang-Ling LinTai-Yen HsuTung-Shen WuChih-Lin Chang (2013). College
students who spend too much time playing online games each week tend to have
poorer learning ability, concentration issues, poor academic performance, and
fewer interactions with others. The author of this study conducted a
questionnaire-based survey to determine how many hours per week college
students from central Taiwan spend on online games in order to determine their
average daily involvement in such games. The survey respondents were chosen
using proportionate stratified sampling to investigate weekly involvement in
online games among college students from central Taiwan, who were divided into
low-, medium-, and high-involvement groups in a cluster analysis. The survey
results were validated using a self-created evaluation system based on working
memory and response time. There are a total of 36 college students, or 12
Most online gamers are male. Among male gamers, more severe online
gaming addiction is correlated with older age, lower self-esteem, and lower
dissatisfaction with daily life. This relationship did not hold true for female
gamers(Ko et al. 2005).
This study uses a scaling method to gather information of the related study.
The study will be conducted in the Lipa City Senior High School (LCSHS). LCSHS
students are the main respondents of this study. A total of 30 students were
utilized as respondents of the study, 15 from Grade 11 and 15 from Grade 12. The
researchers will provide the online survey forms to random students.
The respondents name are all anonymous to prevent dishonesty in answering and
will promote effectiveness of the study. The researchers may then receive the
responses from the respondents after done submitting the answers.

The collected and totaled data will be assessed. The responses will be tabulated in
a bar graph as a representation of the results. The result will help attain the
objectives provided in the background of the study.


The target population of this study was composed of 15 gamer students
from each grade level summing up to 30 gamer students chosen through
purposive sampling. The participating respondents were affecting their academic
performance because of addiction.

1. Students
2. Age 16 -19 years or older
3. At Grade 11 or 12
4. Economic Status of the Family (15 days)
The following procedures will be used to ensure an accurate and reliable
analysis of the data gathered.

A. Descriptive Statistics – will be serve as a summary of the data

as a graph.
 Frequency – to determine the number of response.
 Percentage – it will be used as a descriptive statistics
to denote the proportion contributed by a part in a
whole, thus the following the formula will be used.

Formula: P = (n/N)(100)

P = percentage
n = number of responses under a particular
N = total number or respondents

This chapter explains how data was analyzed and interpdeted. The information
was presented in table form in response to precise questions posed in the
problem statement.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Chart 1-3 shows the demographic of the respondents

Chart 1

As presented in the chart, the age of 16, 17, 18, 19 years old and above are
included. It shows that 17 years old have 35.5% which implies the most of our
respondents are 17 years old. 16 years old received 32.3%, 18 years old received
19.4%, and 19 years old and above got only 12.9% of our respondents.
Chart 2

As presented in the chart, most of our respondents are male which got 77.4%
while female got 22.6%.

Chart 3
As presented in the chart, 51.6% of the respondents are in grade 11 and 48.4% of
our students are in grade 12. The researchers prepared 31 respondensts
Chart 4

As presented in the chart, 45.2% respondents received 6,000-8,000 pesos every

fifteen days,

IV. Effects of Game Addiction

Chart 1-2 shows the negative effects of online game addiction
and negative effects to academic performance in LCSHS learners.

Chart 5
Game Addiction
Response Key:
5 - Always 4 – Often 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rare 1 – Never

As the chart shows, They often play and often forgot to think about
themselves. Learners are ask if they are always wanted to play online
games and if they’re always neglecting themselves for/while playing.
Some answered Often, Sometimes and Always.
Chart 6

Effects of Online Gaming in Academic Performance

Response Key:
5 – Always 4 – Often 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rare 1 – Never

The chart shows, Learners in Lipa City Senior High School more Often
prioritize playing online games than giving time to their
school/homework. As stated in the previous text “Some students claim
that their gaming has gotten out of hand to the point where they can
no longer control it and leads them to negative effects to their
academic performance at school.”
This study aimed to determine the effect of online games to the academic
performance of the students in Lipa City Senior High School Students, it aimed to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

b. Age
c. Gender
d. Grade Level
e. Economic Status of the Family

2. Is there a significant effect of Online gaming in the Performances of

LCSHS Learners?

There is no significant effect of Online Gaming to the
Performance of LCSHS Learners.


1. The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
a. Age. It was revealed the students at 17, 16and 18 years old got
highest score while 19 years old and above got the lowest

b. Gender. Data and the table shown that 77.4% of our respondents
are Male while female got 22.6%.
c. Grade Level. It was shown that 51.6% of our respondents are Grade
12 and 48.4% of our students are Grade 11.

d. Economic Status of the family. Data in the table revealed that 45.2%
of the family received the highest salary every 15 days which cost
6,000-8,000 pesos. On the other hand, 3.2% of the family received
lowest salary every 15 days which cost 16,000-20,000 pesos.

2. Online Gaming Addiction.

The statement which got the highest weighted mean is number 5
question (I think about playing games even if I am not in game/playing it.)
having a weighted mean of 4 which 17 of the respondents often play online
games. It is followed by the statement number 1 (I am losing my time to
sleep every time I play online games) 14 of the respondents often play online
games. Next, the statement number 3 (I have realized after playing that I am
starving) 13 of the respondents often play online games. (I always wanted to
play online games. On the other hand, the statement number 4 (I spend a lot
of time in playing) 9 of the respondents often play online games.

3. Effects of Online Gaming Addiction to Academic Performance of

LCSHS students.
The statement that got the highest weighted mean are numbers 1,2
and 5 which 12 of the respondents often says that online game addiction
affect their academic performance. Statement number 1 which states that I
play all day and forgot to give time for my homework. Statement number 2
or I prefer to play than doing my activities. Statement number 5 which
states that I get angry with my teacher every time she scolds me for playing
at school. Then, statement number 3, I play first before doing my
assignments which 11 of the respondents often says that online game
addiction affect their academic performance. Playing online games takes
my priority over studying and going to school.

To conclude the findings of this study revealed that majority of the
students are ages 17,16 and 18 got the highest percentage while students ages
19 and above got the lowest percentage. Most are males and some are
females. While there are 51.6% of grade 11 students and 48.4% of grade 12
students. In conclusion, students are playing online games despite of their low
economic status every 15 days. They intend to spend a lot of time than
prioritizing their academic activities. Henceforth, there are a lot of negative
effects of playing online games but since it is fad in our students and other
player. They are neglecting their health for such games.

1. Limit how much money you spend on video games. 
2. Keep phones and other gadgets out of the bedroom so you would not
play into the night.
3. Do other activities every day, including exercise.
4. Encouraging Outdoor Activities
5. Track your game time
6. Limiting the Time to just an Hour or Less Per Day

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