Includes Ideas For Use!: © K.Simpson2015

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Includes ideas for Use!

What’s in the Mystery Box or Bag?
This is a great motivational tool to get your kiddos interested in the next topic,
concept, lesson or just to have fun facilitating critical thinking skills and strategies.
You can use a box or a bag.
Here is how to use: What’s in the Mystery Box?
1.  Choose an object to put into the box. I had 2 boxes.: one large and one smaller.
For example: When we were reading one of the stories, from Frog and Toad
are Friends, I put a pair of toddler swim trunks in the box because Toad did not
want anyone to laugh at him when he was in his bathing suit. I always try to
pick items that reflect the main idea of the story or the actual topic we are
studying. (weather might be a paper snowflake etc.) It can also be something
you might want the children to discover. For example crayons and then teach
how to use crayons in your classroom. This is great for the beginning of the
year expectations and classroom routines.
2.  Close the box securely and model how to pass it without it opening. I taped it
shut, but also practiced moving it back and forth and NOT UP AND DOWN!!!!
3.  Pass the box counting in a rhythm/chant 1,2,3,4,5 pass it; repeating this chant
until all have had a chance to hear it, shake it etc. NO PEEKING or you will
loose your chance to guess!!!!
4.  After the pass, the teacher holds the box in view and the children can only ask
a question that you can answer yes or no. For example: Is it something you
wear? It is soft? Can I use it?
If you want, you can have partners take a sticky note and go back to
their seats giving them a minute or 2 to jot down 2 YES or NO
questions. This is great for 1st -3rd grade students or higher!
5.  The play continues until someone feels they have a guess, but they must first
ask one more YES or NO question that shows they know it or think they know
it, before they Ask: “Is it a bathing suit or whatever?” Then you can say YES
or NO.
6.  After the object has been guessed correctly, you can then ask the students to
explain their thinking. For example: Where was your thinking going and when
did it change? What clue/s made you certain of the object? Why do you think
I put this object into the box? How do you think it relates to the lesson, story
7.  My kiddos absolutely LOVED this motivational activity and if I wanted to, I
could have used it EVERYDAY!!!!

Thank you for downloading, purchasing, or browsing. I hope this idea will make your
day a little brighter!!!! ENJOY!!!!


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