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CO1: Understand the concepts of individual and group behavior in an

organizational set up.

Relevant PPT/Notes:
1. Title: "Line and Staff Functions" Description: This presentation explains the
concepts of line and staff functions in management, highlighting their roles and
differences in organizational structures. Link: PPT

1.2.3 Line and staff functions

Line and Staff Functions:

Line Functions: Line functions are directly involved in achieving the primary objectives
of an organization. They are responsible for the core operations and activities that
contribute to the production of goods or services. Line functions typically involve
decision making, execution, and direct authority over employees.
1. In a manufacturing company, the production department is a line function.
The production manager oversees the production process, coordinates with
workers, ensures smooth operations, and makes decisions regarding
production schedules, quality control, and resource allocation.
2. Sales Department: The sales department in a retail organization is a line
function. Sales representatives directly interact with customers, handle sales
transactions, and meet sales targets.
3. Operations Department: In a logistics company, the operations department is
a line function responsible for managing the transportation, storage, and
distribution of goods. They oversee the day-to-day operations of delivery and
ensure timely and efficient delivery of products.

Staff Functions: Staff functions provide support, advice, and specialized expertise to
the line functions. They assist in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the
organization by offering specialized knowledge and services. Staff functions do not have
direct authority over other employees but act as advisors or support staff.
1. In the same manufacturing company, the human resources (HR) department is a
staff function. The HR team provides support to the line managers by handling
recruitment, training and development, performance management, and employee
relations. They advise line managers on HR policies and practices but do not
have direct authority over production operations.
2. Accounting Department: The accounting department in an organization is a staff
function. Accountants provide financial expertise, maintain financial records,
prepare financial statements, and assist in budgeting and financial planning.
3. Legal Department: The legal department in a company is a staff function that
provides legal advice and support to the organization. They handle contracts,
compliance matters, intellectual property issues, and represent the company in
legal proceedings.
4. IT Department: The IT department is a staff function that provides technical
support, manages the organization's computer systems and networks, develops
software solutions, and ensures data security.

In summary, line functions are directly involved in core operations and have direct
authority over employees, while staff functions provide support and specialized
expertise to enhance the effectiveness of line functions. Both line and staff functions are
essential for the smooth functioning and success of an organization.
comparison of line and staff organization

Line Organization Staff Organization

Follows a hierarchical structure with a clear chain
of command Supports and assists line organization
Authority and responsibility flow directly from top
management to lower levels Provides specialized support functions
Line Organization Staff Organization
Decision-making authority is concentrated at the Offers expertise, advice, and assistance
top levels of management to line managers
Line managers have direct control over execution Staff functions do not have direct authority
and decision-making over line employees
Involved in core activities of the organization Supportive functions such as HR, finance,
(production, sales, etc.) marketing, etc.
Executes tasks and is responsible for achieving Supports and enables the overall
organizational objectives functioning of the organization

Reading Material:
1. Title: "Principles of Management" Author: Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell
Link: PDF
2. Title: "Management: A Practical Introduction" Author: Angelo Kinicki and Brian
Williams Link: Amazon
Relevant Book Readings:
1. Title: "Principles of Management" Author: Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell
Link: PDF
2. Title: "Management: A Practical Introduction" Author: Angelo Kinicki and Brian
Williams Link: Amazon
Relevant Videos:
1. Title: "Line and Staff Functions Explained" Description: This video provides an
overview of line and staff functions, discussing their roles and interrelationships
in an organization. Link: YouTube
2. Title: "Understanding Line and Staff Authority" Description: This video explores
the concepts of line and staff authority and explains how they function within
organizational hierarchies. Link: YouTube

T1 Stephen Robbins (Author), Timothy Judge (Author), 2019, Essentials of Organizational
Behavior, 14 Edition, , Pearson Education, India, ISBN: 978-0134523859

T2 George, J. and Jones, G.R. 2109. Understanding and Managing Organization Behaviour.
5thEdition,Pearson Education, India, ISBN:9788131724965.

Reference Books:

R1 Parsad L.M., 2019 . Principles and Practices of Management, 10 th Edition, S. Chand

Publication, India, ISBN: 978-93-5161-181-3

R2 Aswathappa, A. 2019. Organizational Behaviour – Text Cases and Games,

13thEdition,Himalayan Publishing House, India. ISBN: 978935990887.

R3 Luthans Fred, Organisational Behaviour, 12 th Edition, McGraw Hill Book Co, New Delhi.

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