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CO4: Analyze the complexities associated with the management of group


Relevant PPT/Notes:
1. Title: "Importance of Controlling and Controlling Techniques" Description: This
presentation provides an overview of the importance of controlling in
management and various controlling techniques. Link: PPT

1.3.4 Controlling: Importance of Controlling

Controlling is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating the
performance of individuals, teams, and departments to ensure that organizational goals
are achieved. It involves comparing actual results with planned objectives, identifying
deviations, and taking corrective actions when necessary.
Here are some key points regarding the importance of controlling:
 Achieving Organizational Objectives: Controlling helps in ensuring that the
organization is moving towards its desired goals. By monitoring performance and
taking corrective actions, controlling ensures that activities are aligned with the
organizational objectives.
 Performance Evaluation: Controlling provides a means to evaluate the
performance of individuals, teams, and departments. It helps in identifying
strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, which can contribute to
enhancing overall performance.
 Resource Utilization: Controlling helps in optimizing the use of resources such as
human resources, financial resources, and materials. It ensures that resources
are allocated efficiently and wastage is minimized.
 Problem Identification and Corrective Action: Controlling enables the
identification of deviations or problems that may hinder the achievement of goals.
By taking timely corrective actions, controlling helps in addressing issues and
improving performance.
 Decision-Making Support: Controlling provides valuable information and data that
can support decision-making processes. It helps managers make informed
decisions based on the analysis of performance metrics and feedback.
Reading Material:
1. Title: "Controlling: Concepts of Management Control, Controlling Process, and
Controlling Techniques" Author: Peter B. Hook Link: PDF
2. Title: "Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation,
and Incentives" Authors: Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede Link:

Relevant Book Readings:

1. Title: "Controlling: Concepts of Management Control, Controlling Process, and
Controlling Techniques" Author: Peter B. Hook Link: PDF
2. Title: "Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation,
and Incentives" Authors: Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede Link:
Relevant Videos:
1. Title: "Importance of Controlling in Management" Description: This video
highlights the importance of controlling in management, emphasizing its role in
achieving organizational goals and ensuring effective performance. Link:
2. Title: "Controlling Techniques: Tools for Effective Management" Description: This
video explores various controlling techniques used in management, including
budgeting, variance analysis, and performance measurement. Link: YouTube


T1 Stephen Robbins (Author), Timothy Judge (Author), 2019, Essentials of Organizational

Behavior, 14 Edition, , Pearson Education, India, ISBN: 978-0134523859

T2 George, J. and Jones, G.R. 2109. Understanding and Managing Organization Behaviour.
5thEdition,Pearson Education, India, ISBN:9788131724965.
Reference Books:

R1 Parsad L.M., 2019 . Principles and Practices of Management, 10 th Edition, S. Chand

Publication, India, ISBN: 978-93-5161-181-3

R2 Aswathappa, A. 2019. Organizational Behaviour – Text Cases and Games,

13thEdition,Himalayan Publishing House, India. ISBN: 978935990887.

R3 Luthans Fred, Organisational Behaviour, 12 th Edition, McGraw Hill Book Co, New Delhi

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