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Associate Degree College for Women

Chungi No. 14
1. What is the first thing a student should do when starting the writing process?
a. Brainstorm about the topic
b. Revise the draft
c. Edit the draft
d. Create a draft
2. Brainstorming helps to stimulate________, make plans, and create the desire to
a. Questions
b. Answers
c. Problems
d. Thinking
3. Revising is supposed to be __________.
a. Clean
b. Easy
c. Messy
d. Funny
4. Editing is proofreading texts for spelling, punctuation, word choice, syntax, and
a. Clarity
b. Capitalization
c. Dialogue
d. Correctness
5. The final step in the writing process is __________.
a. Brainstorming
b. Publishing
c. Editing
d. Drafting
6. The steps to the writing process __________.
a. Begin with publishing
b. Are pointless
c. Do not need to be done in order
d. End with brainstorming
7. Which answer is not a step in the writing process?
a. Completing
b. Drafting
c. Revising
d. Publishing
8. Writing process is basically
a. Single step
b. Two step
c. Three step
d. Four step
9. Clustering of ideas in writing emails and memos, a part of;
a. Write
b. Rewrite
c. Prowrite
d. All of them
10.The sentence that states the central message you want to communicate is the
a. Thesis statement
b. Topic Statement
c. Conclusion
d. Hook
11.Critically evaluating the word choice, paragraph structure, and style of a first
draft is called
a. Brainstorming
b. Proofreading
c. Editing
d. Revising
12.What is the goal of the prewriting stage?
a. To brainstorm, focuses, and plan for your topic
b. To have a rough draft
c. To develop as many broad topics as you possible
d. To have a very specific thesis that will not change
13.Which is the correct order of the writing process?
a. Revising, drafting, editing, pre writing
b. Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing
c. Drafting, revising, prewriting, editing
d. Prewriting, editing, revising, drafting
14.Revising a work is ________
a. Drafting
b. Revising
c. Editing
d. Prewriting
15.Talking and free writing are helpful strategies for __________
a. Drafting
b. Pre writing
c. Editing
d. All the above
16.How many components of an essay are;
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
17.The writing process helps the students to
a. Connect their thoughts
b. Deeper their content knowledge
c. Communicate with others
d. All the above
18.Proof reading means _________
a. Get feedback from readers
b. Outline
c. Correct typographical errors
d. All the above
19.Helps to arrange the ideas in a logical sequence is __________
a. Paragraphing
b. Lay out
c. Word processing
d. Outlining
20.The last stage of writing is
a. Controlled writing
b. Guided writing
c. Free writing
d. Advanced writing
Oral Presentation
1. A presentation is a form of oral communication in which person shares factual
information with an audience that is ________
a. Specific
b. Small
c. Large
d. Mixed
2. The presenter act as the:
a. Delivery of the information
b. Medium of the information
c. Advocate of the information
d. Support of the information
3. The three major elements of the presentation do not include?
a. An audience
b. Specific content
c. A presenter
d. Visual aids
4. Reading out a presentation is:
a. Not allowed
b. Allowed
c. Helpful
d. Dull
5. To select the content of your presentation you should know the audience need
a. Your purpose
b. The time limit
c. Available material
6. The key of success is _______
a. Practice
b. Preparation
c. Effort
d. Both a & b
7. A good presenter should take a well ________
a. Good physical appearance
b. Dressing well
c. Speaker louder
d. All of the above
8. What should you give your objectives to the audience
a. Aim
b. Goals
c. Purpose
d. All of these
9. A good presenter should
a. Sequencing your ideas
b. Manage the time
c. Clear the confusion
d. All of these
10.A conclusion should be
a. Short and easy
b. Lengthy
c. Difficult word
d. Specific key points

Reading Skills
1. Which technique of reading is used to get “gist” of the text?
a. Skimming
b. Scanning
c. Library
d. Aloud
2. “Prediction” as a subskill is associated with
a. Summarizing
b. Reading
c. Note making
d. Drafting
3. The purpose of “rapid reading” is
a. For interest
b. Extended reading
c. For specific detail
d. Seeking information
4. Skimming is
a. Quickly running one’s eyes over a text to get the gist of it
b. Quickly going through a text to find a particular piece of information
c. Reading longer text for one’s over pleasure
d. Reading shorter text to extract specific information
5. The two skills required to take notes effectively are
a. Using symbols and abbreviations instead of a word
b. Re-writing a text, using your own word
c. Writing legibly with correct punctuation
d. Writing fluently using conjunctions
6. Reading of literature is essential for children because the child
a. Acquires knowledge
b. Acquire difficult words
c. Develops imagination
d. Builds character
7. Intensive reading refers to
a. Reading a text for detailed information
b. Reading a text for pleasure
c. Reading a text for editing
d. Reading a text for someone else
8. Orthographic is the study of:
a. Correct spelling
b. Correct sentence
c. Correct punctuation
d. Correct preposition
9. On what category will extensive and intensive reading full?
a. Oral reading
b. Group reading
c. Silent reading
d. Choral reading
10.What do people read for pleasure?
a. Literature
b. Labels
c. Report
d. Dictionaries
Short Questions
Unit no. 1
Self Reflection
1. What are the key steps in the process of writing on essay?
2. What is the idea mapping?
3. How does idea Mapping helps in writing process?
4. What are the main components of academic outline?
5. How are peer review and self editing different?
6. How is editing different from revising?
7. What are some online tools to support editing or writing process?
8. Make an outline of the topic “Increasing discontentment among the masses
because of Inflation”
9. Make an outline of the essay “Use of computer by the students beneficial or
harmful to them.”
Unit no. 2
Personalized Learning
1. How useful can an oral presentation be on the part of the learners?
2. What is the structure of presentation?
3. What is the importance of presentation?
4. What are the steps in preparing an effective oral presentation?
5. By using the technique of brainstorming make an effective opening of
presentation about “The women are still exploited and abused despite sights
and privileges granted by law to the women.
6. By using the technique of “clustering” draw a diagram on the environment of
your examination hall.

Unit no. 3
Critical Reading
1. How are skimming and scanning different?
2. What is extensive reading?
3. What is intensive reading?
4. What are some critical reading strategies?
5. What is the importance of Annotating text while reading some material for
critical reading?
6. What is SQ3R technique in critical reading?

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