PP1 (Selection)

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Practice Problem-1

Computer Science-2210
Topic: Section

 Selection:
Selection statements (sometimes called conditional statements) can be
defined as code (statements) that checks conditions and determines which
code to run.
There are two forms of selection: 1. IF statement, 2. CASE statement.
 If statement has three types of condition statement:
1. IF statement:
Structure of IF statement:
IF comparison THEN
Statements that run if the condition is true
2. ELSE:
Structure of IF statement:
IF comparison THEN
Statements that run if the condition is true
Statements that run if the condition is false
Structure of IF statement:
IFcomparison1 THEN
Statements that run if the condition is true
ELSEIF comparison2 THEN
Statements that run if the condition1 is false, and comparison2 is true
 CASE Statement:
CASE follows the structure:
CASE OF variable
Statement that run if CASE value1 is true
Statement that run if CASE value1 is false, and value2 is true
Statement that run ifnone of the comparisons are true

Write pseudocodes for the problems mentioned below:

1. A system outputs the smallest number between two numbers.
2. A system outputs the largest number between three numbers.
3. A voting system checks the age of the voter and allows him/her to vote if his age is
more than 16 and has to be Citizen of Bangladesh. Output appropriate message
according to the age.
4. Using a SELECT-CASE a system outputs the grade for in-lesson test where grade A is
>=80, grade B is >=70, grade C is >=60, grade D is >=50

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