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The Georgian Era 1714-1815

England becomes the greatest maritime, industrial and colonial power in the world.

The Hanoverian Dynasty

(1917 becomes the House of Windsor)

George I becomes king – chosen by Parliament; forever after power passed from king to

George I was more German and became involved with South Sea Bubble 1720

Leader of Parliament, Sir Robert Walpole, became the first Prime Minister, residing at 10
Downing St.

George I dies in 1717 after 12 years as king, buried in Germany. His son becomes
George II. …rather lazy but more popular. Many mistresses but his wife was popular with the
British people: Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach.

Walpole became her friend; he promoted peace and trade and started the colony of
Georgia. 1732

India became more important ……and James Cook’s expeditions brought new lands in

Money poured into the country with help of slavery…..and a new middle class emerged.

Walpole resigned and a new brilliant Parliamentarians, William Pitt became PM

Scotland began to prosper and develop industry and education.

1756 conflict with France. 1759- victory in Canada gave England all of North America.

Robert Clive’s victory in India gave them almost full control there.

John Harrison’s sea clock 1735 gave the navy superiority.

George III becomes King in 1760, born in Britain and had 15 children; became involved the
American war for independence 1775-83.

1788- the French Revolution…..led to execution of King and rise on a young Napoleon
Bonaparte who became emperor of France in 1804

1805 lost the Battle of Trafalgar against Nelson. ……British Dutch and Prussians joined forces
to end the power of Napoleon (Battle of Waterloo).

William Wilberforce and the end of slavery.

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