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Monks started in the 3rd century AD in Egypt and in Syria with a life of
simplicity or asceticism.
God created all things, (world and the human persons). They were in Monks who are composed of sisters not priest only came out later. Example
“paradise” which means, there was harmony, justice, and joy. Despite the of few monks in today and Cagayan who are sisters are those at the Saint
very good conditions of life that they were in, the first human beings (“Adam” Clare monastery in Iguig.
and “Eve” stilled committed sin.
c. Missionaries our group or community of priest who really want to go to
Sacrament: means channel, representative, visible sign of an invisible serve remote places not yet evangelize.
God – Jesus – Church Example of missionaries are the following:

The sacrament of God is Jesus and the Sacrament of Jesus is the Church C.1 the Dominicans who was founded by Saint Dominic in Prouille, France in
(John 20:21, Acts 1:8) 1216. (Dominic was a Spanish priest.)
The church started as a religious renewal “movement”/ group in Jerusalem, C.2 The Augustinians which started in 1244 in Italy (group or no specific
Israel by no other than Jesus Christ. Jesus grounded the Church on the founder).
foundation of the Apostles and it spread from Jerusalem to the Roman C.3 The Jesuits or called Society of Jesus who was founded in 1540 by
Empire world until throughout all the earth. Ignatius of Loyola, formerly a Spanish soldier who became priest.
C.4 The CICM and other missionary groups only came out later.
The first “name” of the Church was The Way (Acts 9:2), The members of the
Church were called Christians in Antioch (Act 11:26). The church was The CICM was founded by a diocesan priest Theophile Verbist in 1862 in
persecuted by the Roman Empire (which was still Pagan) until the Scheut, Anderlecht, Brussels, Belgium.
conversion of the emperor Constantine in 313 AD which paved the way for
Christians to infiltrate Rome until Christianity was declared as the official So what is a CICM? It is just one of the missionary groups which is an arm of
religion of the Roman Empire in 380 AD by emperor Theodosius. the church for evangelization.

Way back in 45 AD, the first apostle who went to Rome and started the One of the many strategies for missionaries to evangelize people especially
church there was no other than Peter. Later, reflecting on the mission of the youth they prepared them to become also evangelizers in their own ways
Jesus which He passed on to the church, the Church’s official “name” or title in the future is to establish schools. With this, obviously, in the missionary
evolved into: ONE (John 17:21), HOLY (Ephesians 1:4, 5:27, I Peter 2:9) schools and even schools established by the local church, the core of the
Catholic (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Gen 12:3, John 3:16-17) and curriculum is the Christian faith education of the young close and (children to
APOSTOLIC (Ephesians 2:20). college): in the wider sense, the Christian formation of the community who
are running the school. The CIC M established the schools for such purpose.
For the church developed the hierarchy (bishops, priest, and decons- with Here at the university of Saint Louis, our motto for us to always remember
the pope as the overall head for the sake of division of work and maintaining this is “mission and excellence" and among the core values of our
the unity of the church while it spreads the Kingdom of God on earth. universities mission and vision, the first is Christian living.
From the church times the different kinds a priest according to spirituality or
mission area.
a. Diocesan a term use for priests serving their local places; FOUR KEY PRINCIPLES OF THE CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING
The CICM schools apostolate and visions are integral human formation of noncombatants; to oppose racism; two post human trafficking; and
the youth who will become mature Christians and active members of the overcome poverty and suffering.
church. This integral human formation is directed the words of Christian
development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are geared the word We Revere the lives of children in the womb, the lives of persons dying in
service in church and society by witnessing to the values of (God's Kingdom. war and from salvation and indeed the lives of all human beings as children
2013, encountering Jesus in the gospels. P 9) of God. Restart to all activities that contributes to what Pope Francis has
called "a throwaway culture"
Embracing the CICM mission is maintaining the four key principles of the
Catholic social teaching identified by the Pontifical council for justice and II. Common Good
peace compedium of the social doctrine of the church. Human dignity is respected and the common good is fostered only in
human rights are protected in basic responsibilities are met. Every
I. The dignity of the human person human being has a right to life, the fundamental right that makes all other
human life is sacred. The dignity of the human person is the foundation rights possible, and the right to access those things required for human
of a moral vision for society. The respect for human dignity is manifested decency food and shelter, education and employment, freedom of religion
in the service for others through our expression of love and care in dealing and family life.
with other people, we are encouraged to love our fellowmen because they
are a dignified human beings. And as the image and likeness of God, The For students, the experience of this immersion in their On-Job Training will
process this transcendent human dignity which gives rise to human enable them to be part of the mission. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI, It
rights. says: " To love someone is to desire that person’s good and to take
effective steps to secure it.” Besides the good of the individual, there is a
Likewise, Pope Benedict XVI says that: "Jesus has revealed to us that good that is linked to living in society: the common good. It is the good of
God is love and that the highest vacation of every person is love. It is ‘all of us’. made up of individuals, families and intermediate groups who
in Christ whom we can find the ultimate reason to become courageous together constitute society… To take a stand for the common good is on
builders of peace." (2007, Pope Benedict XVI, World Day of Peace the one hand to be solicitous for, and on the other hand to avail
Message), in his words, our mission is to love in any aspect of our human oneself of, the complex of institutions that gives structure to the life of
endeavor and encounter. Let us remember the words of Sandie Cornish society, juridically, civilly, politically and culturally, making it the polis,
saying: “People are always more important than things. People are or 'city'. " (Benedict xVI, Caritas in Veritate, n7)”
never a means or an instrument to be used for the benefit of another.”
(2009, Cornish, Faith Doing Justice, The Autralian Jesuits. So, Our treatment The goal of CICM is to enable student to share in the benefits of life in
to others must be humane. society where there is no exclusivity among individuals. The common
good requires respect among individuals in society and the dignity of every
Our treatment to others must be humane. And when this treatment to others individual requires the search for meaning among themselves in society.
is accompanied with love, then it is not difficult to build a wonderful
relationship. Let us remember the words of reverend father Theophile “The dignity of the human person requires the pursuit of the common
Verbist as he states: " To whom who loves, nothing is difficult." good. Everyone should be concerned to create and support institutions that
improve the condition of human life." (Cathechism of the Catholic Church, n
Direct attacks on innocent persons are never morally acceptable, at 1962)
any stage or in any condition. Catholic teaching about the dignity of life
calls us to oppose torture, unjust war and the indiscriminate use of We have a duty to care for God’s creation, or as Pope Francis refers to it
drones for violent purposes; to prevent genocide and attacks against Laudito Si’, “our common home.” We show our respect for the creator bu
our stewardship fo God’s creation because, “every creature is… the object
of the Father’s tenderness, who gives it its place in the world.” Care for The participation and engagement of our OJT students with the government
creation is a duty of our faith and a sign of our concern for all people, agencies will determine the exercise of their professional responsibility. That
especially the poor, who “both everyday experience and scientific research prior the their real profession, they are able to contribute and make proper
show” suffer “the gravest effects of all attacks on the environment.” decision making in the context of a working setting.

We have a moral obligation to protect the planet on which we live - the Responsibility should be kept as close as possible to the grassroots. The
respect God's creation and and to ensure a safe and hospitable people or groups most directly affected by a decision our policy should have
environment for human beings, specially children at their most a key decision making role. More encompassing groups should only
vulnerable stages of development. As is the words called by God to intervene to support smaller, more local groups in case of need, and where
shared responsibility for the future of the earth, we should work for a world in this is necessary in order to coordinate their activities with those of other
which people respect and protect all of creation and seek to live simply in groups in order to promote the common good. (2009, Cornish, Faith Doing
harmony with it for the sake of future generations. Justice, The Australian Jesuits)

III. Subsidiarity IV. SOLIDARITY

Embracing the CICM mission is a fulfillment of the third principle: Subsidiary And lastly, the fourth principle is solidarity.

It is impossible to promote the dignity of the person without showing concern Human beings are social by nature. We cannot survive without others
for the family, groups, associations, local territorial realities; in short, for the and can only grow and achieve or potential in relationship with others.
aggregate of economic, social, cultural, sports oriented, recreational, Our salvation is bound up with that of each other. Solidarity is a firm in
professional and political expressions to which people spontaneously give persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good.(2009,
life and which make it possible for them to achieve effective social growth. Cornish, Faith Doing Justice, The Australian Jesuits)

"Subsidiarity is the first and foremost a form of assistance to the As students engage themselves in the working setting, they should have
human person via the autonomy of intermediate bodies. Such assistance behaved well by maintaining a humane and peaceful working
is offered when individuals or groups are unable to accomplish atmosphere. We work not only for our own sake, but for the sake of the rest
something on their own, and it is always to achieve their emancipation, of the team. Work is a communal activity. Solidarity can only be achieved
because it fosters freedom and participation through assumption of through communal participation of everyone in the group or society.
responsibility. Subsidiarity respects personal dignity by recognizing in the
person a subject who is always capable of giving something to others.... It is In the words of Pope John Paul II, "There is no true peace without
able to take account both of the manifold Arctic cultural of plants and fairness, truth, justice, in solidarity." (2000, Pop John Paul II, World
therefore the plurality of subjects as well as the coordination of the plans." Day of Peace Message)
(Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n 57)
solidarity highlights in a particular way the intrinsic social nature of the
“...The principle of subsidy charity must be respected: the community of human person, the equality of all in dignity and rights in the home and path
higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower of individuals in people's towards an ever more committed unity. Solidarity
order, depriving the later of its functions, but rather should support it in case must be seen above all in its value as a moral virtue that determines the
of need and help Gordon eight it's activity with the activities of the rest of order of institutions. On the basis of this principle the "Structure of Sin" the
society, always be the view to the common good.” (John Paul II, Centesimus dominate relationships between individuals and people must be overcome.
Annus, n 48)
We are one human family, whatever our national, Rachial, ethnic, economic
and ideological differences. We are brothers and sisters keepers, wherever
they maybe. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions and requires us to WEEK 3
eradicate racism and address the extreme poverty and disease plaguing so Discernment: Making Inspired Choices
much of the world.
In the previous CFED subjects you have taken, you may have observed that
In light of the gospels invitation to the peacemakers, our commitment to they’ve followed the SEE - DISCERN - ACT method that was introduced by
solidarity with our neighbors, at home and abroad also demands that we Joseph Cardinal Cardijn in Europe. It was then recontextualized into the
promote peace and pursue justice in the world marred by terrible violence CONTEXT - INSPIRED WORD OF GOD – CHURCH TEACHING –
and conflict. MISSIONARY RESPONSE (C-I-C-M) method. The Context introduces you
to a better knowledge of your present situation. The Inspired Word of God
In reference to solidarity, a special emphasis must be given to the church provides a reading from the Sacred Scriptures that is relevant to the topic.
preferential option for the poor. While the common good embraces all, those The Church Teaching presents a well-selected excerpt from the riches of the
who are weak, vulnerable and most in need deserve preferential concern. A Catholic Church’s document that supports the Bible text. The Missionary
basic moral test for any society is how it treats those who are most Response provides you with an activity wherein you apply the lesson in your
vulnerable. In a society marred by deepening disparities between rich and actual life situation as a way to evaluate your learning. For this particular
poor, sacred scripture gives us the story of the last judgment ( see Mt 25:31- module, the See-Discern-Act and the CICM sequencing will still be followed.
46) and reminds us that we will be judged by our response to the "least However, it is uniquely contextualized to the Filipino concepts of “SANDIWA-

This four principles and related things of Catholic social teaching Why “Sandiwa-Sampuso-Sambuhay?”
provide a moral framework that does not easily fit ideologies off right or left, Theophile Verbist, who died barely five years after founding the CICM, did
liberal or conservative, or the platform of any political party. They are not not create a motto for the Congregation. The creation of CICM motto was
partisan or sectarian, but reflect fundamental ethical principles that are under the Generalate of Fr. Constant Daems (1930-1934). The motto “Cor
common to all people unum et anima una,” (One Heart and One Soul) was first included in the coat
of arms of the Congregation on October 5, 1933. The motto was taken from
the Acts of the Apostles: “The whole group of believers was united, heart
and soul” (4:32). This quotation expresses God’s vision for humankind, for
his creation. This means that Jesus came to reveal that God is our Father.
This is the core of the Gospel message. In Jesus, we become God’s children
through the Spirit’s power. Consequently, we are brothers and sisters of the
same family. The CICM chose this missionary motto of brotherhood to be the
source of intense communion, a source of joy and peace. That is why, the
CICM missionaries are challenged to become witnesses and instruments of
universal brotherhood. The CICM Constitutions affirmed, “Religious
missionaries of different races and cultures, we live and work together as
brothers. “One heart and one soul”, we witness to the Father’s will that all
men and women be brothers and sisters in Christ. We are a sign of solidarity
among the particular churches in their universal mission (Art.2).” The CICM
Motto is embedded in the module because they are important for the
students to embody in their daily task. The “sandiwa”, “sampuso”,
“sambuhay” are Filipino reappropriation of the CICM motto. This
institutional course is to be taken by all students across all programs and
regardless of religious faiths and affiliations. The course will enhance your wants for love of him. Significantly, choosing what Christ wants is not one of
critical reflection in the workplace. It will also embody in all your activities the resignation, fear, or obligation. Instead, our choice will be experienced as
universal values of service, integrity and compassion. Finally, the liturgical one of great joy because as we grow in intimacy with God and our inner
life (religious involvement) as a part of your day-to-day lives. In self, we find that what he wants is truly what we want too.
accomplishing the given tasks, you will be able to actualize the
Louisian charism to reach out to the least, the last, and the lost. Dealing with the biblical text (1 Samuel 3: 1-2) will highlight the elements that
render Samuel a symbol of discernment. With this symbolic character and an
Biblical Reading: emphasis on the CICM core values and the universal values of Integrity,
The Revelation to Samuel (1 Samuel 3: 1-18) Compassion, and Service, you will be inspired to face the challenges along
During the time young Samuel was minister to the LORD under Eli, the the way. This will lead to the realization of a lived spirituality and applying the
word of the LORD was scarce and vision infrequent. 2 One day Eli was same to where you will emerge. Like Samuel, the human being needs to
asleep in his usual listen, so you as a student need to listen, discern, and act.
place. His eyes had lately grown so weak that he couldnot see. 3 The lamp of
God was not yet extinguished, and Samuel was sleeping in the temple of the Discernment: Making Inspired Choices
LORD where the ark of God was. 4 The LORD called to Samuel, who “Just do it.”
answered, “Here I am.” 5 He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. You called me.” Sounds easy, right? On the one hand, there's something to be said for
“I did not call you,” Eli answered. “Go back to sleep.” So he went back to spontaneity. On the other hand, some of our choices in life require deep
sleep. 6 Again the LORD called Samuel, who rose and went to Eli. “Here I thought, prayer, and consideration, lest we find ourselves facing the
am,” he said. “You called me.” But he answered, “I did not call you, my son. consequences of a poor decision. That's where the art of discernment
Go back to sleep.” 7 Samuel did not yet recognize the LORD, since the word comes in. Discernment is a time-honored practice in the Christian tradition.
of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. 8 The LORD called Samuel In essence, discernment is a decision-making process that honors the place
again, for the third time. Getting up and going to Eli, he said, “Here I am. You of God's will in our lives. It is an interior search that seeks to align our own
called me.” Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the youth. 9 So will with the will of God in order to learn what God is calling us to. Every
he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, LORD, choice we make, no matter how small, is an opportunity to align ourselves
for your servant is listening.’” When Samuel went to sleep in his place, 10 the with God's will.
LORD came and stood there, calling out as before: Samuel, Samuel!
Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 11 The LORD Here are some tried-and-true pointers adapted from United States
The Biblical passage from 1 Samuel 3: 1-21 has been studied from the of Catholic Bishops that can help you discern God's will.
perspective of the call. A deeper analysis reveals that an important theme is
discernment. This module focuses on the theme of discernment and the An inherent part of life is the responsibility to make difficult, challenging, and
answer to the divine call. The topic of discernment is a particularly current sometimes even painful decisions. To make important decisions often
theme, especially in your preparation for the On the Job Training (OJT). requires time, prayer, and discernment. Perhaps today more than ever, we
face a greater multiplicity and complexity of decisions in ordinary day-to-day
When a soul embarks on a genuine process of discernment, it is living. In the discernment process, we consider the options, balance the
always the case that he or she will grow in intimacy with Christ and advantages with disadvantages, and carefully examine the consequences.
mature in faith and love. This is because the goal of discernment is not "How will I know . . . what is good, right, or best? How will I know what God
making the right decision per se (or avoiding the wrong one) but is calling me to?"
growing in knowledge and love of the Trinitarian God and of our self.
As we deepen our knowledge of our Beloved and increase our trust in him, Before the rainbow shown in the sky, perhaps Noah wondered, "How will I
we become better at knowing his heart and more inclined to choose what he know?" Before John the Baptist sent his disciples from his prison cell to find
Jesus he must have asked, "How will I know?" When Thomas heard from • Reflect on your experience of family
the disciples that Jesus rose from the dead, he must have struggled with the • What have I learned?
question, "How will I know?" As Mary Magdalene gazed into the empty tomb • What do I value?
that first Easter morning, she must have pondered, "How will I know?" • What do I want to let go of?

Today, as in Jesus own time, God continues to give signs to help us to Educational Experience
decide, to discern • Did I like, dislike, favorite memories, activities, friends, significant events,
and to know what the Lord is asking us. In particular there are four general people?
signs which • What did I learn of life that I want to keep? What gets in the way?
are often seen.
Faith Experience
Availability and Openness • What's your earliest recollection of God?
• Am I open-hearted to whatever God is calling me? • Who taught you about God?
• Am I disposed and free to respond to that call? • Who has had the greatest influence in faith development?
• How was church, faith, God in your family?
Desire • What practices do you do to care for your faith life?
• Do I sense a degree of potential satisfaction, hope, or joy when I consider • Where did you learn about these practices?
religious life? • Who is God in your life?
• If it is God's will, do I trust that it can be fulfilled? • Name your experiences of the Divine in your life.
• How did that feel, what impact did these have?
Proper Motivation
• Is my primary motivation of a spiritual nature, such as serving and loving WEEK 4
God and God's people? Call to Service with Integrity and Compassion
• Would I experience adequate happiness and fulfillment?
General Disposition The three missionary values on Service, Compassion and Integrity
• Do I have reasonably good health, emotional stability, social ease, and determine the character is common to all. Their contribution to the world
spiritualcenteredness? became extra-ordinary due to the selfless love and commitment they shared
• In a more specific way, there is a rather practical spiritual discernment in their work. Our missionaries, headed by our own CICM founder Rev. Fr.
process which can be a tool or guide to help us determine what God is Theophile Verbist, changed the world as they shared their zealous character
calling us to. This discernment process combines reflection, prayer, in their sacrifices and commitments in uplifting the livelihood of communities,
dialogue, and Scripture. One way to prepare for discernment is tomake a especially their spiritual life.
time line of your life story, from your birth to the present day.
Lesson Proper:
Reflect upon the following: Call to Service with Integrity and Compassion
This module seeks to awaken and re-kindle the Louisian spirit of service with
Significant Persons in My Life integrity and compassion in you as you immerse yourselves in your
• Who have been the people in my life? workplaces.
• What has my relationship been to them?
• How have they influenced me positively and negatively? In a working setting, the value of Compassion, Service and Integrity are
• Who has had the most impact on me? greatly necessary in building a dignified community. OJT students must
possess the following values in order to maintain the spirit of mission in their beginning of conversion, not its end, because one begins to feel the
missionary endeavor. The question is that: Is compassion still relevant for tenderness and mercy of God. God does not deny justice. He
society? The answer is YES. Compassion can be best seen in the teachings rather envelopes it and surpasses it with an even greater event in
of Christ, especially in His healing ministry and parables. One of the great which we experience love as the foundation of true justice.
manifestations of His compassionate heart is his mercy for the
suffering and desperate. Jesus’ teaching of compassion can be seen in the The linguistic root of compassion is cum-passio. Passio means “to suffer”
Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. and cum means “with.” Put together, compassion means “to suffer with
(Park, 2018).” However, more than its literal interpretation, compassion talks
Call to Service with Integrity and Compassion about the wider and liberal understanding of the concept. It should be
This module seeks to awaken and re-kindle the Louisian spirit of service with understood holistically with the following themes:
integrity and compassion in you as you immerse yourselves in your
workplaces. a) compassion as suffering with, talks about not just the feeling of
sympathy towards those suffering. Rather, it talks about bearing the suffering
On Compassion with the people implying actions.
The etymology of compassion is Latin, meaning “co-suffering,” thus, b) compassion as resistance, would mean being able to resist injustices
compassion involves capacity for “feeling for another” alleviation from that cause the suffering and discomfort of people.
suffering towards its well-being. The prelix “com” comes from Latin c) compassion as reconciliation, would mean our oneness with everyone
proposition “cum” means “with”, and “passion” from “ pati” or “passus sum” regardless of their location, race and other classifications. It not choosing
– ones who suffer. only those who we want to be in compassion with. Since it is a universal
value, it must be applied to anyone by everyone.
Jesus is the face of the Father’s mercy and compassion. He is a God of d) compassion as forgiveness would mean braking the chain of violence
mercy and compassion. God chooses to forgive us and wipe away our caused by people’s inability to let go of pride and anger.
sins, not because we have some convenient excuse, not because we e) compassion as peaceful co-existence.
have tried hard to make up for them, but because he is a God of Compassion as peaceful co-existence incorporates a radical inclusion of
amazing grace and love. the marginalized. Therefore, to be compassionate means to live with the
poor. The poor can be anyone in a disadvantageous, difficult, or any
On the relationship between justice and mercy (MV 20) from the text of situation causing pain, discomfort and non-recognition and everyone can be
the Papal Bull for the Extraordinary Jubillee Year of Mercy: justice and mercy the poor ones in one way or the other. With the recognition that everyone
are not two contradictory realities, but two dimensions of a single reality that can be poor, the more it should encourage everyone to be compassionate to
unfolds progressively until it culminates in the fullness of love. Justice is a all but with more emphasis on those who most need it. In the context of the
fundamental concept for our civil society, which is meant to be governed by CICM Missionary ministry, compassion is manifested in their solidarity with
the rule of law. However, giving forgiveness and mercy is not opposed to the people with whom they live and work since they are part of the local
justice but rather expresses God’s way of reaching out to the sinners, church community. They are invited to discover a better understanding of
offering them a new chance to look at themselves, be converted and believe. solidarity which is real communion with the poor, sharing in their living
If God limited himself to only justice, he would cease to be God, and conditions, and willingness to be evangelized by them too. Solidarity with the
would instead be like human beings who ask merely that the law be poor also demands that the CICM members reflect on the material means
respected. But mere justice is not enough. Experience shows that an appeal they use. This must not grow into an instrument of domination. In view of a
to justice alone will result in its destruction. This is why God goes beyond good integration and continuity of work, the CICM missionaries should
justice with his mercy and forgiveness. Yet this does not mean that appreciate local means and fully estimate the contribution of the people for
justice should be devalued or rendered superfluous. On the contrary: anyone both their sustenance and their works. Hence, compassion is an important
who transgresses the law must pay the price. However, this is just the value for all the Louisian students to emulate.
are misrepresenting Christ's good name and are defiling Him with our feeble
There are some of the questions we might want to ask ourselves and be words and/or excuses. Hypocrisy gives people a false impression of God
able to realize that we too have our own trials in life. As missionary student, and His Church! Insincerity gives people a false impression of who we are
let us not stop having this emotional state of being compassionate to called to be; it nullifies integrity and character!
anyone. Let us listen to other’s feelings and miseries. Christ wants us to be
an instrument of his mercy as we put love into our hearts in considering Integrity is considered the quintessence and application of Character.
others. So true that He is the message. His whole life is a mission of mercy. It is the demonstration of who we are in Christ and that our faith is real and
And His entire ministry is summed up as going around “doing good”. That is backed up with our attitude and word. The absence of integrity is an
why the world looked at Him as a compassionate Lord to all of us. So, let us indication that we as Christians are perhaps fakes and frauds at worst, and
be a witness of ourselves in our dealings and treatment with others. And we ineffective and useless at best. It is essential that we pursue integrity and His
are encouraged to respond by spreading Jesus’ act of compassion in the transforming work to make His Name real and shown (Rom. 12).
miseries of others. Let us be moved with pity on the suffering and desperate. Jesus calls us to integrity, which means we are to be true to our word
as a testimony to our faith in Him. We are not to be worldly with our words or
WEEK 5 the veracity of our virtue and character. Everything we do as a child of God
must be in integrity, truthfulness, and honesty, as we are representing Him
The three missionary values on Service, Compassion and Integrity who is living in us! Consistent integrity is essential for the person who claims
determine the character is common to all.  Their contribution to the world Christ as Lord of his or her life
became extra-ordinary due to the selfless love and commitment they shared
in their work.  Our missionaries, headed by our own CICM founder Rev. Fr. So, the question is, are you a person of integrity? When we say
Theophile Verbist, changed the world as they shared their zealous we follow Christ and His Word, do our actions show that we do? If not,
character in their sacrifices and commitments in uplifting the livelihood we are being a Pharisee (they are not fair, you see), which is being a
of communities, especially their spiritual life. hypocrite. This is reprehensible before our Lord and others around us
because we are misrepresenting Christ and His character! Thus, it is
Integrity as a word originates from the Latin adjective integer imperative that when we say we are followers of Christ, our character
and means the state or quality of being complete or whole. In order to and behavior reflect Him and His call to the best of our abilities. If we
achieve integrity, commitment to sound moral principles is essential and they are in leadership, this is even more imperative. We demonstrate integrity
act as an antecedent of integrity (Monga, 2016). Another way of saying it, when we do what we say and act out what we believe; if not, we are a fraud,
integrity is about upholding the truth without compartmentalization of it and woe to us for being one!
with respect to the adherence of what is good at all times. Integrity is “the
extent to which our various commitments form a harmonious, intact The Bible calls us to a higher level of excellence than that of others
whole” (Furrow, 2005). This means that integrity is not just about what we around us-one of truth, love, honesty, and functionality. This is integrity in
talk but how our words extend to our deeds. action; it is the implementation of His Ways in the practice of our daily
Christian lives. We are adhering to His rules, morals, and principles (Zech.
The source of unity for the CICM springs from a common dedication 8:16-17). This means we, as people of the faith, will place character,
to the truth, both in words and in deeds, a common vision of the dignity of without excuse, ahead of our ambition. Most of all, we will have the
the human person and, the person and message of Christ, which gives the focus to glorify God and not ourselves. In so doing, we will be doing the
institution its distinctive character. In the current times where missionary right thing all the time with no guilt or fear and nothing to hide. So, we do
ethics is compromised and corrupted, there is a need to revitalize or what we say we will do from the practice of God's Truth and Character that
strengthen the practice of integrity. He has for us. We must be willing to do this regardless of our comfort,
convenience, challenge, or controversy-without excuses. (In addition, to do
Hypocrisy, Dishonesty, Duplicity, and Corruption are the opposites of
what is contrary to His Word and say we must do it because we said we
God's call! When we carry out these evil traits or do not keep our word, we
would for integrity's sake is also evil). His ways give us meaning, and leading with integrity.  People who demonstrate integrity draw others to them
a righteous life gives us satisfaction. because they are trustworthy and dependable. They are principled and you
can count on them to behave in honorable ways even when no one is
We become a Christian by the work of the Spirit. But, our maturity watching or even knows about their performance (Heathfield, 2018).
in Christ and how we practice our faith is determined by the choices we
make from the conviction and confidence of our beliefs. We choose to Professional Integrity Defined
take the faith He gives and make it more real and effective.
A professional is one who willingly "adopts" and consistently applies the
We must also be on guard with people who will do all they can to try knowledge, skills, and values of a chosen profession. Integrity may be the
to convince us to give up our integrity and character. There will be appealing most appropriate word used to describe the person who willingly and
arguments, passionate pleas, peer pressure, rationizations, and ridicule on a consistently acts in accordance with social standards or moral values of
personal level for why we do not need integrity (Job 2:3, 2:9, Prov. 29:10; 1 society. Professional integrity thus defines the professional who consistently
Cor. 15:33). Do not fret or despair when others come against you (and they and willingly practices within the guidelines of the mission of a chosen
will), when you stand up for truth, or when you keep your word; because of profession under the obligation of a Code of Ethics. The following rules and
your integrity, you will be doing the right thing and you will be rewarded (1 principles define the concept of Professional Integrity:
Kings 9:4-5, Nehemiah 7:2, Psalm 41:11-12).
1.  A student shall not violate the provisions of the Code of Ethics
So, let us, without regret, lead lives that are worthy. Our call is to do prescribed or adopted by the relevant graduate program.
as we teach, to do as we say, and to act as we teach others to 2.  A student shall not lie to or otherwise deceive instructors, peers,
act. Integrity is of the utmost importance for the Christian (Exodus 8:28-32; 1 internship supervisors, or clients.
Thess. 2: 10-12)! Why? Because God is righteous and just, and wants us to 3.  A student shall not show disregard for the well being, safety, or
be our best in this area, too. The reason the Pharisees are equated with
dignity of clients, peers, or supervisors.
hypocrisy is that they were worshipping not the God of the Jews and
the Law, but a made-up god that suited their own thoughts, schemas, 4. A student shall not misuse resources of the university or any agency
and pride. They also covered truth and integrity with their hidden for which the student is conducting an internship, clinical
agendas and deceit (Psalm 103:1-14; Matt. 23; 1 Tim. 3:2-7; 1 Pet. 5:10)! experience, etc.
5. A student shall not misappropriate the work of others or claim it as
The fuel that will enable us to maintain our integrity is our his/her own work.
understanding of "fullness." This is knowing who we are in Christ, and 6. A student shall comply with the policies and regulations of the
what He did for us on the Cross-that we are complete in Him! Then, we can program and any agency for which the student is conduction an
be better able to comprehend that the Word of God is our authority. All you internship, clinical experience, etc.
do, as a Christian, is a response to what He has first done in you. Couple
that with the application of His Word, and it will instigate the right mark Why Does Academic Dishonesty Occur?
and practice of our behaviors. This is our integrity.
Academic dishonesty in the classroom occurs when one or more values of
Integrity is one of the fundamental values that employers seek in the academic integrity are violated. While some cases of academic dishonesty
employees that they hire. It is the hallmark of a person who demonstrates are committed intentionally, other cases may be a reflection of something
sound moral and ethical principles at work. Integrity is the foundation on deeper that a student is experiencing, such as language or cultural
which coworkers build relationships, trust, and effective interpersonal misunderstandings, insufficient or misguided preparation for exams or
relationships. Any definition of integrity will emphasize these factors. A papers, a lack of confidence in their ability to learn the subject, or perception
person who has integrity lives his or her values in relationships with that course policies are unfair (Bernard and Keith-Spiegel, 2002).
coworkers, customers, and stakeholders. Honesty and trust are central to
integrity. Acting with honor and truthfulness are also basic tenets in a person
Some other reasons why students may commit academic dishonesty  following the University’s rules and not trying to gain unfair advantages
include: in assessments, mid-terms or tests (e.g., copying someone else’s
answers, using their phone to look up information during an exam etc.)
 Cultural or regional differences in what comprises academic
dishonesty Students demonstrate responsibility by:
 Misunderstanding directions and/or expectations
 Poor time management, procrastination, or disorganization  completing their individual and group work to the best of their abilities
 Feeling disconnected from the course, subject, instructor, or and being accountable to themselves, their instructors, their classmates,
material and the University
 Fear of failure or lack of confidence in one’s ability  Seeking help If they are struggling or are not sure of expectations
 Anxiety, depression, other mental health problems Students demonstrate courage by:
Understanding some of these common reasons can help instructors  being brave and standing up for what is right, even in challenging
intentionally design their courses and assessments to pre-empt, and situations. If they think someone has committed an academic offense or
hopefully avoid, instances of academic dishonesty. In his research on is violating a rule - they alert their instructor, Associate Dean, or a staff
cheating in the college classroom, James Lang argues that “the amount of member.
cheating that takes place on our campuses may well depend on the
structures of the learning environment” (Lang, 2013a; Lang, 2013b). These standards govern how future professionals conduct themselves, their
Instructors have agency in shaping the classroom learning experience; thus, work ethic and their communication practices. Professional integrity is what
instances of academic dishonesty can be mitigated by efforts to design a gives employees a reason to trust that leaders will place professional
supportive, learning-oriented environment (Bertam, 2017 and 2008). standards over their own self-interests.

Students demonstrate honesty by: According to the study conducted by Guerrero-Dib, Portales, &
Heredia-Escorza (2020), the more severe the students consider an act of
 following their instructor’s guidelines and expectations for assignments academic dishonesty, the more ethically they behave outside of the
and tests university. Likewise, it is important to establish measures to discourage or
 submitting original work and completing individual assessments reduce the number of acts of academic misconduct, since the habitual
independently practice of unethical actions may promote a normalization of these
Students demonstrate trust by: behaviours, and reduces a student’s interest in practising ethical behaviours
after graduating from college. It is important to disclose a basic assumption,
 being dependable and reliable in their work, commitments and actions that a person faces ethical dilemmas first, in an educational environment and
 following their instructor’s directions and completing work by the set later, in a workplace context. This situation suggests that, since academic
deadline integrity is usually experienced earlier than workplace ethical
behaviour in a person’s life, the former may influence the latter.
Students show respect by:
 consistently and accurately citing the work of others in their assignments  
 keeping academic materials and instructor’s intellectual property private
(e.g., class slides, assignments, tests, etc.), and not sharing these A workforce comprised of people with integrity is one where you can
without the instructor’s permission trust the staff to perform to the best of their ability. They don't compromise
on their ideals, cut corners, cheat, or lie. They behave according to an
Students demonstrate fairness by: internally consistent code of values. Your ability to maintain professional
 treating others equally without self-interest or prejudice integrity in the workplace has a powerful impact on your productivity,
performance and reputation. Behaving with professional integrity takes A quote from Pope Francis on service and charity:
practice, strength of character and self-awareness.
“Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others.
There are many people who spend their lives in this way, in the
service of others. …When you forget yourself and think of
WEEK 6 others, this is love! And with the washing of the feet the Lord
Call to Service with Integrity and Compassion teaches us to be servants, and above all, servants as He was a
servant to us, for every one of us.”
The three missionary values on Service, Compassion and Integrity
determine the character is common to all.  Their contribution to the world
Works of Charity, Justice and Coexistence
became extra-ordinary due to the selfless love and commitment they shared
in their work.  Our missionaries, headed by our own CICM founder Rev. Fr. The mission to which Christ calls the Church clearly includes works
Theophile Verbist, changed the world as they shared their zealous of charity and justice. Throughout his public ministry, Jesus demonstrated
character in their sacrifices and commitments in uplifting the livelihood the degree to which we are to provide service to others in need while
of communities, especially their spiritual life. working to change the social conditions that create such needs. The Church
is called both to direct service (works of charity, like providing food,
In order to catch the genuine CICM missionary charism (to go to places
clothing and shelter) and to address the root causes of social problems
where one is most needed) with a pastoral tone (of service to others), there
(works of justice, like changing an unjust law or social structure).
is a need for “Envisioning a Revitalized Social Engagement.” Being
missionaries and followers of Christ, we have been taught about charity work Jesus’ own mission was characterized from the beginning by what the
through the gospels and various practices like outreaches. It is our Church has come to call social ministry or outreach and service to others. In
religious duty to serve others whether those people are a part of our the synagogue, Jesus read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah:
religious community or whether they are from any other type of
community. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to
On Service bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to
captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go
Another missionary value is the Spirit of Service free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” (Luke 4:16-22)
Service primarily involves performing one's religious duty as a Jesus continually modeled and mandated such service to others
creature toward God, and fulfilling one's moral responsibility of as a primary requirement for discipleship. Later, the letter of James
meeting the needs of others. To serve God is the primary obligation of reminds the early Christian community that faith without works is dead. (Jas
human beings, personally and socially, to be done in acts of worship 2:14-17) Already the faithful were in need of encouragement to persist
and prayer; and in acts of virtue as prescribed by the natural and in lives of service to others as an important part of their Christian call.
revealed laws of God. This corresponds to the first three
commandments of the Decalogue, and is summarized in the precept In our own time, the U.S. Bishops have issued a clear reminder to the
to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and Church of this essential element of service. In the 1993 statement,
with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). To serve others is the secondary Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Ministry of the
obligation of a person, deriving from the preceding duty and depending Parish, they said:
on it. This corresponds to the last seven commandments of God and is
synthesized in the precept "You must love your neighbor as The central message is simple: our faith is profoundly social.
yourself" (Matthew 22:39). We cannot be truly Catholic unless we hear and heed the
Church’s call to serve those in need and work for justice and
peace. We see the parish dimension of social ministry not as an every day are watching how you and others respond to all of the
added burden, but as part of what keeps a parish alive and makes it challenging situations, and gauging how they will respond.
truly Catholic. Effective social ministry helps the parish not only do
more, but be more—more of a reflection of the Gospel, more of a Whether you’re aware of it or not, the way you approach the
worshipping and evangelizing people, more of a faithful challenges at work each day influences the people around you. Are you
community. serving others at work, or are you more focused on getting your own
needs met?
There can be no fidelity to Christ, his teaching or his Church without
the element of service—both charity and justice—on behalf of Unless we’re intentional about serving others, it will always be too
others. By means of collaboration and integration, genuine service easy to be influenced by the stress and negativity that impacts many
brings together liturgy, formation, outreach and action into a sense of workplaces, and add fuel to an already burning fire of self-centeredness, fear
common mission. and negativity. Jesus taught us a different way – he taught us to think of
ourselves less and others more.
CHOOSING TO SERVE RATHER THAN BE SERVED Jesus came to serve us – to pay the price for our sins, teach us
how to live and work, and empower us with his Holy Spirit. In John 15,
The act of service was best modeled by Jesus Christ. Addressing His Jesus tells us exactly how to gain the strength we need for each day, and
followers, Jesus stated, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be make our work and our lives fruitful – abide in him. He tells us very directly
served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark that apart from him, we can do nothing. But when his words remain in us –
10:45). He preceded that by saying, “whoever wishes to be first among when we abide in Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14) – we can ask
you shall be slave of all” (Mark 10:44). whatever we wish and it will be done to bring God glory (John 15:7-8). Jesus
gives us the power and ability to serve others and do our work with
 The recent onslaught of bad news can throw the best of us off excellence each day.
our game. Add to that the challenges occurring in workplaces all around us
every day – stress, conflict, insecurity and even job loss – and it’s easy When Jesus and His disciples entered the upper room, the disciples
to become overwhelmed wondering what, if anything, we can do to make a looked for a prominent place to sit; Jesus looked for a place to serve. As
difference. they awkwardly waited to be served, Jesus took a towel and basin and
washed their feet (John 13:1-15). We Christians like to refer to ourselves
But there are some very real and impactful things we can, and as servants, but we are seldom content to be treated as servants. We
must, do. As Christians, we have a responsibility to spread hope. And are tempted to adopt the world’s evaluation of importance. But when we look
one of the best ways to do that is by serving others selflessly at work. to Jesus as our model, we see that it takes a far more noble character to
serve than to be served.
The way we approach our work each and every day matters. Think
about it. From the first interaction you have with a coworker (how you say Christians who seek the common good are given this same opportunity
“good morning” … or don’t), to the emails you write, to the work you produce to review their position in life and see if they can offer any support
for a project, a client, your boss – your output is someone else’s input. among their neighbors.
Someone has to process the way you say something to
them, and what you write in each email. Someone has to base decisions “How much willingness do we have to take action? In this time of
they make on the accuracy of the data you provide. Coworkers have to pandemic, where do we place ourselves?
decide to what extent they can trust and rely on you, especially when As we restrict our time outside of our homes, we nevertheless find
they need support. Your commitment to getting work done on time impacts inspiration in the selfless actions of those continuing to minister to the
another’s ability to meet a project deadline. And the people you work with
physical, mental, and spiritual needs of others. Doctors, nurses, cleaning also helps us achieve citizenship goals as students appreciate the
crews, food workers, teachers, priests, religious, and many others on the importance of individual commitments of time and energy to enhance
front lines of this crisis are faithfully doing their duties wherever they are the quality of life in their own communities.
In addition to academic and citizenship goals, students develop
If Compassion is a verb, and so with Service.  Service is more on leadership and interpersonal skills through their participation in service-
giving assistance to others and a fulfillment of a task to be done.  In learning projects. These experiences will enhance the self-esteem of
school activities and immersions, students develop the value of service by students, making them more self-confident.
volunteering themselves in participating in the CICM’s school activities in
and out of the school.  Aside from their involvement in school’s Service-learning programs offer valuable opportunities for career
activities, they also extend themselves by volunteering in outside’s exploration and enables them acquire career related experiences as they
activities like serving in their own Churches and being part of gift- complete their course of study.
giving to the less fortunate ones, or donating blood as advocates of At a societal level, it is important for people to be involved and
saving lives.  Their ministry in the Church is being developed because aware of their communities so they can assist each other and be more
CICM school instill in them the value of service inside the campus.  So, as conscientious individuals. Creating opportunities for young people
they relate with other people outside, the value of service is carried increases their involvement. Finally, it instills the habit of performing a
out. Giving emphasis on primary component and core value of USL, service for others. Students who engage early on often continue service
Louisian students strive to manifest Christian Living through SERVICE- work for the rest of their lives.
Service is a ministry.  Our pastoral ministry should be
What is service-learning? encouraged because it is the foundation of student’s fulfillment in
Service-learning combines service to the community with student doing their pastoral work.  Working has a salvific mission.  It does not
learning in a way that improves both the student and the aim for an end, but aims for fulfillment. 
community. As they participate in their community service projects, The more time we spend examining what it means to serve others
actively meeting the needs of communities, students develop practical well, it comes down to allowing our lives to be interrupted. Serving others
skills, and a sense of civic responsibility. means making space for their existence and seeing them as valuable
Service-learning is a method of teaching through which students and worthy to serve and be served, simply because God views them
apply their academic skills and knowledge to address real-life needs in their that way.
own communities. When we’re struggling to make sense of how we could ever live out a
It provides a compelling reason to learn, teaches the skills of life of service to others, I hope we’ll remember the words of Jesus:
civic participation and develops an ethic of service and civic “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my
responsibility. It increases motivation and retention of academic skills sake will find it.” - Matthew 10:39
as specific learning goals are tied to community needs. By solving real
problems and addressing real needs, students learn to apply classroom Never have we more urgently needed courageous Christians who are
learning to a real-world context. At the same time, students provide valuable intentional about allowing Christ’s love to shine through them in the field,
services to schools and communities. academe, marketplace, institutions (and the world) than we do
now. Encourage and support those around you this week by putting in
Academic service-learning helps us achieve academic goals by the extra effort to serve them. It just might make a world of a difference.
enabling students to make connections between their course work and the
real world as they apply their knowledge and skills to real world situations. It  
1. What is Synodality? “to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church”;
 It comes from two Greek words which roughly ‘mean “coming “to the Word of God in Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church”; and,
together” or “travelling together".
2. as individuals
“to one another, especially to those at the margins, discerning the signs of
 It refers to the process through which synods make decisions. the times, and making pastoral decisions that correspond as closely as
possible to God's will” (Vademecum, 1.3)
 It includes gathering the broadest possible range of people, where
they listen to one another, and then reflect together on issues of 4, What is the Relevance of Synodality?
utter Importance to the Church of today while being open to what
By journeying together, the Church of today will be able to learn which
the Holy Spirit so desires of her.
processes can help her—
 to live in “deeper communion”,
 to achieve “fuller participation”,
 and to open herself to the “greater mission” ahead. (cf. Vademecum,
2. What is a Synod? 1.2)
 “A synod is not just an event; itis a journey
 A synod is not just a meeting; it is the life of the Church. 5. What is the Theme of this Synod?
 ‘A synod is not just an assembly in view of administration; itis 2 For a synodal Church
convocation guided by the Spirit {for the challenge of mission.”
communion | participation | mission
St. John Chrysostom aptly said that the “Church and synod are synonymous".
(CBCP Pastoral ‘Message, 17 October 2021) In short, a synod Is the Church's
particular manner of living and doing things. Communion: By His gracious will, God gathers us together as diverse people
of one faith through the covenant that He offers to His people. The
communion we share finds its deepest roots in the love and unity of the Holy
3. What is the Aim of Synodality? Trinity.
It aims to refocus the Church to whom she is uniquely meant to be, and to
redirect her steps on how to do her mission of evangelization
Participation: A call for the active involvement of all who belong to the
This is done through LISTENING in two (2) ways people of God ~ laity, consecrated and ordained — to engage in respectful
listening to and conversation with one another.
1. as a community:
Mission: We can never be centered on ourselves. Our mission is to witness to 9. What Should Be Avoided?
the love of God in the midst of the whole human family. The temptation of —

 wanting to lead, instead of being led by God;

6. What is the Synodal Process?  focusing more on ourselves and our immediate concerns than
opening up, looking around us, seeing things from other points of
 The method is LISTENING.
view, and moving out in missionary outreach to the peripheries;
 The goal is DISCERNMENT—an act which is, at the same time,
individual and communal, “We listen to each other, to our faith  only seeing problems, instead of appreciating where the Holy Spirit is
generating life and recognizing how we can let God work more fully in
tradition, and to the signs of the times in order to discern what God is our lives as a community;
saying to all of us." (Vademecum, 22)
 focusing only on structures, locking ourselves within the visible
 And the path to reach discernment is through PARTICIPATION.
confines of the Church;
7. Who can Participate in the Synodal Process?
 losing the focus on the objectives of the synodal process;
 being in conflict and division;
 However, NO ONE—no matter their religious affiliation—IS
EXCLUDED from sharing his or her perspective and experience, in
 treating the synod as a kind of a parliament
so far as the intention is to help the Church on her journey of seeking
what is good and true.
 listening only to those who are already involved in church activities

10. What is the Flow of the Synodal Process:

8. What Should Be the Attitudes of the Participants?
 DOCILITY to the Holy Spirit;
 Dialogue (Humility in Listening & Courage in Sharing);

 New Perspectives; and leaving behind Prejudices and Personal

 Conversion & Change:
 Inclusion and Participation.
 HOPE for a future “that is filled with the Gospel of joy”.
General Secretariat ~ publishes the Preparatory Document
1 .Diocesan Phase
This listening phase will come from discussions of the different groups and
congregations in the different dioceses from each country.

2.These inputs and feedbacks will be transmitted to the episcopal

conferences and synods of Oriental Churches.

3.Episcopal conferences will compile the inputs and formulate synthesis to

be transmitted to the General Secretariat.

4.These syntheses will then serve as the basis for the First Edition of the
Instrumentum Laboris, which will be published by the General Secretariat of
the Synod of Bishops.

5.This initial Instrumentum Laboris will be the working document for the
continental meetings.

6&7These seven international meetings will then produce seven final

that will serve as the basis for the second Instrumentum Laboris which will
used at the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2023.

8.Bishops and auditors will gather with the Holy Father Pope Francis in the
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023 to speak and
listen to one another on the basis of the synodal process that began at the
local level.

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