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Probability and Statistics for

Engineering and the Sciences 8th

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Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences 8th Edition Devore Test Bank

CHAPTER 2 - Probability


1. Suppose that vehicles taking a particular freeway exit can turn right (R), turn left (L), or go straight (S). Consider
observing the direction for each of three successive vehicles.

a. List all outcomes in the event A that all three vehicles go in the same direction.
b. List all outcomes in the event B that all three vehicles take different directions.
c. List all outcomes in the event C that exactly two of the three vehicles turn right.
d. List all outcomes in the even D that exactly tow vehicles go in the same direction.
e. List outcomes in , C D, and C D.

a. Event A = {RRR, LLL, SSS}
b. Event B = {RLS, RSL, LRS, LSR, SRL, SLR}
c. Event C = {RRL, RRS, RLR, RSE, LRR, SRR}
e. Event contains outcomes where all cars go the same direction, or they all go different directions:
Because Event D totally encloses Event C, the compound event C D = D. Therefore, C D = {RRL,
Using similar reasoning, we see that the compound event C D = C. Therefore, C D = {RRL, RRS,

PTS: 1

2. Each of a sample of four home mortgages is classified as fixed rate (F) or variable rate (V).

a. What are the 16 outcomes in S?

b. Which outcomes are in the event that exactly two of the selected mortgages are fixed rate?
c. Which outcomes are in the event that all four mortgages are of the same type?
d. Which outcomes are in the event that at most one of the four is a variable-rate mortgage?
e. What is the union of the events in parts (c) and (d), and what is the intersection of these two
f. What are the union and intersection of the two events in parts (b) and (c)?


Home Mortgage Number

Outcome 1 2 3 4
1 F F F F
2 F F F V
3 F F V F
4 F F V V
5 F V F F
6 F V F V
7 F V V F
8 F V V V
9 V F F F
10 V F F V

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11 V F V F
12 V F V V
13 V V F F
14 V V F V
15 V V V F
16 V V V V

b. Outcome numbers 4, 6, 7, 10, 11,13

c. Outcome numbers 1, 16
d. Outcome numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 9
e. The Union: outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 16. The Intersection: outcome 1.
f. The Union: outcomes 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16. The Intersection: this cannot happen. (There are no
outcomes in common) :b c = .

PTS: 1

3. A college library has five copies of a certain text on reserve. Two copies (1 and 2) are first printings, and the
other three (3, 4, and 5) are second printings. A student examines these books in random order, stopping only
when a second printing has been selected. One possible outcome is 4, and another is 125.

a. List the S.
b. Let A denote the event that exactly one book must be examined. What outcomes are in A?
c. Let B be the event that book 4 is the one selected. What outcomes are in B?
d. Let C be the event that book 2 is not examined. What outcomes are in C?


Outcome Number Outcome

1 123
2 124
3 125
4 213
5 214
6 215
7 13
8 14
9 15
10 23
11 24
12 25
13 3
14 4
15 5

b. Outcome numbers 13, 14, 15, so A={3, 4, 5}

c. Outcome numbers 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 so B={124, 214, 14, 24, 4}
d. Outcome numbers 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 so C={13, 14, 15, 3, 4, 5}

PTS: 1

4. The Department of Statistics at a state university in California has just completed voting by secret ballot for a
department head. The ballot box contains four slips with votes for candidate A and three slips with votes for
candidate B. Suppose these slips are removed from the box one by one.

a. List all possible outcomes.

b. Suppose a running tally is kept as slips are removed. For what outcomes does A remain ahead of B
throughout the tally?


PTS: 1

5. Let A denote the event that the next item checked out at a college library is a math book, and let B be the event
that the next item checked out is a history book. Suppose that P(A) = .40 and P(B) = .50.

a. Why is it not the case that P(A) + P(B) = 1?

b. Calculate P( )
c. Calculate P(A B).
d. Calculate P( ).

a. The probabilities do not add to 1 because there are other items besides math and history books to
be checked out from the library.
b. P( ) = 1 – P(A) = 1 - .40 = .60
c. P(A B) = P(A) + P(B) = .40 + .50 = .90 (since A and B are mutually exclusive events)
d. P( ) = P[ ] (De Morgan’s law) = 1 – P(A B) = 1 - .90 = .10

PTS: 1

6. A large company offers its employees two different health insurance plans and two different dental insurance
plans. Plan 1 of each type is relatively inexpensive, but restricts the choice of providers, whereas plan 2 is more
expensive but more flexible. The accompanying table gives the percentages of employees who have chosen the
various plans:

Dental Plan
Health Plan 1 2
1 27% 14%
2 24% 35%

Suppose that an employee is randomly selected and both the health plan and dental plan chosen by the selected
employee are determined.

a. What are the four simple events?

b. What is the probability that the selected employee has chosen the more restrictive plan of each type?
c. What is the probability that the employee has chosen the more flexible dental plan?

Let H1 and H2 represent the two health plans. Let D1 and D2 represent the two dental plans.

a. The simple events are {H1,D1}, {H1, D2}, {H2,D1}, {H2,D2}.

b. P({H1,D1}) = .27
c. P({D2}) = P({H1,D2}, {H2,D2}) = .14 + .35 = .49

PTS: 1
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wyle, s. i. 755, 2627, ii. 480,
wiles, (pl.) i. 2588, cunning, wile.
wympel, wimpel, s. iii. 1396, 1419, v. 6889.
wyn, s. i. 2549, ii. 1008,
pl. wynes, iv. 2442, wine.
wynd, s. P. 923, i. 2410,
wind, viii. 2851.
wynddrive, pp. vi. 1423, driven by wind.
wyndi, wyndy, a. vi. 1418, viii. 1146.
wyndou, wyndowe, s. v. 6513, 6661.
wyndrunke, a. vi. 547, drunk with wine.
wynge, winge, s. ii. 417, v. 6005, 6526,
pl. wynges, iii. 2107, iv. 111,
wenges, viii. 2655.
wynke, see winke.
wynne, winne, v.a.n. P. 265, 403, i. 792, 823, 1809,
pret. wan, P. 709, i. 3421,
pl. wonne, iii. 2049,
pret. subj. wonne, iv. 2782,
pp. wonne, P. 687, i. 755, iv. 2184, vi. 2231,
wunne, vi. 2092, win, get, make, gain;
v.n. winne (awey), v. 352, get (away).
wynter, s. i. 2355, 3253,
genit. wyntres, v. 5959,
pl. with num., wynter, i. 1153, 1803, ii. 3207;
as a. P. 938, i. 1167, ii. 1817, iii. 684.
wyny, a. viii. 2849.
wype, v.a. v. 6529.
wys, wis, a. P. 157, i. 1899,
def. wyse, P. 65, i. 3396,
pl. wise, P. 363, i. 2017, 2768, iv. 2367;
as subst. sing. the wise, ii. 3248,
pl. wyse, P. 7;
superl. the wiseste (as subst.), P. 666, i. 1097: wise.
wyse, s. see wise.
wysly, wisly, adv. i. 536, ii. 2854, vii. 2482.
wysman, wisman, s. P. 68, i. 130, 1064, iii. 954,
pl. wisemen, vii. 1792,
genit. wisemennes, PP. 94.
wyte, s. ii. 430, iv. 2622,
(wite, P. 59*), blame, censure.
wyte, v.a. ii. 1844, charge;
to (forto) wyte, P. 530, i. 20, 263, 592, 1455, 2214,
(to wite, viii. 3013*), to be blamed.
wyve, v.n. ii. 3112, iv. 256, take a wife.
wyve, wyves, s. see wif.

yare (ȝ), a. i. 1165, v. 3299, 5613, ready.
ybore, see bere.
Ychonithon, vii. 1453.
ydeac, vi. 1318.
ydel, a. i. 1986, iv. 1094, 2678, v. 4724, idle, useless, empty:
adv. iv. 1152.
ydeliche, adv. iv. 1197, idly.
ydelnesse, s. iv. 1086, 1104.
ydelschipe, idelschipe, s. iv. 1729, 2329, vii. 4390.
Ydoine, vi. 879.
ydolatrie, s. v. 1587, vii. 4497.
Ydomeneux, iii. 1949.
ydriades, vii. 835, (name of a stone).
ydromance, s. vi. 1297, divination by water.
ydropesie, s. v. 250, dropsy.
ye (ȝ), pron. P. 16, i. 182, 588, 1821,
yee, vi. 1071, viii. 1533,
obl. you, yow, i. 66, 173.
ye, yee (ȝ), adv. P. 373, i. 550, 740, ii. 17, 1387, yea.
ÿe, see yhe.
yede (ȝ), v.n.pret. ii. 856, vii. 2786, went.
yelde(n) (ȝ), v.a. v. 4926, 7092,
pret. pl. yolde, viii. 1265,
pp. yolde, iv. 2125, v. 5648, vii. 4639, render, surrender, repay.
yelpe (ȝ), v.n. iv. 3410, v. 6156;
refl. i. 26, 1651: boast.
yelwe (ȝ), a. vii. 4881.
yeme (ȝ), v.a. v. 6611, take care of.
yer, yeer (ȝ), s. P. 25, 779,
pl. yeres, ii. 711, 1218, 2259,
yeeres, iv. 481,
yer, i. 2922, 3134;
yer (yeer) to yere, yer to yeere, i. 342, ii. 239, v. 1242,
yer be yere, ii. 20,
yeeres dai, v. 1311: year.
yerd (ȝ), s. iv. 870, courtyard.
yerde (ȝ), s. iii. 369, v. 2363, vii. 4676, stick.
yeve (ȝ), see yive(n).
yhe, ÿe, s. P. 34, 330, i. 305, 903, 2362, v. 2034,
pl. yhen, i. 140, 774, eye, sight.
yhed, a.,
bryht yhed, vii. 1857, bright eyed (man).
yhte, s. v. 7307, possession.
yifte (ȝ), s. i. 794, 1100, ii. 330, gift;
god I yive a yifte, iv. 1114, I vow to God,
cp. iv. 1684.
yifteles (ȝ), a. ii. 997.
yis (ȝ), adv. ii. 235, 1251, iii. 416, 854, iii. 1269, yes (not specially after a
yit (ȝ), adv. P. 62, i. 1284, 2364, ii. 60, iii. 199,
yet (ȝ), P. 179, i. 576, 786;
for the time yit, &c., vi. 311, 893: yet, as yet, moreover.
yive(n) (ȝ), v.a. i. 964, 1648, ii. 1208, iv. 1114,
yeve, P. 167,
2 s.pres. yifst, v. 5856,
3 s. yifth, P. 519, iv. 367,
pret. yaf, P. 226, i. 817,
imperat. yif, i. 135, 1972,
pp. yove(n), P. 332, i. 1125, iii. 1594, give.
yle, ile, s. i. 1578, iv. 435, v. 861, 1254,
thyle, v. 1071, island.
ylem, s. vii. 216 ff., first substance.
Ylia, v. 894.
Ylioun, v. 7236.
ymage, s. P. 604, i. 804, v. 1499.
ymagerie, s. v. 5771.
ymaginacion (-oun), s. i. 958, 2269, 3069, ii. 2845.
ymaginynge, s. vii. 3312.
ynche, s. i. 1112, inch.
Ynde, iii. 2447, iv. 2056, v. 1049, 1910.
Yndien, a. v. 4732.
Yno, v. 4271 ff.
ynowh, a. i. 929, 1565,
pl. ynowhe, ynowe, i. 1135, ii. 3226;
subst. ynogh, ynow, v. 84, 2485: enough.
ynowh, ynouh, ynow, ynou, adv. ii. 3319, v. 2607, 5010, vii. 2100,
Yo, iv. 3319 ff.
yock (ȝ), s. v. 108, yoke.
yoke(n) (ȝ), v.a. iv. 1836, v. 3519, yoke.
yomen (ȝ), vi. 1811.
yong (ȝ), a. i. 488,
def. yonge, i. 790, iv. 503,
pl. yonge, ii. 3219, iii. 1800;
as subst. pl. i. 2086, v. 3930;
comp. yonger, v. 5395;
sup. the yongest, i. 3133.
yongly (ȝ), a. v. 7202*, viii. 2674.
you, yow (ȝ), see ye.
youre (ȝ), poss. pron. i. 2768, iii. 596, 1087,
your, iii. 627;
disj. youres, i. 1852.
yowthe, youthe (ȝ), s. i. 730, iii. 153, 793, iv. 1588, (person) viii. 2462 ff.
Ypocras, vi. 1409.
ypocrisie, ipocrisie, s. i. 585, 635, 1034, 1079, hypocrisy.
ypocrite, s. i. 591 ff.
Ypolitus, v. 967.
yren, see iren.
Yris, iv. 2972 ff.
ys, s. ii. 1824, vi. 245, ice.
Ysis, i. 806, v. 801, 816,
Isis, iv. 460,
Ysis temple, i. 842, 858.
Ysolde, vi. 472, viii. 2501.
Ytaile, iv. 93, 2183, v. 887, 903, 1223.
Ytalie, ii. 591.
Ytaspis, vii. 1785.
yvor, s. iv. 383, ivory.
yvy (lef), s. iv. 586, ivy (leaf).
ywiss, adv. i. 1281, ii. 2394,
iwiss, i. 1226, certainly.

Zelpha, viii. 131.
Zenzis, iv. 2421.
zodiaque, s. vii. 697, 977.
Zorastes, vi. 1402, 2368.
Zorobabel, vii. 1802 ff.
abaissht, iv. 1330.
abeche, vi. 709.
accidence, ii. 3210.
Achelons, iv. 2045.
adjective forms, P. 139, 221, 738, i. 636, 1006, 2677, ii. 2341, 3507, iv.
1320, 2624, vii. 4245.
aftercast, iv. 904.
a game, viii. 2319.
Alanus de Insulis, viii. 2341.
Albertus Magnus, v. 6498:
see also Speculum Astronomiae.
Albumasar, vii. 283, 989, 1239.
alchemy, terms of, iv. 2462 ff.
Alexander, Historia de Preliis, v. 1453, 1571, 2543, vi. 1789 ff.,
Romance of, vi. 1789 ff.,
see also Roman de toute Chevalerie.
Alfraganus, vii. 1461.
algorisme, vii. 155.
Almagest, vii. 983, 1449.
‘along on,’ iv. 624.
amaied, i. 2030.
anacoluthon, i. 98, iii. 1593, vi. 1798, vii. 5254.
‘and,’ position of, P. 155, v. 2815.
Andreas Capellanus, iv. 1245.
Antoninus Pius, vii. 4181.
a place, a doun, &c., i. 2377.
Apollonius of Tyre, Historia, viii. 271-1681.
appende, vii. 978.
applied, i. 577.
archdeacon’s court, P. 407.
arechen, v. 1826.
ariste, iv. 1285.
Aristotle, vi. 663, vii. 1, 265, 334 ff., 611.
article, use of, P. 72.
‘as he which,’ &c., i. 695, ii. 785.
‘as to,’ ‘as forto,’ i. 713.
asp, i. 463 (with Addenda).
assise, i. 3050.
assub, vii. 334.
asterte, iii. 626.
astraied, vii. 2660.
‘at after,’ vi. 1831.
Augustine, i. 463, iii. 2363, vi. 2368.
Avian’s Fables as authority, ii. 291.
Avicen, iv. 2610.
‘away,’ v. 7179.
Ayenbite of Inwyt, vi. 785.

Babio (comedy), v. 4808.

baillie, P. 220.
balke, iii. 515.
Barbour’s Bruce, viii. 1393.
Barlaam et Josaphat, i. 2021, v. 729 ff., 2273.
believe, viii. 2500.
Benoît de Sainte-More as authority, i. 483, 1077, iii. 973 ff., 1757, 1885
ff., 2639 ff., iv. 1693, 2135, v. 1831, 2547, 3247 ff., 6435, 7195 ff.,
7591, vi. 1391 ff.
beseie, besein, viii. 1617.
beteche, vi. 2411.
‘betwen hem two,’ &c., ii. 653, v. 5025.
bewar, iii. 1496, v. 7838.
Bible as authority, P. 881, i. 2785, iv. 1505, 1935, 2325, 2342, v. 1930,
1952, vi. 986, vii. 1783 ff., 2527, 3149*, 3627, 3820, 3860, 3891,
4027, 4406, 4469, 5307.
bidde, biede, bede, v. 4455.
blanche fievere, vi. 239.
blesse, v. 5022.
Boccaccio, i. 389, 2316, ii. 2451, iii. 2555, v. 2273.
Boethius quoted, P. 567, false reference, ii. 261.
Bohemian fashions, viii. 2470.
Boniface VIII, legend of, ii. 2803.
bord, iv. 1741.
bot (= beyond), vii. 694.
Bromyard, Summa Praedicantium, ii. 83, vii. 2355.
Brunetto Latini as authority, P. 745
(Addenda), i. 463
(Addenda), vii. 1-725, 1595 ff., 2115, 3054, 3387.
brygantaille, P. 212.
burel, P. 52.
Burley, De Vita Philosophorum, iii. 1201.
byme (= by me), i. 232.

Caecilius Balbus quoted as Seneca, v. 7736.

Callisthenes, vi. 2274.
‘cam ride,’ i. 350.
Canahim, vii. 566.
capital letters, use of, iii. 1158, iv. 1285, viii. 1285.
Capitolinus, vii. 4181.
Caracalla, vii. 4574.
Catiline, debate on the conspiracy, vii. 1595 ff.
‘cause of,’ P. 905.
champartie, iii. 1173.
‘chase’ at tennis, PP. 295.
Chaucer and Gower, i. 1407 ff., ii. 587 ff., 2451, iii. 143, 1331, iv. 104,
731, 2927, v. 3247, 5231, 5551 ff., vii. 4754, 5131, 7597, viii. 2450,
2573, 2955*.
Chaunces of the Dyse, iv. 2792.
cherry fair (or feast), P. 454, vi. 891.
cheste, iii. 417.
Cicero (Cithero), not identified with Tullius, iv. 2648, vii. 1595.
cit, P. 836.
Civile, ii. 83.
‘coat for the hood,’ v. 4787, 7716.
Colchos, Isle of, v. 3509.
Comestor, Petrus, iv. 647, vii. 3417.
‘common voice,’ P. 122.
conjunctions, position of, P. 155.
conscience, i. 595.
consecutive clauses, i. 492.
conseil, v. 3904.
contenance, i. 698.
contretaile, viii. 3102*.
‘cope (coupe) of hevene,’ vii. 534.
crok, vii. 2268.
‘cross and pile,’ ii. 390.
‘curry favel,’ i. Lat. Verses, x. 5.

Daaly, vii. 351.

‘danger,’ i. 2443.
Dante, ii. 3095, iv. 2200, 2208.
definite form of adjectives, P. 221, ii. 2341, vii. 4245,
before proper names, P. 139.
demonstrative for definite article, P. 900, ii. 317.
depos, ii. 1757.
descryve, vi. 1110.
deserve, PP. 278.
digressions, v. 729.
Dindymus, Didymus, iv. 2641.
disorder of clauses, P. 34*, i. 2078, ii. 709, iv. 242, 3520.
‘do wey,’ vii. 5408.
dom, viii. 2113.
‘doute,’ ‘hem stant no doute,’ ii. 2124.
due, vii. 4195.
Eges, vii. 351.
elision before ‘have,’ i. 2398.
elision never prevented by caesura, PP. 356.
elision-apocope, P. 683, vi. 2062, viii. 2165.
Emaré, ii. 1300.
enbrace, i. 431.
entame, i. 709.
Epistola Valerii ad Rufinum, v. 6398.
erasures in Fairfax MS., i. 2713, ii. 594, iii. 2346, iv. 1245 (end), vi.
1359, viii. 2938.
errors of original copyists, i. 2410, ii. 833, 1020, 1778, 2537, iii. 1065, iv.
2973, v. 4251, vii. 2698 (margin).
eschu, v. 4748.
‘-eth’ termination of plural verb, vii. 536.
Etna, fire of, P. 329, ii. 20.
‘evel’ in the metre, v. 519.
‘exaltation’ of planets, vii. 1085 ff.
‘excuse,’ i. 733.
exponde, P. 823.

Fa crere, ii. 2122.

faie, i. 2317.
‘fall’ of planets, vii. 1135 ff.
fatalism of Gower, i. 1714, iii. 352, vi. 995.
fawht, pret., v. 5360.
felawe, P. 795.
feminine forms of substantives, i. 1006,
of adjectives, i. 636, 1006, 2677, ii. 3507.
ferke, viii. 603.
fet, viii. 2415.
fieldwode, v. 4039.
finde, vi. 632.
‘for an ende,’ viii. 1219.
‘for pure abaissht,’ ‘for wroth,’ &c., iv. 1330, vi. 1696.
fore, iv. 1723.
forebode, v. 6053.
‘forwhy and,’ ii. 2025.
French plural adjective, P. 738,
fem. adj. i. 636, 1006, 2677, ii. 3507, iv. 2624.
Froissart, iv. 3438, viii. 2450.
Fulgentius as authority, v. 363, 1520, vii. 853.

Galahot, viii. 2505.

Garland, see Hortulanus.
Geber, iv. 2608.
genitive for adjective, v. 3533, viii. 1374.
Genius, i. 196:
cp. Vox Clamantis, iv. 587 ff.
‘gentilesse,’ iv. 2200.
geomancy, vi. 1295.
Gesta Romanorum, iii. 1201, v. 2391, 7105*, vii. 2061, 2355, 2889,
2917, 3295;
not used by Gower, vii. 2061.
Geta of Vitalis Blesensis, ii. 2459 (Addenda).
‘goddeshalf,’ v. 4452.
Godfrey of Viterbo as authority, i. 2459, iv. 647, 2396 ff., v. 1541 ff., vii.
2765, 2833, 3144, 3295, 4181, 4335, 4574, viii. 271, 679, 1311,
gold laid on the book, v. 558.
Gregory cited, P. 289, 945, v. 1756, 1900.
grein, vi. 770.
grisel, viii. 2407.
Grosteste, legend of, iv. 234.
Guido di Colonna (or delle Colonne), iii. 2639;
also referred to, i. 483, 1077, iii. 973 ff., 1757, 1885 ff., v. 3247 ff.,
7195, vi. 1391 ff.

‘had’ for ‘hadde,’ i. 2569.

‘hadde I wist,’ iv. 305.
Hampole referred to, viii. 2833.
hapne, v. 7830.
hed, ii. 2066.
‘of hed,’ iv. 3438.
Hegesippus as authority, i. 761, 940.
hepe, v. 2872.
heraldie, ii. 399.
Hermes (Trismegistus), iv. 2410, 2606,
as authority, vii. 1281 ff.
‘heved’ in the metre, i. 1536.
hevenly, hevenely, v. 774.
‘hire’ in the metre, i. 367.
‘his oghne (hondes, &c.),’ i. 1427, ii. 3260.
Hoccleve, vii. 2061, 2416, 2889, 3295.
Homer, vi. 330.
homward, i. 938, iii. 2451.
Horace, false references to, vi. 1513, vii. 3581.
hors (pl.), iv. 1309.
horse side, &c., P. 1085.
horses of the sun, vii. 853.
Hortulanus, iv. 2533, 2609.
‘houses’ in astrology, vii. 991 ff.
Hugh of Fleury, viii. 2573.
Hyginus, ii. 2451, iii. 973, iv. 1815, v. 363, 4251, 5231 ff., 6435, vi. 399.

‘-ie’ termination, P. 299, 323, ii. 905.

‘if,’ interrogative, ii. 11.
imperative, 2nd pers. for 3rd, P. 550, viii. 1128,
sing. and plur., iv. 1432, v. 3986, 7372.
incest, iii. 172, viii. 158.
infinitive (Latin) as noun, P. Lat. Verses, iv. 4.
intelligences, vii. 26.
intersticion, vii. 283.
inverted order, i. 833, ii. 2642.

Jerome, iii. 641, v. 6359.

jeupartie, iii. 1173, vii. 3217.
Joachim (Abbot), ii. 3056.
John, ‘Seint John to borwe,’ v. 3416.
joutes, vii. 2279.
Justin, ii. 1613, vii. 2917, 3417.
Justinian II, vii. 3267.
Juvenal quoted, vii. 3581.

Kaire, ii. 2558.

Langharet, ii. 2995.

lapwing, v. 6041.
Latini, see Brunetto Latini.
Lay d’Aristote, viii. 2705.
Legenda Aurea, ii. 3187 ff.
‘leng the lasse,’ viii. 2055.
lere, i. 1509.
leste, adv. i. 3296.
lete, i. 3365, iv. 453.
‘lete by,’ ‘let of,’ v. 1004, 5840.
letters of request, P. 207.
Livy, vii. 5093, 5131.
loke, P. 52*.
Lombards, ii. 2098.
love (= luff), v. 7048.
Lydgate, i. 1129, 1917, 2443, iii. 143, iv. 869, 1330, 2533.

Macer, vi. 1408.

maintenue, viii. 3012.
Malebouche, ii. 389.
‘in manere,’ vii. 2132.
‘many,’ ii. 447.
Matthew Paris, v. 4937.
‘men,’ vi. 321.
menable, i. 1067.
merel, P. 430.
Methodius as authority, viii. 48, 62.
mi, min, iv. 3159.
microcosm, P. 947.
miht, mihte, iii. 1356.
mile, viii. 2312.
Mirour de l’Omme, P. 16, 54, 122, 204, 212, 323, 407, 430, 480, 823,
836, 900, 910, 945 ff., 1066, i. 10, 299, 463, 492, 636, 695, 709,
718, 1006, 1067, 1354, 1676, 2677, 2703, 3067, 3308, ii. 20, 83,
389, 401, 413, 2098, 2430, 3095, 3122, 3507, iii. 431, 585, 699,
2599, iv. 9, 60, 448, 893, 914, 1090, 1108, 1632, 2014, 2200, 2606,
2738, v. 29, 49, 249, 363, 370, 1879, 1900, 1919, 2015, 2238, 4774,
5507, 5550, 6041, 6359, 6372, 6389, 6395*, 6398, 6498, 7013,
7015*, 7105*, 7612, vi. 71, 218, 253, 770, 857, 1513, 1707, vii.
978, 3137, 3144, 3161* ff., 3581, 5307, viii. 110, 158, 2931, 3012.
mistime, iii. 2458, vi. 4.
Morien, iv. 2609.
moste, viii. 395.
mote, viii. 640.

‘Namplus,’ ‘Nauplus,’ iii. 1002.

natheles, i. 21, vii. 979.
‘nedle and ston,’ vi. 1422.
newe, P. 92*.
‘Nonarcigne,’ v. 1009.
Norwich, bishop of, P. 268.

Octovien, gold of, v. 4731.

‘of hed,’ iv. 3438.
‘of this lif,’ &c., iv. 3414.
‘offering,’ v. 7140.
oil, vii. 2194.
old, olde, iii. 782.
omission of pronoun subject, P. 676, i. 1895, vi. 34;
of relative, i. 10;
of negative, ii. 2423, iii. 78.
‘on the ferste,’ &c., iv. 2606.
‘onwrong,’ P. 65*.
oppose, i. 225.
‘Orbis,’ vii. 611.
order of words, P. 155, 905, i. 833, ii. 2642,
of clauses, P. 34*, i. 2078, ii. 709.
Ormulum, viii. 2833.
Orosius, ii. 1613, vii. 3417, 4574.
orthography, P. 24*, 252, 550, 702, iv. 2123, v. 5215, 5248, vii. 3418,
viii. 484, 2938, PP. (p. 552).
other, othre, i. 116.
outwith, viii. 2833.
overhippe, v. 2004.
Ovid as authority, P. 1055, i. 333, 389, 2275 ff., ii. 104, 2157, 2451, iii.
143 ff., 361, 736, 783, 818, 1331, 1685, iv. 77, 104, 147, 371, 451,
731 ff., 816, 979, 1035, 1901, 2045, 2927 ff., 3187, 3317, 3515 ff.,
v. 141 ff., 635, 1009, 3927 ff., 4583, 5231, 5551 ff., 6145 ff., 6225
ff., 6713 ff., 6807, vi. 485, 1445, 1513, vii. 3355, 4593 ff., 4754 ff.
‘owl on stock,’ iii. 585.

Pantheon, see Godfrey of Viterbo.

par, per, i. 2049.
paragraphs in the MSS., ii. 2451, v. 1323.
pars, v. 4774.
participle absolute, ii. 752, 791, 1723.
participle for infinitive, i. 3153, iv. 249, 816.
participle inflected as predicate, i. 3246.
Paulus Diaconus, i. 2459.
Paulus Langius, ii. 2803.
peace with France, P. 162.
‘peace with honour,’ PP. 157.
peacock, v. 6498.
‘peire of bedes,’ viii. 2904.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, viii. 271, 1534.
pernable, viii. 2931.
Physics of Aristotle, vi. 663.
‘pillars of Hercules,’ iv. 2054.
pipe, v. 95.
plight, vii. 4228.
‘poete,’ i. e. Ovid, v. 5231.
‘positive law,’ P. 247, iii. 172.
pronoun subject omitted, P. 676, i. 1895, vi. 34.
Proteus, v. 3082.
provende, P. 210.
proverbs, P. 416, i. 1293, 1917, iii. 585, v. 4787, 6526.
Pseudo, v. 1879.
punctuation, P. 809, i. 320, 1102, 2548, 2939, ii. 762, 1001 f., 1173, 1950,
iii. 1394, iv. 733, 1490, 1927, 3438 (end), 3542, v. 1636, 1980,
2937, 3966; 3981, 5093, 5724, 6281, vi. 2074, vii. 2302, viii. 1101,

queinte, iv. 2314.

Ragman, viii. 2378.

Razel, vi. 1316.
relative omitted, i. 10.
reles, vi. 253.
remene, v. 6541.
repetition of line, i. 2106, iii. 352.
reprise, i. 3308, v. 4708.
rhyme, ii. 2578, 2680, iv. 453, 979, 1723, v. 3488, 3786, 6073, vi. 709,
viii. 1451, PP. 150.
Richard II, viii. 2991*.
riddles, viii. 405, 1681.
Rishanger’s Chronicle, ii. 2803.
Robert of Geneva, P. 196.
Roman de la Rose, P. 945, i. 196, 213, 2443, ii. 389, iii. 1158, iv. 2200,
2421, 2901, vi. 330, vii. 5131.
Roman de toute Chevalerie as authority, vi. 1789 ff.
Roman des Sept Sages as authority, v. 2031, 2643.
Roman de Troie, see Benoît de Sainte-More.
‘Romance of Alexander,’ (English), vi. 1789 ff.
Romance of Ydoine and Amadas, vi. 879.
rote, vi. 1312.
schapthe, vi. 785.
scomerfare, viii. 1391.

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