Team Building Proposal

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Team Building

Agenda and Guidelines

Opening the Program

● Staff Meeting Check-in

• Use this activity at the beginning of any meetings as ice-breaker.

• No materials are necessary for this activity.

1. At the beginning of each staff meeting, before moving onto other agenda items, go
around the table asking each person to briefly answer a pre-selected question.
2. Give participants a minute or two to think of something to share before beginning.

Possible Questions:
1. If you could pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be?
2. What do you most admire about the person to your left?
3. What do you consider to be the best thing ever invented? Why?

Proposed Objective/s:

In the Forming stage, team members are getting to know one another, and understanding
the team’s purpose and their roles.
Focus: Orientation of the Team Building

● A Penny for your Thoughts

● Hidden Treasure (To find match of their name tags)
● Group Resume (Creating their own resume for work)


In the Storming stage, politeness begins to wear off and dissension occurs over basic
mission and operating procedures.
Focus: Clarification

● Pack Up Your Troubles (Meeting Opener, Expectations)

The purpose of this activity is to "let go" of continuing distracting concerns or
problems, at the same time providing a vehicle to enable other team members to
suggest solutions to those issues.


● Graffiti Feedback Board (I will statements)

This activity provides an anonymous outlet for ongoing team member reactions. It is
an informal method by which the team leader can gather ongoing team member
feedback about team processes and tasks. This activity is an outlet provided for
emotional and intellectual catharsis.

● This Guy and That Guy

To bring the team together in a fun activity that identifies the qualities of a team player, and
highlights the individual responsibility each member has to the team. The results of thi
activity can serve as an ongoing guide for team behavior and feedback.

• “That Guy” – Profile of a Non-Team Player (one per sub-team, provided below)
• “This Guy”- Profile of the Ultimate Team Player (one per sub-team, provided below)
• Post-it notes
• Black Sharpie pens
• Two prepared flip chart papers (one with drawing A, one with drawing B)

When team members recognize their differences and have dealt with them, they move to
Norming, the stage when they ask, “How are we going to accomplish our work?”
Focus: Communication

● Handshake it Up
This is the final stage of team development. A high performing team is exactly that, a highly
effective, problem-solving unit.
Focus: Productivity

● Picture-based Scavenger Hunt

● Kudos Board (“I had” statement, thoughts, feelings and remarks regarding the Team
Building Activity )

As a project comes to an end or a team member leaves, the team moves into the Adjourning
stage. This is not a developmental stage. It is the stage of closure.
Focus: Closure
● My Message To You - Emcee or Head Facilitator
● Gift to Them - Awarding of prizes of certificates.

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