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BIBL 325


Gospels Contemplation Passage: ______ John 5:1-18 ___________

Use this template and the course texts to record brief notes for each step of the Gospels
contemplation process.

Step One: Prepare

According to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, who is the author of this biblical book?
The author of the Gospel of John is John1 the son of Zebedee, “the disciple whom” Jesus loved

According to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, what are the general themes of the book?
The key theme in the Gospel of John is “believe/faith in Christ”2

The phrase “put faith in” is used in the present tense in the Gospel of John. In the conclusion of
the Gospel of John, Apostle John states that everything (miracles) written therein so that people
may “believe” that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Son of God. He adds that people will have life if
they “believe” in Him.3

According to Jesus the Hero, in which genre(s) would this passage best fit? Please provide
an explanation for your choice.
This passage can be classified as a healing story.4

Apostle John was also close to Peter. Therefore, is considered a member of the “inner circle” (John 20:2-10). John
was also the brother to James. See Zuck, Walvoord, and J. F. Walvoord. "The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New
Testament." (1983): pages 267 – 8
The Word “believe” appears 98 times. The word “faith” appears several times. Apparently, Apostle Paul wanted to
emphasize on a continuous and active trust in Jesus. See Zuck and Walvoord (p. 270).
See John 20:30-31
See Ryken, Leland. Jesus the hero: A guided literary study of the gospels. Lexham Press, 2021.

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The man at the pool had been sick for 38 years. There is an emphasis on healing. First, all people
in the porches had all kinds of sicknesses and wanted healing from the pool of Bethesda.
Secondly, Jesus asks the man if he wants to get healed. After the healing miracle. The Jews start
persecuting Jesus since He was healing people during the sabbath.

Step Two: Read

Re-type the full passage of scripture. Please do not copy and paste.

During the Jewish festival, Jesus went to Jerusalem. When he reached the pool of Bethesda, there
were many sick people, paralyzed, lame, or blind. He saw a man lying there. He had been sick
for 38 years. Jesus asked him if wanted healing. The man replied that he had longed to get healed
but no one was available to out him into the pool. Jesus commanded him to get up and walk.
Immediately, the sick man got healed. When the Jews found the man who had been healed, they
were angry since he was carrying a cot during the Sabbath. The man informed them that it was
Jesus who had healed him. When the Jews started persecuting Jesus, he told them His father was
working, that is why he was also working. The Jews became more furious since they felt that
Jesus was equaling Himself to God.

Step Three: Reflect

Consult The Inquisitive Christ for any pertinent content and questions.

If there is dialogue in the passage, who is speaking?

Jesus is the main speaker in this passage. Other speakers include the man and the Jews.

List the questions asked in the passage.

1. Would you like to get well? (Asked by Jesus to the sick man)
2. Who is the man who told you to pick it up and walk? (Asked by the Jews to the sick man)

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How would you answer the question(s) asked?

Murphy (2021) in the “The Inquisitive Christ”5 states that Jesus asks in the Gospels are directed
towards us. Every question has a particular purpose. Regarding the first question, I would tell
Jesus that I desire healing. As the source of truth, I would request to follow Him. To the second
question, I would tell the Jews that I have been healed by Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

What words or phrases stand out to you? Are any words/themes repeated?
The phrase “…get up… and walk…” stands out in the passage.

The phrases are used by Jesus as instruments of healing.

What questions do you have as you read this passage?

What can I do get spiritual healing?

Step Four: Pray

Formulate a prayer to God, dialoguing with Him about what he may be speaking to you in this

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your saving Grace. You are the strength for the weak and comfort for the
suffering. I pray that you heal who are invalid, paralyzed, lame, blind, and all other forms of
sicknesses so that all may have joy in your salvation. Grant me the wisdom to understand when
you are speaking to me through your Word. Give me the zeal to know you, Lord.

In Jesus’s Name, I pray, AMEN.

The Inquisitive Christ by Cara L.T. Murphy (Liberty Journal) from The Inquisitive Christ - Journal (

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Step Five: Respond

Contemplate how God may be asking you to respond to this passage in your life with him:

From this passage, God wants us to understand that His questions lead us to the source of truth.6
The primary message in this passage is “healing.” Healing refers to the restoration of health;
spiritually, mentally or physically. In the Old Testament, Yahweh is the source of healing.7
Tellingly, people struggle with various illnesses. In the passage, Christ asking if we are willing to
come out of our sin and get healed.8 After healing, one cannot continue sinning because remains
in them.9

See Murphy from the “The Inquisitive Christ” on the significance of the questions that Jesus asks.
Jeremiah 33:6. In Psalm 103:3, he heals all diseases.
In John 5:14, Jesus tells the healed man to stop sinning. Otherwise, he would get worse diseases. Hence, sin is also
a cause for illness.
1John 3:9

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